This MS-13 gangster is coming to your neighborhood armed with IED’s, anti-tank weapons, automatic weapons and WMD’s
There is good news and bad news. The good news is that the Border Patrol actually arrested an illegal border crosser. The bad news is that the person is the wife of an American ex-Marine veteran and should have been legally allowed to cross the border.
KFOX 14 is reporting that Oleksandra Bronova, a Ukrainian National, was singled out by border agents as she tried to cross the border and she has subsequently been placed in an maximum security prison. Bronova originally fled to Mexico when it became too dangerous to continue to live in Ukraine. People from Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and West Africa, where these is a current Ebola outbreak, are free to come to the United States, but a war refugee from Ukraine WHO WAS LEGALLY TRAVELING WITH HER AMERICAN HUSBAND, IS NOT WELCOME!
The Worst Has Not Yet Been Revealed
In this column, I have reported that this new wave of illegal immigrants pose a potentially catastrophic and pandemic health risk to Americans, some are connected to human smuggling (i.e. child sex trafficking rings) and all threaten to overwhelm American infrastructure should the onslaught of immigrants continue.
Even Arizona Governor, Jan Brewer, has challenged President Barack Obama’s administration to investigate whether or not, some of these illegal aliens who are flooding across the border, are from MS-13 and are threatening national security by accompanying the illegal immigrant children across the border. MS-13 is the most violent and dangerous street gang in the world. However, we are not just importing thugs, these MS-13 criminal foot soldiers are entering the country in great numbers and they are entering as a well-trained and well-armed paramilitary group with provable and strong terrorist ties to known Islamic terror groups.
“The administration’s refusal to properly verify that violent criminals are not among those entering the United States shows an alarming lack of concern for our homeland’s security,” Brewer wrote. “As a nation, we cannot sit back and allow this policy to continue”. It should be noted that as reported in an earlier document, these MS-13 gang members, some of whom have admitted to murder and torture in their home countries, are being held for placement inside the United States by the Border Patrol under the direction Homeland Security.
MS-13 Members Flooding Across the Border
MS-13 was founded by immigrants fleeing El Salvador’s civil war more than two decades ago. Its founders took lessons learned from the brutal conflict and are in the process of bringing their people and the lessons learned to the United States.
Border Patrol Agents assigned to the Nogales Placement Center, have recently discovered that 16 unaccompanied alien children (13 El Salvadoran males, two Guatemalan males and one Honduran male) currently being held at the Nogales detention center belong to MS-13. The MS-13 gang members admitted to their gang associations following a discovery of graffiti at the detention center. Homeland Security was notified and nothing was done. The number may seem small, however, these are only the ones that were caught in just one area along the border. Art Del Cueto, president of the National Border Patrol Council Local 2544 in Tucson, Arizona told the National Review that officers who recognize gang tattoos on the minors are supposed to treat them like everyone else and to completely ignore their MS-13 affiliations.
MS-13 Has Begun to Target American Citizens Deep Inside the U.S.
Minneapolis-St. Paul is a long way away from the Mexican home of the Sinaloa drug cartel, but that didn’t stop three cartel enforcers from making their way up to Minnesota in an attempt to hunt down two teenagers they accused of stealing drugs and money from a stash house.
The three MS-13 enforcers were allegedly sent by the Sinaloa cartel to find the people who stole 30 pounds of methamphetamine and $200,000 from a stash house in St. Paul. The two teens that the cartel hit men kidnapped were tortured, had their lives and that that of their families threatened and were told to find the missing drugs or come up with $300,000 to compensate the cartel, according to court documents obtained by the (Minneapolis)Star Tribune newspaper.
Federal authorities told the Star Tribune that they are not shocked that the Sinaloa cartel would go to such lengths, but what worried them is that instead of using their own people, the cartel apparently hired the hit men from MS-13. This is very ominous because MS-13 is now associated with Islamic terror groups. Also, the FBI estimates that there are 10,000 MS-13 gang members in 46 states, the gang has expanded beyond its initial and local roots and they engage in crimes ranging from kidnapping and murder to drug smuggling, murder for hire and human trafficking.
MS-13 now has a large presence in Southern California, Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia and all areas with substantial Salvadoran populations. And in any community where the gang operates, MS-13 is also known for targeting residents and business owners for extortion from violent protection rackets. They have a growing presence in Central America, the United States and in Europe. And as you will see, they are the next al-Qaeda. And for the CIA, they constitute soldiers of opportunity.
Not Gangsters but Terrorists Possibly Armed with WMD’s
There is incontrovertible evidence that criminal drug cartels, like Los Zetas, have not only used MS-13 gangsters as hit men and child sex traffickers, but so has the Juarez Cartel and the Barrio Azteca to enforce their will, but Los Zetas have also conducted training in parts of Central and South America, and have even allowed MS-13 gangsters to lead in operations as when “El Comandante Kilo” operated in San Fernando on behalf of Los Zetas. This training consists of two parts, military training and assassination. In plain corporate language, the Mexican drug cartels are outsourcing paramilitary activities such as assassinations and terrorism.
A very disturbing and recent report from the International Assessment and Strategy Center stated that MS-13 is moving away from handguns to the use of AK-47′s, along with grenades, rocket propelled grenade launchers, and light anti-tank weapons! The same think tank also reported that MS-13 gang recently acquired multiple shoulder-firedSA-7 anti-aircraft missile launchers obtained from an open arms market in El Salvador from left over former civil war stockpiles. MS-13 is equipping its forces with these weapons as they can easily knockout helicopters and airplanes from the skies and these weapons can be obtained for a mere $15,000. This is chump change for a gang associated with the drug cartels. The same report went on to state that MS-13 has begun to smuggle drugs, weapons and human beings for the Zetas. MS-13 members are being trained at Zetas camps outside San Salvador and the training includes high level military training. Think TET offensive from the Viet Nam War. MS-13 is well-armed enough to take over cities by knocking out the headquarters of local police forces in a simultaneous series of attacks in which WMD’s are introduced on American soil. If you think this is far-fetched, please keep reading.
Paul Williams, a former FBI Consultant, wrote a book shortly after 9/11 and stated that reliable reports had reached United States officials that al Qaeda operatives were able to get at least two nuclear suitcase bombs into the United States. Williams went on to state that bin Laden had previously used his vast wealth, derived from control of Afghanistan’s poppy trade, to pay off high ranking MS-13 leaders. Williams further asserted that bin Laden paid as much as $50,ooo to smuggle sleeper agents into the United states. Williams is not alone in this belief as the author of Because They Hate: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America, Brigitte Gabriel, stated that there are terrorists coming through our southern border due to the cooperation and joint efforts of of MS-13 and Hezbollah and they are intent on introducing a Hiroshima event on American soil!
Back in 2010, an internal memo was leaked from the Tucson Police Department. which stated that Islamic terrorist groups are commencing operations in Mexico and forming alarming ties with the country’s brutal drug cartels. In turn, the drug cartels are now associated withHezbollah. The memo also references a large weapons stockpile in Mexico as evidenced by the 2010 Tijuana arrest of Hezbollah militant Jameel Nasr, who was given the job of establishing a well-armed Hezbollah network in Mexico and South America. Nasr was apparently bringing this terror network north when he was captured. The memo also discussed the April 2009 arrest of Jamal Yousef in New York, which exposed a huge cache of assault rifles, hand grenades, explosives and anti-tank munitions. According to the report, the weapons were stored in Mexico, but only after being smuggled from Iraq by members of Hezbollah. As a temporary aside, where do you think ISIS is getting its weapons? The preceding references contained in the Tucson Police memo just answered that question.
Also, revealed in the report, according to Yousef, was the fact that the weapons were stored in Mexico after being smuggled from Iraq by members of Hezbollah.The memo further warns that there could be dire consequences due to the new level of cooperation between Hezbollah and Mexico’s drug partnerships and this could be disastrous given Hezbollah’s advanced and new weapons capabilities. The report goes on to state that some Mexican criminal organizations have started using small IEDs which is clearly illustrative of the use of car bombs which is a hallmark trait of Islamic terrorists. IED’s are clearly the least of our worries with regard to the increased influx of MS-13 terrorists. By the way, it was reported, yesterday, that TSA is allowing the illegal immigrants to fly on airplanes without an ID.
Dot Connecting
We already know that MS-13 has a long reach inside of the United States as evidenced by cases such as the Minneapolis-St. Paul event described above. It is now documented that MS-13 has a long-standing relationship with the Mexican drug cartels and frequently carries out assassinations on behalf of the cartels. There is absolute proof that Hamas and Hezbollah are in bed with the Mexican drug cartels. Therefore, it is not a leap of logic to now be certain that MS-13 is serving as operation agents for Islamic terrorists and that link has been conclusively established. This makes a lot of sense because it would make good business practice that the Mexican drug cartels would partner with Islamic terrorists because the cartels can gain smuggling and high grade weapons from Islamic terrorists as well as access to low cost heroin from Afghanistan. (Is this why the war in Afghanistan, without any identifiable military objectives, is still raging?)
It would also make sense that this unholy alliance would be fermented since the gun running of Fast and Furious was exposed and supposedly dried up. Subsequently, the arming of the cartels can continue unabated. Interestingly, the American people thought that Fast and Furious was only about undermining the Second Amendment by supplying arms to border drug gangs. It looks now like Fast and Furious was about arming the drug cartels (i.e. MS-13) so they could carry out operations inside of the United States. And what operations would these be? Simple, the drug cartels now have the means to carry out the same kind of terror on American soil (e.g. assassination of judges, police and media) as happens in Mexico with officials who do not cooperative with the neo-feudalism, narco-kleptocracy being brought into any area controlled by the drug cartels. However, there is one more beneficiary from this alliance which should scare the living hell out of every American.
The Islamic terrorists benefit from the impending lawlessness and its open borders because Islamic terrorists from the already identified groups can make it across our southern border armed with chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. Don’t think it’s no possible. Just ask the Border Patrol agents in Nogales, AZ., who are finding MS-13 graffiti on their holding cells.
Partnerships between Mexican organized crime and Islamic militants are mutually beneficial. The cartels are able to gain smuggling and weapons expertise, as well as access to cheap heroin from Afghanistan and Iran. The Islamic terrorists gain access to highly valued U.S. targets from military trained units who will act as their proxy troops in the coming false flag attacks.
The operational details of this unholy alliance will be laid out in the next part in this series. And in the next article, we have confirmation of the impending false flag attacks from high ranking state patrol officials and former members of our American military.
Credit to Common Sense