Monday, July 25, 2016
Paul Craig Roberts Warns "Armageddon Approaches" After German Leak
The Western public doesn’t know it, but Washington and its European vassals are convincing Russia that they are preparing to attack. Eric Zuesse reports on a German newspaper leak of a Bundeswehr decision to declare Russia to be an enemy nation of Germany.
According to a report issued on June 6th in German Economic News (Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, or DWN), the German government is preparing to go to war against Russia, and has in draft-form a Bundeswehr report declaring Russia to be an enemy nation. DWN says: “The Russian secret services have apparently thoroughly studied the paper.In advance of the paper’s publication, a harsh note of protest has been sent to Berlin: The head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Russian State Duma, Alexei Puschkow, has posted the Twitter message: ‘The decision of the German government declaring Russia to be an enemy shows Merkel’s subservience to the Obama administration.’”
This is the interpretation that some Russian politicians themselves have put on the NATO military bases that Washington is establishing on Russia’s borders.
Washington might intend the military buildup as pressure on President Putin to reduce Russian opposition to Washington’s unilateralism. However, it reminds some outspoken Russians such as Vladimir Zhirinovsky of Hitler’s troops on Russia’s border in 1941.
Zhirinovsky is the founder and leader of Russia’s Liberal Democratic Party and a vice chairman of the Russian parliament. In a confrontation with the editor of a German newspaper, Zhirinovsky tells him that German troops again on Russia’s border will provoke a preventive strike after which nothing will remain of German and NATO troops. “The more NATO soldiers in your territory, the faster you are going to die. To the last man. Remove NATO from your territory!”
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has expressed his frustration with Washington’s reliance on force and coercion instead of diplomacy. It is reckless for Washington to convince Russia that diplomacy is a dead end without promise. When the Russians reach that conclusion, force will confront force.
Indeed Zhirinovsky has already reached that point and perhaps Vladimir Putin also. As I reported, Putin recently dressed down Western presstitutes for their role in fomenting nuclear war.
Putin has made it clear that Russia will not accept US missile bases in Poland and Romania. He has informed Washington and the imbecilic Polish and Romanian governments. However, as Putin observed, “they don’t hear.”
The inability to hear means that Washington’s arrogance has made Washington too stupid to take seriously Putin’s warning. If Washington persists, it will provoke the preventive strike that Zhirinovsky told the German editor the Merkel regime was inviting.
Americans need to wake up to the dangerous situation that Washington has created, but I doubt they will. Most wars happen without the public’s knowledge until they happen. The main function of the American left-wing is to serve as a bogyman with which to scare conservatives about the country’s loss of morals, and the main function of conservatives is to create fear and hysteria about immigrants, Muslims, and Russians. There is no sign that Congress is aware of approaching Armageddon, and the media consists of propaganda.
I and a few others try to alert people to the real threats that they face, but our voices are not loud enough. Not even Vladimir Putin’s voice is loud enough. It looks like the West won’t hear until “there remains nothing at all of the German and NATO troops,” and of Poland and Romania and the rest of us.
Credit to Zero Hedge
IF You Think FEMA Camp Roundups Can’t Happen, You Need to See This

At the rate we are going, someday in the near future, we will see headlines like what is depicted above this article. The Obama administration is totally out of control. If Obama wants gun control, he should begin and end with his own goon squads.
One day soon, America could awaken to a new country in which innocent political protestors are hauled out of their homes at gunpoint and hauled off to a FEMA camp. Fifty percent of this scenario happened last week in Cleveland. If you think that FEMA camp extractions are a far-fetched notion, please weigh the facts of a reccent federal government raid upon the homes of protestors who did nothing wrong.
Gestapo Tactics In Cleveland
I don’t know if we live closer to Communist China or Nazi Germany. My vote is for Nazi Germany. The American Gestapo was out in force during the RNC. This is the story of law-abiding protestors were threatened within an inch of thir lives.
For people that don’t think FEMA camps are not real, you should pay attention to this heinous action by the federal government.
If Hillary Clinton is elected, I predict we will see this as a frequent event. If one writes a blog critical of the government, they will be raided. If people assemble to protest, the same will happen. Ten years ago, I could not have believed that this would ever happen. Now, this kind of federal abuse is commonplace.
The group, in question, was presumably a faction of the group, Anonymous.
Here is a brief description of the event, followed by the details of this Gestapo activity carried out in Cleveland.
On Wednesday morning of last week, activists presumably with Anonymous, were forced out of their beds by gunpoint by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security,“FBI spokeswoman Vicki Anderson said law enforcement went to the house Wednesday morning because those inside were suspected of causing issues this week in Public Square in downtown Cleveland. Namely, agents believe the group threw bottles of urine at police officers, Anderson said. A spokesman for Elyria police also confirmed that its officers joined the FBI at the Lake Avenue house shortly after 7:40 a.m. He did not have any further details.”Anderson lied and told that the officers did not put guns in the protesters faces. The feds even denied entering the homes. However, the following video proves Anderson to be a liar
At the end of the day, nobody was charged, only intimidated and threatened to within an inch of their lives. The Feds spokesperson refused to say if they “visited” any other protest groups.
IF the protestors were breaking the law at the site of the protest, why not arrest them there? How did the Feds get their addresses? Simple, they were targeted to be intimidated using Gestapo like tactics.
WE live in a new era in the United states where the Feds are acting more brazen, without regard for the Constitution and punishing as well as endangering people who disagree with the government.
This event makes the 3AM Gestapo truck pulling up to houses and pulling out dissidents and hauling the families off to FEMA camps much more believable
The Government Is Already Rehearsing to do Just That
This is what Jade Helm 15 was about, who could ever forget these images from Ft. Lauderdale, last year?

Ft. Lauderdale dissident extraction drill executed on March 27, 2015. These images should haunt all Americans.
And Jade Helm 15 became UWEX 16 (Jade Helm 16) by another name and they are praticing for the day that you and others resist the extraction tactics.

Isn’t it time to start paying attention to UWEX?
Of course, to the sheep, this would never happen in America.

Obama Executive Order Legalizes Slave Labor In America
Following yesterday’s article dealing with how Obama is positioning to control all food through nationalizing the resource, the trolls have been out in force. And are they ever getting desperate! The globalist minions, known in part as the Obama administration, do not want the public reading about the NDAA, Executive Order 13603 (EO) and the CIA’s funding of ISIS. As Snopes has wrongly stated, there is nothing to worry about with regard to EO 13603 and it represents nothing new. Snopes? Really? Why don’t the believers of the fiction known as Snopes just cite The Wiggles instead? They would have more credibility when it comes to reporting on the actions and stated intentions of globalists.
Lying In the Bushes
Obama’s EO 13603 has been lying dormant for nearly three years. Some have said that if Obama was going to act on his EO, why would he have not done it by now? The answer is so painfully obvious, Obama did not have the support he needed to act against the very people that he is Constitutionally sworn to protect. Are we really supposed to believe that Obama would codify, through administrative fiat, on his own volition, the governmental blueprint to seize every asset in the country, including you, if he was not going to use this self-appointed authority at some point in time? Perhaps he is simply laying the groundwork for the coming dark days of a Hillary Presidency or whomever will be the next globalist minion President.
The fact remains that during the tenure of Obama, the NDAA was passed which can snatch you off of the street with no due process. So, when we consider the context of EO 13603, we should all be nervous.
Obama Is Re-Introducing Slavery to America
According to EO 13603, the President, or the head of any federal agency that he shall designate, can conscript “persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation,” in both “peacetime and times of national emergency.” I can hear the Obama supporters now as they will write to me and say, “Obama would never do that, you are drinking from the Kool-Aid, and just go read Snopes, everything will be OK”. Well, here it is, you can read it for yourself.
Sec. 502. Consultants. The head of each agency otherwise delegated functions under this order is delegated the authority of the President under sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c), to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations. The authority delegated by this section may not be redelegated.
This means that Obama, and his fellow communists, can seize any resource, property, or person at any time for any reason, including being able to force that person to perform assigned labor without being paid.
There is only ONE word for forced, “uncompensated employment”. That would is slavery. Congratulations President Obama, you have effectively repealed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.
Section 601 of the act specifies, in part, how far the government can go in terms of making you their slave.
Sec. 601. Secretary of Labor. (a) The Secretary of Labor, in coordinationwith the Secretary of Defense and the heads of other agencies, as deemed appropriate by the Secretary of Labor, shall:(1) collect and maintain data necessary to make a continuing appraisal of the Nation’s workforce needs for purposes of national defense;(2) upon request by the Director of Selective Service, and in coordination with the Secretary of Defense, assist the Director of Selective Service in development of policies regulating the induction and deferment of persons for duty in the armed services;(3) upon request from the head of an agency with authority under this order, consult with that agency with respect to: (i) the effect of contemplated actions on labor demand and utilization; (ii) the relation of labor demand to materials and facilities requirements; and (iii) such other matters as will assist in making the exercise of priority and allocations functions consistent with effective utilization and distribution of labor;(4) upon request from the head of an agency with authority under this order: (i) formulate plans, programs, and policies for meeting the labor requirements of actions to be taken for national defense purposes; and(ii) estimate training needs to help address national defense requirements and promote necessary and appropriate training programs
If the above section was merely going to be a military draft, then the Secretary of Labor would not have to be involved. However, as you will note the “Secretary of Labor, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense and heads of other agencies, as deemed appropriate by the Secretary of Labor, shall… assist in the development of policies regulating the induction and deferment of persons for duty in the armed services;… formulate plans, programs, and policies for meeting the labor requirements of actions to be taken for national defense purposes; and (ii) estimate training
needs to help address national defense requirements and promote necessary and appropriate training programs…”. Refer back to section 502 of sections 710(b) and (c) of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2160(b), (c); these are the people that the Secretary of the Labor will conscript in order “to employ persons of outstanding experience and ability without compensation and to employ experts, consultants, or organizations”.
This, my fellow Americans, is a civilian conscription and this is why the Secretary of Labor is in charge instead of the head of the Selective Service! Under these provisions, the government believes that they can send you anywhere, to work on anything of their choosing.
How Will DHS Conduct Mass Roundups of American Citizens?
Thanks to the NDAA and EO 13603, there are now three distinct ways to conduct mass roundups of citizens and place them in detention camps.
Use of the Children As Bait to Lure In the Parents

Operation Mountain Guardian was a disaster drill and a Continuity of Government exercise, not to be confused with a Continuity of America drill.
In September of 2011, DHS and FEMA forcibly removed children from elementary schools, without properly notifying their parents, (i.e. Operation Mountain Guardian) and transported them to an NFL stadium. In Denver, in a massive 2011 drill,DHS went so far as to hire “mock” parents to beg officials at the stadium to release their children in an effort to desensitize the guards to future parents pleas. It was obvious to most of us that children would be used to pull in their parents to a detention facility.
Aaron Dykes, then reporting for Infowars covered Operation Mountain Guardian in some depth and he even interviewed one of the actresses hired to play a distress parent trying to get their child back from the DHS abduction of Denver children that had taken place that September day in 2011. That video can viewed by visiting this article.
Once the parents show up to claim their children, they can be easily inventoried to see if they meet the requirements for “people with outstanding abilities…that will work as consultant (i.e. unpaid slave labor). This same drill was repeated at Giants Stadium in New York shortly following the Denver drill.
Use of the Hessians to Mass Arrest Americans
As I have alluded to before, it is likely that many Americans, in a time of martial law, will be forcibly removed from their homes, or snatched off the street without due process, through the NDAA, which was recently renewed by Congress.
I have painstakingly detailed, with the publication of eyewitness accounts (e.g. Dr. Susan Helman describing her experiences with Russians in Gatlinburg, TN. on my radio show and in print), I have previously cited bilateral agreements between DHS/FEMA and Russian troops to train for a “disaster” on American soil (i.e. false flag attack and martial law), the participation of Russians and Chinese in Grid EX II and the Russian and Chinese future participation in the highly secure RIMPAC War Games, through emails, videos and pictures the presence of foreign troops from reporters such as Sherrie Wilcox, I have presented firsthand accounts of ex-CIA agents like the late Bill Pawelec, former NSA operative, Vance Davis and the late NSA agent AC Griffith, related to the same topic, on my radio show and still there are those who will bury their heads in the sand and pretend that none of the evidence exists. To those people, who still doubt the presence of foreign troops on American soil, I would ask that you read the articles on my website dating back to its inception in September of 2012. One estimate places the number of articles in which I have cited and documented the presence of foreign troops on American soil at 27 times in a period of 24 months. Spend some time utilizing the search engine of The Common Sense Showinvestigating the veracity of these claims.
I do realize that some people could be carried out of their house by the Russians, Chinese and Canadians soldiers and they and Snopes still would deny their existence. Of course these same people would deny the same happening to Americans of Japanese extraction in 1942 by our own government.
The foreign troops are here and are training, along with a well-armed Jade Helm forces as well. Whether it is Jade Helm 15 or Jade Helm 18, some drill of this type will be used execute the incarceration of American citizens for slave labor purposes.

Jade Helm is about putting the nation under the control of the globalists and the extraction of “resources” as needed.
In these first two scenarios, the “authorities” will likely assess each person’s threat, or value, to the state and act accordingly because each and every martial law occupation force will seek to quickly remove any opposition and take over the over the resources (i.e. human capital). Certainly, one way that the occupation forces will get Americans to come to the camps will be to forcibly take them there.
However, even with the use of Chinese, Russian, Canadian troops, et al., which will be brought in to roundup and subjugate Americans, there will not be enough troops to effectively garrison a country with 300 million handguns. Conventional wisdom states that it takes about one soldier for every 50 citizens to effectively garrison a country. However, when you mix in 300 million handguns in civilian hands, the number of occupation troops that will be needed will rise exponentially. Therefore, the occupation troops will need assistance in getting Americans to willingly report to the camps (e.g. sports facilities, schools, large churches and malls). And that assistance will likely come in the form of food and that was reported on in yesterday’s article.
If you are not repulsed and greatly angered by EO 13603, then you might have been absent the day that your high school covered the Constitution. To the minions who are forsaking their Constitutional oath to protect and defend America from all enemies both foreign and domestic, you may wish look in a history book and discover the fate of the Brown Shirts which brought Hitler to power.
Credit to Common Sense
Biocomputer created inside living cells can respond to input data and has memory
MIT engineers have developed biological computational circuits capable of both remembering and responding to sequential input data.
The group's work, which is described in this week's issue of Science, represents a critical step in the progression of synthetic biology with the integration of DNA-based memory, in particular, pointing the way toward building large computational systems from biological components—computing devices that are living cells—and, ultimately, programming complex biological functions.
State machines underlie the sophisticated functionality behind human-made and natural computing systems that perform order-dependent information processing. We developed a recombinase-based framework for building state machines in living cells by leveraging chemically controlled DNA excision and inversion operations to encode states in DNA sequences. This strategy enables convenient readout of states (by sequencing and/or polymerase chain reaction) as well as complex regulation of gene expression. We validated our framework by engineering state machines in Escherichia coli that used one, two, or three chemical inputs to control up to 16 DNA states.
These state machines were capable of recording the temporal order of all inputs and performing multi-input, multi-output control of gene expression. We also developed a computational tool for the automated design of gene regulation programs using recombinase-based state machines. Our scalable framework should enable new strategies for recording and studying how combinational and temporal events regulate complex cell functions and for programming sophisticated cell behaviors.
Credit to
13 Important Elements To Look For In Every Staged Shooting Event

The mechanisms of the script are openly available for all to see; but, as mentioned earlier, have you considered how deep this “staged event” mechanism goes? Hopefully the following 13 elements we’re about to point out will bring more awareness to these additional possibilities, agendas and factors which are quietly hidden in these events but as you will see are actually hidden in plain view.
1 – The “Breaking News” trigger phrase
The first thing I want to point out is the whole “breaking news” psyop phrase. Any professional hypnotist will tell you trigger words and phrases are important when it comes to putting someone under your spell, so it shouldn’t surprise us that mainstream media would resort to using key trigger words on the general public. They would definitely do this because it works. And this is precisely what they do, and “breaking news” is probably as clever and effective a trigger word as there is in America today. It stops you in whatever you are doing and forces you to pay attention to new information that may change your life. I’m sure that if you monitored someone’s vital signs and visceral response under controlled conditions you will find a direct response to trigger phrases like “breaking news” when used in the right context. Let’s be aware of this trigger phrase which always sets the initial tone with typical staged false flag events.
2 – Mainstream media voice tone, speech pattern and neuro-linguistic effect
Subliminal informational submission is accomplished with classic mainstream media “authority” speech patterns and key use of neuro-linguistic terms (as discussed above) that many of us don’t pay attention to. Go watch any segment of mainstream media news and see how they all talk in a certain form. There is a certain “official” pattern of speech that subliminally tells the audience “this is official and true certified informational.” Here’s a Wikihow page discussing this very topic and notice how news reporters go through a training process to sound official and convincing. This speech pattern, the use of key words and overall mannerism all contributes to the early hypnotic phase when the initial story is being officially constructed and delivered to the public. Look for it the next time you are watching mainstream media news. Notice how the pattern of the speech is similar with all news anchors and presenters in all the mainstream media related networks.
3 – “Body count” used to psychologically manipulate eventual reaction
Moving on to the events themselves, notice how the Illuminati CIA controlled media especially lately is using the body count to attach political urgency to each shooting. They are implying that if only 1, 2 or 3 people die then it’s a boring maybe not so important shooting, but if 50 die then we need to get all worked up and act more urgently with political interest and legislation to match the body count somehow. Don’t fall for the “body count” psyop. They are also using the body count psyop to engage you emotionally in their misery and fear as if to imply that a higher body count means this could have been you, which, again, somehow implies that a lower body count is maybe not so likely to have involved you and thus less worthy of your emotional attention.
4 – Overly-detailed “eyewitness accounts” containing compelling Hollywood-style human interest elements
We are now seeing staged interviews with poor-acting crisis actors giving us Hollywood-style details of what they experienced during the shooting event. Crisis actor Patience Carter, one of many actors who inexplicably packed out the Pulse night club bathrooms instead of actually leaving the club during the Orlando shooting, dramatically tells of how she was lying on the floor when the gun fight broke one of the water pipes and she thought she was “going to drown.” This segment of the story is inserted only to draw your human interest and compel you to empathize with her.
We have also seen the famous Gene Rosen interview during Sandy Hook when he tells of 6 children who came to his house speechless, telling him “our teacher is dead” and how he followed up by giving them cookies and crying with them. Again this segment which was proven a lie with countless inconsistencies, was inserted to add Hollywood-style compelling human interest elements to the story. In the case of Rosen, he ended up getting his own song written after him!
And how about the testimony given by the sobbing 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl, Nayirah, following the Iraq invasion of Kuwait in 1990 when she testified:
They took the babies out of the incubators, took the incubators, and left the babies on the cold floor to die.

5 – Control of the information at the ground level usually assigned to a key actor
With every “event” we are seeing someone at the ground level, usually a head police officer, now claiming that any “information” not confirmed by them should be assumed to be false until they (and only they) say it’s true. We saw just this in the recent Baton Rouge shooting and the Dallas, Texas sniper shooting. Classically this brings to mind the one and only Lieutenant Paul Vance during Sandy Hook who declared himself the information czar and bearer of truth and reality for the Sandy Hook show.
Again, let’s not fall for the delusion that somehow police has a handle on what is real and verified “truth” surrounding any event as if anyone trusts police. Since the beginning of the modern-day concept of police, police always get their information from the people who were there not the other way around. The police themselves have never been assigned the controllers of information for any crime scene. So why are we suddenly deferring the details of the event to the police? But it’s not just police, at the Orlando nightclub shooting we saw a team of doctors led by doctor “Michael Cheatham” controlling the information on behalf of hundreds of people who would have been at the hospital. We didn’t hear from any maintenance person, nurse assistant, nursing student, radiology tech or anyone else at the hospital in Orlando. Notice only Cheatham (and to a lesser extent his short list of fellow doctors who briefly spoke to the media) was assigned to deliver the carefully controlled information.
Let’s realize that information is now entirely controlled and the controllers are now appointing key players at the ground level to control that information. With this control comes the threat of jail for anyone interfering with the official narrative. So in the next event be on the lookout for the ground-level information gatekeeper.
6 – Great fluctuations and changes of the narrative in the early phases of the story
We’re all familiar with this next element. We listen to the initial version of the official account only to see the body count or number of shooters change dramatically. This goes on until the “authorities” finally agree on the “official” version of what happened. The important thing to take notice of is that often we’ll see the death count go from a higher number to a lower number, a clear medical impossibility. Think to yourself, how can a body count go from higher to lower all the time? Shouldn’t it be the other way around? And it’s not just the body count, the number of shooters (if there are any real shooters at all) always seems to be a problem for the controllers, and in the end the smaller number usually works best once the assassins (if there are truly any) are cleared to leave the scene as we’ve seen so many times.
7 – Conflicting components potentially deliberately put out to authenticate the “reality” of the event
This next element is one of the most important and I urge truth seekers to pay close attention. We all saw the mysterious man running through the woods at Sandy Hook wearing camouflage. Yet to this day no one really knows what was his role at Sandy Hook which we now have reason to believe was not an operational school according to research done by Wolfgang Halbig. So why was this man briefly shown to us on TV in an era where information is so tightly controlled? Did they WANT you to see the man running through the woods just to give the story authenticity? These are the questions we should be asking. Why were 2 gas masks purposely left on the floor outside the theater at the Aurora Colorado shooting a few years back? Why was even the mainstream media so quick to point out that Omar Mateen had been tracked by FBI and they knew about him? Do you really think that the mainstream media wants you to see that the FBI is incompetent? I discussed this issue in the context of the Orlando shooting before.
Regarding the Orlando night club event, ask yourself, why did CNN and the rest of the mainstream media allow the segment to leak out about someone “holding the door” shut at the Orlando shooting so that no one can get out? This segment should have shocked everyone. And why would the mass media then interview a man named Luis Burbano who admits on camera that he was the one holding the door? This without question is one of the deep mysteries of the Orlando shooting “event” which everyone by now has forgotten. See image below.

8 – Obviously fake elements deliberately inserted to subliminally mock truth seeking community
Here’s another element few are paying attention to. At this point I don’t think there’s any doubt that the controllers know that a large segment of humanity has caught on to their staged events. So ask yourself, how would they use this information against us? How about creating an event with possible real components and then float out the obviously fake crisis actors to essentially mock truth seekers. Again, this is a topic I’ve hit on following the landmark Orlando shooting “event” that needs to be reiterated. Crisis actor victims were magically transported one block down the road only to stage a walk BACK TOWARD the Pulse night club in front of the CNN cameras.
Why? We should all be asking this very important question. As I said in my previous articles – did they WANT us to see these obvious crisis actors? The goal is no less than to cause confusion and to potentially mock those who are looking for the truth.
How about the crisis actor “eyewitness” posing for the camera at the Dallas, Texas sniper shooting practically wearing the exact same American flag t-shirt as Christopher Hansen, the key crisis actor story teller of the Orlando event? Coincidence? You decide.

9 – Staged “cell phone footage” to authenticate the story delivered by specific individuals
After doing some research I’m very skeptical of the “cell phone footage” released during the Dallas sniper shooting. Listen to the narrator of the video posted below and notice how he carefully narrates to point out where the shooter is. Listen to him saying things like “you see him moving around?” and “this guy is evil … sorry, this guy needs to be killed” even though there is no way that he could know this information from the distance he is located. According to the person who made the video below the narrator even claims to have footage of the actual shooting. Conveniently that footage is missing and the channel he claims to have the video “MK7Wolf” conveniently is “vanished” from YouTube. Can it be because this video never existed? Calling for the shooter’s death again just seems to add to the authenticity of the story and stirs up emotion. Watch the video for yourself beginning at around 12:40 and see what you think. Either way (multiple shooter false flag or staged event) the video as a whole proves that the official story is a lie.
We saw similar conveniently timed sketchy cell phone footage taken of “the chase” at San Bernardino. Authenticating segments of “the chase” was critical to the official story and the character who filmed the video, I believe, was staged there to capture blurry indistinguishable footage that nonetheless lent authenticity to the story. We saw similar seemingly staged cell phone footage segments at the Paris concert shooting as well.
So in the next psyop event don’t fall so quickly for the ONE cell phone footage segment. Remind yourself that everyone has a cell phone with a camera and we should be seeing massive amounts of cell phone footage of these events from many different angles not just one.
10 – Retroactive construction of the final story often takes days or weeks (or longer)
Does everyone know what stage we are in when it comes to the Orlando shooting event? Right now we are in what I will call for the sake of this article the “extended retroactive story construction period.” This is the period of weeks and months following a staged event when the controllers can roll out other events and stories to capture your attention and get your attention away from the story.
During this period they can construct all the evidence they need but, unlike the early moments following the event, they can actually take their time and construct this evidence with more precision and care. For example, during this period they can construct additional surveillance camera video footage, they can pull out “new” images that show the attacker entering the building, they can pull out “new” documents that support the official story, set up their fake death certificates and much more. Recall following 9/11, much later on the government released controlled images of the never before seen “plane wreckage” at the Pentagon (see below) which of course on the day of the event there was “not a sign anywhere of any plane having crashed there” to paraphrase Fox news’ own reporter on the scene.

11 – Long and detailed narration of the aftermath by the mass media
Following every “breaking news” 24/7 psyop event notice how for the next week or two we’ll get daily if not hourly fine tuning of the story with lots of behind-the-scenes segments being added like for example “mother of shooter apologizes, didn’t see this coming” or “girlfriend of shooter says he hated white people” or “gays” or whatever it may be. These aftermath segments are all designed to pad the official narrative and make you digest the reality of the context of the event. As time goes on, of course, we’ll always get “details” of the gun purchase, how the shooter obtained training and much more. Obviously we’re all familiar with the usual “manifesto” as well.
12 – Early reaction to the event, televised ceremonies create backdrop for multi-million dollar funding campaigns and call for new legislation
I’ve already discussed this element in previous articles but it’s worth mentioning again here. The long emotional and morality based ceremonies talking about “god” and “the lord,” “love,” “forgiveness” at a time like this, are all part of the period setting up the big money train and legislation that is to follow. The ceremonies thus act as a calm before the storm and charges up the participants into an emotional state where they are prepared to take action. Who can forget Sandy Hook crisis actor and fake FBI agent David Wheeler (along with his wife) touring the country telling his compelling story, desperately calling for gun control.
13 – Subsequent psyop staged false flag events are used as opportunities to rekindle the “reality” of past events
Finally, we are now seeing how staged false flag events are being used as golden opportunities to rekindle the memory of other staged events just in case you have forgotten. Look for this tactic which they are using every time now. This is a reminder that the gun control agenda is a process. It’s not about one event, they are in a mission filled with many events that need reinforcement. The events are playing out differently. Some may have elements of reality and others not. They are potentially mixing realities and challenging you to guess which one it is. Confusion and chaos, as I pointed out in a recent article, are the goal and now the norm.
Plain and simple, as I continue to warn, we’re all being played in one way or another. The deception is so deep I can only present, as I see it, the various segments of these ongoing deceptions. No one said this information war and defending freedom would be easy and for anyone still in the old model of “real event” versus “false flag real event” you are falling behind in the information war. As I said earlier, the tactics are now much more sophisticated and the game has changed. The goal is to confuse you into submission and we have to look at all elements of these events in the context of our new reality.
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