Tomorrow is the beginning of GRID EX III. Many have contacted me believing that November 18th will mark the beginning of a devastating false flag event in which the power grid will be taken down. I have to admit, that just like Paris, the 7/7 London Bombings, the Boston Marathon, and 9/11 we are witnessing a live drill taking place that simultaneously went live and were the next big false flag event.
Should we take this threat seriously? There is no question that this event could potentially have “false flag” written all over it. Many have expressed grave concern over the timing of GRID EX and what just took place in Paris.
Something virtually no one is talking about is that in three days November 19, 2015 GRID-EX III will be taking place here in the U.S. Of course the main street news does not mention it but beyond that, the so called alternative media has been virtually silent about this drill. If you recall a couple years ago when the GRIX-EX II drill took place the alternative media was all over it. Why the total silence now on GRID-EX III?
False flags usally occur when there is a drill going on. Could this year be the year that GRID-EX goes live?
With all that has been going on in France and with the man in the whitehouse not shutting our borders it is conceivable to me that ISIS cells inside the U.S. could spring to life during the GRID-EX III drill and attack our grid and take it down.
Just something to think about,
The Grid Ex drills occur two years apart and are always held in November. Grid Ex IV will be held in November of 2017. And that is when I believe that the globalists will take down the American grid if they have not been able to collapse the country before this date. Obama is such a traitor that he previously allowed the Russians and the Chinese, our enemies who have threatened to nuke America, to participate in Grid Ex II. In other words, we gave our enemies the keys to our house and car by showing them how our infrastructure is organized.
I do not believe that Grid EX III will result in a grid down scenario. However, it is possible because of the false flag possibilities of the drill. For the remainder of the article, I will detail two possibilities:
- If an EMP were to occur on American soil tomorrow what would be the most serious threat?
- If an EMP is not coming this November, what false flag event is coming?
If an EMP were to occur, the major catastrophic threat would come in the form of nuclear power plants that would go into meltdown. This is the worst kind of false flag attack that I can envision. Here is what it would look like.
The Mother of All False Flag Events
I have written about various alphabet soup agency people and their families who have
gone into hiding in specially prepared enclaves with their colleagues in anticipation to what is coming. Many, including one FEMA family that I knew personally, have repeatedly spoken about the taking down of the power grid. For DHS head,
Janet Napolitano knows what’s coming as she stated in her farewell address, “It is not a matter of if, but when the power grid will be taken down”.
Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) has been issuing the same exact warnings.
Everyone from Congressman Franks to the Naval War College have stated that in the event of a major EMP attack, the United States would lose 90% of its citizens within two years. The leading causes of death would be death from diseases resulting from drinking contaminated water, starvation, and murder resulting from the arising level of violence perpetrated by people in search of life-sustaining resources. However, these three possiblities represent reasons 2, 3, and 4. The number would threat would be the meltdown of several nuclear power plants.
If GRID EX III were to go live, it would devastating to this country. It is safe to say that America would never recover.
Critical Analyses
According to
Judy Haar, a recognized expert in nuclear plant failure analyses, when a nuclear power plant loses access to off-grid electricity, the event is referred to as a “station blackout”. Haar states that all 104 US nuclear power plants are built to withstand electrical outages without experiencing any core damage, through the activation of an automatic start up of emergency generators powered by diesel. Further, when emergency power kicks in, an automatic shutdown of the nuclear power plant commences. The dangerous control rods are dropped into the core, while water is pumped by the diesel power generators into the reactor to reduce the heat and thus, prevent a meltdown. Here is the catch in this process, the spent fuel rods are encased in both a primary and secondary containment structure which is designed to withstand a core meltdown. However, should the pumps stop because either the generators fail or diesel fuel is not available, the fuel rods are subsequently uncovered and a Fukushima type of core meltdown commences immediately. At this point, I took Judy Haar’s comments to a source of mine at the Palo Verde Nuclear power plant. My source informed me that as per NERC policy, nuclear power plants are required to have enough diesel fuel to run for a period of seven days. Some plants have thirty days of diesel. This is the good news, but it is all downhill from here.
The Unresolved Power Blackout Problem
A long-term loss of outside electrical power will most certainly interrupt the circulation of cooling water to the pools. Another one of my Palo Verde nuclear power plant sources informed me that there is no long term solution to a power blackout and that all bets are off if the blackout is due to an EMP attack. A more detailed analysis reveals that the spent fuel pools carry depleted fuel for the reactor. Normally, this spent fuel has had time to considerably decay and therefore, reducing radioactivity and heat. However, the newer discharged fuel still produces heat and needs cooling. Housed in high density storage racks, contained in buildings that vent directly into the atmosphere, radiation containment is not accounted for with regard to the spent fuel racks. In other words, there is no capture mechanism. In this scenario, accompanied by a lengthy electrical outage, and with the emergency power waning due to either generator failure or a lack of diesel needed to power the generators, the plant could lose the ability to provide cooling. The water will subsequently heat up, boil away and uncover the spent fuel rods which required being covered in at least 25 feet of water to remain benign from any deleterious effects. Ultimately, this would lead to fires as well and the release of radioactivity into the atmosphere. This would be the beginning of another Fukushima event right here on American soil. Both my source and Haar shared exactly the same scenario about how a meltdown would occur.
Placing Odds On a Failure Is a Fools Errand
In the event of an EMP attack upon the power grid, the greatest danger to American lives would be the resulting melt down of nuclear power plants. Each plant, that would melt down, would represent a Fukushima event. An analysis of individual plant risks released in 2003 by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission shows that for 39 of the 104 nuclear reactors, the risk of core damage from a blackout was greater than 1 in 100,000. At 45 other plants the risk is greater than 1 in 1 million, the threshold NRC is using to determine which severe accidents should be evaluated in its latest analysis. According to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1, in Pennsylvania has the greatest risk of experiencing a core meltdown, 6.5 in 100,000, according to the analysis. These odds don’t sound like much until you consider that we have 124 nuclear power generating plants in the US and Canada and when we consider each individual facility, the odds of failure climb. How many meltdowns would it take in this country before our citizens would be condemned to the hellish nightmare, or worse, being experienced by the Japanese?
The Question That’s Not Being Asked
None of the NERC, or the Nuclear Regulatory tests of handling a prolonged blackout at a nuclear power plant have answered two critical questions, “What happens when these nuclear power plants run out of diesel fuel needed to run the generators”, and “What happens when some of these generators fail”? In the event of an EMP attack, can tanker trucks with diesel fuel get to all of the nuclear power plants in the US in time to re-fuel them before they stop running? Will tanker trucks even be running themselves in the aftermath of an EMP attack? And in the event of an EMP attack, it is not likely that any plant which runs low on fuel, or has a generator malfunctions, will ever get any help to mitigate the crisis prior to a plethora of meltdowns occurring. Thus, every nuclear power plant in the country has the potential to cause a Chernobyl or Fukushima type accident if our country is hit by an EMP attack.
…And There Is More…

A mid air burst of two nuclear missiles near the middle of the country would destroy all infrastructure that was not protected.
The ramifications raised in the previous paragraphs are significant. What if the blackout lasts longer than 24 hours? What if the reason for the blackout is an EMP burst caused by a high altitude nuclear blast and transportation comes to a standstill? In this instance, the cavalry is not coming. Adding fuel to the fire lies in the fact that the power transformers presently take at least one year to replace. Today, there is a three year backlog on ordering because so many have been ordered by China. This makes one wonder what the Chinese are preparing for with these multiple orders for both transformers and generators. In short, our unpreparedness is a prescription for disaster. As a byproduct of my investigation, I have discovered that most, if not all, of the nuclear power plants are on known earthquake fault lines. All of California’s nuclear power plants are located on an earthquake fault line. Can anyone tell me why would anyone in their right mind build a nuclear power plant on a fault line? To see the depth of this threat you can visit an interactive, overlay map at this
If the globalists are not able to collapse America through debt and false flag terrorist events, I am convinced that, through their minions, they will unleash holy hell upon the country through a devastating false flag event.
If an imminent false flag event is not forthcoming in the near future, then what is coming?
Terrorist False Flag Events
The United States is facing crushing debt to the tune of $19 trillion dollar debt and a minimum of a $1.5 quadrillion dollar credit swap derivatives debt. The moment that the debt paralyzes the country, food and medical shipments will cease and the country would be immediately thrown into chaos because it takes the availability of credit to move product across the country.
A series of terror attacks would push the American economy over the edge. I have previously written about various alphabet soup agency people and their families who have
gone into hiding in specially prepared enclaves with their colleagues in anticipation to what is coming. Many, including one FEMA family that I knew personally, have repeatedly spoken about the taking down of the power grid. For DHS head,
Janet Napolitano knows what’s coming as she stated in her farewell address, “It is not a matter of if, but when the power grid will be taken down”.
Congressman Trent Franks (R-AZ) has been issuing the same exact warnings.
What Is Coming
Ten thousand Syrian refugees are headed to New Orleans. If the FBI projections that 10% of Muslims are radicalized, then Obama just placed 1,000 terrorists in the “Big Easy”. Please keep in mind that as far as we know, the Paris attacks were carried out by only 7 people. Obama is planting terrorists all around the country. We have a growing 5th column force in America and Jade Helm has been deployed to handle something.
We are going to wake up one day and experience the American version of the Tet Offensive. Terrorists will attack our country in multiple cities and in multiple ways. This will be the topic of the next part of this series. Suffice it for now, that I cannot totally discount the possiblity of a false flag event commencing tomorrow which would result in a grid takedown, I just do not think it is likely. That event is the fail safe- fall-back position of the globalists and 2017 would be a more realistic date.
Credit to Common Sense