David Ochmanek, who, as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, stated on Monday that “Russia’s future looked to be increasingly integrated with the West.” That statement is no longer true. In fact, not only is Russia a growing threat to United States security, a series of Pentagon war games has revealed that the United States cannot defeat a Putin led Russia, given the present set of circumstances.
Pentagon War Games Spells Bad News for the U.S. Military
The Pentagon, along with other Defense Department planners, have come to a frightening realization. The U.S. military routinely comes up on the losing end of any conflict with Russian troops, Foreign Policy (FP) reported Monday. Russian superiority is not limited to any one theater of action. America’s ineptitude spans the entire globe.
The present analysis is simultaneously following along two track. One set of scenarios has focused in on what the U.S. could do as part of NATO, if Russia were to launch an offensive against an alliance member(s). The other scenario examined what actions the U.S. could hypothetically take outside the NATO sphere of influence. Both plans scenarios focuses on Russian incursions into the Baltic States, as this is the most likely scenario.
In addition, planners are not focusing solely on traditional warfare but on so-called “hybrid” tactics Moscow used to infiltrate and take Crimea in the Russian take over of the are. Accompanying this scenario include the use unaffiliated operatives and forces, manufactured protests and, of course,
elements of cyberwarfare, where the U.S. is woefully weak.
David Ochmanek, who, as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy, ran that office at the time. “Russia’s future looked to be increasingly integrated with the West.” After eight hours of playing war game, which followed a variety of scenarios, “The conclusion was that we are unable to defend the Baltics.” Game over, this is the end of NATO.
Let us not forget that Obama continues to gut the U.S. military with sequestration-related force cuts that will cut Army troops by 40,000, as well as reductions across the board at the Pentagon. In the aforementioned war games, the logistics become even more frightening. Since we have fewer and fewer troops to deploy as a preventative action, deploying US troops to the Baltic would take 30-60 days and Russia would have taken a lot of territory by that time. The end result conclusion of these war games is that the US cannot prevail against Russia.
Meanwhile Back In the Real World
The United States has already been checkmated in Syria. Russia has already gained a firm military foothold in the Middle East and as the reader will soon discover, China is sending some of its military in support of Russia’s effort in Syria as part of a newly forming BRICS coalition being put together to ostensibly destroy ISIS. The real purpose of these moves is designed to have China and Russia take over the Middle East. These events should not come as any surprise as China and Russia have openly announced their hostility toward the United States for the past three years.

How serious are the Chinese and Russians at standing up to the imperialistic United States? Considering that both Chinese
President Hu and Major General Zhang Zhaozhong have threatened the United States with nuclear war if they invade Iran, the prudent opinion says that this is the newest version of the “Axis of Evil’s” line in the sand, and it has been clearly drawn. While many eyes are on Ukraine, the real prize and the key to the solvency of the BRICS is Iran and its willingness to accept gold for oil payments. Protecting Syria is the first line of defense, because all roads to invading Iran and ending the threat to the Petrodollar run through Syria. And America’s worst nightmare, a joint Middle Eastern military partnership between Russia and China, is about to become a reality.
Arab Media Outlet Reporting Chinese Troops On the Way to Syria
In a potentially stunning development, the Al-Masdar Al-‘Arabi, (AKA)
The Arab Source, is reporting that a Chinese warship recently passed through the Suez Canal three days ago, and is headed to Syria to assist the Russians military fight against ISIS. The news source refers to ISIS as “US proxies trying to overthrow the al-Assad government”.
This news comes on the heels of the recent arrival of Russian military personnel which arrived at the Syrian port-city of Tartous. This is a potentially catastrophic development given the fact that the US admits to having Special Operations Forces on the ground in Syria as well and soon-to-be presence of the Chinese military to Syria provides more insight into their contingency. The foundational structure, which will comprise the elements of World War III are nearly in place. Syria will be the flash point for World War III, followed by a Russian invasion of the Baltic states. Some has suggested that the Russians are borrowing from a page in the US military strategy and they are beginning to build a coalition of forces in Syria. In other words,
Russia will not be confronting ISIS alone. This is similar to the US plan of forming a “coalition” of forces.
Germany, France and Italy’s Motivation to Leave NATO
Germany just threw its
support of Putin putting boots on the ground in Syria to fight the CIA created ISIS. Germany is on the edge of leaving NATO. The United States has responded with shipping its most modern nuclear weapons to Germany last week. If NATO is on the rocks, and that almost certainly appears to be the case, the U.S. has a very narrow window from which to launch an attack upon Russia to counter its moves in Syria, its growing threat to the Baltic states and its newly forming partnership with Germany which serves to undermine NATO. This is clearly what the shipment of nuclear missiles to Germany, this week, and this increases the possibility that the war will be a case of happening sooner, not later.
The eventual defection of Germany, France and Italy is easy to foretell. This is a case of a picture, or in this case, an energy map, is worth a thousand words.
All Russia has to do is to turn off the natural gas shipments this winter and Europe will freeze and NATO will disappear.
To anyone possessing an IQ above room temperature, this map is the road map to the destruction of NATO. Key NATO allies are being held hostage by Putin through energy blackmail. If NATO was to survive, the time to have attacked Russia was last Spring, but I believe that this ship has sailed with Russia’s military buildup in Syria along with China’s support.
Can you imagine, you just opened your contacts list on your phone and all of friends and business associates are gone. This is what is happening to the United States.
The following scenario now seems likely. Russia and Chinese forces eventually confront American Special Operation forces in Syria. Russia and China gain a strong military foothold in the Middle East. The US scrambles to respond. However, Russia attacks Eastern Europe and focuses its might on the Baltic states. China takes advantage of the crisis and attacks Taiwan and simultaneously, North Korea sends a million men across the DMZ and occupies Seoul within 72 hours. Does the US respond with nuclear weapons. The Pentagon has undoubtedly run this war game and they are not about to tell us how bad the United States is going to lose.
Credit to Common Sense