Monday, January 28, 2013
Ex-CIA man: Iran blast largest sabotage in decades
Iranian dissident-turned CIA operative Reza Kahlili told The Jerusalem Post on Monday that an alleged blast at the Fordow nuclear installation in Iran is "the largest case of sabotage in decades."
Although it has not yet been verified, a report by Kahlili, according to which a massive blast rocked Iran's key Fordow nuclear installation last week, continued to spread on Monday.
Iran's Atomic Energy Organization has dismissed reports of an explosion as "Western propaganda," while The Sunday Times cited Israeli intelligence figures as confirming the claim.
Speaking to the Post on Monday, Khalili expressed confidence that the alleged blast will receive "further coverage in the US," and that "more information" will become available to verify the incident.
"This is the center of the Iranian nuclear program. It's essential for the regime, its activities, and its nuclear program. If such a blow was given to Fordow, it definitely harms [Iran] drastically. They were reaching for 20 percent uranium enrichment, and were increasing output," he added.
Situated near the holy Shi'ite city of Qom, the existence of the Fordow enrichment plant, dug deep into a mountain, was kept secret by Iran, until it was discovered by Western intelligence in 2009, and the question of how long it had been in operation remains unanswered.
Kahlili, a pseudonym used to protect him from the Iranian regime, published A Time To Betray in 2010, in which he described a journey which took him from the Islamic Revolutionary Guards to being a CIA operative in the 1980s. He now resides in California, and says he is in touch with a number of insiders in the Iranian intelligence and security communities, as well as with the office of Iran's supreme leader.
Asked why satellite imagery was not being released of rescue efforts at Fordow, Kahlili said only state intelligence agencies have access to live satellite feeds. "Why don't they put it out? My only assumption is that no one wants to take credit because of what the consequences could be by the regime," he said. "This is a very sensitive time. I'm sure that soon, very soon, more information will leak out. Chatter will get loud enough to provide further information." Kahlili went on to say that the "first suspicion is Israel" within the Islamic Republic. "I have verified information that there was a meeting [called by Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali] Khamenei. A decision was made to act in Lebanon. A request was made to [Hezbollah chief Hassan] Nasrallah to vacate southern Lebanese villages. Islamic Republic Guards are on their way there. A decision has been made to prepare for missile launch from a certain area in Lebanon against Israel," he said.
Khalili said one of the sources who initially leaked information of the blast came from within the security forces guarding Fordow, adding that precise information of the attack was not being released in order to protect the source. "The source has been collaborating for a long time," he said. A second source came from the Iranian Intelligence Ministry, he said, adding that it was very difficult to safely get information out of Iran.
Iranian authorities have not yet made any progress in their attempt to enter Fordow, Kahlili asserted, adding, "I fear there is radiation involved." Iran's defense ministry dispatched drilling vehicles, "the same they used to carve tunnels and create underground facilities, to see if they can make any headway in opening emergency exists, because they collapsed. Among those stuck in the facility are dozens of foreign nationals. These are contracted scientists," he said.
Kahlili said a second mysterious blast occurred in Tehran last week, at an IRGC base called "21 Hamza." "There are injuries, and there have been arrests of IRGC members who are being questioned. The Intelligence Ministry suspects sabotage," he added.
Jerusalem Post
‘No flexibility’ in US Missile Talks - Medvedev
MOSCOW, January 27 (RIA Novosti) – Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Sunday he sees “no flexibility” in a dispute over US missile defense plans, warning that a new arms race could emerge if talks fail.
“If we talk about the subject itself, it is extremely difficult. And so far we don’t see any flexibility. There are no easy solutions in terms of anti-missile defense. There is no flexibility. We have not changed our previous positions – the US has one opinion and the Russian Federation, unfortunately, has a different opinion. And these positions are not getting any closer,” Medvedev said in an interview with CNN.
US President Barack Obama was famously caught on a open mic in March 2012 telling then President Dmitry Medvedev to pass on to Vladimir Putin that he would have “more flexibility” after his reelection.
Russia insists that the US set out its assurances that the missile shield will not be directed against it in legally binding documents, something Washington has refused to agree to.
“We do not want next generations of politicians in 2019 or 2020 to take decisions which would open a new page in the arms race. But such a threat exists and everyone in Russia and the United States should understand this, that’s why we still have chances to come to an agreement,” Medvedev said.
“We clearly understand that if we do not have guarantees such as the pairing of our programs, that means that missile defense could also work against the Russian nuclear arsenal. What does this mean? This means that the parity, which we recorded with President Obama by signing the New START treaty (a very important and very helpful treaty, by the way: I think this is the achievement of the so-called reset), [the parity] is being cracked by that, because the missile defense – is a direct continuation of nuclear offensive capability, combat nuclear weapons,” Medvedev said.
The United States says the disputed missile shield is designed to protect against “rogue states” such as Iran and North Korea, but Russia is concerned it could be used to neutralize its own nuclear deterrent.
Russia has pledged to deploy a host of countermeasures to tackle any NATO missile defense shield in Europe, including forward deployments of tactical nuclear missiles in its Baltic enclave of Kaliningrad.
RIA Novosti
Japan launches 2 intelligence satellites into orbit on Sunday
Japan launched two intelligence satellites into orbit on Sunday amid growing concerns that North Korea is planning to test more rockets of its own and possibly conduct a nuclear test.
Officials say the launch Sunday of the domestically produced HII-A rocket went smoothly and the satellites - an operational radar satellite and an experimental optical probe - appear to have reached orbit.
Japan began its intelligence satellite program after North Korea fired a long-range missile over Japan's main island in 1998. North Korea conducted a launch last month that it says carried a satellite into orbit but has been condemned by the U.S. and others as a cover for its development of missile technology.
The radar satellite, which can provide intelligence through cloud cover and at night, is intended to augment a network of several probes that Japan already has in orbit.
Its optical satellites are believed to be about as good as commercial satellites, meaning they are able to detect objects of about 40 centimeters (16 inches) in size from their orbits. With the additional radar satellite, Japan hopes to be able to glean intelligence on any specified location once a day.
Japan, which hosts about 50,000 U.S. troops, is especially concerned about North Korea because its main islands are already within range of the North's missiles. Along with developing its own network of spy satellites, Japan has cooperated with Washington in establishing an elaborate missile defense shield.
North Korea's powerful National Defense Commission declared last week that the country would carry out a nuclear test and launch more rockets in defiance of the U.N. Security Council's announcement that it would punish Pyongyang for its long-range rocket test in December with more sanctions, calling it a violation of a ban on nuclear and missile activity.
North Korea's state news agency said on Sunday that leader Kim Jong Un vowed at a meeting of top security and foreign officials to take "substantial and high-profile important state measures."
The Associated Press.
Read more:
Iran sends living creature into space
The space capsule, code-named Pishgam (Pioneer), was launched on Monday on the auspicious birthday anniversary of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).
On January 15, the director of Iran Space Agency (ISA) Hamid Fazeli said because of biological similarities between humans and monkeys, the latter were selected for the space mission.
Fazeli further highlighted that the plan to send animals into the space is part of a broader project to send human beings on space missions.
The ISA director stated that Iran’s first manned mission to space would be launched within the next five to eight years.
Elsewhere in his remarks, Fazeli said the indigenous Sharifsat satellite will be put into the orbit by the end of the current Iranian calendar year (ends on March 20, 2013).
Iran launched its first indigenous satellite, Omid (Hope), in 2009. The country also sent its first bio-capsule containing living creatures into the space in February 2010, using the indigenous Kavoshgar-3 (Explorer-3) carrier.
In June 2011, Iran put the 15.3-kilogram Rasad (Observation) orbiter in space. Rasad's mission was to take images of the Earth and transmit them along with telemetry information to the ground stations.
Iran also launched Navid-e Elm-o Sanat (Harbinger of Science and Industry), another indigenous satellite, into the orbit on February 3, 2012.
The satellite was a telecom, measurement and scientific one, whose records were reportedly used in a wide range of fields.
Iran is one of the 24 founding members of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, which was set up in 1959.
Press TV
February 3rd, 2013
Joseph Herrin (01-27-2013)

Image from Mercedes Super Bowl Commercial Teaser
A reader posted a link to a teaser commercial for an upcoming Super Bowl commercial. He asked me to share my thoughts on it. I had just a short time earlier read an article that made reference to The Day The Music Died, an expression describing the date in 1959 when Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper died in a plane crash. When I saw the Super Bowl Commercial my memory was triggered, and I realized that this upcoming ball game, the biggest televised spectacle of the year, will be held on the anniversary of this event.
I believe it was the Father’s will that I make this connection that I might understand what is being signified in the commercial, and receive a further witness of what the year 2013 portends. Note in the image above that the only part of the date going up in flames is the number 13, denoting this present year.
I am including a link to the video below. If you are reading this on the web, the video is embedded in this blog post. Before viewing it, let me alert you to some things to watch for. The video shows a New Orleans’ café. New Orleans is noted for its wickedness. Yahweh twice struck the city in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina (Purity) and Hurricane Rita (Pearl, denoting purity), both struck the city, breached the levies, and flooded large sections of New Orleans. This occurred three days prior to Southern Decadence being held which is a large debauched, homosexual festival that celebrates perversity (not diversity). New Orleans leads the nation in murders per capita. It is truly a Satanic city.
In the video you will see a Jukebox power up and begin playing a song. The song selected is by The Rolling Stones, and is titled Sympathy For The Devil. The only lyrics you will hear in this commercial are the following:
Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man’s soul and faith
That something beyond an automobile is being announced here is evident. This is a highly unusual song selection for a car advertisement. Satan, through the corporate and media masters of this world, is conveying a message. The only spoken words in the advertisement are the following:
Something powerful is coming.
See it February 3rd.
Mercedes Benz Commercial
Some things I have observed are the following. The commercial shows a nearly deserted street in what appears to be the French Quarter of New Orleans. This area is normally a hub of party-goers and festivity, yet there is no gaiety, no celebration taking place. This is also striking in the fact that the date of February 3, 2013 is featured, a date when New Orleans will be running over with Super Bowl revelers. In a sense, the music has died.
The ad then shows a Doberman Pinscher barking, and snarling viciously outside of the café window. Doberman’s are noted as watch dogs. Dogs have a keen sense of danger. It has often been reported that dogs will act threatened in the presence of some demonic influence. The dog’s actions indicate that a threat is present.

The doors then blow open and wind rushes in, being revealed by the swirling leaves on the ground. Spiritual forces are often symbolized by the wind, and in this case it is an evil wind. The leaves that enter the café are dead, for it is winter time. Death enters the room.

The patrons inside recognize something unusual is occurring. They turn their heads to look. The Jukebox, which was off, seemingly without power (another reference to the music dying), mysteriously comes on. That this is unusual is revealed in the face of the young woman who apparently works at the café. The song Sympathy For The Devil begins to play, revealing who it is that has entered.
The advertisement then switches to a close-in shot of the front of an automobile. Just one headlight is shown, a reference to the single all-seeing-eye atop the Illuminati pyramid symbol. The frame around the light bears some resemblance to the Egyptian Eye of Horus/Osiris.
Bear in mind again, that the only words spoken, conveying the esoteric message of this ad, are:
Something powerful is coming.
See it February 3rd.
We then see the date on the screen, and the number 13 going up in flames. The number 13 is sacred to occultists and the Illuminati. As mentioned in the Dragon Flood series, America’s founding fathers, largely Freemasons that met in Boston’s Green Dragon Tavern owned by Masons and which contained a lodge in the upper floor, chose to feature the number 13 prominently in all of their national symbols. They did this despite the fact that this number was considered evil the world over.
It requires 13 witches to convene a coven. The United Nations building in New York is 39 stories tall, and is divided into three sections of 13 floors.

U.N. Building
Under the video which was officially posted by Mercedes Benz to YouTube, the following description is given.
Published on Jan 19, 2013
In an old New Orleans cafe, a powerful force is undeniably present. What it is won't be revealed until the Super Bowl. Will you be watching?
It is evident that the “powerful force” in the commercial is Satan. This “teaser” commercial is stating that Satan will have some type of announcement to make at this Super Bowl event. This is not unusual, for last year’s Super Bowl that featured Madonna at the half-time show was a tour-de-force of Satanic proclamation. A black mass was performed, and Madonna in a preview leading up to the event stated:
“The Superbowl is kind of like the Holy of Holies in America. So here I am, I’ll come at halfway of the “church experience” and I’m gonna have to deliver a sermon. It’ll have to be very impactful.”
You can watch the interview at the link below:
The following image from last year’s Super Bowl half-time show reveals that this was truly a platform for a Satanic message to be delivered.

Note the pyramid formed of rays of light on the ground, with the All-Seeing-Eye of Lucifer blazing with fire. You can read more about last year’s Super Bowl here:
This year’s half-time show will feature some of the most overtly Satanic individuals in the music industry; Beyonce and Jay-Z. In 2008 Beyonce revealed that she had an alter ego named Sasha Fierce. This is the persona adopted by the singer as she channels an unclean spirit, becoming possessed by that spirit. The image below of Beyonce/Sasha Fierce reveals whom she serves.

Beyonce is holding what appears to be handlebars and mirrors from a motorcycle with an emblem of Baphomet, the goat headed, dual gender, god that is a symbol of Satan. This reveals that Beyonce is a vehicle of Satan. She is a chosen spokesperson of Baphomet, a purveyor of sin and unrighteousness.

Many people trace Beyonce’s turn to Satanism to her husband Jay-Z.

Jay-Z with “Do what thou wilt” Jacket
The expression “Do what thou wilt” is attributed to Satanist Aleister Crowley as the guiding principle of Satanism.
Satan has his chosen disciples in place to preach whatever dark message he has chosen for the world at this time. That something will be announced on this day is apparent.
Considering the fact that this Super Bowl will feature two brothers as head coaches opposing one another, it seems evident that civil war is near at hand. The image of the number 13 going up in flames indicates that the fuse will be lit this year. That this Satanic event and announcement is being made on February 3rd indicates that America is fast approaching the hour when the music will die, and joy and mirth will flee.
Isaiah 24:5-12
The earth is also polluted by its inhabitants, for they transgressed laws, violated statutes, broke the everlasting covenant. Therefore, a curse devours the earth, and those who live in it are held guilty. Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men are left. The new wine mourns, the vine decays, all the merry-hearted sigh. The gaiety of tambourines ceases, the noise of revelers stops, the gaiety of the harp ceases. They do not drink wine with song; Strong drink is bitter to those who drink it. The city of chaos is broken down; Every house is shut up so that none may enter. There is an outcry in the streets concerning the wine; All joy turns to gloom. The gaiety of the earth is banished. Desolation is left in the city...
Ever since Barack Obama’s first presidential inauguration a great emphasis has been laid upon Don McLean’s hit song American Pie. The greatest show on earth will be held this year on the anniversary of the event Don McLean sang about. To understand what is coming upon the earth, one need only consider the lyrics of this song. Consider the following lines of this song, and how they relate to fires of destruction.
So come on, Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack Flash sat on a candlestick
'Cause fire is the devil's only friend
Oh, and as I watched him on the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage
No angel born in Hell
Could break that Satan's spell
And as the flames climbed high into the night
To light the sacrificial rite
I saw Satan laughing with delight
The day the music died
Don McLean understood that he had received these lyrics from a divine source. The label of the 45 record on which this single appeared contains the words “Mayday Music” and “Yahweh Tunes.”

At his first inaugural celebration, President Obama joined 500,000 Americans in front of the Lincoln Memorial and sang the words of this song.
Hosting this event in front of the Lincoln Memorial signifies that a new time of civil strife is coming to America. Once more the nation will experience great slaughter as brother takes up arms against brother. As it was in Lincoln’s day, so it will be again as America is torn asunder by political and social strife.
February 3, 2013 is a day to watch. It is a day to be sober. It is a day full of signs. The world will watch brother warring against brother. It will all occur on The Day the Music Died.
For those who missed the link to the video showing the Harbaugh brothers at a Civil War re-enactment, I will include it here.
Following are the full lyrics to the song American Pie.

Image from Mercedes Super Bowl Commercial Teaser
A reader posted a link to a teaser commercial for an upcoming Super Bowl commercial. He asked me to share my thoughts on it. I had just a short time earlier read an article that made reference to The Day The Music Died, an expression describing the date in 1959 when Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and The Big Bopper died in a plane crash. When I saw the Super Bowl Commercial my memory was triggered, and I realized that this upcoming ball game, the biggest televised spectacle of the year, will be held on the anniversary of this event.
I believe it was the Father’s will that I make this connection that I might understand what is being signified in the commercial, and receive a further witness of what the year 2013 portends. Note in the image above that the only part of the date going up in flames is the number 13, denoting this present year.
I am including a link to the video below. If you are reading this on the web, the video is embedded in this blog post. Before viewing it, let me alert you to some things to watch for. The video shows a New Orleans’ café. New Orleans is noted for its wickedness. Yahweh twice struck the city in 2005 when Hurricane Katrina (Purity) and Hurricane Rita (Pearl, denoting purity), both struck the city, breached the levies, and flooded large sections of New Orleans. This occurred three days prior to Southern Decadence being held which is a large debauched, homosexual festival that celebrates perversity (not diversity). New Orleans leads the nation in murders per capita. It is truly a Satanic city.
In the video you will see a Jukebox power up and begin playing a song. The song selected is by The Rolling Stones, and is titled Sympathy For The Devil. The only lyrics you will hear in this commercial are the following:
Please allow me to introduce myself
I'm a man of wealth and taste
I've been around for a long, long year
Stole many a man’s soul and faith
That something beyond an automobile is being announced here is evident. This is a highly unusual song selection for a car advertisement. Satan, through the corporate and media masters of this world, is conveying a message. The only spoken words in the advertisement are the following:
Something powerful is coming.
See it February 3rd.
Mercedes Benz Commercial
Some things I have observed are the following. The commercial shows a nearly deserted street in what appears to be the French Quarter of New Orleans. This area is normally a hub of party-goers and festivity, yet there is no gaiety, no celebration taking place. This is also striking in the fact that the date of February 3, 2013 is featured, a date when New Orleans will be running over with Super Bowl revelers. In a sense, the music has died.
The ad then shows a Doberman Pinscher barking, and snarling viciously outside of the café window. Doberman’s are noted as watch dogs. Dogs have a keen sense of danger. It has often been reported that dogs will act threatened in the presence of some demonic influence. The dog’s actions indicate that a threat is present.

The doors then blow open and wind rushes in, being revealed by the swirling leaves on the ground. Spiritual forces are often symbolized by the wind, and in this case it is an evil wind. The leaves that enter the café are dead, for it is winter time. Death enters the room.

The patrons inside recognize something unusual is occurring. They turn their heads to look. The Jukebox, which was off, seemingly without power (another reference to the music dying), mysteriously comes on. That this is unusual is revealed in the face of the young woman who apparently works at the café. The song Sympathy For The Devil begins to play, revealing who it is that has entered.
The advertisement then switches to a close-in shot of the front of an automobile. Just one headlight is shown, a reference to the single all-seeing-eye atop the Illuminati pyramid symbol. The frame around the light bears some resemblance to the Egyptian Eye of Horus/Osiris.
Bear in mind again, that the only words spoken, conveying the esoteric message of this ad, are:
Something powerful is coming.
See it February 3rd.
We then see the date on the screen, and the number 13 going up in flames. The number 13 is sacred to occultists and the Illuminati. As mentioned in the Dragon Flood series, America’s founding fathers, largely Freemasons that met in Boston’s Green Dragon Tavern owned by Masons and which contained a lodge in the upper floor, chose to feature the number 13 prominently in all of their national symbols. They did this despite the fact that this number was considered evil the world over.
It requires 13 witches to convene a coven. The United Nations building in New York is 39 stories tall, and is divided into three sections of 13 floors.

U.N. Building
Under the video which was officially posted by Mercedes Benz to YouTube, the following description is given.
Published on Jan 19, 2013
In an old New Orleans cafe, a powerful force is undeniably present. What it is won't be revealed until the Super Bowl. Will you be watching?
It is evident that the “powerful force” in the commercial is Satan. This “teaser” commercial is stating that Satan will have some type of announcement to make at this Super Bowl event. This is not unusual, for last year’s Super Bowl that featured Madonna at the half-time show was a tour-de-force of Satanic proclamation. A black mass was performed, and Madonna in a preview leading up to the event stated:
“The Superbowl is kind of like the Holy of Holies in America. So here I am, I’ll come at halfway of the “church experience” and I’m gonna have to deliver a sermon. It’ll have to be very impactful.”
You can watch the interview at the link below:
The following image from last year’s Super Bowl half-time show reveals that this was truly a platform for a Satanic message to be delivered.

Note the pyramid formed of rays of light on the ground, with the All-Seeing-Eye of Lucifer blazing with fire. You can read more about last year’s Super Bowl here:
This year’s half-time show will feature some of the most overtly Satanic individuals in the music industry; Beyonce and Jay-Z. In 2008 Beyonce revealed that she had an alter ego named Sasha Fierce. This is the persona adopted by the singer as she channels an unclean spirit, becoming possessed by that spirit. The image below of Beyonce/Sasha Fierce reveals whom she serves.

Beyonce is holding what appears to be handlebars and mirrors from a motorcycle with an emblem of Baphomet, the goat headed, dual gender, god that is a symbol of Satan. This reveals that Beyonce is a vehicle of Satan. She is a chosen spokesperson of Baphomet, a purveyor of sin and unrighteousness.
Many people trace Beyonce’s turn to Satanism to her husband Jay-Z.

Jay-Z with “Do what thou wilt” Jacket
The expression “Do what thou wilt” is attributed to Satanist Aleister Crowley as the guiding principle of Satanism.
Satan has his chosen disciples in place to preach whatever dark message he has chosen for the world at this time. That something will be announced on this day is apparent.
Considering the fact that this Super Bowl will feature two brothers as head coaches opposing one another, it seems evident that civil war is near at hand. The image of the number 13 going up in flames indicates that the fuse will be lit this year. That this Satanic event and announcement is being made on February 3rd indicates that America is fast approaching the hour when the music will die, and joy and mirth will flee.
Isaiah 24:5-12
The earth is also polluted by its inhabitants, for they transgressed laws, violated statutes, broke the everlasting covenant. Therefore, a curse devours the earth, and those who live in it are held guilty. Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men are left. The new wine mourns, the vine decays, all the merry-hearted sigh. The gaiety of tambourines ceases, the noise of revelers stops, the gaiety of the harp ceases. They do not drink wine with song; Strong drink is bitter to those who drink it. The city of chaos is broken down; Every house is shut up so that none may enter. There is an outcry in the streets concerning the wine; All joy turns to gloom. The gaiety of the earth is banished. Desolation is left in the city...
Ever since Barack Obama’s first presidential inauguration a great emphasis has been laid upon Don McLean’s hit song American Pie. The greatest show on earth will be held this year on the anniversary of the event Don McLean sang about. To understand what is coming upon the earth, one need only consider the lyrics of this song. Consider the following lines of this song, and how they relate to fires of destruction.
So come on, Jack be nimble, Jack be quick
Jack Flash sat on a candlestick
'Cause fire is the devil's only friend
Oh, and as I watched him on the stage
My hands were clenched in fists of rage
No angel born in Hell
Could break that Satan's spell
And as the flames climbed high into the night
To light the sacrificial rite
I saw Satan laughing with delight
The day the music died
Don McLean understood that he had received these lyrics from a divine source. The label of the 45 record on which this single appeared contains the words “Mayday Music” and “Yahweh Tunes.”

At his first inaugural celebration, President Obama joined 500,000 Americans in front of the Lincoln Memorial and sang the words of this song.
Hosting this event in front of the Lincoln Memorial signifies that a new time of civil strife is coming to America. Once more the nation will experience great slaughter as brother takes up arms against brother. As it was in Lincoln’s day, so it will be again as America is torn asunder by political and social strife.
February 3, 2013 is a day to watch. It is a day to be sober. It is a day full of signs. The world will watch brother warring against brother. It will all occur on The Day the Music Died.
For those who missed the link to the video showing the Harbaugh brothers at a Civil War re-enactment, I will include it here.
Following are the full lyrics to the song American Pie.
Joseph Herrin
Kissinger: High risk of nuclear war with Iran
Speaking at the one-worlder confab held in Davos, Switzerland, Kissinger said a crisis involving a nuclear Iran in the “foreseeable future” will lead to a nuclear war and “a turning point in human history,” the BBC reports.
“There has emerged in the region, the current and most urgent issue of nuclear proliferation. For 15 years, the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council have declared that a nuclear Iran is unacceptable, but it has been approaching,” Kissinger said.
He then said governments will “come to a determination of how to react, or the consequences of non-reaction… [in] a few years.”
Under the terms of the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Iran has the right to produce nuclear power for peaceful purposes. The United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency has found no evidence Iran is developing a nuclear weapons program and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told Face the Nation earlier this month that Iran is not currently building a nuclear weapon.
My comment:
Henry Kissinger is now 90 year of age, and his comment must be read in the context of his high age. He is also a war criminal, not tried for the slaughter of more than a million Vietnamese and Cambodian civilians during the Vietnam war.
In regards to his warning against the nuclear program of Iran, we should listen. Kissinger is not alone. Benjamin Netanyahu has made this issue the most important issue for the government of Israel.
Do you listen?
Jesus the Messiah spoke about a time in the future, when a re-gathered Jewish people would face opposition from all nations. We are in this age now.
You have to chose where you are going to spend eternity. In the lake or fire, or inside the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who curse Zion and God’s chosen people, shall face stern judgment.
Do not end up among them. Please repent, and embrace the Messiah. Amen.
News That Matters
Obama says struggling over whether to intervene in Syria
President Barack Obama said he has been wrestling with the question whether a U.S. military intervention in Syria’s 22-month-old civil war would help resolve the bloody conflict or make things worse.
In a pair of interviews, Obama responded to critics who say the United States has not been involved enough in Syria, where thousands of people have been killed and millions displaced according to U.N. officials. Transcripts of both interviews were released on Sunday.
The United States has called on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to step down, and has recognized an opposition coalition - but has stopped short of authorizing U.S. arming of rebels to overthrow Assad.
“In a situation like Syria, I have to ask, can we make a difference in that situation? Would a military intervention have an impact?” Obama told the New Republic Magazine.
Obama said he has to weigh the benefit of a military intervention with the ability of the Pentagon to support troops still in Afghanistan, where the United States is withdrawing combat forces after a dozen years of war.
“How would it affect our ability to support troops who are still in Afghanistan? What would be the aftermath of our involvement on the ground? Could it trigger even worse violence or the use of chemical weapons?” he asked.
“What offers the best prospect of a stable post-Assad regime? And how do I weigh tens of thousands who’ve been killed in Syria versus the tens of thousands who are currently being killed in the Congo?”
Obama said these questions are “not simple” and that any decision made should “balance all these equities.”
“At the end of your presidency, you can look back and say, I made more right calls than not and that I saved lives where I could, and that America, as best it could in a difficult, dangerous world, was, net, a force for good,” Obama added.
Obama’s comments come as world leaders gathered in Davos, Switzerland, said they wished the United States were more engaged in geopolitical issues such as the conflicts in Syria and Mali, where France is attacking al Qaeda-affiliated militants.
In an interview with CBS television program “60 Minutes,” Obama bristled when asked to respond to criticism that the United States has been reluctant to engage in foreign policy issues like the Syrian crisis.
Obama said his administration put U.S. warplanes into the international effort to oust Muammar Gaddafi in Libya, and led a push to force Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak from office.
But in Syria, his administration wants to make sure U.S. action would not backfire, he said.
“We do nobody a service when we leap before we look, where we ... take on things without having thought through all the consequences of it,” Obama told CBS.
“We are not going to be able to control every aspect of every transition and transformation” in conflicts around the world, he said. “Sometimes they’re going to go sideways.”
Al Arabiya
Iran-Argentina AMIA agreement shocks Israel
“We are stunned by this news item and we will want to receive from the Argentine government a complete picture as to what was agreed upon because this entire affair affects Israel directly,” Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Yigal Palmor, said on Monday.
On Sunday, Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi and his Argentinean counterpart Hector Timerman signed a memorandum of understanding for the two countries to shed light on the 1994 bombing on the AMIA building in Buenos Aires which killed 85 people and wounded 300 others. AMIA stands for Asociacion Mutual Israelita Argentina or Argentine Israelite Mutual Association.
Argentinean President Cristina Kirchner has welcomed the agreement reached between the two countries.
“It’s historic. Nearly 19 years after the attack on AMIA, a legal instrument is for the first time being established between Argentina and Iran,” she was quoted as saying.
Under intense political pressure imposed by the US and Israel, Argentina formally accused Iran of having carried out the 1994 bombing attack on the AMIA.
The Islamic Republic has vehemently and consistently denied any involvement in the terror bombing.
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