waged as an act of war by the United States in response to China’s currency war with the subsequent Yuan devaluation, according to dissident sources from mainland China. Speculation has heavily centered around the fact the weapon used to attack China was a space-based weapon.
China, through their new-found ally, Russia, is one of the biggest holders of EMP weapons as is their proxy puppet state, North Korea.
There will be payback. Not so coincidentally, North Korea has, once again, threatened to attack the United States.

Many have speculated that no such attack will ever take place because China effectively owns the United States, through debt holdings, and consequently would never unleash such an attack. However, if the Tianjin event is the beginning of a war between China and the United States, such a consideration would quickly go out the window because both nations would be involved in a war for survival. Further, if such a war were to commence, this would explain why the elite are increasingly preparing fortified underground bunkers which would withstand both nuclear and stand alone EMP attacks.
A Cross-Section of Effects of An EMP
Nearly all of the commercial sector is not protected. Most data backups of commercial systems are protected from just about every other threat, but not protected against EMP; and most data backups are located within the area likely to be affected by the EMP attack. Computer systems and the information they contain are especially vulnerable. In the old Dark Angel television series used to say, in the first episode of the old Dark Angel television series, ” . . . the electromagnetic pulse turned all the one and zeros into plain old zeros . . .”
An EMP attack would literally send thousands of small and mid-sized businesses in the United States into bankruptcy in less than a millisecond. Other than your printed statements, the banks would have no records of your ledger sheet.
America would see catastrophic conditions immediately taking place in our hospitals and convalescent centers. Within a few days, old age homes would lack the resources and services of the staff to help preserve the lives of those who are virtually helpless. Patients on the operating table would stand a good chance of not surviving. Hospital backup generating systems would be rendered unusable. Food and water would become a scarce resource. Many hospital personnel would walk off the job by the beginning of the third day. The only medical personnel that would stay would be those that live too far away from home to walk. People would not be able to get their life-sustaining medications and services, most of which are electrically powered. Our worst fears would be realized sd patients on oxygen, diabetic medication, dialysis and other life threatening conditions would be among the first to die, but by no means the last.

In one of the most dramatic effects, airplanes would
fall from the skies. Untold thousands of people would immediately be plunged to their deaths. And their deaths might be considered merciful compared to the fate that the majority of the rest of us would face over the next two years.
Most automobiles will not work unless they have all pre-electrical parts. Even then how long would gasoline be available? Many people on the various subways, would be hopelessly trapped depending on the time that an electromagnetic pulse would be released. And we can all be sure, that the release of an EMP would occur at the optimal time to ensure the maximum loss of life.
Schools and Children
Education records would be destroyed and only hard copies of transcripts would serve as the remnants of an extinct system. Like every other institution, education would stop in its tracks. Schools would be converted to mass shelters or morgues.
One of the most tragic developments arising from an EMP attack with the fate of schoolchildren geographically isolated from their parents who have already commuted to work. Reuniting parents and their children would be next to impossible for the majority of Americans who have a 30 minute commute or more to work (20 miles). In an earlier article this year, I identified and detailed the questionnaire which went out to all school personnel which was inventorying staff school individual skill sets such as law enforcement experience, construction as well electrical and engineering talents. Sounds like a strange set of skills to be surveying at our public schools. What do the originators of this document know that the rest of us should?
If you were a teacher, how long would you stay on the job and ignore the welfare of your family?
Getting home and reuniting with family will be problematic.
Your cell phones, your land lines, text, twitter, emails and faxes will not work. Nearly all broadcast stations, especially television stations, would go off the air. Due to the high level of computerized automation, the equipment in most radio and television studios would be so completely destroyed that most commercial stations would be damaged beyond repair. Radio studios are actually more vulnerable to permanent damage than many portable radio receivers. When America emerges from the event, the NSA police state surveillance grid would be permanently in place for the extreme martial law dictatorship or foreign takeover that will follow.

According to a
statement made by Damon Penn, a DHS official, which was offered to a committee of the U.S. House of Representatives on July 8, 2011, a limited number of critical radio stations are being retrofitted with some EMP protection. However, most of us will be without the benefit of mass communication. Smoke signals anyone?
In Professor William Forstchen’s book, Somewhere between 250,000 to 500,000 people will die in the first few minutes following an EMP attack. Perhaps as many as 1-2 million would be dead within three days and ninety percent of the country would perish within two years.
Water Borne Diseases
The greatest threat to human survival, in the aftermath of an EMP, is the public’s availability to obtain clean drinking water. This access would be greatly imperiled.
In 2010, when Haiti was hit by a major earthquake which killed over 200,000 people, the misery did not stop with the survivors. Six weeks following the earthquake, Haiti announced its first cholera outbreak in over a century. The cholera outbreak went on to claim 8000 more lives. The disease thrives in places where there is insufficient water treatment, poor sanitation and inadequate hygiene. This is what precisely would happen in most areas following an EMP attack.
Keeping drinking water clean and separate from human sewage and other contaminates would prove to be humanity’s biggest challenge. Cholera would also prove to be the biggest threat to long term survival. It is likely that in the 24 months following the event, that most people would succumb to cholera and other water-borne diseases.
Cholera is a horrible disease which grants its victims a very painful and agonizing death. In the 20th century, human lifespan in United States increased by 35 years. Thirty of those 35 years was due to improvements in sanitation. Following an EMP attack, effective sanitation would all but disappear.
Access to Water

Without electricity to pump the water, the LA Basin would run out of water within days.
Human beings require approximately 2 Liters of water per day in order to survive. If we do not get that water, we will die in approximately 5 days. With regard to an EMP attack, our water supplies are especially vulnerable. The power to distribute water is highly concentrated within the United States. Only eight municipalities
provide 82% of the drinking water in the United States.
There are multiple technologies which are used to pump water from the source to its final destination. Some require no electricity, however, most do. And even if your water system was powered by non-electrical means, how would the personnel and staff, who monitors and maintains your water supply, get to work without access to proper transportation?
In all of Southern California, the water must make its way over mountains. What will happen when all electricity is gone? The resulting casualty rates stemming from civil disorder and death due to lack of water would be unimaginable.
In a time of an EMP attack, the availability of water, as well as the safety of water would come into question for the vast majority of Americans. The availability of clean water supplies would be the most critical threat and would claim the most victims.

The Ogllala underground aquifer will soon be controlled by one globalist, T. Boone Pickens. The monopolistic implications and profiting off of a major crisis are self-evident.
These grim possibilities makes one wonder why T. Boone Pickens is buying up the Ogallala reservoir. What does he know that the rest of us should know?
The food supply would be imperiled as well. What do crops need to grow? With hydroelectric power gone, where would the water come from for many food-growing regions in the country? Our food supplies would dry up and disappear, thus exacerbating the threat.
Most people will perish within 30 days of famine, thus, making water shortages the greatest threat to survival.
Social Chaos
Survivors would undoubtedly form collectives to forcefully procure food and water. The levels of violence would be horrific. Yet, I was unable to locate any government or academic documents which attempted to project how bad it will get. It is safe to say that it will be a waste of time to call 911 and that every person would be under threat of attack 24/7/365.
How Bad Will It Get?
Sociologists tell us that there are five levels of societal development.
1. Nomadic Hunting and Gathering
2. Horticulture and Pastoral
3. Agriculture
4. Industrial
5. Post-industrial.
Much of America is entering into the Post-Industrial phase. An EMP attack would reduce most Americans to a violent existence in the first stage, Nomadic Hunting and Gathering. Without easy access to water, most would not be able to maintain a Horticulture and Pastoral society for long. And those that did would face dire threats from those seeking resources. This would make the death curve for the elderly and the infirm skyrocket. Child mortality would dramatically rise. I am not predicting a return to 10,000 Years BC. However, a pre-Revolutionary War existence would largely be out of reach because of the lack of obtainable clean water. Water is the organizing foundation for any society. Society, as we know it, would collapse.

Mid air burst of two nuclear missiles near the middle of the country would destroy all infrastructure that was not protected.
What would be the delivery method? That depends on the goals of the Chinese. If they are intent on inflicting maximum casualties, they would explode to nuclear missiles over the mid-continent United States which would destroy the country’s infrastructure in a matter of moments. If they want to kill as many Americans as possible, without obliterating the infrastructure, they may only target life-sustaining infrastructure such as water and electricity facilities. The determining factor simply depends on the goals of the Chinese.
I have read both the Naval War College and Professor Forstchen’s projections which tell us that within two years of the event, 90% of all Americans would be dead. Congressman Trent Franks predicts a 60% mortality rate. The fact remains that nobody knows for certain how many of us would perish. However, it is safe to say that most of us would perish.
I will prepare a short list of things that I think all of us, even those with limited budgets, can be doing to prepare in a future article. In another future article, I will also examine what would happen to our nuclear facilities after such an attack.
You can count on one thing, Tianjin will not go unpunished.
Credit to Common Sense