If the early Native Americans were smart, they would have used food as a weapon. The Deep State will not make that same mistake.
The Common Sense Show sincerely hopes you and your family are blessed with a great Thanksgiving, complete with all the turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie that you can eat and of course you should pray that the Lord protects you from the GMO’s an glyphosate.
As you prepared your feast, did you think about the fact that we in America throw away more food than many countries have an opportunity to eat? As you pulled your chair up to your Thanksgiving table, will you think about the fact that half the world goes to bed hungry? Please say a prayer for those who are not as lucky as most of us.
Since the end of WWII, most Americans have been blessed with plenty to eat, so much so, that we simply take our overflowing of Thanksgiving blessings for granted.
If you think an 800 number begging you to feed a hungry child is going to appear, you would be mistaken. However, there are people, who have power over us (ie the Deep State), who would like to make this the last Thanksgiving by making food into a weapon and to use that food as a weapon against the people who are participating in the rising tide of American populism to “Make America Great Again”.
A Global Awakening
The late despot globalist, Z. Brzezinski, was one of the most hated and well-known globalists, lamented back in 2011, that there is a global awakening to the source of the tyranny on this planet and that “they” must accelerate their timetable for the completion of a global takeover. And the full-court press has subsequently been placed on humanity as we are under assault in ways never witnessed before.
One of the most popular methods of subjugation has to do with controlling who eats and who starves to death. Historically, food has been one of the most effective tools of subjugation. If we, the Trump supporting Constitutionalists, think that the Deep State is not about to pull out all stops, including the using of food as a weapon against the people, you obviously have not heard of Venezuela and how food is being used to quell all political opposition by Madura.
The Historical Precedent of Subjugating Through Starvation
The lessons of history clearly demonstrate that dictatorial regimes, whether they be Socialists, Communists, and/or Marxists will not hesitate to use food as a weapon against their own people in order to solidify power and impose absolute autocratic control. Food can be withheld from the masses by preventing it from being grown and harvested, by contaminating it and rendering it unfit for human consumption or by simply preventing food from being distributed to a targeted population.
The two most notable examples of dictators using food a weapon in order to destroy the free will of their people comes from the regimes of Stalin and Hitler.
Josef Stalin engaged in his own Soviet style Holocaust when, in 1932 and 1933, and estimated six to 20 million people in the Ukraine died from starvation when Stalin implemented his prescription of “hope and change” policies in order to eliminate the Ukrainian’s desire for becoming their own nation-state.
Upon assuming power, the Stalinist Communist regime rapidly nationalized the food industry and forced all of the region’s farms into collectives. Thus, Stalin’s version of the Holocaust came to fruition in what history has dubbed, the “Holdomor,” in which millions perished in only a two year period when the Soviet government began to exterminate the Ukrainian population by taking control of food and food production.
Hitler proclaimed that food could be used as a tool “…to discipline the masses” and he did not hesitate to use the control of food as a type of carrot and stick in which he would reward accomplishment and punish failure as well as to promote preferential class distinctions in which his armed forces received the largest food ration cards and this is exactlywhat happens in North Korea in 2017. Skilled workers who were engaged in industries critical to the building of the German war machine, received food ration cards which were slightly less in value. And, finally, the prisoners and the Jews received the lowest valued Nazi food ration cards. Food ration cards were also utilized as incentives to increase industrial production and were also increased in value when productive Nazi workers would be promoted. Food ration cards were diminished in value for the failure to meet Nazi production goals. Hitler’s use of what psychologists refer to as classical conditioning techniques reduced the will of the German population to a pack of Pavlovian dogs who were conditioned to be totally dependent upon the government for their survival.In recent timesMost recently, Somalia thug, Farah Aideed, systematically starved his people into submission as a brutal civil war raged in both Darfur and Rwanda where the Islamic regimes sought the annihilation of ‘infidels’ and the use of food was one of the primary weapons designed to force compliance. And of course, Pol Pot, Castro and Mao all used food deprivation to quarantine their political opposition and exact absolute allegiance to their respective dictatorial regimes. After reviewing this brief history lesson, does any reasonable person not believe that the Deep State, who is losing control of the national narrative, willl not resort to these extreme measures?
It is safe to say that the abovementioned dictators did not rule over countries that enjoyed a Thanksgiving feast similar to what you and I are enjoying in the present time.
The US Government and Its Mass Starvation Policies
It may surprise the readers to know that the use of food by the U.S. government has been a matter of official U.S. governmental covert policy since 1974-1975.
In December, 1974, National Security Council directed by Henry Kissinger completed a classified study entitled, “National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests.” The study was based upon the unproven claims that population growth in Lesser Developed Countries (LDC) constituted a serious risk to America’s national security.
In November 1975 President Ford, based upon the tenets of NSSM 200 outlined a classified plan to forcibly reduce population growth in “Lesser Developed Countries (LDC)” countries through birth control, war and famine. Ford’s new national security adviser, Brent Scowcroft, in conjunction with CIA Director, George H. W. Bush, were tasked with implementing the plan and the secretaries of state, treasury, defense, and agriculture assisted in the implementation of these insane genocidal plans.
NSSM 200 formally raised the question, “Would food be considered an instrument of national power here in the United States? … Is the U.S. prepared to accept food rationing to help people who can’t/won’t control their population growth?” Worse yet, could food be used a manipulative political tool within the United States? Kissinger has answered these questions when he stated that he was predicting a series of contrived famines, created by mandatory programs and this would make exclusive reliance on birth control programs unnecessary i order to control population, in this modern day application of eugenics in a scheme that would allow Henry to have his cake and eat it too in that the world would finally be rid of the “useless eaters!” The term “use eaters” is derived from the Fabian Socialist notion that if one consumes more than they produce, they should be exterminated. Subsequently, we should all be asking the following question:
With automation looming, and the demise of most occupation likely prior to 2030, should the American people be concerned about being labeled a bunch of useless eaters”?
Before you answer know, perhaps you might want to consider some other very salient factors.
The American Government’s Blueprint to Starve the Masses Into Submission
Third world population control, using food as one of the primary weapons, has long been a matter of official covert national policy and a portion of President Obama’s Executive Order 13603 (EO), National Defense Resources Preparedness is a continuation of that policy. Only now, the intended target are not the LDC’s but, instead, the American people and after Obama declares martial law, food will undoubtedly be used to subjugate the more resistant regions of our country.
Could Obama Become the Next Stalin?
On the surface, it seems unlikely that any US president, particularily President Trump, would ever starve any segment of the American people to death. However, when one considers the implications of former President Obama’s EO 13603, there can be no doubt that a future president, which would replace Trump in an act of illegitimate impeachment over the bogus Russian allegation, or by direct assassination, would not hesitate to make this Thanksgiving, the last Thanksgiving.
The blueprint has been laid, America, as the abovementioned Executive Order states:
e) “Food resources” means all commodities and products, (simple, mixed, or compound), or complements to such commodities or products, that are capable of being ingested by either human beings or animals, irrespective of other uses to which such commodities or products may be put, at all stages of processing from the raw commodity to the products thereof in vendible form for human or animal consumption. “Food resources” also means potable water packaged in commercially marketable containers, all starches, sugars, vegetable and animal or marine fats and oils, seed, cotton, hemp, and flax fiber, but does not mean any such material after it loses its identity as an agricultural commodity or agricultural product.
(f) “Food resource facilities” means plants, machinery, vehicles (including on farm), and other facilities required for the production, processing, distribution, and storage (including cold storage) of food resources, and for the domestic distribution of farm equipment and fertilizer…”
These passages represent the intent of the Deep State to control all food and to starve any targeted people for political purposes. Even if this executive order was to be repealed, a new one, just like it, could be reinstated based on the whim of the next globalist-oreientated president.
How will farmers maintain the nation’s food supply when all fertilizer, their farm equipment and all of their vehicles are under the control of this sociopathic President or the next power-hungry President?
The term “all food storage facilities” includes your refrigerator, your pantry and even the very food in your cabinets as well as what is on your kitchen table. In short, anywhere you keep food is now under the control of the government and can be redistributed.
Planned Starvation In Modern Day America
Were you scratching your head in bewilderment as you watched on the news as the Amish have had their farms raided, raw milk producers have been jailed and the kids running lemonade stands have been shut down and ticketed? Now you know why these abuses are being perpetrated by the government in that it represents a mere conditioning process designed to get all U.S. citizens used to the idea that the government owns all food and food production.
The most clever aspect of this EO is that no Hegelian Dialectic (i.e., false flag event) is needed as a pretense to seize food and imperil survivability. Section 201(b) of the Obama EO clearly states that this EO is enforceable under both emergency and non-emergency conditions.”
Obama Set the Table, The Worst Is Yet To Come
Obama has previously set the table for a future Deep-State-serving President to take his or HER place among Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, Castro, Mao or Trump’s replacement as another despot in the long line of tyrannical leaders who would grant themselves the authority to subjugate the masses by using food as a weapon. Americans desperately need to look at history in order to understand what happens every time the people of a government allows the government to control its food supplies and farms.
The World-Wide Conversion of Private Farms to Corporate Farms
In a recent interview on The Common Sense Show, Patrick Wood revealed how China is forcibily moving millions of peasants from their small farms into the previously vacant ghost cities. This is all being accomplished with a rifle pointed at the faces of the peasants in order to ensure their cooperation. Should America be concerned? Well, Hank Paulson as well as Goldman Sachs devised this plan to seized private farmland and convert land into a series of corporate farms. We already see this plan taking shape in Northern California and Southern Oregon as the BLM and the EPA are literally forcing ranchers and farmers off of their land.
George Soros, though one of his newest creations, Antifa, and its MS-13 and ISIS allies is in the midst of promoting instability through false flag attacks. IF enough false flag attacks take place and enough instability is artificially created, the “just-in-time” deliveries that visit your gorcery store 3 to 6 times per day, will stop and you will find that during times like these, your grocery store will be ramsacked and will be emptied in a day. Where will you go for food then? Don’t worry, your friends from the Deep State will have set up camps all across the country to accomodate you and your family.
Credit to Common Sense