Tuesday, September 13, 2016
What the Elite Don't Want You To Know, And How They're Keeping You From Finding Out


I want the truth!!!
You want answers? Well, some self appointed demagogues think that you cannot handle the truth as if you were some ignorant little child who needs to be told how to dress, what to say and what to think.
You are not supposed to know the truth, because if you knew the truth, you would move in concert with other like-minded people to stop the attack upon your freedoms.
just like the ancient feudal serfs, you are supposed to suffer in both silence and ignorance. The objective the institutions discussed in the video is to keep the truth from coming out. Meanwhile, you are exploited for your labor and your freedoms are taken away bit by bit.
This video details whose keeping you from knowing the truth, and how they’re doing it.
Credit to Common Sense
Will Biometrics Eventually Lead To A Single Global...666
The password-cracking techniques among hackers are becoming more and more sophisticated, thus the rise in security breaches is constantly increasing. Like never before this has called for a stronger demand of SSO (Single Sign On) methods.
As a result the efficiencies and advantages of biometric authentication are being heavily considered by everyone, and it’s slowly but surely replacing passwords. This provides reliability and stronger security, especially if you have accounts with very sensitive information or money. This is why gambling sites are some of the enterprises that are very much interested in these methods, for example, Prism Casino Australia is considering the alternative.
Biometrics have proven to be more effective in helping enterprises and businesses achieve realized cost savings, convenience and increase security. Why Single Sign On will replace passwords and become the mainstream? Passwords can be easily stolen, hacked or guessed, and they are the only barrier between the thief and your valuable information like financial transactions, email accounts, access to offices, e-commerce etc. They are simply obsolete.
The recent rise of data breaches has shown that the current authentication technologies and weak password protocols fail to evolve in parallel with data breaches. So, enterprises are looking for methods to replace passwords, which has led to biometric authentication replacing passwords, or becoming a part of a two factor Single Sign On authentication.
There is no doubt that biometrics will eventually lead to a Single Sign On, it’s just a matter of question when. Biometrics are unique behavioral characteristics and traits that can be captured through voice, facial, iris, palm vein, finger vein or fingerprint recognition. Even twins have individual biometrics. Biometrics are not a password that can get stolen or forgotten, so it’s perfect for a Single Sign On method. It can even be used in combination with passwords.
The biometric technology is already available for enterprises and is more sophisticated than ever. The benefits of using biometrics for Single Sign On methods are beneficial both for the enterprises and end users. Users can conveniently authenticate themselves and stop fearing that their password can be hacked, while enterprises can easily reduce the difficulties that come from password management.
Secure Authentication – Biometrics are unique and can’t be shared, forged or duplicated.
Higher Accuracy – The right person has access to the right information.
Two-Factor Authentication – A Biometrics Single Sign On can be combined with a password.
No Need for Password Reset– Passwords can be a burden to remember, while biometrics are unique.
Ease of Use – Automated and fast identification recognition.
Cost Effective – Corporate data and assets are better protected.
The biometrics technology is very promising, and can easily lead to Single Sign On authentication methods much earlier than expected. That way users can be authenticated by their workstations or even personal computers to open a door, access control systems or even confirm bank transactions. All of these cases can become typical cases for biometric Single Sign On technology and replace weak and easily breached security protocols.
Credit to virtual-strategy.com
Robots receive a scary accurate new voice
Whatever you may think of the robotic voices foisted upon the world thanks to Google Voice Search and Siri, you’re unlikely to mistake them for human voices. For years, the state of the art in computer speech synthesis has been stuck at a fairly low level. However, new software called WaveNet, from the brainiacs at DeepMind, is setting a high watermark in the field of speech synthesis and giving AI a voice eerily similar to that of a human.
For years robotics have spoken about something called the uncanny valley – the creepy feeling one gets when observing a robot that is too mechanistic to be mistaken for a human, but not quite mechanical enough to be distinctly robotic, either.
Perhaps one reason there has been no parallel concept for robotic speech is that to date, no speech synthesizer was capable of attaining a quality that came close enough to a human as to be disturbingly similar. With DeepMind’s WaveNet, we may be witnessing the emergence of something like an uncanny waveform, a robotic voice close enough to our own as to be distinctly creepy. Or like me, you may just rejoice that finally there’s hope for an ebook reader that doesn’t sound like the re-animated corpse of a 1980’s Commodore computer.
The secret sauce behind this new standard in robotic speech, ironically enough, is artificial intelligence — albeit with a little help from some smart software engineers along the way.

Side by side comparison of text to speech methods as rated by human listeners. Image Source: DeepMind www.deepmind.com
We may as well get used to this state of affairs, as it looks increasingly that advancements made in things like robotics and AI will be realized with the help of artificial intelligence itself. While this virtuous feedback loop still includes human intermediaries, a trend towards self-improving AI may be in the offing — along with all the concomitant existential risks this betokens. Regardless, let’s take a closer look at WaveNet and see how artificial intelligence has enabled and is, indeed, the backbone behind DeepMind’s new speech synthesizer.
To date, most speech synthesizers were of two types — concatenative text to speech and parametric text to speech. Concatenative text to speech is the method behind the so-called “high quality” speech synthesizers used by Google Voice and Siri. It provides a more realistic sound by using large audio files of real people’s voices, chopped up and reorganized to form whatever word the computer is enunciating. The downside is that it is difficult to color the speech with changes of emotion or emphasis.
The alternative method, parametric speech, uses a rule-based system discovered by applying statistical models to speech patterns. The stilted and robotic-sounding speech synthesizers are mostly of this latter type, since they rely upon the computer to generate the audio signal rather than recordings of real human voices.

The WaveNet system can be thought of as an improvement upon concatenative text to speech, in that it still employs recordings of real human voices.
Credit to extremetech.com
Tent Cities Are Booming In Cities All Over America As Poverty Spikes
Just like during the last economic crisis, homeless encampments are popping up all over the nation as poverty grows at a very alarming rate. According to the Department of Housing and Urban Development, more than half a million people are homeless in America right now, but that figure is increasing by the day. And it isn’t just adults that we are talking about. It has been reported that that the number of homeless children in this country has risen by 60 percent since the last recession, and Poverty USA says that a total of 1.6 million children slept either in a homeless shelter or in some other form of emergency housing at some point last year. Yes, the stock market may have been experiencing a temporary boom for the last couple of years, but for those on the low end of the economic scale things have just continued to deteriorate.
Tonight, countless numbers of homeless people will try to make it through another chilly night in large tent cities that have been established in the heart of major cities such as Seattle, Washington, D.C. and St. Louis. Homelessness has gotten so bad in California that the L.A. City Council has formally asked Governor Jerry Brown to officially declare a state of emergency. And in Portland the city has extended their “homeless emergency” for yet another year, and city officials are really struggling with how to deal with the booming tent cities that have sprung up…
There have always been homeless people in Portland, but last summer Michelle Cardinal noticed a change outside her office doors.Almost overnight, it seemed, tents popped up in the park that runs like a green carpet past the offices of her national advertising business. She saw assaults, drug deals and prostitution. Every morning, she said, she cleaned human feces off the doorstep and picked up used needles.“It started in June and by July it was full-blown. The park was mobbed,” she said. “We’ve got a problem here and the question is how we’re going to deal with it.”
But of course it isn’t just Portland that is experiencing this. The following list of major tent cities that have become so well-known and established that they have been given names comes from Wikipedia…
- Camp Hope, Las Cruces, New Mexico [1]
- Camp Quixote, Olympia, Washington State[2]
- Camp Take Notice, Ann Arbor, Michigan[3]
- Dignity Village, Portland, Oregon
- Opportunity Village, Eugene, Oregon
- Maricopa County Sheriff’s Tent City, Phoenix, Arizona
- New Jack City and Little Tijuana, Fresno, California[2]
- Nickelsville, located in Seattle[2][4]
- Right 2 Dream Too, Portland, Oregon[5]
- River Haven,[6] Ventura County, California[7][8]
- Safe Ground, Sacramento, California[2]
- The Jungle, San Jose, California[2]
- Temporary Homeless Service Area (THSA), Ontario, California[2]
- Tent City (100+ residents) of Lakewood, New Jersey[9][10]
- Tent City, Avenue A and 13th Street, Lubbock, Texas[11]
- Tent City, New Jersey forest[12]
- Tent City, Bernalillo County, New Mexico[13]
- Tent City, banks of the American River, Sacramento, California[14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22]
- Tent City 3, Seattle
- Tent City, Chicago, Illinois [1]
- Tent City 4, eastern King County outside of Seattle
- The Point, where the Gunnison River and Colorado River meet[23]
- The Village of Hope and Community of Hope, Fresno, California[2]
- Transition Park, Camden, New Jersey
- Tent City, Fayette County, Tennessee, [2]
- Camp Unity Eastside, Woodinville, WA [3]
- China Hat Road, Bend, Oregon
Most of the time, those that establish tent cities do not want to be discovered because local authorities have a nasty habit of shutting them down and forcing homeless people out of the area. For example, check out what just happened in Elkhart, Indiana…
A group of homeless people in Elkhart has been asked to leave the place they call home. For the last time, residents of ‘Tent City’ packed up camp.City officials gave residents just over a month to vacate the wooded area; Wednesday being the last day to do so.The property has been on Mayor Tim Neese’s radar since he took office in January, calling it both a safety and health hazard to its residents and nearby pedestrian traffic.“This has been their home but you can’t live on public property,” said Mayor Tim Neese, Elkhart.
If they can’t live on “public property”, where are they supposed to go?
They certainly can’t live on somebody’s “private property”.
This is the problem – people don’t want to deal with the human feces, the needles, the crime and the other problems that homeless people often bring with them. So the instinct is often to kick them out and send them away.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t fix the problem. It just passes it on to someone else.
As this new economic downturn continues to accelerate, our homelessness boom is going to spiral out of control. Pretty soon, there will be tent cities in virtually every community in America.
In fact, there are people that are living comfortable middle class lifestyles right at this moment that will end up in tents. We saw this during the last economic crisis, and it will be even worse as this next one unfolds.
Just like last time around, the signs that the middle class is really struggling can be subtle at first, but when you learn to take note of them you will notice that they are all around you. The following comes from an excellent article in the New York Post…
Do you see grocery stores closing? Do you see other retailers, like clothing stores and department stores, going out of business?Are there shuttered storefronts along your Main Street shopping district, where you bought a tool from the hardware store or dropped off your dry cleaning or bought fruits and vegetables?Are you making as much money annually as you did 10 years ago?Do you see homes in neighborhoods becoming run down as the residents either were foreclosed upon, or the owner lost his or her job so he or she can’t afford to cut the grass or paint the house?Did that same house where the Joneses once lived now become a rental property, where new people come to live every few months?Do you know one or two people who are looking for work? Maybe professionals, who you thought were safe in their jobs?
Don’t look down on those that are living in tents, because the truth is that many “middle class Americans” will ultimately end up joining them.
The correct response to those that are hurting is love and compassion. We all need help at some point in our lives, and I know that I am certainly grateful to those that have given me a helping hand at various points along my journey.
Sadly, hearts are growing cold all over the nation, and the weather is only going to get colder over the months ahead. Let us pray for health and safety for the hundreds of thousands of Americans that will be sleeping in tents and on the streets this winter.
Credit to Zero Hedge
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