Thursday, January 10, 2013
Rabbi: Snow a good sign from God
In addition, they give kabbalists a rare opportunity to hold a "snow incarnation" – a religious-ascetic activity seen as "atoning torment."
Rabbi Yitzhak Batzri, the son of prominent kabbalist Rabbi David Batzri, said Wednesday on behalf of his father that the snow falling on Israel was "a good sign sent from God."
He explained that while red signifies offenses, white signifies atonement. In the words of Prophet Isaiah, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool."
Opportunity for rectification
Rabbi Batzri added that the timing of the snowfall strengthens the matter even more. Last week, when synagogues read the "Shemot" Torah portion, began the days of the Shovevim (an acronym for the weekly Torah portions of "Shemot", "Va'era", "Bo", B'Shallach", "Yitro" and "Mishpatim").
During these six weeks, according to Kabbalah, it is customary to torture oneself twice a week (on Mondays and Thursdays) for atonement purposes.

'After fasting period begins, we wait for snow' (Photo: Hagai Peretz)
"The kabbalists torment themselves and pray for snow, which is a sign that the Jewish people's sins are being forgiven and erased," Batzri explained.
"Just like in the Temple, when the high priest would enter the Holy of Holies and pray for the people of Israel's sins to be forgiven, the sign for forgiveness was the scarlet cord that would turn white. The same applies for kabbalists, who after the beginning of the fasting period wait for snow as a sign that God has forgiven the people's sins."
Another reason for celebration is the opportunity given to kabbalists to engage in "snow incarnation" – a "tikkun" (rectification) done by tormenting the body in a bid to atone for religious transgressions, especially sex-related, and prevent their spiritual effects on human beings.
"Days of snow are a days of celebration for kabbalists," Rabbi Batzri quoted Jerusalem kabbalist Rabbi Salman Mutzafi.
The nine incarnations are done in the nude, and because of the risks they are only performed by "elected" people know by the public as special righteous men.
An ordinary person insisting on taking part in the celebration to atone his sins is advised to collect a bit of snow in his hands and "spread" it on different parts of his body, such as the arms and face.
Ynet News
He explained that while red signifies offenses, white signifies atonement. In the words of Prophet Isaiah, “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool."
Opportunity for rectification
Rabbi Batzri added that the timing of the snowfall strengthens the matter even more. Last week, when synagogues read the "Shemot" Torah portion, began the days of the Shovevim (an acronym for the weekly Torah portions of "Shemot", "Va'era", "Bo", B'Shallach", "Yitro" and "Mishpatim").
During these six weeks, according to Kabbalah, it is customary to torture oneself twice a week (on Mondays and Thursdays) for atonement purposes.

'After fasting period begins, we wait for snow' (Photo: Hagai Peretz)
"The kabbalists torment themselves and pray for snow, which is a sign that the Jewish people's sins are being forgiven and erased," Batzri explained.
"Just like in the Temple, when the high priest would enter the Holy of Holies and pray for the people of Israel's sins to be forgiven, the sign for forgiveness was the scarlet cord that would turn white. The same applies for kabbalists, who after the beginning of the fasting period wait for snow as a sign that God has forgiven the people's sins."
Another reason for celebration is the opportunity given to kabbalists to engage in "snow incarnation" – a "tikkun" (rectification) done by tormenting the body in a bid to atone for religious transgressions, especially sex-related, and prevent their spiritual effects on human beings.
"Days of snow are a days of celebration for kabbalists," Rabbi Batzri quoted Jerusalem kabbalist Rabbi Salman Mutzafi.
The nine incarnations are done in the nude, and because of the risks they are only performed by "elected" people know by the public as special righteous men.
An ordinary person insisting on taking part in the celebration to atone his sins is advised to collect a bit of snow in his hands and "spread" it on different parts of his body, such as the arms and face.
Ynet News
Egyptian Press Confirms Washington Infiltrated By Islamists
The radical Muslim Brotherhood doesn't just threaten Israel and Mideast peace. According to the Egyptian press, several of its operatives have infiltrated the U.S. government and are influencing policy here.
The respected Egyptian magazine Rose al-Youssef has identified at least six Brotherhood-tied agents of influence who have worked into positions inside the Obama administration.
The weekly publication, founded in 1925, said the operatives have turned the White House "from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood," an Egyptian-based jihadist movement that supports Hamas and al-Qaida.
President Obama backed the Brotherhood's takeover of Egypt and has courted its front groups in America. Secret Service records show their representatives making hundreds of visits to the White House since 2009.
"The Brotherhood in America is committed to destroying the West from within," former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy told IBD, citing secret documents unearthed by the FBI after 9/11. "It has spent half a century building a considerable infrastructure here," largely with Saudi funding.
"Unfortunately," he added, "our government has done much to empower the Brotherhood's American network under the guise of 'Islamic outreach.'"
The lengthy Rose al-Youssef article, translated from Arabic by the Washington-based Investigative Project on Terrorism, is largely unsourced.
But ex-FBI agents who have investigated the Brotherhood's influence operations inside the U.S. confirm some of those named in the story have come under scrutiny. They include:
• Mohamed Elibiary, a Homeland Security adviser who came under congressional fire for improperly accessing a federal database. The Egyptian magazine says he's helped shape the administration's counterterror strategy, including censoring FBI training materials dealing with jihad.
It also alleges he helped draft Obama's remarks calling for former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to leave power. Mubarak had banned the Brotherhood as a terrorist group.
• Rashad Hussain, former White House lawyer and now Obama's special envoy to the Muslim world. Hussain, who has defended convicted terrorist Sami al-Arian and other U.S. Brotherhood leaders, helped draft Obama's conciliatory speech in Cairo, where he invited banned Brotherhood leaders.
• Arif Alikhan, former assistant Homeland Security secretary for policy development and now a distinguished visiting professor of homeland security and counterterrorism at the National Defense University. As a Los Angeles city official, Alikhan worked with the Brotherhood-tied Muslim Public Affairs Council to derail police efforts to monitor radical mosques.
• Imam Mohamed Magid, another Homeland Security adviser, who heads the Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA, a Brotherhood front named by the Justice Department as an unindicted co-conspirator in a criminal plot to raise millions for Hamas.
Longtime ISNA board member Sayyid Syeed is captured in a new documentary, "The Grand Deception," saying to fellow American Muslims: "Our job is to change the Constitution of America."
Brotherhood agents posing as "moderate" Muslim leaders — such as now-jailed al-Qaida fundraiser Abdurahman Alamoudi — have successfully infiltrated previous administrations. But law enforcement officials say Brotherhood infiltration is more extensive and alarming under Obama.
"The level of penetration in the last three administrations is deep," former FBI special agent John Guandolo said. "For this president, it even goes back to his campaign with Muslim Brotherhood folks working with him then."
Equally alarming, he says, the group also has placed several operatives and sympathizers within the U.S. military, further threatening national security. Guandolo says the government has ID'd hundreds of Brotherhood and Hamas fronts inside the U.S. but has shut down only a few due to political pressures.
"The Muslim Brotherhood controls about 500 organizations that are overt NGOs," he said. "That means they're running thousands of covert organizations we don't know about and nobody's monitoring."
Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, has called for an investigation of the network and its influence on the federal government, particularly related to its support for the new Cairo regime.
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Same-sex couples can marry at U.S. National Cathedral
WASHINGTON — The Washington National Cathedral, where the nation gathers to mourn tragedies and celebrate new presidents, will soon begin hosting same-sex marriages.
Cathedral officials say the church will be among the first Episcopal congregations to implement a new rite of marriage for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender members. The church announced its new policy Wednesday.
As the nation’s most prominent church, the decision carries huge symbolism. The 106-year-old cathedral has long been a spiritual center for the nation, hosting presidential inaugural services and funerals for Ronald Reagan and Gerald Ford. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his last sermon there in 1968. The cathedral draws hundreds of thousands of visitors each year.
In light of the legality of same-sex marriage in the District and now Maryland, the Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, the Episcopal bishop of Washington, decided in December to allow an expansion of the Christian marriage sacrament. The diocese covers the District and four counties in Maryland. The change is allowed under a “local option” granted by the church’s General Convention, church leaders said. Each priest in the diocese can then decide whether to perform same-sex unions.
The Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest gay rights group, applauded the cathedral’s change Wednesday as a milestone.
“Today, the church sent a simple but powerful message to LGBT Episcopalians — you are loved just the way you are, and for that we embrace you,” said the Rev. MacArthur Flournoy, the deputy director of HRC’s religion and faith program.
The conservative National Organization for Marriage, which opposes same-sex marriage, said the cathedral’s change was “disappointing but not surprising,” given the direction of the Episcopal Church.
“The message here is that conservative Episcopalians are being pushed out,” said spokesman Thomas Peters.
Gay weddings will be allowed immediately. But it will likely be six months to a year before the first marriages are performed due to the cathedral’s busy schedule and its pre-marital counseling requirement. Generally, only couples affiliated with the cathedral will be eligible. Church leaders had not received any requests for weddings ahead of Wednesday’s announcement.
The New York-based Episcopal Church is the U.S. body of the 77 million-member Anglican Communion. The House of Bishops voted last year 111-41 to authorize a provisional rite for same-sex unions. Some congregations have left the church over its inclusion of gays and lesbians over the years.
Same-sex marriage is now legal in nine states and the District. Legislators in Illinois and Rhode Island are set to take up bills to possibly join them, and the Supreme Court is scheduled to hear cases on gay marriage in March.
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US government betrayed Israel again
betrayed again.....

You would have to be deaf, a fool and a minor – as it says in the Talmud – not to understand the message relayed this week from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington to the residence on Kaplan 3 Street in Jerusalem: The people in the White House change the rules of the game and has informed BenjaminNetanyahu of the change.
It would be foolish to think that President Obama picked ChuchHagel just to taunt Netanyahu and irritate the State of Israel. Of course not. But we should assume that he smiled when he went over the list of candidates for defense secretary and saw Chuck Hagel's name on it. Hagel's anti-Israel past was not an obstacle in Obama's eyes. He may have even told a joke at Netanyahu's expense to one of his aides in the Oval Office.
But this story is not funny at all. Hagel will now try to convince everyone that he is not anti-Israel, and a photo of him placing a note in the Western Wall will appear out of nowhere (if he has ever visited Israel). A number of his Jewish friends will say that he kisses a picture of Herzl every morning; that he knows the late Benzion Netanyahu's thousand-page book by heart and that his son Johnny was named after Yonatan Netanyahu. He'll do anything to overcome the Senate Committee obstacle on the road to one of the most important appointments in the American administration.
Netanyahu is probably sitting in his office or home and making calls to all the Lauders, Tischs and Rennerts - his Jewish friends from New York who, for some reason, still believe they run the world. Netanyahu is probably explaining to them that the Senate must block the appointment of this hater of Israel. Bibi is doing everything in his power to keep Hagel from hiring a moving company to transfer his furniture from Nebraska to Washington in the coming days. Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, is probably calling the White House constantly and does not understand why the president does not stand at attention when he hears who is on the other end of the line.
America is changing
The Americans don’t like losers, and they have already forgotten about Romney. His books, and those written about him, are being sold for 50 cents in used bookstores. But Obama still remembers Romney and those who supported him during the last election race very well.
Hagel may not be appointed as defense secretary – the claims against him are severe - but Obama is pleased because he has already caused Netanyahu to sweat profusely.
As far as Israel is concerned, the main problem is that Hagel is nominated for one of the most important positions in the US government. The defense secretary is the oxygen tube of the State of Israel's security. Intelligence, weapons and billions of dollars in aide are transferred to the Jewish state with the defense secretary's approval. Hagel will not be nominated to receive the Israel Defense Prize anytime soon.
The selection of Hagel also sent a clear message to the Israeli government: The Americans will not allow Israel to launch a go-it-alone attack on Iran's nuclear installations and get the US involved in a war it does not want. And when the Americans say no – it means no. Will the Americans attack Iran alone? The chances of this happening will be reduced significantly if Hagel is confirmed.
Regardless of whether the Senate approves Hagel's appointment or not, this affair should make us realize that America is changing right before our eyes and it can no longer be Israel's insurance policy.
You would have to be deaf, a fool and a minor – as it says in the Talmud – not to understand the message relayed this week from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington to the residence on Kaplan 3 Street in Jerusalem: The people in the White House change the rules of the game and has informed BenjaminNetanyahu of the change.
It would be foolish to think that President Obama picked ChuchHagel just to taunt Netanyahu and irritate the State of Israel. Of course not. But we should assume that he smiled when he went over the list of candidates for defense secretary and saw Chuck Hagel's name on it. Hagel's anti-Israel past was not an obstacle in Obama's eyes. He may have even told a joke at Netanyahu's expense to one of his aides in the Oval Office.
But this story is not funny at all. Hagel will now try to convince everyone that he is not anti-Israel, and a photo of him placing a note in the Western Wall will appear out of nowhere (if he has ever visited Israel). A number of his Jewish friends will say that he kisses a picture of Herzl every morning; that he knows the late Benzion Netanyahu's thousand-page book by heart and that his son Johnny was named after Yonatan Netanyahu. He'll do anything to overcome the Senate Committee obstacle on the road to one of the most important appointments in the American administration.
Netanyahu is probably sitting in his office or home and making calls to all the Lauders, Tischs and Rennerts - his Jewish friends from New York who, for some reason, still believe they run the world. Netanyahu is probably explaining to them that the Senate must block the appointment of this hater of Israel. Bibi is doing everything in his power to keep Hagel from hiring a moving company to transfer his furniture from Nebraska to Washington in the coming days. Malcolm Hoenlein, the executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, is probably calling the White House constantly and does not understand why the president does not stand at attention when he hears who is on the other end of the line.
America is changing
The Americans don’t like losers, and they have already forgotten about Romney. His books, and those written about him, are being sold for 50 cents in used bookstores. But Obama still remembers Romney and those who supported him during the last election race very well.
Hagel may not be appointed as defense secretary – the claims against him are severe - but Obama is pleased because he has already caused Netanyahu to sweat profusely.
As far as Israel is concerned, the main problem is that Hagel is nominated for one of the most important positions in the US government. The defense secretary is the oxygen tube of the State of Israel's security. Intelligence, weapons and billions of dollars in aide are transferred to the Jewish state with the defense secretary's approval. Hagel will not be nominated to receive the Israel Defense Prize anytime soon.
The selection of Hagel also sent a clear message to the Israeli government: The Americans will not allow Israel to launch a go-it-alone attack on Iran's nuclear installations and get the US involved in a war it does not want. And when the Americans say no – it means no. Will the Americans attack Iran alone? The chances of this happening will be reduced significantly if Hagel is confirmed.
Regardless of whether the Senate approves Hagel's appointment or not, this affair should make us realize that America is changing right before our eyes and it can no longer be Israel's insurance policy.
Car explodes in Tel Aviv; 9 hurt
A car exploded on a busy street in Tel Aviv around 1 pm on Thursday, in what appeared to be an assassination attempt.
The police postulated the incident was criminal in nature.
Nine people were said to be lighly hurt. They were taken to the Sourasky Medical Center.

Car went up in flames (Photo: Assaf Gol)
According to witnesses, a motorcyclist approached the car on the corner Menachem Begin Road and Shaul Hamelech Avenue and placed a bomb on it. The device detonated shortly thereafter, causing the car to go up in flames.
A police helicopter has been scrambled in the manhunt for the assailant. Several motorcyclists have been stopped but none have been arrested.

Site of explosion (Photo: Olga Lavi)
The witnesses added that they saw Nissim Alperon, a criminal, fleeing the scene. Alperon, 58, who is known as a crime boss, has survived eight previous attempts on his life. It appears he has managed to endure yet another near death experience.
According to his brother, Alperon escaped unscathed.
"The police know who they are, may the cowards be cursed," Zalman Alperon told Channel 2, referring to the assailants.

"We're not afraid for our lives," he added.
The explosion went off on a crosswalk not far from the Hakirya IDF base. The windows of a bus that was traveling nearby shattered from the force of the blast.
The scene was closed to traffic, causing congestion in the area.
Magen David Adom initially classified the event as a multi-victim incident, but lifted the alert a few minutes later.
The police postulated the incident was criminal in nature.
Nine people were said to be lighly hurt. They were taken to the Sourasky Medical Center.

Car went up in flames (Photo: Assaf Gol)
According to witnesses, a motorcyclist approached the car on the corner Menachem Begin Road and Shaul Hamelech Avenue and placed a bomb on it. The device detonated shortly thereafter, causing the car to go up in flames.
A police helicopter has been scrambled in the manhunt for the assailant. Several motorcyclists have been stopped but none have been arrested.

Site of explosion (Photo: Olga Lavi)
The witnesses added that they saw Nissim Alperon, a criminal, fleeing the scene. Alperon, 58, who is known as a crime boss, has survived eight previous attempts on his life. It appears he has managed to endure yet another near death experience.
According to his brother, Alperon escaped unscathed.
"The police know who they are, may the cowards be cursed," Zalman Alperon told Channel 2, referring to the assailants.

"We're not afraid for our lives," he added.
The explosion went off on a crosswalk not far from the Hakirya IDF base. The windows of a bus that was traveling nearby shattered from the force of the blast.
The scene was closed to traffic, causing congestion in the area.
Magen David Adom initially classified the event as a multi-victim incident, but lifted the alert a few minutes later.
Russia Commissions First Borey Class Nuclear Sub

SEVERODVINSK, January 10 (RIA Novosti) - Russia’s first Borey class ballistic missile nuclear submarine, the Yury Dolgoruky, was officially commissioned into the Russian Navy on Thursday.

RIA Novosti
Obama considers bypassing congress over gun laws
WASHINGTON — Vice President Joe Biden on Wednesday heard personal stories of gun violence from representatives of victims groups and gun-safety organizations as he drafts the Obama administration’s response to the shooting at a Connecticut elementary school. He pledged that action would be taken.
“I want to make it clear that we are not going to get caught up in the notion (that) unless we can do everything we’re going to do nothing,” Biden said. “It’s critically important (that) we act.”
The meeting was part of a series Biden is holding this week to build consensus around proposals to curb gun violence after the Dec. 14 shooting in Newtown, Conn. Twenty school children were killed.
Obama will consider using executive orders among the steps to curb gun violence following last month’s shooting, Biden said.

Jim Watson / AFP / Getty ImagesVirginia Tech shooting survivor Colin Goddard (centre) speaks with other representatives of victims' groups and gun safety organizations after a meeting with Vice President Biden at the White House in Washington, DC, January 9, 2013, as part of the Administration's effort to develop policy proposals in response to the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut.
“The president and I are determined to take action,” Biden said at the start of a meeting with gun-control advocates and groups representing victims.
Executive orders are legally binding orders handed out to federal administrative agencies from the President. An executive order, known as an order in council or decree in other countries, has the same legal power as laws passed by Congress.
Biden meets Thursday with the National Rifle Association and other gun-owner groups. Meetings with representatives of the video-game and entertainment industries also are planned.
President Barack Obama wants Biden to deliver policy proposals by the end of the month. Obama has vowed to move swiftly on the package, which is expected to include legislative proposals and executive action.
Participants in Wednesday’s meeting with Biden included the Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence and groups from Arizona, Illinois and Wisconsin, states with spates of gun violence that garnered national attention, including the shooting in Arizona of then-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Also present were two survivors of the 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech that killed 32 people, as well as a stepfather of a victim of last July’s massacre at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., in which a dozen people were slain. Attorney General Eric Holder also attended.
Dan Gross, the Brady Campaign’s president, said afterward that the meeting was “very productive and actually inspiring.” He said the administration is trying to figure out how to save many others from losing their lives to gun violence, not take guns away from lawful owners.
“Words like comprehensive and broad don’t mean taking guns away from law-abiding citizens,” Gross said as he stood on the White House driveway with some of those who shared their stories with the vice president. “This is not a debate around the Second Amendment.”
But as the shock and sorrow over the Newtown, Conn., shooting fades, the tough fight facing the White House and gun-control backers is growing clearer. Gun-rights advocates, including the powerful NRA, are digging in against tighter gun restrictions, conservative groups are launching pro-gun initiatives and the Senate’s top Republican has warned it could be spring before Congress begins considering any gun legislation.
“The biggest problem we have at the moment is spending and debt,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said this week. “That’s going to dominate the Congress between now and the end of March. None of these issues will have the kind of priority as spending and debt over the next two or three months.”
The killing of 6- and 7-year-olds at Newtown’s Sandy Hook Elementary School appeared to stir a deep reaction from the White House and Capitol Hill. Obama pushed gun control to the top of his domestic agenda for the first time and pledged to put the full weight of his presidency behind the issue. Some Republican and conservative lawmakers with strong gun-rights records also took the extraordinary step of calling for a discussion on new measures.
But other gun-rights advocates have shown less flexibility. The NRA has rejected stricter gun legislation and suggested instead that the government put armed guards in every U.S. school as a way to curb violence. A coalition of conservative groups is also organizing a “Gun Appreciation Day” to coincide with Obama’s inauguration this month.
The president hopes to announce his administration’s next steps to tackle gun violence shortly after he is sworn in for a second term on Jan. 21.
Obama wants Congress to reinstate a ban on military-style assault weapons, close loopholes that allow gun buyers to skirt background checks and restrict high-capacity magazines. Other recommendations to the Biden group include making gun-trafficking a felony, getting the Justice Department to prosecute people caught lying on gun background-check forms and ordering federal agencies to send data to the National Gun Background Check Database.
Some of those steps could be taken through executive action, without the approval of Congress. White House officials say Obama will not finalize any actions until receiving Biden’s recommendations.
Gun-rights lawmakers and outside groups have insisted that any policy response also include an examination of mental health policies and the impact of violent movies and video games. To those people, the White House has pledged a comprehensive response.
“It is not a problem that can be solved by any specific action or single action that the government might take,” said White House spokesman Jay Carney said. “It’s a problem that encompasses issues of mental health, of education, as well as access to guns.”
In addition to Biden’s meetings this week, Education Secretary Arne Duncan will meet with parent and teacher groups, and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will meet with mental health and disability advocates.
The White House said other meetings are also scheduled with community organizations, business owners and religious leaders.
National Post
“I want to make it clear that we are not going to get caught up in the notion (that) unless we can do everything we’re going to do nothing,” Biden said. “It’s critically important (that) we act.”
The meeting was part of a series Biden is holding this week to build consensus around proposals to curb gun violence after the Dec. 14 shooting in Newtown, Conn. Twenty school children were killed.
Obama will consider using executive orders among the steps to curb gun violence following last month’s shooting, Biden said.

Jim Watson / AFP / Getty ImagesVirginia Tech shooting survivor Colin Goddard (centre) speaks with other representatives of victims' groups and gun safety organizations after a meeting with Vice President Biden at the White House in Washington, DC, January 9, 2013, as part of the Administration's effort to develop policy proposals in response to the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut.
“The president and I are determined to take action,” Biden said at the start of a meeting with gun-control advocates and groups representing victims.
Executive orders are legally binding orders handed out to federal administrative agencies from the President. An executive order, known as an order in council or decree in other countries, has the same legal power as laws passed by Congress.
Biden meets Thursday with the National Rifle Association and other gun-owner groups. Meetings with representatives of the video-game and entertainment industries also are planned.
President Barack Obama wants Biden to deliver policy proposals by the end of the month. Obama has vowed to move swiftly on the package, which is expected to include legislative proposals and executive action.
Participants in Wednesday’s meeting with Biden included the Brady Campaign to End Gun Violence and groups from Arizona, Illinois and Wisconsin, states with spates of gun violence that garnered national attention, including the shooting in Arizona of then-Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Also present were two survivors of the 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech that killed 32 people, as well as a stepfather of a victim of last July’s massacre at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., in which a dozen people were slain. Attorney General Eric Holder also attended.
Dan Gross, the Brady Campaign’s president, said afterward that the meeting was “very productive and actually inspiring.” He said the administration is trying to figure out how to save many others from losing their lives to gun violence, not take guns away from lawful owners.
“Words like comprehensive and broad don’t mean taking guns away from law-abiding citizens,” Gross said as he stood on the White House driveway with some of those who shared their stories with the vice president. “This is not a debate around the Second Amendment.”
But as the shock and sorrow over the Newtown, Conn., shooting fades, the tough fight facing the White House and gun-control backers is growing clearer. Gun-rights advocates, including the powerful NRA, are digging in against tighter gun restrictions, conservative groups are launching pro-gun initiatives and the Senate’s top Republican has warned it could be spring before Congress begins considering any gun legislation.
“The biggest problem we have at the moment is spending and debt,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky said this week. “That’s going to dominate the Congress between now and the end of March. None of these issues will have the kind of priority as spending and debt over the next two or three months.”
The killing of 6- and 7-year-olds at Newtown’s Sandy Hook Elementary School appeared to stir a deep reaction from the White House and Capitol Hill. Obama pushed gun control to the top of his domestic agenda for the first time and pledged to put the full weight of his presidency behind the issue. Some Republican and conservative lawmakers with strong gun-rights records also took the extraordinary step of calling for a discussion on new measures.
But other gun-rights advocates have shown less flexibility. The NRA has rejected stricter gun legislation and suggested instead that the government put armed guards in every U.S. school as a way to curb violence. A coalition of conservative groups is also organizing a “Gun Appreciation Day” to coincide with Obama’s inauguration this month.
The president hopes to announce his administration’s next steps to tackle gun violence shortly after he is sworn in for a second term on Jan. 21.
Obama wants Congress to reinstate a ban on military-style assault weapons, close loopholes that allow gun buyers to skirt background checks and restrict high-capacity magazines. Other recommendations to the Biden group include making gun-trafficking a felony, getting the Justice Department to prosecute people caught lying on gun background-check forms and ordering federal agencies to send data to the National Gun Background Check Database.
Some of those steps could be taken through executive action, without the approval of Congress. White House officials say Obama will not finalize any actions until receiving Biden’s recommendations.
Gun-rights lawmakers and outside groups have insisted that any policy response also include an examination of mental health policies and the impact of violent movies and video games. To those people, the White House has pledged a comprehensive response.
“It is not a problem that can be solved by any specific action or single action that the government might take,” said White House spokesman Jay Carney said. “It’s a problem that encompasses issues of mental health, of education, as well as access to guns.”
In addition to Biden’s meetings this week, Education Secretary Arne Duncan will meet with parent and teacher groups, and Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius will meet with mental health and disability advocates.
The White House said other meetings are also scheduled with community organizations, business owners and religious leaders.
National Post
Greece unemployment reaches record 26.8%
Same medicine...same problem
The jobless rate in Greece has reached record highs, with October 2012 figures at 26.8 per cent. This is a major increase from the same month in 2011, the Statistical Authority said Thursday. The unemployment increased from the 26.2 per cent in September 2012. It also marked a significant jump from the 19.7 per cent of October 2011. The worst affected were the young, with 56.6 per cent of those aged between 15 and 24 out of work in October 2011.
The jobless rate in Greece has reached record highs, with October 2012 figures at 26.8 per cent. This is a major increase from the same month in 2011, the Statistical Authority said Thursday. The unemployment increased from the 26.2 per cent in September 2012. It also marked a significant jump from the 19.7 per cent of October 2011. The worst affected were the young, with 56.6 per cent of those aged between 15 and 24 out of work in October 2011.
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