Thursday, October 29, 2015
More than 800,000 refugees RETURNING to Syria as Putin OBLITERATES Islamic State

Last month Moscow launched a bombing campaign against the twisted State terror group, which controls vast swathes of Syria and has forced thousands of people to flee the country.
Many desperate asylum seekers have made their way to Europe via boats to Greece, with David Cameron agreeing to let 20,000 in Britain over the next five years.
But Russia's bid to wipe out ISIS has been so successful that almost a million Syrians are elected to return to their homeland, Russian politician Dmitry Sablin claimed.

IGMilitants raise the terror group's flag aloft
The senator, who recently visited Syria, said: "[Syrian president Bashar al] Assad praised the actions of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria.
"He said thousands of terrorists are now fleeing Syria, and refugees are returning."
Russian fighter jets have destroyed 285 ISIS and al-Nusra Front targets in the war-torn country over the past three days, according to Russian media.
The al-Nusra Front – the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda – was formed in 2012 during the on-going Syrian civil war.
Putin's military operation began on September 30 after an official request from Assad, his long-time ally.

People are now walking safely through the streets of Damascus
Dmitry Sablin
There have been major changes in the country since Sablin last visited in May, the senator revealed.
He said: "People in Syria are now discussing their future. They want to rebuild their country.
"People are now walking safely through the streets of Damascus. There are fountains and restaurants open.
"Before Russia engaged it was terrifying to live there."
The senator, who recently visited Syria, said: "[Syrian president Bashar al] Assad praised the actions of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria.
"He said thousands of terrorists are now fleeing Syria, and refugees are returning."
Russian fighter jets have destroyed 285 ISIS and al-Nusra Front targets in the war-torn country over the past three days, according to Russian media.
The al-Nusra Front – the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda – was formed in 2012 during the on-going Syrian civil war.
Putin's military operation began on September 30 after an official request from Assad, his long-time ally.

People are now walking safely through the streets of Damascus
Dmitry Sablin
There have been major changes in the country since Sablin last visited in May, the senator revealed.
He said: "People in Syria are now discussing their future. They want to rebuild their country.
"People are now walking safely through the streets of Damascus. There are fountains and restaurants open.
"Before Russia engaged it was terrifying to live there."
The Muslim Invasion of Europe Is Picking Up Where Hitler Left Off
In Europe, This Is Not Immigration, This Is An Invasion: Completing What Hitler Failed to Do In 1940
Even the Simpson’s Can See What Is Coming to America
What does the long time running show ‘The Simpsons’, say the future holds for America, This episode of the Simpsons predicted a pole shift, Sharia Law in the US, Prince Harry bringing back be-headings, and a Revelation 13:17, which entails Beast system Cashless Society.
The People of Europe Are Frightened
Two of Europe’s richest countries, Germany and Sweden are being overrun by civil disobedient Muslims from Africa and Egypt. On their way to these two countries, tens of thousands of Muslim “refugees” have poured into Austria from Hungary and Slovenia in recent history on their way to Germany and Sweden. Germany has already proclaimed that more than a million people from this silent invasion will end up in Germany alone by the end of 2015. These estimates should be considered to low-end guesses because they are coming the German government.
People seeking to obtain a gun along with ammunition in Germany, Great Britain, Denmark and the Netherlands is nearly impossible for the average person. Germany is using an Obama proposal, a psychological exam. Germany, for instance, in order to establish the right to purchase liability insurance and verifiable compliance with strict firearms storage and safety rules. Self-defense is never a valid reason to purchase a gun in these countries. Why is it that these gun restrictions sounds so familiar. Could it be that Germany, Great Britain, Denmark, the Netherlands AND NOW OBAMA ARE ATTEMPTING TO IMPLEMENT THE EXACT SAME GUN CONTROL METHODS.
Immigrant Riots In Italy: Tomorrow It’s Dearborn, MI.
Sit back, turn the TV down and just watch the media coverage from Southern Italy as African immigrants destroy their resettlement community because their Sharia Law demands are not being met.
Let Us Have No Doubt As to Where President Obama Sits on Protecting America
If this is happening in Europe, then why do you think it cannot happen here? President Obama, as I have previously written about has embracded the UN controlled Refugee/Resettlement Program.
Most American support freedom of religion, any religion. However, what is happening here, is not the free excercise thereof, it is a planned political and social invasion.
With an indigenous birth rate of 1.8, America needs immigrants. But America does not need, nor can it survive immigration like what we are seeing in Europe. Ellis Island, processed 13 million immigrants, without computers. We are certainlly capable of doing the same. However, the forces behind the President are not interested in an immgration wave that could benefit America, they are seeking to decultulturalize and destroy the sovereignty of this country. I am shocked at the passivity of Americans who should very easily see the writing on the wall.
Credit to Common Sense
Last week in the town of Hannover in Germany, Muslim migrants, no longer pretending to be “refugees”, marched through the city streets waving the black flag of ISIS and claiming the land for Allah. I don’t know how many times we have to say it – but – they are notrefugees and they are not migrants. They are Islamic jihadis who are acting en masse to claim Europe for Allah and Islam.
They are not assimilating and they will not assimilate into the culture of their host nations. They will demand that you submit to the Sharia, and guess what? That’s exactly what’s happening. In England, it has already happened. If you ever wanted to know what it was like to watch the downfall of a major nation, you’re looking at it. This is what they desperately want to do in America, and Obama is helping them to do it.
The German girls voices you hear in this video are saying this:
“I thought I was the only one who’s in a bad mood because of this.”
“None of us want this. We’re all scared.”
“What is this? How will this be in 100 years?”
“This is not my life. It just shows you how many of them are here already.”
“Now there’s another 1.5 million who came this year.”
“Every year 2-3 million arrive.”
“It’s generally about foreign infiltration.”
“Yes, exactly.”
“We won’t dress like we do now.”
“Here, no! They won’t take anything from me!”
“Look, when I walk through the streets of the city, it’s only foreigners!”
“There are walking 50 foreigners and I only see one European face.”
“Look at the women! They’re all veiled!”
“This is our future.”
“Merkel says we’ll make it!”
“Yes we’ll make it! We’ll make it to our collective doom!”
“No, we won’t make it.” source
Credit to Now the end begins
Pay By Swiping Your Right Hand In 2016
Great introduction to Revelation 13:17....Get used to it and then the implant
It looks like the ability to leave your wallet at home, but still carry what you need to pay for stuff will be here sooner than expected. In my opinion, this is the next step before the push to implant the chips in the hand or forehead.
These bracelets are already available for pre-order via their website, and apparently MasterCard is in on this new venture. Once released, the bracelet will cost $49 and have a $4.99 per month membership fee associated with it. MasterCard is currently developing the technology so that it can be worn in glasses, clothes, and jewelry. If you want to do some in depth reading on this new bracelet, here are a few links to help you out.
- PureWrist Official Website
- PureWrist Makes Pitch For NFC Payments Bracelet
- MasterCard Extends Tokenization Platform to Clothing, Accessories and Wearable Devices
“What we’ve been doing is working with partners across a bunch of different verticals including automotive, fashion, technology and wearables to create a programme that would work for any of those things; a programme that was not device specific but, instead, could extend to virtually any category of device.”
I’ve been saying it since I started doing these updates: I believe it will be identity and financial theft that will lead to The Mark of The Beast being fully implemented. But until that time, we need to protect our sensitive information from thieves.
Credit to
Nato considers sending 4,000 troops to Russian borders
Nato allies are mulling the deployment of 4,000 troops to countries bordering Russia in a bid to deter the Kremlin from military adventurism against the bloc’s eastern most members, according to reports.
The proposals are part of a wide-ranging debate within the alliance about the long-term response to Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and support for a separatist uprising in eastern Ukraine.
Proposals being considered including deploying troops to Eastern Europe under direct Nato command in peacetime, in an unprecedented move that will likely be greeted with fury in Moscow, according to diplomats and military officials interviewed by the Wall Street Journal.
One plan reportedly under consideration would see battalions of 800 to 1,000 troops deployed to Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. A less extensive plan would see a single battalion deployed to the region.

Britain, which currently has 150 troops deployed to the Baltic States, would have to agree to place its forces there under Nato command.
Diplomats and military chiefs are believed to be keen to “send a message” to Moscow that the alliance is well coordinated and committed to defending its eastern most member states.
Several eastern members including Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia, have called for a significant strengthening of the alliance’s military presence to the region to deter possible Russian aggression.
But others, notably Germany, are said to be wary of making a large deployment that could provoke a response from Russia when the ceasefire in Ukraine appears to be holding.
Credit to The Telegraph
Austrians snapping up shotguns as thousands of Mideast refugees enter country
Hand guns and rifle sales are spiking in Austria, with some shops reporting they are running out of stocks of shotguns, since no license is needed to buy them.
“Yes, I can confirm, the demand in Austria for weapons is growing. My revenue doubled in September. And in October it has doubled again, and we are still in October,” a gun shop owner told RT.
Obtaining a firearms purchase license in Austria involves passing special courses concerning basic handling and knowledge of weapons. The gun shop owner confirmed to RT that the number of people taking the gun handling courses has increased tremendously.
“In the past, I had one appointment a week for ‘weapon license training’ with one or two people. Now I have a fixed second event, with 6 to 10 people attending,” the gun dealer said.
“Most of the people who came to me in the last week for a consultation or to buy a weapon, are telling me, and I always ask them, that the reason for buying is the ‘current situation’ in Austria,” the man told RT.
The “current situation” in this context is the influx of refugees entering Austria.
Up to 8,000 migrants cross the border every day, with authorities saying numbers could soon rise to 12,000.
Austrians seem to be getting nervous. They have bought 70,000 guns this year alone, according to police. In a country with an estimated population of 8.5 million, there are currently about 900,000 privately owned guns.
Austrians seem to be getting nervous. They have bought 70,000 guns this year alone, according to police. In a country with an estimated population of 8.5 million, there are currently about 900,000 privately owned guns.
In the face of the migrant crisis, the country's government seems to be at a loss at how to tackle the problem with asylum seekers.
Just two months ago Austrian Chancellor Werner Faymann was an outspoken critic of Hungary's initiative to erect fences on its border, saying at the time it would solve nothing.
“To think that you can solve something with a fence… I believe this is wrong,” Faymann said.
Fast forward to the end of October and the chancellor announces the start of special construction measures, at Austria’s border with Slovenia.
Austria to build border fence with Slovenia amid refugee crisis
The move triggered a negative reaction from the EU. After a phone call with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker, the two officials issued a joint statement: “The president and the chancellor repeated their common position that fences have no place in Europe.”
Austria’s Interior Minister Johanna Mikl-Leitner said on Wednesday that the decision about a fence “is about ensuring an orderly, controlled entry into our country, not about shutting down the border," the Local cited the minister as saying to public broadcaster Ö1.
“Also, a fence has a gate,” she added.
Austrian activists are staging anti-refugee demonstrations at the Slovenian border, demanding national authorities tackle the problem.
Germany is unhappy with Austria for allowing refugees through their common border after dark.
Credit to RT
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