Since even before Obama assumed the Presidency, his mere presence in the 2008 election was an affront to every member of Congress that has Presidential aspirations. The foreign born and disbarred Barack Obama, who never held a real job in his life, and did not even serve one full term as a senator, was a slap in the face of our political system and all of those with much more experience were passed over for a “community activist”.
Obama Worse Than Woodrow Wilson

Obama and Wilson separated by a century but not by a desire to dismantle America.
As I have pointed out in Part Three of this series, Obama was not even vetted as a Presidential candidate by the FBI as required by law. Not since J. Edgar Hoover was complicit in the assassination of JFK, have we seen the FBI so manipulated and compromised in terms of validating Obama’s candidacy.
The day that Barack Hussein Obama took the oath of office, in January of 2009, was the day that the sun set on America. I never thought the country would ever see a President as corrupt, immoral and incompetent as Woodrow Wilson. After all, in 1913, Wilson worked towards eliminating tariffs, the American government’s mainstay of economic support since the country’s inception.Wilson, on behalf the globalists, replaced tariffs with the corrupt and unconstitutional income tax and of course the Federal Reserve which has eroded the dollar to a net value of 3 cents of worth today. Wilson lied us into World War I, he jailed legitimate protesters and he helped make it possible to usher in the direct election of senators which handed over the Senate to the globalists. Wilson even tried to sacrifice the nation’s sovereignty by handing over our nation’s political authority to the League of Nations which was the globalist’s first attempt at world governance and he would have succeeded had it not been for the Ron Paul of his day, Henry Cabot Lodge. I never thought that there could be anybody worse for the country than Woodrow Wilson, until now. Obama is the most treasonous and destructive force to ever occupy the White House.
Just how destructive is Obama? Is he just incompetent? I have said it before and I will say it again, Obama, like Wilson, he is following a systematic plan. Wilson’s agenda was relatively tame compared to Obama’s. It was Wilson’s mission to hand off the control America to the banksters and economically enslave the nation in debt. Obama’s mission is much more nefarious as his objective is clearly based upon the goal of the total destruction of the United States as we have known it. The following paragraphs will provide a mere snapshot of complete Obama’s destruction of America has been and make no mistake about it, Obama is not done with the American people. Before we move on to Obama’s blueprint to destroy America, please allow me to ask all of the Obama apologists who are defending this despot one question:
Because the scope of Obama’s attack upon America is complete and far-reaching, this part of this series is limited to Obama’s destruction of the American military as a prelude to invasion by Russia and possibly China.
The Destruction of the American Military
Obama is the Commander-in-Chief over a global military power that had no equal when he came into office. For Obama to destroy America, he must significantly weaken America. Our main adversary, Russia, is merely a regional military power. If America is ever going to be conquered, the American military must be significantly weakened and this is precisely what Obama has done.
Destruction of Military Leadership

Obama has fired more commanders in a theater of war than any other president in American history.
If a foreign power were to assassinate 300 senior command officers, we would collectively recognize that we were in a state of war and the effectiveness of our military had been gravely diminished. This is exactly what Obama has done to the military as he has fired nearly 300 senior officers since moving into the White House. The major reason that an officer gets fired in today’s military, is for the failure to enthusiastically embrace the subjugation of both the military and the country by the globalists. The military has fought back and Benghazi is an excellent case in point.

The late Ambassador Stevens
Most of the country does not know how close the country came to experiencing a military coup over the Benghazi affair in which Obama allowed, at minimum, Ambassador Chris Stevens to be murdered by the very al-Qaeda forces that he was supplying arms to on behalf of the CIA in Libya and Syria. Coincidentally, Stevens murder took place just two months before the election when word on his arms deals were being rumored. Of course, this is just a coincidence.
There is now proof that
Obama was warned in advance of the coming attack in which Stevens begged for more protection and his impassioned plea was denied by Clinton on behalf of Obama.

The former commander of AFRICOM who tried to rescue Chris Stevens.
Two of the top four military commanders in the Middle East, AFRICOM commander, General Hamm and Carrier Strike Force Three Commander, Admiral Gaouette tried to launch a mission to rescue Stevens. This was a coup attempt in response to the reign of terror being perpetrated by Obama against the viability of our military.

Admiral Gaouette provided surveillance for General Hamm’s attempted rescue of the ambassador.
The American people have failed to recognize the sacrifice made by these two leaders. As Stevens was begging for help after the attack had begun, General Hamm had activated a special forces team within minutes of learning that the embassy, which was really a
CIA safe house, was under attack. When General Hamm received his “stand down” orders from Obama, he made plans to go ahead with the rescue and was arrested within minutes of contravening the order by his second in command, General Rodriquez. Admiral Gaouette, the commander of Carrier Strike Group Three, was preparing to provide intelligence and air cover for General Hamm’s rescue team in violation of his standing orders and he was promptly relieved of command
for allegations of inappropriate leadership judgment.” Stevens and his security team were subsequently murdered.
Do not make the mistake in minimizing the fall of Hamm and Gaouette. The positions held by Hamm and Gaouette are so powerful and so sensitive, that their replacements required approval from the Senate. Make no mistake about it, this was a military coup being conducted at the highest level of our combat forces.
Can we only imagine the headlines if Hamm and Gayoutte were successful in saving Stevens? Can you imagine the reaction of America had it been revealed that an ambassador, on behalf of the administration, was running guns to terrorists and was financing the operation with
child sex trafficking and the selling of guns and drugs? Would you have liked to have had a front row seat at the press conference when Stevens told all under an agreement of immunity? One of two things would have happened: (1) A military coup would have taken over the White House; or (2) The House of Representatives would have brought articles of impeachment against Obama and a trial would have been held in the Senate. The globalists, seeking to destroy America, through the destruction of the military, would have suffered a tremendous setback.
Oh, and by the way, let’s not forget about the hacking of reporter Sharyl Attkisson’s computer:It’s not clear who hacked the CBS reporter’s computer as she investigated the Benghazi scandal, but the Obama administration has been very successful in covering its tracks on a number of scandalous fronts.
Ultimately, why did Hamm and Gaoutte stand up to Obama? They were acting in self-preservation mode. The entire military leadership in this country knows that it is under attack from this administration.
Following this watershed event, Obama stepped up his reign of terror against our military.
The Dismantling of our Nuclear Weapons Leadership
In a series of unprecedented moves, the Obama administration fired several military commanders of the U.S. Nuclear Weapons system. The Air Force is reporting the firing is due to the current administrations “
loss of trust”. Yet, these officers have some of the highest clearances one can get, and have been in charge of the nation’s most sensitive nuclear arsenals and now they are being taken down on bogus allegations of using “fake” poker chips. We are sacrificing our most important command structure in the military over poker chips. In the context of Obama’s other actions against the military it is difficult to conclude that Obama is not deliberately weakening our ability to respond to a Russian nuclear attack. Intentional or not, that is precisely the net effect of these reckless actions against these leaders.
Russian Troops Training On Our Soil

Obama’s great giveaway
In the ultimate act of betrayal, Obama gave away seven strategic Islands to Russia without explanation.
I have previously and extensively covered the presence of
Russian soldiers training on American soil. When one considers the fact that Putin has twice threatened to nuke the United States in the past two years, one has to wonder about Obama’s motives with regard to Russian soldiers on American soil.
The Deliberate Scuttling of Military Discipline
Women have served valiantl, but not in combat. Women are ill-equipped to be fighters because they lack the physical characteristics that provide for masculine strength. The presence of homosexuals, who undermine 200 years of military discipline in this area, subvert unit cohesion at the squad and platoon level. We are not talking about IBM or your corner drug store, where one can argue preferences don’t matter. They matter greatly in the military. Is it not interesting that a soldier who happens to be a Christian runs the risk of being persecuted while a homosexual soldier is honored? Also, far too many people who join the military for government benefits do not make for a quality fighting force. A weak military is a useless military, and Obama is keenly aware of this fact.
The net effect of this attack upon the military has served to weaken it to the point to where we are vulnerable to attack from Russia and possibly China.
In the next part of this series, I will summarize how Obama has attacked the American people through the deliberate degradation of our economy.
Credit to Common Sense