Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Germany shocks EU with fiscal overlord demand
There must be an EU “currency commissioner” with sweeping powers to strike down national budgets; a “large step towards fiscal union”; and yet another EU treaty.
Finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble dropped his bombshell in talks with German journalists on a flight from Asia, and apparently had the blessing of Angela Merkel, the chancellor. “When I put forward such proposals, you can take it as a given that the chancellor agrees,” he said.
Officials in Brussels reacted with horror. “If that is the demand, they are not going to get it. Nobody in the Council wants a new treaty right now,” said one EU diplomat.
“We’ve got the fiscal compact and quite enough fiscal discipline. Not even the Dutch want a commissioner telling them how to tax and spend,” he said.
The new demands risk another stormy summit in Brussels on Thursday, pitting Germany against the Latin bloc. The last summit in June ended with an acrimonious deal in the small hours on a banking union that began to unravel within days.
Mr Schaeuble said the currency chief should have powers similar to those of the EU’s competition commissioner, a man “feared around the world”.
The competition Tsar is the arch-enforcer of the EU machine, with powers to launch dawn raids, deploy SWAT teams, and block mergers on his own authority. The job was the making of Italy’s Mario Monti a decade ago when he blocked the GE-Honeywell merger after it had been cleared by Washington.
The Schaeuble plan is highly provocative. The EU can set deficit targets but it cannot manage budgets, unless a country requests a bail-out and gives up fiscal sovereignty.
Nor is it clear how Germany’s constitutional court would react. It ruled last year that the Bundestag’s budgetary powers are the bedrock of democracy and cannot be alienated to any supra-national body.
Mr Schaeuble poured scorn on counter-proposals by EU president Herman Van Rompuy, including a first step towards debt pooling through joint “eurobills”. The term “Fiskalunion” in Berlin has a specific meaning: more power to police the affairs of debtor states. It does not mean debt mutualisation or a joint EU treasury. Germany has so far refused to cross this Rubicon.
Michael Link, the country’s Europe minister, said Mr Van Rompuy’s plans are dead on arrival. “When you make proposals that are simply unacceptable for certain members, this will only give the impression of division. You can phrase it any way you like, 'treasury bills’, 'debt-redemption funds’ or 'eurobonds’, this type of debt issuance will not fly with our government. We have always said this very clearly.”
The comment invited a barbed retort from his French counterpart, Bernard Cazeneuve. “Well, for us, it is 'yes’, just as clearly,” he said. Such an open rift between Germany and France on the eve of a summit is rare.
However, Berlin has softened its line on a rescue for Spain, suggesting that Madrid may be able to tap a precautionary credit line with “limited conditionality”, instead of forcing it to accept an EU-IMF Troika regime.
Michael Meister, Mrs Merkel’s key fixer in the Bundestag, told Bloomberg that German legislators might be open to the idea, “but one thing is clear: whatever is requested, it won’t be without conditions”.
Spain is quietly trying to find out what those terms might be. Demands for public-sector job cuts would set off a storm. “It’s all down to haggling over the price,” said Steven Englander from Citigroup.
Huw Pill, from Goldman Sachs, said Germany has, in fact, allowed “veiled” debt mutualisation through its share of €750bn (£607bn) of bail-out liabilities. Less visibly, it has let the ECB boost its balance sheet to 32pc of GDP, even before it embarks on “unlimited” purchases of Club Med bonds. This includes a €1 trillion lending blitz to banks, and more than €200bn of bond purchases.
The Bundesbank has also accepted €750bn in claims from EMU peers under the ECB’s internal Target2 payment system. These claims rotate risk from banks to the German taxpayer. “The Bundesbank’s Target2 balances need to be evaluated carefully. They do represent a real German exposure towards the periphery: they cannot be dismissed as mere accounting entries,” said Mr Pill, who helped create the Target2 system.
It is precisely for this reason that Swiss rating agency I-CV stripped Germany of its AAA rating last month. “Germany has taken on contingent liabilities of €2 trillion. When you create these backstops, the money comes from somewhere and it can all go wrong,” said I-CV’s Rene Hermann.
Germany is in deeper than it likes to tell its own people.
The Telegraph
Kaspersky: Cyber warfare in full swing
A new cyber espionage program linked to the notorious Flame and Gauss malware has been detected by Russia's Kaspersky Lab. The anti-virus giant’s chief warns that global cyber warfare is in “full swing” and will probably escalate in 2013.
The virus, dubbed miniFlame, and also known as SPE, has already infected computers in Iran, Lebanon, France, the United States and Lithuania. It was discovered in July 2012 and is described as “a small and highly flexible malicious program designed to steal data and control infected systems during targeted cyber espionage operations,” Kaspersky Lab said in a statement posted on its website.
The malware was originally identified as an appendage of Flame – the program used for targeted cyber espionage in the Middle East and acknowledged to be part of joint US-Israeli efforts to undermine Iran’s nuclear program.
But later, Kaspersky Lab analysts discovered that miniFlame is an “interoperable tool that could be used as an independent malicious program, or concurrently as a plug-in for both the Flame and Gauss malware.”
The analysis also showed new evidence of cooperation between the creators of Flame and Gauss, as both viruses can use miniFlame for their operations.
“MiniFlame’s ability to be used as a plug-in by either Flame or Gauss clearly connects the collaboration between the development teams of both Flame and Gauss. Since the connection between Flame and Stuxnet/Duqu has already been revealed, it can be concluded that all these advanced threats come from the same 'cyber warfare' factory,” Kaspersky Lab said.
High-precision attack tool
So far just 50 to 60 cases of infection have been detected worldwide, according to Kaspersky Lab. But unlike Flame and Gauss, miniFlame in meant for installation on machines already infected by those viruses.
“MiniFlame is a high-precision attack tool. Most likely it is a targeted cyber weapon used in what can be defined as the second wave of a cyber attack,” Kaspersky's Chief Security Expert Alexander Gostev explained.
“First, Flame or Gauss are used to infect as many victims as possible to collect large quantities of information. After data is collected and reviewed, a potentially interesting victim is defined and identified, and miniFlame is installed in order to conduct more in-depth surveillance and cyber-espionage.”
The newly-discovered malware can also take screenshots of an infected computer while it is running a specific program or application in such as a web browser, Microsoft Office program, Adobe Reader, instant messenger service or FTP client.
Kaspersky Lab believes miniFlame's developers have probably created dozens of different modifications of the program. "At this time, we have only found six of these, dated 2010-2011," the firm said.
So far just 50 to 60 cases of infection have been detected worldwide, according to Kaspersky Lab. But unlike Flame and Gauss, miniFlame in meant for installation on machines already infected by those viruses.
“MiniFlame is a high-precision attack tool. Most likely it is a targeted cyber weapon used in what can be defined as the second wave of a cyber attack,” Kaspersky's Chief Security Expert Alexander Gostev explained.
“First, Flame or Gauss are used to infect as many victims as possible to collect large quantities of information. After data is collected and reviewed, a potentially interesting victim is defined and identified, and miniFlame is installed in order to conduct more in-depth surveillance and cyber-espionage.”
The newly-discovered malware can also take screenshots of an infected computer while it is running a specific program or application in such as a web browser, Microsoft Office program, Adobe Reader, instant messenger service or FTP client.
Kaspersky Lab believes miniFlame's developers have probably created dozens of different modifications of the program. "At this time, we have only found six of these, dated 2010-2011," the firm said.
‘Cyber warfare in full swing’
Meanwhile, Kaspersky Lab’s co-founder and CEO Eugene Kaspersky warned that global cyber warfare tactics are becoming more sophisticated while also becoming more threatening. He urged governments to work together to fight cyber warfare and cyber-terrorism, Xinhua news agency reports.
Speaking at an International Telecommunication Union Telecom World conference in Dubai, the anti-virus tycoon said, "cyber warfare is in full swing and we expect it to escalate in 2013."
"The latest malicious virus attack on the world's largest oil and gas company, Saudi Aramco, last August shows how dependent we are today on the Internet and information technology in general, and how vulnerable we are," Kaspersky said.
He stopped short of blaming any particular player behind the massive cyber attacks across the Middle East, pointing out that "our job is not to identity hackers or cyber-terrorists. Our firm is like an X-ray machine, meaning we can scan and identify a problem, but we cannot say who or what is behind it."
Iran, who confirmed that it suffered an attack by Flame malware that caused severe data loss, blames the United States and Israel for unleashing the cyber attacks.
Meanwhile, Kaspersky Lab’s co-founder and CEO Eugene Kaspersky warned that global cyber warfare tactics are becoming more sophisticated while also becoming more threatening. He urged governments to work together to fight cyber warfare and cyber-terrorism, Xinhua news agency reports.
Speaking at an International Telecommunication Union Telecom World conference in Dubai, the anti-virus tycoon said, "cyber warfare is in full swing and we expect it to escalate in 2013."
"The latest malicious virus attack on the world's largest oil and gas company, Saudi Aramco, last August shows how dependent we are today on the Internet and information technology in general, and how vulnerable we are," Kaspersky said.
He stopped short of blaming any particular player behind the massive cyber attacks across the Middle East, pointing out that "our job is not to identity hackers or cyber-terrorists. Our firm is like an X-ray machine, meaning we can scan and identify a problem, but we cannot say who or what is behind it."
Iran, who confirmed that it suffered an attack by Flame malware that caused severe data loss, blames the United States and Israel for unleashing the cyber attacks.
U.S. Postal Service hits borrowing limit for first time
The financially struggling United States Postal Service has hit its $15 billion borrowing limit for the first time ever, meaning it will have to rely on revenues from stamps and other products to fund operations.
The postal service, which as independent agency of government relies on its own revenue from the sale of stamps and other products rather than taxpayer funds, has lost billions of dollars each quarter as Americans move online to pay bills and communicate.
It hit the limit in September, according to USPS spokesman David Partenheimer.
"We need passage of comprehensive legislation as part of our business plan to return to long-term financial stability," the spokesman said.
Congress left Washington without acting on legislation that might help the agency attain some financial stability. Nearly all legislation is on hold until after the U.S. presidential elections on November 6.
The agency still had enough cash to make a $1.4 billion payment for workers compensation claims due on Monday, Partenheimer added.
Dragon Flood The Lies of War
Joseph Herrin (10-14-2012)

The Lusitania - Precursor to America’s Entry to WWI
The hand of the invisible government has found it needful to devise atrocities that will mobilize public sentiment in favor of entry into war. The powers that govern realize that Americans are reluctant to engage in foreign wars. This was all the more true a century ago after a long period of isolationism. Americans viewed World War I as an European conflict. Most citizens of the United States believed that it was none of their affair. The banking interests needed some event to serve as a catalyst to move American opinion in the direction of open engagement in the war. The sinking of the ocean liner the Lusitania proved to be that catalyst.
The sinking of the Lusitania was a contrived affair. Although reported as an unprovoked attack of a German submarine on a defenseless passenger ship that carried nothing that threatened Germany’s war effort, the truth was far different. Of course, it was not the truth that was reported in the New York Times, or other newspapers of America. They printed propaganda with the sole aim of getting the American public to embrace entry into the war.
Cunard Lines, a British shipping company, owned the Lusitania. They had turned the ship over to the British Navy for use by England in her war against Germany. The First Lord of the Admiralty during WWI was Winston Churchill. The Lusitania was operating as an auxiliary ship of the English Navy.
Churchill sent the Lusitania to New York City where it was loaded with six million rounds of ammunition, owned by J.P. Morgan & Co., to be used by England and France in their war against Germany. England broke the German war code on December 14, 1914, and by the end of January 1915 British Intelligence was able to advise the Admiralty of the departure of every German U-boat as it left for patrol. Winston Churchill, as First Lord of the Admiralty knew when German U-boats would be in the area of the English Channel that separates England and France.
Germany had spies who worked on the New York docks. They reported that weapons were being loaded onto the Lusitania, which was also set to carry more than a thousand passengers to be disembarked in Ireland. Germany did not want America to enter the war on the side of the English and French. The German government did all it could to avoid inflaming American public opinion. When Germany learned that the Lusitania was being used to ferry both passengers and war supplies (a violation of International law), the German Embassy in America took out ads in 50 American newspapers, most of which were on the East Coast. The advertisements read:
NOTICE! Travelers intending to embark on the Atlantic voyage are reminded that a state of war exists between Germany and her allies and Great Britain and her allies; that the zone of war includes the waters adjacent to the British Isles; that in accordance with formal notice given by Imperial German government, vessels flying the flag of Great Britain, or of any of her allies, are liable to destruction in these waters and that travelers sailing in the war zone on ships of Great Britain or her allies do so at their own risk.
The advertisement included a picture of the Lusitania with her sailing schedule.

The American State Department intercepted the ads and would not permit them to be posted in the American papers. Only one ad slipped by them, and this one was printed in the Des Moines Register, from which the above image was obtained. Captain Dow, the captain of the Lusitania resigned on March 8, 1915, just two months before the ship was sunk, because he was unwilling to shoulder the responsibility of hazarding passenger lives by carrying munitions on the ship.
When the Lusitania arrived in the English Channel off of Ireland it slowed to await the arrival of the escort ship Juno which was to lead her into port. Churchill ordered the Juno back to port, causing the Lusitania to idle for hours out in the channel where German U-boats were known to be operating. On May 7, 1915, a single torpedo from a German U-boat struck the Lusitania with its 300 pound charge of explosives. A secondary, and much larger explosion followed. This second explosion was caused by the ammunition exploding that was being carried illegally in the ship. So great was the damage caused by the second explosion that the Lusitania sank approximately 12-18 minutes later with a loss of more than 1,200 lives, more than a hundred of which were Americans.
The sinking of the Lusitania by a German U-boat was splashed all over the front pages of America’s largest newspapers. Germany was vilified, and eventually America entered the war on the side of Great Britain.
Cunard Lines had merged with White Lines, and J.P. Morgan was a major shareholder in the company. It is estimated that the J.P Morgan banks issued more than $500,000,000 worth of loans to nations on both sides of the war.
Perhaps the inspiration for this event was the sinking of the U.S. Navy ship Maine in 1898. The sinking of the Maine was used as a pretext for America to declare war on Spain, leading to the Spanish/American War.

The Battleship Maine was anchored in Havana Harbor in Cuba, which was a Spanish territory. America was seeking to expand her control of the Caribbean and to drive Spain out of Cuba. The Maine exploded violently while at anchor, igniting her forward munitions and killing three quarters of the sailors aboard. The U.S. blamed Spain for the explosion, decrying it as an act of war. It was later proven that the explosion had originated within the ship, and had blown the bulkheads outward. America’s government and media had suggested that Spain had planted a timed mine on the outside of the ship, but this would have blown a hole inward.
As during the Lusitania incident, newspapers were willing accomplices in declaring the sinking of the Maine the work of an enemy, and an atrocity. The headline above states “Naval Officers Unanimous That the Ship Was Destroyed on Purpose.” That much at least is true.
The granddaddy of all deceptive tragedies in American history was the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor. Woodrow Wilson was the American President during the Lusitania incident and during America’s entry into World War I. Wilson’s Assistant Secretary of the Navy was Franklin Roosevelt. Roosevelt surely knew the effectiveness of using the pretense of an unprovoked act of aggression to incite the American populace to embrace war. Roosevelt, as we saw in the previous chapter, was a member of the banking fraternity in New York. Entrance into World War II was a priority of the bankers, and Roosevelt was looking to induce either Germany or Japan to attack America that entrance into the war might be accomplished.
Roosevelt began seeking ways to provoke Japan into attacking America. In October 1940 Roosevelt proposed that America’s navy create a blockade of Japanese shipping in the Pacific, starving them of their war supplies. Admiral J.O. Richardson was asked to lead the blockade, but he protested vigorously, stating that such a blockade would be an act of war. One month later Roosevelt while campaigning for re-election told the American people, “I say to you fathers and mothers, and I will say it again and again and again, your boys will not be sent into foreign wars.” This reveals the lying nature of those who are disciples of Satan. Even as Roosevelt was seeking a way to bring America into war, he was promising America’s mothers and fathers that he would not send their sons into war.
Roosevelt continued to act in ways to provoke Japan. The most effectual action he took was to place an oil embargo on Japan, and to deny Japan access to the Panama Canal cutting her off from Venezuelan oil. Japan has no oil resources of her own. Cutting off Japan’s oil supply would bring the nation to a standstill and cripple her fighting ability. Japan had to act, and do so quickly.
Roosevelt knew that Pearl Harbor in Hawaii was the logical place for Japan to attack, so he acted to insure that the Japanese would be enticed to strike there, and that their strike would inflict great damage. Twice in 1940 Admiral Richardson advised Roosevelt to withdraw all American ships from Pearl Harbor and to locate them to the West Coast of America. He argued that his ships were inadequately manned for war, Hawaii was too exposed, and that fleet defenses at Pearl Harbor for both air and submarine attacks were below standards.
The administration of President Roosevelt began to receive warnings of Japan’s intent to attack Pearl harbor as early as January of 1941, a full eleven months before the attack.
The American Ambassador to Tokyo, Joseph C. Grew, was one of the first to officially discover that Pearl Harbor was the intended target of the Japanese attack, as he corresponded with President Roosevelt’s State Department on January 27, 1941: “The Peruvian minister has informed a member of my staff that he had heard from many sources, including a Japanese source, that, in the event of trouble breaking out between the United States and Japan, the Japanese intended to make a surprise attack against Pearl Harbor...”
By August of 1941, “The Dies committee had assembled a large amount of evidence which more than confirmed suspicions which we had entertained on the basis of surface appearances: It was clear that the Japanese were preparing to invade Pearl Harbor and that they were in possession of vital military information.”
This information was made available to the Roosevelt administration by Congressman Dies personally. But this was the second time that Dies had appealed to Roosevelt about Japan’s intention to attack Pearl Harbor: “Early in 1941 the Dies Committee came into possession of a strategic map which gave clear proof of the intentions of the Japanese to make an assault on Pearl Harbor. The strategic map was prepared by the Japanese Imperial Military Intelligence Department.”
Dies telephoned Secretary of State Cordell Hull who talked to President Roosevelt.
Congressman Dies was told not to release the document to the public, and the Roosevelt Administration did nothing.
[Source: The Unseen Hand, Ralph A. Epperson]
During this same period Roosevelt refused to have upgrades to Pearl Harbor’s radar installations performed, which were being done at other installations. Roosevelt also had Admiral Richardson replaced, for he was too outspoken about Pearl Harbor’s vulnerabilities.
On December 7, 1941, Japan launched a “surprise attack.”
The American forces were not prepared for the attack...
As their air force attacked Pearl Harbor, [the Japanese] reported that the American planes were having difficulty in getting off the ground.
This was because the American planes had been grouped in circles, with their propellers all facing inward as the result of an order by President Roosevelt. It was reported that Roosevelt had ordered the planes grouped in this fashion because he feared “acts of sabotage” against the planes and he was acting to protect them.
Since airplanes do not have a “reverse gear” the grouping of the planes in this manner made it extremely difficult for them to rapidly get out of the circle and into the air. One critic of the circling of these airplanes, Harry Elmer Barnes, has written: “Bunching the planes in a circle, wing to wing, would [make them] helpless in the event of a surprise attack.”
[Source: Ibid]
2,341 servicemen were killed that day and 1,143 wounded. Additionally, 68 civilians were killed. 18 ships, including 8 battleships, were sunk or heavily damaged. More than 200 Army Air Corps and Navy planes were destroyed. The following day Roosevelt addressed Congress and asked for a declaration of war. The newspapers took up the cry and persuaded the American citizens of the righteous indignation of their cause.

A very evident pattern is observed in these events. Time and again the government either manufactured some false atrocity, or they provoked an attack, deliberately sacrificing American lives. They did so to fulfill the desire of the money powers to bring American into war.
So successful was this pattern of deception that it has been employed again and again to lead the American people into supporting wars that profit unseen powers whose aims are inimical to those of Americans and all mankind. Once again, in 1964, President Johnson used a false report of an unprovoked attack as a pretext to engage in war against a country. It was reported that three Vietnamese PT boats attacked two American Destroyers. What has become known as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident has been revealed to not have occurred at all. Nevertheless, major news media once more touted the incident, giving it massive press exposure with the express intent of leading Americans into another war.

Various news sources, including Time, Life and Newsweek, ran articles throughout August on the Tonkin Gulf incident. Time reported: "Through the darkness, from the West and south…intruders boldly sped…at least six of them… they opened fire on the destroyers with automatic weapons, this time from as close as 2,000 yards." Time stated that there was "no doubt in Sharp’s mind that the U.S. would now have to answer this attack," and that there was no debate or confusion within the administration regarding the incident.
Once again the report of the media was far different from reality. If you are not already persuaded that the current conflict, known as the War on Terror, was also precipitated by an event engineered by members of the visible and invisible government of the United States, you should consider that the government has shown a willingness to sacrifice its own citizens in order to gain the consent of the governed as they are deceived into supporting wars that profit others.
There is so much evidence available that supports the conclusion that 9-11 was an inside job of an elite group within the government that this writer has no doubt about the sinister nature of the event. There are those in government who are so cold, so calculating, and so given over to the nature of Lucifer, that they think nothing of joining Satan as he comes to “kill, steal, and destroy.”
I am unwilling to spend more time on the subject of 9-11, but will leave the reader with some resource links, should they be interested in pursuing the subject further.
Loose Change - 9-11 Documentary
Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth
USA False Flags to Go to War
Parables Blog on 911
People of God, we live in an hour when deception is flooding the earth. The Christian need not be swept away by the deluge of lies. We have been given the Holy Spirit that we might know truth from falsehood, that we might walk wisely in the midst of a dark and evil generation.
Joseph Herrin
Iranian nation will not bow to Western pressure: Ayatollah Khamenei
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says West’s sanctions and restrictions will be never able to force the Iranian nation to its knees.
“They keep saying that the reason for [mounting] pressures on Iran is to force the Islamic Republic to return to the negotiating table, but we had never left the negotiating table over various issues, including the nuclear [issue], to return to it now” Ayatollah Khamenei said during a speech in North Khorasan Province on Tuesday.
The Leader stated that the real objective of those who pursue this formula of political propaganda is the surrender of the Iranian nation at the negotiating table.
The Leader, however, emphasized that the Iranian nation will never bow to the demands of its enemies.
Ayatollah Khamenei further highlighted the influence of the Zionists on the Western and European media and said, “These media report news, give directions and make suggestions in a way that even Western politicians are influenced by their incantations and this is an important point.”
The Leader warned against any indication of despair, distress and division as against Iran's national interests and a hindrance against its progress and honor.
On Monday, EU foreign ministers agreed on a new round of sanctions against Iran in spite of a UN warning against the humanitarian ramifications of the previous bans.
The fresh unilateral sanctions come as EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said on Monday that negotiations between Iran and five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany (the P5+1 group) could move forward “very soon.”
The illegal US-engineered sanctions were imposed based on the unfounded allegation that Iran is pursuing non-civilian objectives in its nuclear energy program.
Iran rejects the allegations, arguing that as a committed signatory to Non-Proliferation Treaty and a member of International Atomic Energy Agency, it has the right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
Press TV
Israel to act if threatened by Syria's chemical arms
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told European Union ambassadors on Tuesday that Israel will do its best to make sure that the Syrian regime's chemical weapons won't fall into the hands of terrorists.
He warned, however, that the Jewish state will consider taking military action if such a threat arises.
During his lunch with the envoys, the prime minister also tackled the Iranian threat, noting that the developments in the region indicate that Israel could become the target of an attack. Therefore, Israel cannot afford to take risks or make experiments that could fail, Netanyahu said.
While lauding the recent European sanctions on Tehran, the prime minister expressed doubt that the current economic penalties – harsh as they may be – are capable of staving off the Islamic Republic's nuclear development.
He stressed that without a credible military option, Iran won't halt its atom program.
Addressing the new government in Egypt, the prime minister emphasized the importance of maintaining the peace treaty between the two countries. He stated that any change to the deal could compromise the accords.
Netanyahu also said he expects the Egyptian authorities to prevent attacks originiating in the Sinai Peninsula.
He further said he would welcome assistance from European diplomats in restoring the relations with Turkey, asserting that such efforts are within both sides' interests.
All of Iran’s advanced enrichment centrifuges now in the fortified underground Fordo
As US president Barack Obama and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney prepared for their duel on foreign policy in Long Island, Tuesday night Oct. 16, Iran moved was on the move to present them with an accomplished fact: Its nuclear program's high-speed uranium enrichment plant has now been entirely sequestered in the fortified underground Fordo site near Qom, DEBKAfile’s intelligence sources report.
On Iran, the differences between President Obama and Mitt Romney are significantly nuanced: Obama pledges not to let Iran acquire a nuclear weapon, i.e., build a bomb, whereas Romney promises to prevent Iran acquiring a nuclear capability, i.e., attain the capacity for building one – a point which US intelligence believes will upon us in six months.
This estimate may not fully take into account Iran’s accelerating momentum. With the advanced IR-2 and IR-4 centrifuges, its enrichment plants can turn out more 20 percent enriched uranium at greater speed than ever before and so reach Iran's one-ton target before then.
Our sources disclose that, racing against time, Tehran managed to install the last four clusters of 174 centrifuges each inside in “Fordo’s B Chamber” shortly before European Union foreign ministers approved toughened sanctions in Brussels Monday, 15 Oct.
The 27-nation block tightened restrictions on Iran’s central bank, halted the import of natural gas and listed 30 firms and institutions as targets for asset freezes, including the National Iranian Oil Company exporter and the National Iranian Tanker Company.
Tuesday, Iran denounced the new European Union sanctions as “inhuman,” vowing they will not force any retreat on the country’s nuclear program.
The remarks by Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast underlined Iran’s insistence that it can ride out Western economic pressures. The new EU measures will not force Iran to surrender and back down from enriching uranium, he declared. “This sort of act will encourage the Iranian nation to continue on its way, strongly.”
This is in line with Tehran’s consistent response to every form of pressure, financial, economic, intelligence or military, which is to whip up its nuclear program for an extra spurt and leave no assault unanswered.
Saturday, Oct. 6, shortly after Fordo power lines were disabled by sabotage, causing small fires which damaged some centrifuges, Tehran sent Hizballah to launch a stealth drone over Israeli air space and beam back images of the Dimona nuclear reactor. Those images will soon be released. The lesson for the West was this: You may hit the Fordo power supply, but our arm is long enough to reach the Israeli reactor. And our payback for new European sanctions is faster centrifuges.
In Jerusalem, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu thanked the EU for the new sanctions at a reception Tuesday Oct. 16 for European envoys. “We’ll know they are achieving their goal when the centrifuges stop spinning,” he added.
He knew when he spoke that the sanctions had had the opposite effect. And like Obama and Romney, he knows what Iran plans next. DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources report that the Iranians are preparing to change the “active formation” of the Fordo centrifuges and adapt them for refining uranium up to the 60 percent level, a short step before the weapons grade of 90 percent. The conversion is expected to be ready to go in the second half of December or early January, 2013.
US and Israeli intelligence experts on Iran recently arrived at a consensual assessment that Fordo was the only site capable of producing uranium enriched to the high 90 percent level.
Iran has therefore leapt across another red line in its steady advance toward a nuclear capability and is about to across its next.
Conscious that a moment of decision was at hand, British Prime Minister David Cameron Monday night informed Anglo-Jewish leaders that he had called Netanyahu to ask him not to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities but allow more time for sanctions to have an impact.
Cameron was undoubtedly acting on a request from the White House in Washington.
But both the British and Israeli prime ministers haven’t forgotten that only a few weeks ago, Israel had marked with a red line a fully operational Fordo which had to be stopped before it was buried out of reach in “an immune zone.”
That line was crossed this week and still Israel has refrained from action.
What this means for Tehran is that, so long as Israel heeds the “advice” coming from Washington and London, and President Obama holds back from the “October surprise” proposed by one of his insiders, Tehran need not be afraid to go forward and start refining uranium up to 60 percent and, from there, all the way up to the manufacture of a nuclear bomb without hindrance.
Klyuchevskoy volcano starts erupting in Kamchatka
The Klyuchevskoy volcano, the highest active volcano in Eurasia, has started erupting in Kamchatka, in the Russian Far East.
The luminescence over the volcano summit is evidence that glowing lava is flowing in the crater.
The volcano may start blowing out ash any moment now.
The Level of Concern Colour Code has been raised to Yellow, which is a potential danger warning for aircraft. The giant volcano last erupted from September 2009 to December 2010, and it began to again wake up in June this year. Klyuchevskoy volcano is 4,750 metres above sea.
Voice of Russia,TASS
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