Thursday, May 3, 2012
U.S. Troops In Neighboorhood Streets Fully Armed

The photo shown above was taken by a subscriber in the city of Crookston, MN from the front porch of her suburban home. No, the men pictured aren’t from the local high school’s J.R.O.T.C sqaud – they are in fact trained soldiers serving in the Minnessota National Guard, Unit 2-136 CAB / B Company. Now, I have never personally been to Crookston (although I’m sure it’s lovely), but I’m relatively confident that they are located on domestic soil, and unless I am missing something, the citizens of Crookston weren’t dealing with any natural disaster at the time this haunting snapshot into the coming police state was taken.
No, what was actually going on that morning was a “training exercise” involving a quiet neighborhood that probably isn’t that different from your own. Being the patriot that she is, Maggie decided it might be a good idea to start asking some questions. Nothing too difficult, mainly just what the hell they were doing walking fully armed down a street regularly used to facilitate the innocent pastimes of all American kids.
Glancing at her briefly one Soldier responded, “Just training Ma’am. Joining up with another patrol at the rally point.”
Not accepting this as a reasonable answer to her inquiry, Magge went on, “Oh, ok. What are you training on the streets of town for exactly?”
At that the young soldier replied, “To be honest ma’am, I don’t know.”
The reason for his domestic training exercise that morning might be unknown to him, but sadly this is not only just another indicator of the uncertain times ahead, but also a revealing indicator of how worried the Feds are of a possible outbreak of civil insurrections across the nation.
Indian Missiles are Superior to Chinese in Quality
After India successfully testfired its first Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Agni-5 a week ago, there were mixed reactions from all over the world. Although the West certainly acknowledged India's missile growth, the other end of the world does not seem very happy about it.
It definitely changed certain equations between troubled neighbours India and China. Some of the immediate psychological effects were already felt in media reports from both countries.
The official response from the Chinese government was more or less straight whereas the test did not go down well with the Chinese media. Much of the media reported how the Chinese nuclear arsenal is quite stronger than that of India and how India is no match for China.
However, Srikanth Kondapalli, an expert on India-China relations and a professor in Chinese studies at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, is of a slightly different opinion.
Kondapalli says: "No doubt when it comes to quantity, Chinese missiles are overwhelmingly superior. But when it comes to the quality of the missiles Indian missiles have a slight advantage over Chinese missiles due to certain reasons."
China has 47 ICBMs, 800 IRBMs (Intermediate-range Ballistic Missile) and 1,500 SRBM (Short-range Ballistic Missiles).
Kondappalli cites three main factors on why Indian missiles have a slight advantage over its counterpart.
Most of the Chinese missiles are liquid propellants whereas many of the Indian missiles are solid propellant including the recently launched Agni-5.
Liquid propellants take 10 days to 2 weeks to fill the barrels in order to ready the missiles and there is no surprise in doing that and this will be a delayed strike. But Indian missiles can strike anytime from anywhere.
When it comes to accuracy level of the missiles, once again the Indian missiles score over the Chinese. The Circular Error Probable (CEP) of India specific "DF21" missiles which are deployed in traditional Tibet is much lower compared to India's China-specific missile.
The Chinese missiles are in the inaccuracy range 600 metres while Indian missiles have an inaccuracy of 20 metres. This means Indian missiles have a higher probability of hitting the target right.
Many of the Indian missiles have the technology of Multiple Independently Targetable re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) in them. In simpler terms, one carrier can launch more than one missile, say 10 missiles and at 10 different targeting locations. And this cannot be shot down.
The effectiveness of such missiles were already seen when Saddam Hussein used them during the Iraq-Israel war. Once again very few Chinese missiles have this technology when compared to India.
Kondapalli says: "Imagine if you throw 10 stones and I will retaliate with only one stone but both are creating the same effect on each other. India is in such an advantage."
Amid fears of the western powers joining hands with India, China is trying hard to avoid such situation.
"In the background of the talks happening between India, US and Japan, in the background of 10-year defence cooperation in 2005, in the background of the 123 civil nuclear agreement between the US and India, in the background of Malabar exercises, the Chinese statement on India getting trapped by the western powers looks obvious," says Kondapalli.
Also, even the official position of the Chinese is trying to divert attention. The recently launched Agni-5 which has a range of 5,000 kilometres is bound to be China-specific. Even though the official information from the Indian authorities does not state it in so many words, it seems quite clear while reading between the lines.
On the contrary, Chinese authorities claim the recent Agni-5 has a range of 8,000 kilometres and it is Europe-specific. This is clearly to divert global attention from the real issue and trying to isolate India from other nations, according to Kondapalli.
None of the government statements, journals, policies and not even the India media stated it is Europe-specific.
"Although no one would want to state it explicitly, the subscript is the US, India and Japan are ganging up against China. This could be the logical inference," Kondapalli says.
Adding to that, China has territorial disputes with Japan and has disputes with India over oil wells and staple visa issues. These frictions are constant with all other nations which is because China did not maintain a healthy relationship with them, concludes Kondapalli.
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US Air Force to Launch Advanced Military Satellite Thursday
A gleaming new spacecraft valued at over $1 billion to serve in the top-notch mission of providing the president and military leaders a secure and survivable communications link in wartime was mounted atop its Atlas 5 rocket at Cape Canaveral today.
The second Advanced Extremely High Frequency satellite, AEHF 2, is scheduled for blastoff on Thursday, May 3, two days earlier than expected because the Eastern Range suddenly became available.
The SpaceX Falcon 9 vehicle on its voyage to the International Space Station had planned to go during an instantaneous liftoff opportunity April 30, with a backup launch date of May 3 to rendezvous with the outpost. That drove the earliest Range slot for the Atlas to May 5.
However, lingering problems forced SpaceX to again delay its long-awaited cargo-delivery demonstration trip to the station, scrapping any plans to launch next week and putting the Atlas first in line for blastoff from Cape Canaveral.
Department of Homeland Security buying up enough ammo to wage seven-year war against the American people

The US Army has just purchased $266 million dollars' worth of ammo from Alliant Techsystems (ATK), from 5.56 NATO on up, as part of the Infinite Delivery, Infinite Quantity order for small caliber ammunition contract they have ongoing.
The order calls for a quarter of a billion dollar's in 5.56 NATO, 7.62 NATO and .50 BMG ammunition for our troops. "ATK is honored to be the Army's industrial partner at the Lake City Army Ammunition Plant, collaborating in the operation and maintenance of the nation's largest ammunition production facility," said ATK Small Caliber Systems Vice President and General Manager Kent Holiday. "Since 2000, we have delivered more than 11 billion rounds of ammunition in support of our nation's warfighters while modernizing the facility, increasing capacity, improving productivity and efficiency, and doing so in a safe and responsible manner."
ATK has recently undergone a total refit to modernize their production facilities at their Lake City facility in Independence, MO. The also quarter-billion-plus processes was to facilitate manufacture of the M855 Enhanced Precision Round now in use by most of the US military.
It's not just the military that's putting in orders for cartridges from ATK; both the Department of Homeland Security as well as the Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agency are requesting more ammo from the Puerto Rican producer. "ATK announced that it is being awarded an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) agreement from the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS, ICE) for .40 caliber ammunition. This contract features a base of 12 months, includes four option years, and will have a maximum volume of 450 million rounds."
This may mean ammunition shortages along with the associated price hikes for some of the most common types of ammunition in service. The M855 as well as the HST .40 bullet has proven themselves in the field as effective ammunition. Both of these larger purchases, however, may lead to domestic runs on ammunition.
ATK is a major manufacturer of US ammunition as well as aerospace components.
With all of this pressure on ammo sales, are you stocking up, or seeking out cordite alternatives? Are you looking at handloading, or say, CO2 and pellet guns to unleash your shooting prowess?
North Korea has enough uranium for six nuclear bombs, expert claims
NORTH Korea has stockpiled enough weapons-grade uranium for six nuclear bombs, amid growing concerns it could be primed for another nuclear test, an expert claimed today.
The South Korean nuclear expert told the Yonhap news agency that Pyongyang appeared to have started relying on enrichment activities because of its dwindling stock of plutonium after two rounds of nuclear tests.
In November 2010, North Korea revealed its uranium enrichment plant to US scientist Siegfried Hecker, claiming it was being used for energy development. The plant was thought to have been operational in 2009 – meaning it could have produced enough enriched uranium for up to six bombs.
The South Korean expert, who was not named, said, "If the North Korean claim is true, it could allow the North to make some 88lbs (40kg) of highly enriched uranium per year, enough for one or two atomic weapons."
Last month, a failed long-range rocket test drew condemnation from the UN Security Council. The test, which saw the rocket break up and fall into the sea off the Korean peninsula, was widely thought to be a disguised attempt to try out banned long-range missile technology.
Previously unsuccessful launches in 2006 and 2009 were followed by the testing of plutonium devices in North Korea, Yonhap said.
The expert said South Korea estimated its neighbor spent at least $6.58 billion on its nuclear weapon program.
The country is under UN sanctions for missile and nuclear testing in 2009 and could face further sanctions after the April 13 failed launch.
Herald Sun
Iran says Israeli nukes real threat to peace
Who will shoot first?

A senior Iranian official said Wednesday that Israel’s undeclared nuclear weapons pose the greatest threat to Mideast peace and accused the United States and other nuclear powers of hypocritically ignoring their disarmament commitments.
Deputy Foreign Minister Mohammad Mahdi Akhondzadeh’s comments to a 189-nation nonproliferation meeting reflected Iran’s attempts to deflect international concerns that its nuclear activities could be turned to making weapons.
Usually strident Western criticism of Iran has been muted since the conference opened Monday, possibly due to reluctance to burden the atmosphere ahead of a new meeting later this month between Iran and six powers attempting to nudge it toward concessions meant to ease such worries.
But Akhondzadeh didn’t hold back. While avoiding direct mention of the United States, his criticism of “certain nuclear-weapon states” encompassed the U.S., Britain and France — three nations that will be sitting at the table with Iran, along with Russia, China and Germany in Baghdad on May 23.
He also described Israel as posing “the gravest threat to the stability and security” of the Middle East.
Although Israel has never confirmed it, it is widely assumed to be the only Mideast nation to possess nuclear arms.
The United States and its allies see Iran as the greatest potential nuclear threat in the Mideast because of its refusal to stop uranium enrichment and other activities that could be used to make such weapons. But Iranand the Arab states say the Jewish state’s undeclared arms program poses the most pressing danger.
The United States has thrown its weight behind efforts to convene a meeting of all Mideast states later this year to discuss creating a region free of weapons of mass destruction.
But neither Israel nor Iran have committed to attending, and a recently retired senior Israeli official told The Associated Press his country was unlikely to attend. He demanded anonymity because his information was confidential.
Israel’s absence would strip any such Mideast meeting of significance.
Beyond Israel, Akhondzadeh criticized “certain nuclear-weapon states” that have ratified the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, saying their stockpile of weapons “and their continued modernization … (is) the most serious threat to the survival of mankind.”
He accused them of “lack of effective and systematic progress towards implementing nuclear disarmament obligations” under commitments to the Nonproliferation Treaty.
While he did not name the countries, his use of the term “certain” indicated he was talking about the United States, Britain and France. Iran has been careful not to irk Russia and China, the other two nuclear-weapons states that have signed the Nonproliferation Treaty and which oppose sanctions imposed on the Islamic republic by Washington and its Western allies.
“Certain nuclear-weapon states are expected to display sincerity and political will rather than hypocrisy with regard to their nuclear disarmament obligations,” Akhondzadeh said.
Times of Israel
A senior Iranian official said Wednesday that Israel’s undeclared nuclear weapons pose the greatest threat to Mideast peace and accused the United States and other nuclear powers of hypocritically ignoring their disarmament commitments.
Deputy Foreign Minister Mohammad Mahdi Akhondzadeh’s comments to a 189-nation nonproliferation meeting reflected Iran’s attempts to deflect international concerns that its nuclear activities could be turned to making weapons.
Usually strident Western criticism of Iran has been muted since the conference opened Monday, possibly due to reluctance to burden the atmosphere ahead of a new meeting later this month between Iran and six powers attempting to nudge it toward concessions meant to ease such worries.
But Akhondzadeh didn’t hold back. While avoiding direct mention of the United States, his criticism of “certain nuclear-weapon states” encompassed the U.S., Britain and France — three nations that will be sitting at the table with Iran, along with Russia, China and Germany in Baghdad on May 23.
He also described Israel as posing “the gravest threat to the stability and security” of the Middle East.
Although Israel has never confirmed it, it is widely assumed to be the only Mideast nation to possess nuclear arms.
The United States and its allies see Iran as the greatest potential nuclear threat in the Mideast because of its refusal to stop uranium enrichment and other activities that could be used to make such weapons. But Iranand the Arab states say the Jewish state’s undeclared arms program poses the most pressing danger.
The United States has thrown its weight behind efforts to convene a meeting of all Mideast states later this year to discuss creating a region free of weapons of mass destruction.
But neither Israel nor Iran have committed to attending, and a recently retired senior Israeli official told The Associated Press his country was unlikely to attend. He demanded anonymity because his information was confidential.
Israel’s absence would strip any such Mideast meeting of significance.
Beyond Israel, Akhondzadeh criticized “certain nuclear-weapon states” that have ratified the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty, saying their stockpile of weapons “and their continued modernization … (is) the most serious threat to the survival of mankind.”
He accused them of “lack of effective and systematic progress towards implementing nuclear disarmament obligations” under commitments to the Nonproliferation Treaty.
While he did not name the countries, his use of the term “certain” indicated he was talking about the United States, Britain and France. Iran has been careful not to irk Russia and China, the other two nuclear-weapons states that have signed the Nonproliferation Treaty and which oppose sanctions imposed on the Islamic republic by Washington and its Western allies.
“Certain nuclear-weapon states are expected to display sincerity and political will rather than hypocrisy with regard to their nuclear disarmament obligations,” Akhondzadeh said.
Times of Israel
Spain sells more bonds but at higher rates
Spain, which many investors worry will be the next eurozone country to need help, has successfully sold 2.52bn euros ($3.3bn, £2bn) of debt but at much higher interest rates.
The Bank of Spain sold three-year bonds at average yields of 4.04%, up from 2.6% at its last sale on 1 March.
The central bank beat its targets for how much to sell.
Separately, producer prices in the eurozone rose by 3.3% in March, from 3.6% the previous month.
Producer-price inflation in the 17 nations that use the euro has slowed for the last six months, according to data from the Eurostat statistics agency.Record unemployment
The Bank of Spain also sold two categories of five-year bonds, with yields of 4.75% and 4.96%, up from 4.3% on 4 April.
Interest rates on 10-year Spanish bonds - the benchmark for borrowing costs - are edging closer to 6%, making it very expensive for the nation to borrow compared to its neighbours.
In another auction, France sold 7.4bn euros of 10-year debt for 2.98%, up slightly from the 2.96% rate sold at when it was last issued in April.
Spain currently has a record 24.4% of people out of work, at about 5.6 million. Unemployment in the eurozone reached a record high again in March as spending cuts continued to hit the working population.
Spain and Italy are both in recession and have seen borrowing costs rise, raising the prospect that they may need help or even bailouts.
California tax revenue $3 billion less than target, report says
The legislative analyst’s office has a new number that is adding to California’s financial headache: $3 billion. That’s the total amount that tax revenue has lagged behind goals set by Gov. Jerry Brown’s administration in the current fiscal year.
The shortfall was detailed in a report released on Tuesday by the nonpartisan office, which provides budget advice to lawmakers.
Much of that gap comes from a disappointing April, the most important month for income taxes. Income taxes were $2.07 billion short of the $9.43-billion goal, and corporate taxes fell $143 million short of an expected $1.53 billion, according to the report.
When April's poor results are tacked on to earlier shortfalls, the state has fallen about $3 billion behind tax goals, the LAO said. The ratings agency Standard & Poor's already cautioned Tuesday that poor tax revenue was imperiling California's financial recovery.
It's unclear exactly how much this year's budget deficit will grow because of the tax shortfall. Brown's administration estimated the gap at $9.2 billion in January, but has since said it will grow.
"The number is going to be larger," said H.D. Palmer, a spokesman for Brown's Department of Finance. "We’re going to have a plan to close that gap when we release the May revision," the updated budget proposal that is expected by May 14.
La Times
India and Japan Join China as Heavy Gold Buyers
According to Michael Lombardi, lead contributor to Profit Confidential, there is mounting evidence of large amounts of buying in the gold market by India, Japan and China.
New York, NY (PRWEB) April 30, 2012
According to Michael Lombardi, lead contributor to Profit Confidential, there is mounting evidence of large amounts of buying in the gold market by India, Japan and China.
In the article, Two Major Countries Join in China’s Quest for Gold, Lombardi says that, culturally, Asia views gold bullion and the reasons for buying gold bullion differently than we do here in the West.
“An example of this occurred in India last month, as the Indian government wanted to impose a high tax on buying gold bullion. As a result, gold jewelers went on strike to protest the tax,” says Lombardi.
Lombardi reports that this affected the amount of gold bullion that was imported by India in the month of March.
“Now that the gold jewelers are open for business again, imports of gold bullion are set to rise once more, which should be supportive of gold bullion prices,” says Lombardi.
Gold buying has spread to other Asian countries, like Japan. Lombardi points out that, ever since the Japanese government reported a budget deficit, the Japanese consumer increased its buying of gold bullion to be at a 15% greater pace than last year
“The Japanese consumer bought 15% more gold bullion in 2011 than 2010. Thus far in 2012, this trend has shown no signs of slowing down,” says Lombardi.
Lombardi also points to China, where in 2009 China purchased four tonnes of gold bullion from Hong Kong. In 2011, Lombardi reports that China purchased 46 tonnes of gold bullion, an 11-fold increase.
“In the first two months of 2012, Hong Kong is reporting that China’s purchase of gold bullion has jumped 600% from last year,” says Lombardi. “At this pace, China will easily surpass the 46 tonnes of gold bullion it purchased from Hong Kong in 2011.”
Lombardi believes that the stocks of the junior and senior gold mining companies will come back to life in the not-too-distant future, as the drive for more gold will lead to a sustained move up in the price of gold.
Profit Confidential, which has been published for over a decade now, has been widely recognized as predicting five major economic events over the past 10 years. In 2002, Profit Confidential started advising its readers to buy gold-related investments when gold traded under $300 an ounce. In 2006, it “begged” its readers to get out of the housing market... before it plunged.
Profit Confidential was among the first (back in late 2006) to predict that the U.S. economy would be in a recession by late 2007. The daily e-letter correctly predicted the crash in the stock market of 2008 and early 2009. And Profit Confidential turned bullish on stocks in March of 2009 and rode the bear market rally from a Dow Jones Industrial Average of 6,440 on March 9, 2009, to 12,876 on May 2, 2011, a gain of 99%.
Houston Chronicle
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