Monday, September 15, 2014
Containment Is Not Possible, Ebola Is Already Airborne

The Best Case Scenario
This week, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a stern warning that there may be thousands of new and presently undiagnosed cases of Ebola, each week in Sierra Leone, Guinea and Nigeria, which will surface by early October of 2014. A total of 15 countries could be involved in the outbreak and this could put the lives of 22 million people at risk. These projections by WHO are based on the fact that the present strain of Ebola will remain transmissible through only direct physical contact with bodily fluids and exposure to an infected food supply.
The Quiet Voices of Science Express Concern About the Spread of Ebola
Some of the nation’s top infectious disease experts worry that one of the deadliest viruses on the planet could mutate and be transmitted just by a mere cough or a sneeze. Michael Osterholm, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy a the University of Minnesota, writing for the New York Times stated that “The second possibility is one that virologists are loath to discuss openly but are definitely considering in private: that an Ebola virus could mutate to become transmissible through the air“.
Yesterday, on September 12, 2012, Osterholm also told CNN that “It’s the single greatest concern I’ve ever had in my 40-year public health career.” Echoing Osterholm, Dr. David Heymann, professor for the London School of Hygiene of Tropical Medicine, said “It is impossible to predict how any virus will mutate”.
Both Osterholm and Heymann note that virologists are extremely hesitant to discuss the possibility of discussing the possibility and potential for Ebola to become an airborne virus because they are scared to death of being professionally discredited and accused of whipping up hysteria with regard to the dangers posed by the present Ebola outbreak. However, in private, they both state, that anyone close to the virus are expressing grave fears about this possibility. In fact, Osterholm specifically stated in the New York Times article that … it’s something they are “definitely considering in private.”
Osterholm is not merely expressing the fear that Ebola will go airborne based upon a knee-jerk emotional response. Osterholm’s observations are based upon his knowledge of the fact that the replication of Ebola has been “notoriously sloppy in replicating”, which greatly increases the chances that the present form of Ebola can morph into a new strain that is considerably more dangerous and very possibly would become airborne.
Both Osterholm and Heymann note that virologists are extremely hesitant to discuss the possibility of discussing the possibility and potential for Ebola to become an airborne virus because they are scared to death of being professionally discredited and accused of whipping up hysteria with regard to the dangers posed by the present Ebola outbreak. However, in private, they both state, that anyone close to the virus are expressing grave fears about this possibility. In fact, Osterholm specifically stated in the New York Times article that … it’s something they are “definitely considering in private.”
Osterholm is not merely expressing the fear that Ebola will go airborne based upon a knee-jerk emotional response. Osterholm’s observations are based upon his knowledge of the fact that the replication of Ebola has been “notoriously sloppy in replicating”, which greatly increases the chances that the present form of Ebola can morph into a new strain that is considerably more dangerous and very possibly would become airborne.
The Disturbing Findings of Canadian Researchers
Other researchers have stated that is imperative to better understand where people come into contact with Ebola-infected animals. As it turns out, the transmission of Ebola through human to human contact with bodily fluids is not the only present means for spreading the virus. For example through hunting or eating the African bush meat , it has been discovered that the virus is likely being spread through this type of contact as well. This is something that the corporate-controlled media is not reporting truthfully as the nature of their reports act as if Ebola cannot be spread from animal to human.
The airborne transmission of Ebola from species to species is already an established scientific fact, despite what is being reported on FOX, CBS, ABC, etc.
Why Isn’t CNN Reporting This?
In 2009, a Canadian research team, from the National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease, Canadian Food Inspection Agency, headed by Carissa Embury-Hyatt, began conducting a research study entitled the Transmission of Ebola virus from pigs to non-human primates. The study determined that “Reston-Ebola was the first Ebola detected in swine with an indicated transmission to humans. In-contact transmission of Zaire-Ebola between pigs was demonstrated experimentally. Here we show Zaire-Ebola transmission from pigs to cynomolgus macaques without direct contact“. This means that Ebola is already airborne and can jump species! The results of this disturbing study were published in September of 2012. If I can find this Canadian government study, then why can’t CNN?
More Disturbing Implications
This study definitely demonstrates that pigs can certainly be a host for Ebola. When humans consume an Ebola-infected pig as a food source, transmission of Ebola is likely. This has profound implications for the containment of Ebola.
Just for the sake of argument, let’s just say that every infected, and potentially infected human could be quarantined for the purpose of preventing transmission of Ebola to other humans. The Canadian research findings tells us that the transmission of Ebola through the food supply renders human quarantining to be a totally useless practice. Nobody could realistically estimate the degree of Ebola transmission amongst the animal population. However, since the Ebola is already airborne, it would be impossible to contain. And certainly the solution to this problem is to not just forego eating ham this Thanksgiving. It is simply too late to contain Ebola! How could we not conclude that Ebola is already airborne?
The Canadian study also mentions that at the time of publication, that they did not have sufficient proof that Ebola would “jump from non-human primates to humans” through airborne means, and that this was not the main focus of the research. However, when we apply the lens of common sense there is an inescapable consequence. If Ebola can be transmitted from pigs to monkeys through the air, then why can’t Ebola be transmitted from human to human in the same manner? And sadly, most researchers are too intimidated to speak about this, much less research the possibility.
The Canadian researchers do not stand alone in their findings regarding transmissibility of Ebola, several researchers have found that Ebola may be present in more animals than previously thought. According to researchers studying Ebola, they have found that “The deadly virus has been detected in chimpanzees, gorillas, fruit bats, monkeys, antelopes, porcupines, rodents, dogs, pigs and humans”.
What do these facts say about the collective wisdom of the CDC and Obama’s administration as they have brought a fourth Ebola patient back into the United States? If Ebola has ANY chance of being airborne, then why would the government bring any infected person into the country?
Dire Implications for the United States

The second elephant in the room has to do with the fact that Ebola can be packaged and distributed a bio-terror weapon. And since the United States has a totally open southern border, which literally anyone can cross, this has enormously frightening implications for our people.
They say that bad things come in three’s and in this case, they are correct. The third elephant in the room has to do with the fact that our government is doing absolutely doing nothing in the form of containment. In the light of the present health crisis, would it not have been prudent to detain illegal immigrants and test them for Ebola? Or, does science mean nothing to this administration? Or, perhaps, are there other motives which transcends the present level of ignorance on display?
By the way, why has the State Department ordered 160,000 HAZMAT suits?
Germany makes all ISIS propaganda, symbols and activities illegal.

Member of ISIS
Germany announced a ban on the Islamic State on Friday, saying it aimed to prevent the group from recruiting young jihadists in Germany,Reuters reported.
Coinciding with the launch of a broad U.S. campaign against the Sunni terrorists, which could include air strikes in Syria as well as Iraq, Germany introduced an immediate ban making all IS propaganda, symbols and activities illegal.
"The terrorist organization Islamic State is a threat to public safety in Germany as well," Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere was quoted as having said, estimating that over 400 Germans have joined IS in Iraq and Syria and about 40 have died, some in suicide attacks.
More than 100 jihadists are back in Germany including "some with combat experience who have learned to hate", he said, according toReuters.
"We don't know what they are doing, but it could be that they will carry out attacks," said De Maiziere, citing the case of a returning French jihadistarrested in connection with an attack on a Jewish museum in Belgium in May.
Islamic State runs aggressive German-language recruitment campaigns on social media "to get young women and men to join the jihad and fight and murder", the minister said.
But security services alone cannot stop the radicalization of young Muslims, de Maiziere said, urging "parents, siblings, neighbors and friends" to help. He praised the main Muslim community groups for standing up to the "barbaric" organization.
This issue of Islamists from Western countries joining the jihadists in the Middle East has been a concern for the West. Russians, Americans, Canadians and French citizens have been known to be taking part in the fighting in the Middle East, and a concern has been raised that they would bring terrorism to their home countries once they return.
This week, the head of the Australian Security and Intelligence Organization (ASIO) warned of the threat to the country from Islamic extremists and homegrown fighters returning from Syria and Iraq.
Speaking to Australia’s ABC network, director-general David Irvine warned he is considering raising Australia’s terror alert level to high, which indicates an attack on home soil is likely.
Credit to Arutz Sheva
Pope: World War III may have already begun
World War III may have already begun with the current spate of crimes, massacres and destruction, Pope Francis has warned.
He was speaking during a visit to Italy's largest military cemetery, where he was commemorating the centenary of World War I.
"War is madness," the Pope said at a memorial to 100,000 Italian soldiers at Redipuglia cemetery near Slovenia.
The Argentine Pope has often condemned the idea of war in God's name.
Only last month, Pope Francis said the international community would be justified in using force to stop what he called "unjust aggression" by Islamic State militants, who have killed or displaced thousands of people in Iraq and Syria, including many Christians, the BBC's David Willey reports.
In Saturday's homily, standing at the altar beneath Italy's fascist-era Redipuglia memorial - where 100,000 Italian soldiers killed during WWI are buried, 60,000 of them unnamed, the Pope paid tribute to the victims of all wars.
"Humanity needs to weep, and this is the time to weep," he said.

Credit to BBC
He was speaking during a visit to Italy's largest military cemetery, where he was commemorating the centenary of World War I.
"War is madness," the Pope said at a memorial to 100,000 Italian soldiers at Redipuglia cemetery near Slovenia.
The Argentine Pope has often condemned the idea of war in God's name.
Only last month, Pope Francis said the international community would be justified in using force to stop what he called "unjust aggression" by Islamic State militants, who have killed or displaced thousands of people in Iraq and Syria, including many Christians, the BBC's David Willey reports.
In Saturday's homily, standing at the altar beneath Italy's fascist-era Redipuglia memorial - where 100,000 Italian soldiers killed during WWI are buried, 60,000 of them unnamed, the Pope paid tribute to the victims of all wars.
"Humanity needs to weep, and this is the time to weep," he said.

Credit to BBC
Kohl's And The Rest Of The Retailers Are In Deep Trouble
Kohl's And The Rest Of The Retailers Are In Deep Doo Doo
“Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.” ? Mark Twain

I never believe government manufactured numbers. They will always be adjusted, massaged, and manipulated to achieve a happy ending for the propagandists attempting to control and fleece the sheep. Yesterday, the government produced retail sales numbers for August that were weak and the corporate MSM propaganda machine immediately threw up bold headlines declaring how strong these numbers were. Positive stories were published on the interwebs and Wall Street hack economists were rolled out on CNBC, where the bubble headed bimbos and prostitutes for the status quo like Jim Cramer and Steve Liesman declared the recovery gaining strength. Woo Hoo.
If everyone else is whipping out that credit card, why aren’t you? Credit card debt has reached a new post recession high. They tell me consumer confidence is soaring. Forget about the 92 million working age Americans supposedly not in the labor force. Forget about real household income hovering at 1999 levels. Forget about median household net worth still 30% lower than 2007. Forget about what you see with your own two eyes in malls, strip centers and office parks as you motor around our suburban sprawl empire of debt. Those Store Closing, Space Available, and For Lease signs mean nothing.

I didn’t get a chance to peruse the commerce department drivel until this morning. They put out unadjusted data and adjusted data. Shockingly, the adjusted data is always rosier than the unadjusted data. I wonder why? I can understand the rationale for adjusting month to month data due to holidays and calendar events. But I still don’t trust the adjustments. There should not be a major difference when comparing year over year data. The adjusted data should reflect the same relationship to the unadjusted data on a year over year basis. Well guess what? It appears our friendly government drones may be pumping the current data to give the appearance of recovery. Here are my observations after taking a look at the government propaganda report:
The unadjusted retail sales were only 3.2% higher than last August. Considering government reported inflation of 2%, that is a pretty shitty result. But have no fear. The “ADJUSTED” retail sales for August were 5.0% higher than last August. WTF? Guess which number gets reported to the sheep?
Hysterically, your government drones consider lending deadbeats $40,000 for seven years with no money down to drive away with a GM deathtrap SUV as a retail sale. The billions in subprime auto loans led to an 8.8% YoY surge in “ADJUSTED” auto sales. It seems the unadjusted number only went up 5.3%.
When you back out the Federal Reserve/Wall Street pumped auto sales, which will ultimately result in billions of written off bad debt (you’ll pick up the tab), unadjusted retail sales were only 2.7% higher than last August. With real inflation of 5% or more, real retail sales are negative on a year over year basis.
Despite financing deals of 4 years with no interest, furniture and electronics retail sales were flat versus last August. If there really is a housing recovery and 2.1 million more Americans are employed versus last August how could these discretionary sales be flat, and negative on an inflation adjusted basis?
Grocery store sales were up only 2.1% over last year. Even the government is reporting 2.7% food inflation in the last year. We all know it is closer to 10%, so people are actually reducing the amount of food they are buying. That is a sure sign of an economic recovery.
Clothing store sales were flat and department store sales were negative versus last August. So much for the back to school storyline. I do believe August is back to school time. The Sears and JC Penney Bataan Death March trudges toward bankruptcy.
What did surge was sales at restaurants and bars. They soared by 6.8% versus last August. We already know Darden, Yum Brands and McDonalds have reported dreadful results, so either the government is lying, soaring food prices are being passed on to customers, or people are so depressed by this awesome economic recovery they are drinking themselves into a stupor.
As a side note on the accuracy of this government data, in a previous role at IKEA, when I was a much younger man, I was responsible for filling out the monthly government retail surveys for the Census Bureau. The government drones collecting this data do not check it. They do not require proof that it is right. It is self reported by retailers across the country. Filling out this crap for the government was about as low on my priority list as whale shit. If I was really busy, I’d make the numbers up, scribble them on the form and put it in the mail. The numbers the government are accumulating are crap. And then they massage the crap. And then they publish the crap as if it means something. It’s nothing but crap.
When you see the headlines touting strong retail sales, you need to consider what you are actually seeing in the real world. RadioShack will be filing for bankruptcy within months. Wet Seal will follow. Sears is about two years from a bankruptcy filing. JC Penney’s turnaround is a sham. They continue to lose hundreds of millions every quarter and will be filing for bankruptcy within the next couple years. Target and Wal-Mart continue to post awful sales results and have stopped expanding. And as you drive around in your leased BMW, you see more Space Available signs than operating outlets in every strip center in America.
My anecdotal proof of this relentless slow motion retail trainwreck is twofold. We received our second 30% off discount coupon from Kohl’s in the last three weeks. We are so indifferent to these constant offers that we didn’t even use the first one. I have to wear dress clothes to work every day, so I went over to Kohl’s this morning when they opened at 8:00 am to get some dress shirts and pants.
The parking lot was an oasis of empty spots and there were maybe 5 customers in the entire store. I went to the mens’ section and was shocked to see about two dozen 60% to 80% off racks. There are usually two or three racks. The store was overflowing with summer merchandise. Summer is over. The store should have been overflowing with Fall merchandise. They are clearly in the midst of an inventory disaster. I found excellent dress shirts on the 70% off rack. Everything I bought was at least 50% off, even before my 30% coupon and another $10 menswear coupon.
I live in a relatively upscale suburban area and still this Kohl’s is an absolute disaster. Their gross margin is going to be hammered. Profits are going to implode. Kohl’s has always been a favorite retailer of the middle class. Decent quality at reasonable prices. Their comp store sales were between positive 5% and 15% for years, until the 2008 financial collapse. Their struggles since then coincide with the decline of middle class incomes and the fake jobs recovery. The fact that they are spiraling downward flies in the face of the propaganda being spewed by the government and media.There is no recovery for the average American.
My second data point happened on Thursday. An accident on the Turnpike forced me to take Lincoln Drive and Germantown Pike home from work (1 hour and 55 minutes of agony). I hadn’t taken this route in about six months. Germantown Pike winds through the Chestnut Hill section of Philly. This is an artsy fartsy area with boutique retail, chic outlets, and fancy restaurants. The upper middle class frequents the area. The retail stores were always open, occupied and busy.
Not anymore. I saw dozens of empty storefronts, Space Available, and For Lease signs. The open stores had no customers. The trendy eating establishments had few patrons. Even the yuppie latte drinking areas are beginning to crumble. Every office park I passed had Space Available signs in front. The amount of vacant retail and office space in this country is too vast to comprehend and is being under-reported by the real estate whores whose job it is to rent space. Ignoring the facts and the truth doesn’t change the facts and the truth.
Do you believe the government and the corporate media, or do you believe your own two eyes?
You can ignore the government reported happy talk. When retailers and restaurants report their actual sales and profits, the truth shall be revealed. It will set you free.
Credit to Zero Hedge
“Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable.” ? Mark Twain

I never believe government manufactured numbers. They will always be adjusted, massaged, and manipulated to achieve a happy ending for the propagandists attempting to control and fleece the sheep. Yesterday, the government produced retail sales numbers for August that were weak and the corporate MSM propaganda machine immediately threw up bold headlines declaring how strong these numbers were. Positive stories were published on the interwebs and Wall Street hack economists were rolled out on CNBC, where the bubble headed bimbos and prostitutes for the status quo like Jim Cramer and Steve Liesman declared the recovery gaining strength. Woo Hoo.
If everyone else is whipping out that credit card, why aren’t you? Credit card debt has reached a new post recession high. They tell me consumer confidence is soaring. Forget about the 92 million working age Americans supposedly not in the labor force. Forget about real household income hovering at 1999 levels. Forget about median household net worth still 30% lower than 2007. Forget about what you see with your own two eyes in malls, strip centers and office parks as you motor around our suburban sprawl empire of debt. Those Store Closing, Space Available, and For Lease signs mean nothing.

I didn’t get a chance to peruse the commerce department drivel until this morning. They put out unadjusted data and adjusted data. Shockingly, the adjusted data is always rosier than the unadjusted data. I wonder why? I can understand the rationale for adjusting month to month data due to holidays and calendar events. But I still don’t trust the adjustments. There should not be a major difference when comparing year over year data. The adjusted data should reflect the same relationship to the unadjusted data on a year over year basis. Well guess what? It appears our friendly government drones may be pumping the current data to give the appearance of recovery. Here are my observations after taking a look at the government propaganda report:
The unadjusted retail sales were only 3.2% higher than last August. Considering government reported inflation of 2%, that is a pretty shitty result. But have no fear. The “ADJUSTED” retail sales for August were 5.0% higher than last August. WTF? Guess which number gets reported to the sheep?
Hysterically, your government drones consider lending deadbeats $40,000 for seven years with no money down to drive away with a GM deathtrap SUV as a retail sale. The billions in subprime auto loans led to an 8.8% YoY surge in “ADJUSTED” auto sales. It seems the unadjusted number only went up 5.3%.
When you back out the Federal Reserve/Wall Street pumped auto sales, which will ultimately result in billions of written off bad debt (you’ll pick up the tab), unadjusted retail sales were only 2.7% higher than last August. With real inflation of 5% or more, real retail sales are negative on a year over year basis.
Despite financing deals of 4 years with no interest, furniture and electronics retail sales were flat versus last August. If there really is a housing recovery and 2.1 million more Americans are employed versus last August how could these discretionary sales be flat, and negative on an inflation adjusted basis?
Grocery store sales were up only 2.1% over last year. Even the government is reporting 2.7% food inflation in the last year. We all know it is closer to 10%, so people are actually reducing the amount of food they are buying. That is a sure sign of an economic recovery.
Clothing store sales were flat and department store sales were negative versus last August. So much for the back to school storyline. I do believe August is back to school time. The Sears and JC Penney Bataan Death March trudges toward bankruptcy.
What did surge was sales at restaurants and bars. They soared by 6.8% versus last August. We already know Darden, Yum Brands and McDonalds have reported dreadful results, so either the government is lying, soaring food prices are being passed on to customers, or people are so depressed by this awesome economic recovery they are drinking themselves into a stupor.
As a side note on the accuracy of this government data, in a previous role at IKEA, when I was a much younger man, I was responsible for filling out the monthly government retail surveys for the Census Bureau. The government drones collecting this data do not check it. They do not require proof that it is right. It is self reported by retailers across the country. Filling out this crap for the government was about as low on my priority list as whale shit. If I was really busy, I’d make the numbers up, scribble them on the form and put it in the mail. The numbers the government are accumulating are crap. And then they massage the crap. And then they publish the crap as if it means something. It’s nothing but crap.
When you see the headlines touting strong retail sales, you need to consider what you are actually seeing in the real world. RadioShack will be filing for bankruptcy within months. Wet Seal will follow. Sears is about two years from a bankruptcy filing. JC Penney’s turnaround is a sham. They continue to lose hundreds of millions every quarter and will be filing for bankruptcy within the next couple years. Target and Wal-Mart continue to post awful sales results and have stopped expanding. And as you drive around in your leased BMW, you see more Space Available signs than operating outlets in every strip center in America.
My anecdotal proof of this relentless slow motion retail trainwreck is twofold. We received our second 30% off discount coupon from Kohl’s in the last three weeks. We are so indifferent to these constant offers that we didn’t even use the first one. I have to wear dress clothes to work every day, so I went over to Kohl’s this morning when they opened at 8:00 am to get some dress shirts and pants.
The parking lot was an oasis of empty spots and there were maybe 5 customers in the entire store. I went to the mens’ section and was shocked to see about two dozen 60% to 80% off racks. There are usually two or three racks. The store was overflowing with summer merchandise. Summer is over. The store should have been overflowing with Fall merchandise. They are clearly in the midst of an inventory disaster. I found excellent dress shirts on the 70% off rack. Everything I bought was at least 50% off, even before my 30% coupon and another $10 menswear coupon.
I live in a relatively upscale suburban area and still this Kohl’s is an absolute disaster. Their gross margin is going to be hammered. Profits are going to implode. Kohl’s has always been a favorite retailer of the middle class. Decent quality at reasonable prices. Their comp store sales were between positive 5% and 15% for years, until the 2008 financial collapse. Their struggles since then coincide with the decline of middle class incomes and the fake jobs recovery. The fact that they are spiraling downward flies in the face of the propaganda being spewed by the government and media.There is no recovery for the average American.
My second data point happened on Thursday. An accident on the Turnpike forced me to take Lincoln Drive and Germantown Pike home from work (1 hour and 55 minutes of agony). I hadn’t taken this route in about six months. Germantown Pike winds through the Chestnut Hill section of Philly. This is an artsy fartsy area with boutique retail, chic outlets, and fancy restaurants. The upper middle class frequents the area. The retail stores were always open, occupied and busy.
Not anymore. I saw dozens of empty storefronts, Space Available, and For Lease signs. The open stores had no customers. The trendy eating establishments had few patrons. Even the yuppie latte drinking areas are beginning to crumble. Every office park I passed had Space Available signs in front. The amount of vacant retail and office space in this country is too vast to comprehend and is being under-reported by the real estate whores whose job it is to rent space. Ignoring the facts and the truth doesn’t change the facts and the truth.
Do you believe the government and the corporate media, or do you believe your own two eyes?
You can ignore the government reported happy talk. When retailers and restaurants report their actual sales and profits, the truth shall be revealed. It will set you free.
Credit to Zero Hedge
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