Tuesday, June 2, 2015
New World Order Almost Complete: Trans-Pacific Partnership & Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation
This is truth and you need to understand it.
This year those in power are pushing for a new order to world markets, currency and trade. Pushing for a new world order. It’s hard to cut through all the legal documents, the pledges and hundreds of thousands of pages of agreements. It’s like the Obama-care bill, they are wanting to implement it so the rest of us can understand it. Remember “we have to pass the bill to know what’s in it.” Well I was very skeptical at first but now it’s beginning to make sense. The TPP & the APEC are indeed beginning to take shape and are expected to be in full force by the end of this year. More regulations, more loss of sovereignty, more darkness for the working class.
From the TPP:
- Cross-cutting trade issues by building on work being done in APEC and other fora byincorporatingfour new cross-cutting issues intheTPP. These issues are:
- Regulatory coherence: Commitments will promote trade between the countries by making trade among them more seamless and efficient.
- Competitiveness and business facilitation: Commitments will enhance the domestic and regional competitiveness of each member country’s economy and promote economic integration and jobs in the region, including through the development of regional production and supply chains.
- Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Commitments will address concerns small- and medium-sized businesses have raised about the difficulty in understanding and using trade agreements, encouraging these sized enterprises to trade internationally.
- Development: Comprehensive and robust market liberalisation, improvements in trade and investment enhancing disciplines, and other commitments will serve to strengthen institutions important for economic development and governance and thereby contribute significantly to advancing TPP countries’ respective economic development priorities.
- New trade challenges by promoting trade and investment in innovative products and services, including the digital economy and green technologies, and to ensure a competitive business environment across the TPP region.
From the APEC: The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum was established in 1989. Its primary purpose is to facilitate economic growth and prosperity in the region, with the vision of creating a seamless regional economy.
APEC has 21 member economies:
- Australia
- Brunei Darussalam
- Canada
- Chile
- People’s Republic of China
- Hong Kong, China
- Indonesia
- Japan
- Republic of Korea
- Malaysia
- Mexico
- New Zealand
- Papua New Guinea
- Peru
- The Republic of the Philippines
- The Russian Federation
- Singapore
- Chinese Taipei
- Thailand
- United States of America, and
- Viet Nam.
TPP Members: As of 2014, twelve countries throughout the Asia Pacific region have participated in negotiations on the TPP:
- Australia
- Brunei
- Canada
- Chile
- Japan
- Malaysia
- Mexico
- New Zealand
- Peru
- Singapore
- United States
- Vietnam.
We are hearing that in New Zealand the public is up in arms demanding that these secret backroom deals be made public. For the public to decide, New Zealand is a democracy and the people are being kept in the dark while the elites give away their sovereignty to a world governing body. (Read here)
So what are our lawmakers saying about this? Even Democrats know this is dark and sinister and even the democrats and liberals get it.
And Canadians are also calling for caution. (Read Here)
The liberals also are awakening to this darkness. And they are calling it “Cheap labor and debt slavery.”
Representative Alan Grayson has a post on his facebook page about this very deal. He is urging Americans to call their representatives and ask them to stop this. It’s time to excercise our first amendment rights. (Read Here) It’s time for Americans to tell our lawmakers to stand up and say no more, hands off. No deals until it conforms to our Constitution. And more importantly no deals with countries who abuse even the basics of human rights. It’s time for light to be shed on countries like Thailand, Pakistan and even China. We will be watching this fast track that Obama and the elite of the world are pushing, and will update as it becomes available. Western countries like the US are on the downhill slide economically, middle classes are disappearing, economies are crashing, and you can’t deny this. You can’t deny that our prices for goods are skyrocketing, our wages are sliding down, and our middle class is replaced with welfare and disability. It’s time to wake up. Christians should know what is happening it’s in the Bible. One world economy and government just as prophesied. Don’t take my word for it, research it, and get familiar with it, because we are heading on a fast track to ruin.
Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs (APEC), Wikipedia (TPP), You Tube, Alan Grayson
Credit to original post: iamnotashamedofthegospelofchrist.com
Russia to Start Construction On New Iranian Nuke Plant

Russia announced on Monday that it would start construction this year on a second nuclear plant in Iran, according to regional reports.
Russia’s Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation made the announcement early on Monday, stating that it will begin building a second nuclear power plant in Iran’s southern region later this year, according to Iran’s state-controlled Fars News Agency.
Meanwhile, an earthquake struck Monday morning near the site of Iran’s current nuclear power plant in Bushehr, near where the second plant will be built.
Iranian officials announced in late 2014 that it had already begun the initial stages of construction on at least two nuclear plants in the region. In November, Tehran finalized a deal with Russia to aid in the construction of these plants.
“We have entered the executive phase of the construction of these two nuclear power plants based on the contract signed between Tehran and Moscow in March to construct the plants,” Behrouz Kamalvandi, deputy chief of Iran’s Atomic Energy Agency, was quoted as saying at the time.
The construction of these new plants is not barred under the terms of a current agreement between Iran and Western powers to curb the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program.
Credit to The Washington Free Beacon
Jade Helm Official Reveals True Purposes of JH-15: This Is a Must Read!
Finally, we are getting some much needed honesty with regard to the true nature of Jade Helm. The information is not overtly forthcoming, but in this clumsily made presentation to local Texas officials, one can pretty much ascertain the true nature of the drill, that is, if one can get around the obvious lies being told to the public by this Jade Helm official.
The Jade Helm official, Tom Meade, a Senior Non-commissioned officer from Army Special Forces (Retired) is now working as a private military contractor and he recently briefed local officials in Big Spring, Texas as to the purposes and the scope of the Jade Helm exercise.
Why Do Military Contractors Know More About the Drill Thank Senior Command Leaders in the Jade Helm Exercise?
Two of my military sources were agitated beyond words when they watched this briefing. To quote one of my sources, he stated “This goddamn retired Non-com knows more than the command officers running Jade Helm about what they are going to be doing. And now this SOB military contractor, who’d sell their own mother down the river, are running this operation instead of the General, Colonels and senior Non-Coms. Only in the Obama administration could this happen”.
Collectively, we watched this 15 minute tape and my two sources used profanity more times than in the years that I have known them. I have never seen them this angry.
The Truth Will Out
Below is a transcript of key information revealed by private military contractor, Tom Meade. Please note that Meade repeatedly admits throughout the tape that Jade Helm is NOT training for Iraq and Afghanistan despite the repeated lies told by National Public Radio, KHOU TV in Houston, the Washington Post and Fox and Friends. The tape has been out for a few weeks, however, a word by word analysis has not been conducted.
Key Statements
1:30 We are asking Big Spring city council for a letter of invitation which would invite “forces” to train within your city limits in areas that have low population density.
Analysis: As the readers will soon see, this is about military personnel who are in hiding in rural areas and trying to live off of the land.
1:38 “We are not training for Afghanistan and Iraq…This is about unconventional warfare”.
Analysis: This clearly indicates that the anticipated conflict is likely to be Guerrilla warfare.
2:21 “We won’t come on someone’s property without a land-use agreement”.
Analysis: Ask the people in Pinon Canyon, Colorado if Ft. Carson asks if they can come on to your property and wreck your land. This is about training personnel that total warfare is about; not worrying about private property rights. Private property owners in Texas better watch their properties.
2:50 “We do a full risk assessment and full medical plan (prior to coming on private property) and we have already linked into the hospital…we also have medical personnel that will be on site to assist if anything should happen.
Analysis: It is clear that in this drill, citizens are at risk for injury and death. What could the military be doing that is so dangerous, in a drill, that they need to have medical personnel on hand and on alert? If the people in Texas are not yet afraid of what is coming, they are either totally ignorant, or are abject fools.
3:01 “What is Jade Helm? Jade Helm is an 8 week exercise (LIE)… We also have our interagency partners participating such as the FBI, the DEA….”
Analysis: Why the DEA? The DEA tracks the Mexican drug cartels. Judicial Watch has linked the drug cartels to ISIS in base camps just on the other side of the border. Please note that a few weeks ago, a Texas Ranger told me that the Walmarts were being converted into supply centers for the military. The military? “The military that we will use to fight against ISIS incursions into Texas”, he stated.
3:50 “The operation is going to be in 7 states (Lie). Texas is going to be the main bulk of the activity”.
Analysis: We have photographic, video and live eyewitness evidence that demonstrate that Jade Helm is in every state and is already underway.

On March 27, under the auspices of DHS, Special Operations forces practiced political dissident extraction drills in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. I took this as a personal declaration of war against the American people.
4:44 “The Navy Seals will be conducting operations over in Mississippi and Louisiana”… The Air Force Special Operations Command will be flying specialty aircraft for us, uh… for infiltration and resupply for the operators on the ground… The Marine Special Operators will be working down in the San Antonio area…The 82nd Airborne Division will jump into Camp Bullis and take down targets within the camp”.
Analysis: The Jade Helm lie that the drill is in only 7 states (i.e. Texas, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Colorado (formerly), California, and New Mexico is fully exposed here with the admission that the Navy Seals will be conducting operations within Mississippi and Louisiana. These two states are not on the Jade Helm list of seven.
The admission that Jade Helm will use the Air Force Special Operations to assist in “infiltration” is very telling. To Special Forces, infiltration is accomplished with the goal of (1) Destroying command and control as an action in anticipation of invasion; and, (2) Kidnapping and/or assassinating high value targets. This speaks to the political dissident extractions that I have been writing about. It also speaks to Red List executions by death squads who also use infiltration techniques.
The mention of Marines operating around San Antonio is very telling. We now are seeing a shift in operational mission status to include conventional military forces. This is very important because under several different Continuity of Government (COG) programs throughout the years, COG’s always speak about using conventional forces to isolate metropolitan areas deemed to be in rebellion. I cannot stress how unusual it is, and how unorthodox it is to use Special Forces and conventional military in the same drill. This action clearly speaks to a civil war scenario being practiced in the Jade Helm drill which will follow Red List extractions.
Also noteworthy is the revelation that the 82nd Airborne, a conventional force, is going to be parachuted into a simulated war zone at Camp Bullis and practice taking out selected targets. The clear implication here is that the 82nd is going to be taking out armed dissidents or rogue military units who would oppose a martial law takeover.
6:20 “We require areas of undeveloped land with low population densities…We desire to have a very rural area for us to be able to operate in…In Afghanistan and Iraq they receive aerial resupply by helicopter…they have connectivity to the internet to be able to talk to their command but also to be able to talk to home. When they come out here to Martin and Howard County, they are not going to have those luxuries. In the scenario that we have built, they are going to have to operate outside these normal support mechanisms and rely on the folks err, the civilians that are in the area to be able to support them… We can’t do the exercise without the public’s help. Things that we look for from that perspective are people that are willing to be role players…Someone who goes and give a little nugget of information… We look for people that are willing to transport our guys because they have to move around in a clandestine manner..for example, in the back of a horse trailer in the middle of the night so nobody can see them…these are the ways that they have to operate in foreign countries when they are not supposed to be in those countries (lie)…we want to be able to use a barn to do a planning meeting in the middle of the night… “.
Analysis: My sources tell me that the mere severing of communications, through satellites, is enough to abort a Special Forces mission. ARSOF, or Green Berets, or Navy Seals do not need satellites to communicate. They have several alternative modes that can be used including the building of communications in an impromptu fashion. Therefore, the need to practice for Special Operations to be without communications speaks to a total “grid down” scenario. I have a hard time believing that localized EMP weapons would be used because of the catastrophic collateral damage done to the infrastructure. This is a surprising and shocking development, but my sources say the intent, in this instance is clear. An EMP will wipe out all communications.
Meade speaks to the need to solicit informants similar to what the Gestapo did in Germany. Clearly, the drill also calls for the commandeering of assets similar to what we see called for in Executive Order 13603.
12:25 A country commissioner asked Meade how the DEA and the FBI are a part of the drill. Meade stammered for several seconds but eventually responded that “in Arizona, they will actually do some questioning for us at one of the airports”.
Analysis: The consensus is that DEA and the FBI will assist in the apprehension of Red List fugitives at airports.
13:30 Private citizen, Kimberly York, strongly criticized her County Commissioners sneaking the invitation to Jade Helm without first consulting with their constituents…”It is being hidden from us…”What the press is putting out is really different than what we are seeing here today…the press is telling us that Oh, you are not going to hear about it, you’re not going to see it, you know it is just not going to affect your lives. Well, what we are reading here is that it might affect our lives. As citizens of this country we should have a voice as to whether that invitation is issued…I have real concerns, there are safety issues for civilians. Why are we looking at safety issues if there is nothing to see here…I am a military brat and I support the military but there are other ways to do training than to inflict it on the citizens of this county”.
Analysis: Clearly, every citizen in every Jade Helm state should be addressing their public officials who are drinking from the Jade Helm Kool-aid.
Connecting the Dots
Clearly, and we have it from an original Jade Helm source, Jade Helm is not about training for combat operations in the Middle East as repeatedly claimed in the mainstream media.
The most striking aspect of this drill is the admission that Gestapo tactics will be utilized (e.g. recruiting informants, use of infiltration techniques, commandeering private vehicles, private residences and business for Jade Helm “activities”). In the face of this evidence, those that say that Jade Helm is not about martial law do not know what martial law is.
If you suddenly discovered that you were placed on the Red List, what would you do? Some people would head to the airport and try to immediately leave the country. This explains why the FBI and the DEA will be at an Arizona airport. They will be looking for Red List fugitives.
Stunningly, we appear to be looking at a grid down scenario that is so complete that alternative military communications will not work. This is completely surprising because this is not something that I thought the bad guys would employ. An EMP attack upon America might be the final trump card that will be employed if other means to subjugate the country fail.
The use of conventional forces (i.e. 82nd Airborne and the Marines) speaks to the fact that medium and large cities must be subdued because several will be in rebellion. This clearly speaks to a civil war event.
Finally, I cannot help feeling that there is a futuristic Red Dawn scenario involved here. The use of conventional forces to parachute into an area and engage an enemy speaks to the possibility that we could be looking at foreign armies on our soil.
There is not a lot of new information that I have not previously written about. However, it is interesting that the Jade Helm source confirmed much of what many of us have been writing about for a few months.
Credit to Common Sense and Dave Hodges
Hacked Emails Expose George Soros As Ukraine Puppet-Master
Just days after George Soros warned that World War 3 was imminent unless Washington backed down to China on IMF currency basket inclusion, the hacker collective CyberBerkut has exposed the billionaire as the real puppet-master behind the scenes in Ukraine. In 3 stunning documents, allegedly hacked from email correspondence between the hedge fund manager and Ukraine President Poroshenko, Soros lays out "A short and medium term comprehensive strategy for the new Ukraine," expresses his confidence that the US should provide Ukraine with lethal military assistance, “with same level of sophistication in defense weapons to match the level of opposing force," and finally explained Poroshenko's "first priority must be to regain control of financial markets," which he assures the President could be helped by The Fed adding "I am ready to call Jack Lew of the US Treasury to sound him out about the swap agreement."
The hacking group CyberBerkut claims it has penetrated Ukraine’s presidential administration website and obtained correspondence between Soros and Ukraine’s President Petro Poroshenko. It has subsequently posted all the intercepted pdfs on line at the following location. More details as RT earlier reported:
The hacktivists have published three files online, which include a draft of “A short and medium term comprehensive strategy for the new Ukraine” by Soros (dated March 12, 2015); an undated paper on military assistance to Kiev; and the billionaire’s letter to Poroshenko and Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk, dated December 23, 2014.According to the leaked documents, Soros supports Barack Obama’s stance on Ukraine, but believes that the US should do even more.He is confident that the US should provide Ukraine with lethal military assistance, “with same level of sophistication in defense weapons to match the level of opposing force.”“In poker terms, the US will ‘meet, but not raise,” the 84-year-old businessman explained, supposedly signing one of the letters as “a self-appointed advocate of the new Ukraine.”The Western backers want Kiev to “restore the fighting capacity of Ukraine without violating the Minsk agreement,” Soros wrote.
Among other things, the leaked documents claim that the Ukrainian authorities were also asked to “restore some semblance of currency stability and functioning banking system” and “maintain unity among the various branches of government” in order to receive assistance from foreign allies.
Soros believes that it’s up to the EU to support Kiev with financial aid, stressing that “Europe must reach a new framework agreement that will allow the European Commission to allocate up to $1 billion annually to Ukraine.”As for the current state of economy, the billionaire wrote that former Chilean finance minister, Andres Velasco, after visiting Ukraine on his request, returned with “a dire view of financial situation."“The new Ukraine is literally on the verge of collapse” due to the national bank’s lack of hard currency reserves, Soros warned Poroshenko.The correspondence shows that the billionaire has been in constant touch with the authorities in Kiev and consulting them.
Digging into the details of the documents, we find one intriguing snippet:
As you know, I asked Andrés Velasco, a prominent economist who was Chile’s very successful minister of finance from 2006-2010 to visit Kyiv where he met the Prime Minister; the President was in Warsaw at the time. Velasco came back with a dire view of the financial situation. The National Bank of Ukraine has practically no hard currency reserves. That means that the hryvnia has no anchor. If a panic occurred and the currency collapsed as it did in Russia, the National Bank could not stabilize the exchange rate even if only temporarily as Russia did by injecting $90 billion.Your first priority must be to regain control over the financial markets—bank deposits and exchange rates. Unless you do, you will have no way to embark on deeper reforms. I believe the situation could be stabilized by getting the European Council to make a commitment in principle that they will pull together the new $15 billion package that the IMF requires in order to release the next tranche of its original package at the end of January 2015. Based on that commitment the Federal Reserve could be asked to extend a $15 billion three months swap arrangement with the National Bank of Ukraine. That would reassure the markets and avoid a panic....I am ready to call Jack Lew of the US Treasury to sound him out about the swap agreement.
One wonders what other matters of national importance involve George Soros getting on the line with the US Treasury Secretary to arrange virtually unlimited funds courtesy of the US Federal Reserve just to promote one person's ulterior agenda?
And just like that, conspiracy Theory becomes Conspiracy Fact once again.
The full documents are below:
Ironically, the first document laying out the "short and medium-term comprehensive strategy for new Ukraine" and signed by George Soros, "a self-appointed advocate of the New Ukraine", was ironically created by Tamiko Bolton, the 40 year old who became Soros' third wife several years ago.
The next letter, one directly sent by Soros to Ukraine's president Poroshenko and prime minister Yatseniuk, comes courtesy of a pdf created by Douglas York, Soros' personal assistant.
Finally, a letter (authored by Yasin Yaqubie of the International Crisis Group based on its pdf metadata properties), which lobbies the US "to do more."
To sum up: Soros is basically lobbying on behalf of Ukraine, pushing for cash and guns, to oppose Putin in every way possible.
If genuine, and based on their meta data, they appear to be just that, these lettes show how Soros is trying to weasel around the Minsk agreements (for instance, how to train Ukrainian soldiers without having a visible NATO presence in Ukraine). The documents link up Nuland with Soros, and clears up who is truly pulling the strings of the US State Department.
Finally, while the documents don't mention what Soros has in store for Ukraine, one can use their imagination.
Credit to Zero Hedge
NATO Chief Says Russian Nuclear Threat Is Real
Russia’s plans to deploy nuclear-capable missiles in Kaliningrad – near Poland’s border – and its threat to move nuclear forces in Crimea would “fundamentally change the balance of security in Europe,” Stoltenberg warned, in a speech during a visit to Washington. In blunt language, the Nato chief delivered a scathing critique of Russia’s behaviour over the past year – including Moscow’s armed intervention in Ukraine – and vowed the transatlantic alliance would redouble its commitment to “collective defence”. “Russia’s recent use of nuclear rhetoric, exercises and operations are deeply troubling,” he told an audience at the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank. The Russian president Vladimir Putin’s “admission that he considered putting Russia’s nuclear forces on alert while Russia was annexing Crimea is but one example,” the former Norwegian prime minister said.
Credit to http://skywatchtv.com/
Special forces soldiers to get personal drones

Army Special Forces are testing the tiny 'black hornet' drones, which can simply be thrownIt can fly about a kilometer and stay aloft more than 25 minutes, and is controlled by a small flipdown screen and joystick which can be attached to the soldier's utility belt.
When needed, soldiers can simply take the drone from a small box that straps to a utility belt - which is also where the data is stored, as opposed to on the drone itself, in case it's captured.
The video feeds directly to a small, chest-mounted screen.
The operator steers it with a videogame-like one-handed controller, or sets waypoints to allow the drone to fly itself using the touchscreen controller.
At the recent National Defense Industrial Association conference, Defense One reporters saw the Hornet in flight and said its video feed was 'surprisingly clear'.
Credit to http://www.dailymail.co.uk/
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3106199/Special-forces-soldiers-personal-drones-Elite-squads-testing-tiny-stealth-spy-craft-fits-palm-hand.html#ixzz3bs8bat3k
A national egg shortage is threatening fast food breakfast

Because of a national egg shortage, the San Antonio-based fast food chain says it will now only be serving breakfast from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. on weekdays. The brand previously served breakfast until 11 a.m.
The national egg shortage is a result of bird flu, which NBC News reports has sickened more than 44 million chickens.
Whataburger stressed that the egg shortage is a supply issue and that consumers' food is safe.
It's unclear whether other fast food chains will be forced to follow suit.
News of Whataburger's limited breakfast is a major disappointment to fans.
Whataburger acknowledged customers' frustrations and is working to increase egg supply.
"We’re exploring several options to add to our egg supply, including proactively engaging alternative egg suppliers," the company said in a news release. "Replacing the supply we have lost will take some time, but it is important to us to provide the highest quality food to our customers."
The company has not revealed if or when it will go back to its normal breakfast hours.
Credit to Yahoo Finance
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