The researchers are guesstimating that this discovery may point towards the first proof of existence of alien life.
Strange signals emitted from a nearby star have been spotted by astronomers. This finding has been revealed to SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) – an alien-hunting authority.
The star from which these mysterious signals are perceived is a red dwarf star called Ross 128. It is located 11 light years away from Earth and is 2,800 times less radiant than the Sun. So far presence of any other planet near the star has not been found by the astronomers.
The researchers are guesstimating that this discovery may point towards the first proof of existence of alien life.
"The star was observed for 10 minutes using the Arecibo Observatory – a massive radio telescope in a sink hole in Puerto Rico," Abel Mendez an astrobiologist from the University of Puerto Rico stated, Express reported.
The signal is defined as "almost periodic" by Mendez. He also explained that there is also a possibility that alien beings are the reason behind the origination of these signals.
He revealed to the Business Insider that official alien hunters -- SETI groups -- have been informed about these mysterious signals.
"The field of view of (Arecibo) is wide enough, so there is the possibility that the signals were caused not by the star but another object in the line of sight. Some communication satellites transmit in the frequencies we observed," he said according to Express.
Credit to ibtimes.co.in