Wednesday, November 8, 2017
The economic collapse of the United States is underway.

The economic collapse of the United States is underway.
There are four unmistakable signs that the American economy is in the midst of collapse”
- “Hooverville tent cities are appearing across the western United States.
- The American banking empire is showing clear signs of impending collapse.
- Key members of the elite are behaving like the elite of 1929 with regard to the Stock Market.
- In a stunning development, the key members of the Federal Reserve are actually abandoing the dollar in facor of cryptocurrency.
The Economic Chest Pains Prior to the Heart Attack
A blind man who is paying attention could tell you that all the indicators are there with regard to the fact that an economic collapse is at hand. Let’s begin with the subtle signs which parallel the Great Depression.
We know that the make-shift tent cities emerged in great number during the Depression. They were often referred to as “Hoovervilles” in honor of the bumbling President that did everything wrong when the economic crisis first hit the country. Well, today in America, tent cities are appearing all over the western United States. In Seattle, for example, we are witnessing the proliferation of many high tech companies moving their headquarters to the city where the average home now costs over $700,000 and even rental apartments are reaching correpsonding highs as well. Subsequently there are many working people living in these cities.
Another set of chest pains before the heart attack are appearing in the economic sector in which Iran and China are embracing Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. This says a number of things. First, this is an admission that there is not enough gold in the world to cover the gold-for-oil scheme that has replaced the Petrodollar with regard to the purchase of oil (Editors Note: What is going to happen to the price of gold?). Secondly, the world is running from the dollar and this should signal that even your bank account is in dire trouble. Here is a brief summary of this developing scenario.
What does Jeff Bezos know that the rest of us should? Bezos actions signal that a major economic crash is likely. What did he do? To put it succinctly, his actions parallel what JFK’s father did just prior to the collapse of the Stock Market in 1929. This is yet another dire development in an already failed economy.
These factors represent a number of indicators which tells us that an economic collapse is at hand, but none so big as the actions of the Federal Reserve as it is acting against the best interest of the Petrodollar. The end is near for the dollar (see below).
As bad as these three developments are with regard to the solvency of the American economy, they pale in comparison to the key members of the Federal Reserve are doing with their oil interests which are interlocked with the Federal Reserve and ultimately the fate of the dollar. Please note, that would be the the same dollar that resides in your bank account.
Underlying Premise of This Article
It is an indisputable fact that big oil and big banking are interlocked to a high degree. In other words, big oil owns big banking and conversely, big banking owns big oil.
From the public document, “10K Filings of Fortune 500 Corporations to SEC. 3-91“, the Four Horsemen of Banking (ie Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) owns the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco) and the interlocking list can be expanded to Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other EU “old money” behemoth banks.
The domination of these banks, according to company 10K filings to the Security and Exhange Commission, the Four Horsemen of Banking, are the top ten stock holders every Fortune 500 corporation. Additionally, these same banks own and control the majority of the ownership of the Federal Reserve system. Please allow me to bootstrap this relationship one step further. Since the birth of the Petrodollar in 1944, the health of the dollar (ie the Federal Reserve) has been tied to the Petrodollar. Therefore, the health of the banking system, ultimately the dollar and economy itself (ie the Fortune 500 companies) owe their financial health to the Petrodollar. If the Petrodollar collapses, then we will witness the wholesale collapse of the Fortune 500 including the retail sector, which is already happening.
The Petrodollar has been under attack since the rise of the BRIC nations which abandoned the Petrodollar, in which a nation must first buy Federal Reserve Notes before purchasing oil. Iran was the first to thumb their nose at the Federal Reserve, and live to tell about it, when they sold their oil to Russia for gold. Very quickly, China, Brazil and India followed suit and began to convert their purchasing of oil away from the dollar in favor of gold.
Many economists agree that the only reason that the petrodollar, which gives our currency the only backing it enjoys, has not failed is because the central banking cartel has infused loaned capital into the American stockmarket as well as the money supply. When the loans slow down or terminate, the economy will sink faster than a submarine with screen doors.
The Strategies of the Fed to Stay Afloat
As previously mentioned, the Federal Reserve has propped up its sinking position with the dollar because the world is running from the Petrodollar. The net effect is that the dollar is being kept artificially afloat through loaned capital. So, how do the banks protect themselves? They buy gold as a hedge against the coming collapse. However, the collapse is of such a magnitude, due to the estimated $2.5 quadrillion credit swap derivatives debt, that there is simply not enough gold to cover the coming plunge. Therefore, if the Fed and in reality, the Fortune 500 corporations are to remain afloat, they need help from somewhere else.
Help Has Arrived and This Is the Death of the Dollar
Along the lines of America’s impending financial collapse, you will not believe what Reuters, a globalist mouthpiece, is reporting, Reuters has published an account that BP, Shell and Statoil have joined forces to work on the development of a blockchain-based energy commodity trading platform, along with three large commodity traders which includes the very large Gunvor, Koch Supply & Trading, and Mercuria.
Reuters is further reporting that the blockchain platform has leveraged financial backing from Dutch ABN Amro, ING, and French Societe Generale. The roll out should occur, according the Reuters by the end of 2018. Mercuria, which formed a business partnership with ING and Societe Generale, announced it was preparing the first oil trade using blockchain technology.
This announced deal is not some “pie-in-the-sky an a next year maybe thing”. There has already been activity in this novel arena. Specifically, the trade involved an African crude shipment to Mercuria shareholder ChemChina. Further, this beta test was announced at the Davos World Economic Forum.
In fact, Mercuria’s CEO, Marco Dunnand was quoted as saying, “The energy industry will have to digitalize more and more in oil production, refining, shipping. So traders will also have to participate.”
Less than 30 days later, Mercuria reported that the beta test that used its prototype Easy Trading Connect platform to sell the African crude cargo three times on its way to China, was wildly successful. The transactions involved every facet of the deal ranging from the buyer and the seller, an agent, and an inspector, all of whom took part in the deal via the platform. Therefore, it would be a mistake to not believe that this a viable alternative to the Petrodollar.
The problem is, for you specifically, is that these energy companies may survive by using a combination of gold reserves and cryptocurrency, but YOU are going to be left holding the bag if you insist on remaining in the dollar. If you doubt the accuracy of these conclusions, take a look at a senior ING executive said in February of 2017 following the successful test trade with the Mercuria shipment, “The commodity finance industry is hampered by nature by inefficiencies and outdated procedures. By applying blockchain technology, we expect that we can eliminate a lot of these, making the overall process faster and more cost effective and the tests we have been able to carry out have proved this.”
If you are unwillling to adjust and begin to embrace gathering what gold and cryptocurrency that you can hold, you should be asking yourself, “What kind of a tent will you be living in”?
Oh, did I mention that World War III is here as well.
Credit to Common Sense Show
Europe: Climate Dictatorship Proposed To Solve Global Warming
Prominent environmentalist proposes a climate dictatorship because democracy is just not willing to do his policies.
The gall of this argument is staggering. It is even more staggering that the Swedish newspaper bringing this large interview today does not clearly mark the viewpoint as extreme and unreasonable. Instead, they seriously have their political analyst muse about whether a climate dictatorship is really necessary, and ending with a conclusion of ‘yeah, possibly.’
The claim comes from Jørgen Randers, professor of climate strategy at BI Norwegian Business School. His main claim to fame is as co-author of the 1972 Limits to Growth book, which scared a generation to believe we would run out of all resources and kill humanity with suffocating air pollution. Time magazine headlined their 1972 story on the book: “The Worst Is Yet to Be?” and it began: “The furnaces of Pittsburgh are cold; the assembly lines of Detroit are still. In Los Angeles, a few gaunt survivors of a plague desperately till freeway center strips, backyards and outlying fields, hoping to raise a subsistence crop.
London’s offices are dark, its docks deserted. In the farm lands of the Ukraine, abandoned tractors litter the fields: there is no fuel for them. The waters of the Rhine, Nile and Yellow rivers reek with pollutants. Fantastic? No, only grim inevitability if society continues its present dedication to growth and “progress.””
Of course, their scare scenarios were almost entirely wrong.
Credit to
"Homeless Explosion": Surging Rents Creating Homeless Crisis On America's West Coast
America's liberal left coast states count themselves among the most adamant supporters of controversial pieces of legislation intended to support low-income families. From their stunningly high income tax rates to their $15 minimum wage mandates, states like California and Washington are leading the charge on implementing Bernie's socialist agenda.
Of course, some of the biggest advocates of that socialist agenda are the billionaire leaders of Silicon Valley's largest tech companies...which is precisely why it's so ironic that it's the "tech boom" being enjoyed by those billionaires that has resulted in surging housing prices and what SFGate described earlier today as a "homeless explosion pushing West Coast cities to the brink."
Housing prices are soaring here thanks to the tech industry, but the boom comes with a consequence: A surge in homelessness marked by 400 unauthorized tent camps in parks, under bridges, on freeway medians and along busy sidewalks. The liberal city is trying to figure out what to do."I've got economically zero unemployment in my city, and I've got thousands of homeless people that actually are working and just can't afford housing," said Seattle City Councilman Mike O'Brien. "There's nowhere for these folks to move to."That struggle is not Seattle's alone. A homeless crisis is rocking the entire West Coast, pushing abject poverty into the open like never before.Nationally, homelessness has been trending down, partly because governments and nonprofit groups have gotten better at moving people into housing. That's true in many West Coast cities, too, but the flow the other direction is even faster."So everybody who was just hanging on because they had cheap rent, they're losing that ... and they wind up outside," said Margaret King, director of housing programs for the nonprofit DESC in Seattle. "It's just exploded."
According to stats gathered by the Associated Press, some 168,000 people in California, Oregon and Washington count themselves among the growing tally of homeless folks who can't afford housing.—Official counts taken earlier this year in California, Oregon and Washington show 168,000 homeless people in the three states, according to an AP tally of every jurisdiction in those states that reports homeless numbers to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. That is 19,000 more than were counted in 2015, although the numbers may not be directly comparable because of factors ranging from the weather to new counting methods.—During the same period, the number of unsheltered people in the three states climbed 18 percent to 105,000.—Rising rents are the main culprit. The median one-bedroom apartment in the San Francisco Bay Area is more expensive than it is in the New York City metro area, for instance.—Since 2015, at least 10 cities or municipal regions in California, Oregon and Washington have declared emergencies due to the rise of homelessness, a designation usually reserved for natural disasters.
Of course, when home prices double in a matter of just a few years and are seemingly just as volatile as a tech stock circa March 2000, you know there's a problem.
Meanwhile, as we pointed out a few weeks ago (see: San Diego's Deadly Hepatitis A Outbreak Turns "Statewide Epidemic" As "Outbreak Could Last Years"), the homeless crisis in California has resulted in an alarming hepatitis A outbreak that started in San Diego and is now on the verge of reaching statewide epidemic status as cases have spread through homeless tent cities all the way north to Sacramento.
California’s outbreak of hepatitis A, already the nation’s second largest in the last 20 years, could continue for many months, even years, health officials said Thursday.At least 569 people have been infected and 17 have died of the virus since November in San Diego, Santa Cruz and Los Angeles counties, where local outbreaks have been declared.Dr. Monique Foster, a medical epidemiologist with the Division of Viral Hepatitis at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters Thursday that California’s outbreak could linger even with the right prevention efforts.“It’s not unusual for them to last quite some time — usually over a year, one to two years,” Foster said.
Of course, as SFGate points out, local governments on the West Coast are responding to the crisis in the best way they know how, namely by raising taxes...
All along the West Coast, local governments are scrambling for answers — and taxpayers are footing the bill.Voters have approved more than $8 billion in spending since 2015 on affordable housing and other anti-homelessness programs, mostly as tax increases. Los Angeles voters, for example, approved $1.2 billion to build 10,000 units of affordable housing to address a homeless population that's reached 34,000 people within city limits.
...which should only serve to accelerate the number of businesses relocating to Texas.
Credit to Zero Hedge
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