Friday, January 30, 2015
The Shinar Directive -- Part 11
Did Nimrod Build More Than Just A "Tower"? |
by Dr. Michael Lake
Is it possible that the Tower of Babel was more than just a tower? Was the tower built in a place where there was a dimensional portal to allow “the gods” to enter earth? Dr. Tom Horn shares this possibility in his book, Nephilim Stargates:
Scientist Stan Deyo has done analysis of a Tower of Babel Stele with speculation about whether the original Tower of Babel was actually designed to facilitate reaching “the heavens” as indicated in the comments above. Was it a building whose top was high enough to allow higher-dimensional beings to descend slowly while discharging voltage directly into the lower energy density universe? Deyo notes the uppermost portion of the stele may show a ‘bright’ or burning circular area, while the edges of the tower layers themselves are smooth like a high voltage insulator, as if for dissipating electricity. Stan emphasizes the analysis is inconclusive at this time, but it is interesting, given that beings who descended from heaven were typically accompanied by fire or lightning (electrical discharge ?), while beings that ASCEND from lower energy densities (regions) tend to cool the atmosphere, such as in the classic ‘ghost’ entering a room. Ancient artwork that may support this theory is widespread throughout ancient times including depictions of gods accompanied by fire.[i]
Perhaps Nimrod was diligently laboring to create more than just an interdimensional landing pad; it is quite possible that he was building an ancient interdimensional portal generator. It is quite possible that the wrath of God fell upon the tower because mankind was “of one mind” to create a mechanism to storm Heaven itself! Now, mind you, they had no better chance of winning than did Lucifer with one-third of the angels. However, their very audacity required an answer from Heaven.
Enter the Large Hadron Collider at CERN
There has been both excitement and dread among the scientific community regarding the experiments at the CERN Hadron Collider in Switzerland. While parts of the scientific community are wanting to find the “god particle,” others are fearful of either creating a tear in the very fabric of space-time or a black hole that could destroy the planet.[ii]
Since the news report above, CERN has powered up its collider several times and has conducted experiments. The scientific community has been both fascinated with the data gathered and has collectively exhaled with a sigh of relief. However, there is more to the story. These experiments were conducted with only a small fraction of the power the collider can generate and in 2015 the titanic machine will be fired up to generate a magnetic field that is 100,000 times more powerful than Earth's!At that time, “The Large Hadron Collider could open a doorway to an extra dimension and ‘out of this door might come something, or we might send something through it,” has said Sergio Bertolucci, Director for Research and Scientific Computing at CERN. And Aurelien Barrau, French particle physicist at the CERN adds: “The idea of multiple universes is more than a fantastic invention and deserves to be taken seriously.” So were past experiments merely a “knocking on the door” of creating a dimensional portal? Perhaps we have several clues at CERN itself. The first is its logo.

Then, there is the idol of Shiva outside of CERN. Here is a description of Shiva from Wikipedia:
The main iconographical attributes of Shiva are the third eye on his forehead, the snake Vasuki around his neck, the crescent moon adorning, the holy river Ganga flowing from his matted hair, the trishula as his weapon and the damaru as his instrument.[iv]
Shiva is the god of the yogis, self-controlled and celibate, while at the same time a lover of his spouse (shakti). Lord Shiva is the destroyer of the world, following Brahma the creator and Vishnu the preserver, after which Brahma again creates the world and so on. Shiva is responsible for change both in the form of death and destruction and in the positive sense of destroying the ego, the false identification with the form. This also includes the shedding of old habits and attachments.[v] (Emphasis added)

Isn’t it a little unnerving that the scientists at CERN, who have essentially declared that they do not believe in the God of the Bible as Creator, chose to place an idol outside of their facility that represents a being that follows after Brahma the creator and destroy worlds? Shiva, according to Hindu belief, can dismantle all matter and reality itself.
I have come to believe that CERN is only one of many such colliders around the globe that the Elite are using in experiments to find a way of creating a stable portal into other dimensions. Such technology could assist in completing Nimrod’s war on Heaven itself.
The Final Piece: Reviving Watcher / Nimrod Transhuman Tech
Wikipedia provides the following definition of “transhumanism”:
Transhumanism (abbreviated as H+ or h+) is an international cultural and intellectual movement with an eventual goal of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities. Transhumanist thinkers study the potential benefits and dangers of emerging technologies that could overcome fundamental human limitations, as well as the ethics of developing and using such technologies. They speculate that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label “posthuman.”[vi]
The Lifeboat Foundation adds how "Transhumanists advocate the improvement of human capacities through advanced technology. Not just technology as in gadgets you get from Best Buy, but technology in the grander sense of strategies for eliminating disease, providing cheap but high-quality products to the world’s poorest, improving quality of life and social interconnectedness, and so on. Technology we don’t notice because it’s blended in with the fabric of the world, but would immediately take note of its absence if it became unavailable. (Ever tried to travel to another country on foot?) Technology needn’t be expensive—indeed, if a technology is truly effective it will pay for itself many times over.
"Transhumanists tend to take a longer-than-average view of technological progress, looking not just five or ten years into the future but twenty years, thirty years, and beyond. We realize that the longer you look forward, the more uncertain the predictions get, but one thing is quite certain: if a technology is physically possible and obviously useful, human (or transhuman!) ingenuity will see to it that it gets built eventually.
"As we gain ever greater control over the atomic structure of matter, our technological goals become increasingly ambitious, and their payoffs more and more generous. Sometimes new technologies even make us happier in a long-lasting way: the Internet would be a prime example. In the following list, I take a look at what I consider the top ten transhumanist technologies."[vii]
Transhumanists paint themselves as futurists and, possibly, the ultimate benefactors for all humankind. They seek to cure all diseases, greatly improve our intelligence, and prolong our lives. Yet, when you peel back the carefully crafted public relations hype, you discover so much more.
One of the terms circulating to accurately describe the work of transhumanism is what Dr. Tom Horn defines as GRINS. Here is what his acronym stands for:

We need to realize that transhumanists are not satisfied with the creation of man from the hand of God. They use the luciferian deception of evolution as a foundation to build upon. The transhumanists seek to assist the evolutionary process by rewriting our genetic code, using computers to enhance our minds, using nanotech and synthetic DNA to modify our bodies, and even utilizing cyberspace to expand the reach of our spirits. Elaine Graham at the Oxford University Press writes in the abstract of her paper, “Nietzsche Gets a Modem: Transhumanism and the Technological Sublime,” the following:
Transhumanism is a futuristic philosophy which celebrates the potential of advanced technologies to augment human functioning to unprecedented degrees, ushering in a new phase of “posthuman” evolution. Some trans‐humanists even regard digital technologies as capable of “re‐enchanting” the world. Such visions of “cyberspace as sacred space” conceal many value‐judgments, however, not least in the universalisation of a metaphysics of technoscience founded on longings for invulnerability, incorporeality and omniscience. Such propensities cloak ideologies of technocratic consumerism that refuse to engage with the global implications of new technologies. A theologically‐derived critique not only exposes the ideology of “transcendence” at the heart of transhumanism, but also challenges its claim to represent a latter day Nietzschean sensibility.[viii]
Graham reveals in her abstract that transhumanism is a technoscience religion. Notice that she addresses the belief that cyberspace is actually some type of sacred space. It is very possible that transhumanism will eventually become the one-world religion: man transcending the limitations placed on him by the Creator and becoming a god. Although transhumanists promise to provide the fulfillment of the serpent’s promise in Genesis 3, they will eventually reconstruct the genetic mutation of Genesis 6!
I shared the dangers of tampering with the human genome in my chapter in Blood on the Altar: The Coming War between Christian vs. Christian: where I described the "image of God and the Human Conscience". By God’s leading, I have embarked on an adventure in reading this year. As a Christian educator, I have attempted to read every systematic theology book ever written in English. As I recently viewed several videos by a seasoned man of God named R. T. Kendall on YouTube, I noticed that he had printed the lectures he conducted as pastor of Westminster Chapel. I was so blessed by the videos that I decided to read through them for a refresher. These lectures are called “Understanding Theology.” As I read, I came upon this quote: “The conscience is what is left of the image of God in us, incapable of saving us and yet leaving us without excuse”[ix] (emphasis added).
Even in sinful man, the image of God remains (though marred) and is manifested as his conscience. I read the sentence through about ten times and leaned back in my chair as it impacted my spirit and mind.
- DNA holds incredible volumes of information that we can only begin to understand.
- DNA has an antenna array to pick up planetary or cosmic vibrations.
- The 7.83-hertz frequency resonance is essential for life. If the resonance changed, it would affect how man thinks and acts.
- The conscience is the image of God within (although marred by the Fall). This image is alive and speaks—our conscience tells us when we have done something wrong.
- The image of God within is restored through the new birth. The conscience of man becomes revitalized, and we slowly learn to hear God’s voice with clarity.
What If?
And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (Revelation 13:15–18)
Notice the sequence in which Revelation reveals Lucifer’s plan.
The False Prophet has power to give life to the image of the Beast. Is he able to mimic the Holy Spirit and erase the image of God within man and replace it with the image of the Beast (possibly a resequencing of man’s DNA to form a new and superior species)? Man would have no more conscience. It would be impossible to respond to the gospel and repent. These men and women would be unredeemable.
Worship of the image of the Beast. How do we worship God? We pray to Him. We respond to the leading of His Spirit. We give reverence to His Word. Maybe the worship of the Beast here is that those who receive the mark only listen to the Beast. They are hardwired to only respond to his word and his voice. Worship used in Revelation 13:15 in the Greek is προσκυνέω (proskuneo), which means “to give reverence, to bow the head down to the ground in homage.”[x] In other words, it denotes complete submission to the newly created image of the Beast within: spirit, soul, and body.
Those who do not worship the image are killed. Darwin would be proud. We are taught in his book, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, that as mankind evolved into homo sapiens, the new species rose up and killed out the old. This has been drilled into the minds of our children in our school systems for several generations. According to Darwin’s rationale, the new, improved homo perfectus would rise up to wipe out the old, inferior race (similar to the logic the Nazis used during World War II). This slaughter would be fueled by the image of the Beast within.
Mark of the Beast. If you change the basic genetic coding of mankind, it would most likely change the appearance of man. I have heard from several sources that the members of the Illuminati maintain control of script writers for TV programs and movies. These powerful individuals boast that they continually foretell their plans via the scripts. The CW broadcasts a show that has aired for two seasons now, Beauty and the Beast. Vincent, the main character, is a victim of genetic alterations to produce a super soldier in a secret program fashioned for the government. (It is very interesting to note that the genetic coding came from a beast that was on the earth thousands of years ago—i.e., Nephilim.) When Vincent goes into “beast mode,” there are distinct changes in his body—particularly in his forehead and hands. The writers of this show have thought through how changing the genetic code would alter one’s appearance—except in our case in the future, there would be no on-and-off switch. The appearance (and the soul) would be forever changed.

As transhumanists seek to rewrite the human genome to assist or accelerate evolution so that man can enter into a techno-godhood, they may very well erase the image of God that resides within mankind. I believe their work to overcome death will be directly connected to the eradication of God’s image within man’s DNA.
Wikipedia’s post regarding transhumanism provides the following insight:
According to Nick Bostrom, transcendentalist impulses have been expressed at least as far back as in the quest for immortality in the Epic of Gilgamesh [the Sumerian telling of Nimrod's quest], as well as historical quests for the Fountain of Youth, Elixir of Life, and other efforts to stave off aging and death.There is debate about whether the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche can be considered an influence on transhumanism despite its exaltation of the “Übermensch” (overman or superman), due to its emphasis on self-actualization rather than technological transformation.[xii]
Thus the ultimate goal of transhumanism can be expressed in two premises:
1. To become immortal.
2. To become Nietzshe’s Übermensch that has moved beyond good and evil.
The Elite would seem to be using the Transhumanist Movement to overcome death, so they would never be answerable to God. To be honest, that is a very dangerous combination: no sense of right and wrong and no fear of death. Imagine for a moment having a Hitler, Mussolini, or some other despot who could never be killed! Welcome to the last days.
Therefore, posthumanity or “Human 2.0” will be augmented with greater intelligence in immortal and super-powered bodies and will be linked directly into their sacred space (cyberspace). The Elite’s intent is not to make all of humanity into pseudo gods; whether they understand it or not, they are building a new breed of mind-controlled Nephilim to become Nimrod’s ultimate army.
In the next (final online entry) we will continue with Plato, Transhumanism, and the coming of Antichrist’s Strange Army.
Credit to Raiders News Update
Documents Showing Foreign Troops to Run FEMA Camps Complete with Cemeteries and Crematoriums
It is laughable that some in the independent media is still in denial about the existence and true nature of concentration camps in America,commonly known as FEMA camps. The evidence is overwhelming and from certain documents we can ascertain how “detainees” will captured and transported to these infamous FEMA camps.
The purpose of this article is to demonstrate, that from the government’s own documents, it is child’s play to demonstrate the nature of FEMA camps in term of who is going to be running these camps.
An Irrelevant Question
We often hear the question: “Will American soldiers fire upon American citizens upon a martial law roundup of millions of Americans”? The answer to that question is a moot point. It is clear from analyzing data from Army concentration camp materials, that American soldiers will be used to round up detainees. However, the camps in which people will be deported to will ultimately be staffed and run by foreign troops. This document will make this point abundantly clear.
FEMA Camps Are Slave Labor Camps
As was the case with the NAZIS, slave labor will be a a part of the landscape as evidenced by the following Army document.
Appendix JJ-20 FM 3-39.40 12 February 2010J-67.Commanders must organize and manage detainees in such a manner as to permit the proper and ready employment of each detainee. Establish and maintain a current occupational skill record for each detainee. Include new skills as they are acquired.Assigning individual detainees to a work detail or job on a regular or permanent basis.Establishing vocational training projects and encouraging detainees to study and develop needed skills to the maximum extent possible.LABOR CONSIDERATIONSJ-68.Detainee labor may be used to perform the following:Camp administration and installation maintenance.Agricultural work.Public works, public utilities, and building operations that have no military character or purpose.Transportation and handling of stores that are not military in nature or purpose.Domestic service
Unanswered Questions
From the perspective of history, concentration camps are notoriously known for being institutions of murder. Based on this notion, I scoured the Army concentration camp manual entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF), and found only scant reference to the subject of deaths in the concentration camps. Now wait a minute, this document painstakingly describes interrogation processes, food preparation, the transport and care of detainees, but they barely mention how they are going to deal with dead bodies?
In a facility filled with a divergent population with regard to age, health status and physical conditioning, should the authorities be concerned with what happens when an inmate dies from an unexpected heart attack or stroke? What would they do with the dead bodies?
If proper preparations are not taken for the proper care and disposal of dead bodies, wouldn’t that imperil the health of fellow inmates, not to mention the guards and other military personnel? This should be a primary concern for any facility. However, this is the one area where the FEMA camp Army manual is relatively silent.
The following passages speaks to how the Army deals with the subject of death as it is related to the concentration camps:
5-69. When a detainee in U.S. custody dies, the attending medical officer will immediately furnish the detention facility commander or hospital commander (or the commander of the unit that exercised custody over the detainee if the death did not occur in a facility) with the—-Detainee’s full name.-Detainee’s ISN/capture tag (mandatory).-Date, place, and circumstances of the detainee’s death.-Initial assessment as to whether the detainee’s death was, or was not, the result of the deceased’s own misconduct.-The initial assessment as to the cause of death.
What is interesting about 5-69 is the cause of death is not categorized in any meaningful manner except to say that there is a conscious effort to determine if the death of the inmate was due to “their own actions”.
5-72. …the Office of the Armed Forces Medical Examiner is responsible for completing a final DD Form 2064 that will include a statement that “death was (or was not) the result of the deceased’s own misconduct” in the block labeled “Circumstances Surrounding Death Due to External Causes.”
Notice in the above (5-72) that only meaningful categories of inmate death are (1) the detainee’s own misconduct and (2) death due to external causes.
5-73. The NRDC will notify the ICRC of all detainee deaths. The NDRC will maintain detainee DD Forms 2064 for the period of hostilities or occupation, for the duration of any other military operation, or as otherwise directed. When authorized, the NDRC will archive detainee DD Forms 2064.
There is a key phrase that barely goes unnoticed. the phrase is “the NDRC will maintain detainee DD Forms 2064 for the period of the hostilities or occupation…” In other words, there will be no Nuremberg trials for genocide because the records will be not be permanently maintained (i.e. destroyed).
It’s What They Are Not Saying That Is Worrisome, It Is What They Are Not Saying
For a manual which spells out, in detail, every possible consideration of how detainees will be handled, they omit the disposal of dead bodies. Will there be a military regulation that nobody can drop dead in the camp of a heart attack? Or, is this because except for the occasional spontaneous death, the Army seems very unconcerned about disposing of dead bodies at a facility of mass detention. I can only come to one conclusion, most of the deaths associated with the detainees, will not occur at the facility itself and this explains why the Army is seemingly unconcerned with this issue.
This opens a whole host of possibilities. Are the unhealthy going to be transported to a tertiary facility to be humanely treated while their medical conditions will be treated? I think it is fairly easy to see where I am going with this. Can we really expect the “authorities” who have committed an inhumane act by incarcerating people for no legitimate reason to suddenly discover their conscience and treat the infirm with compassion and dignity?
Mass Extermination Facilities?
At this point, we are all thinking the same thing, so it may as well be said. Are there going to be mass extermination facilities, off-site, to dispose of those who cannot work, or will not work? And the reason that the Army is unconcerned about what is going to happen with regard to the death of these inmates is because this will not their problem.
I have been receiving emails on a FEMA camp facility in Stockton, CA. for the past 18 months. Here is an excerpt for one of these emails and the content, within the context presented in this article, makes this email very disturbing.
“I’m writing because there is a new Amtrak maintenance facility a few blocks from the home I’ve lived in for the past 30 years and something seems strange about it and I was wondering if you have heard from other listeners in my area regarding the facility. I would like to keep this short so I won’t list all the strange things about it here- but I will ask if you can think of any reason an Amtrak maintenance facility would need to annex an entire cemetery, including a crematorium, that is adjacent to it? This is the only cemetery in Stockton and has been there for over a hundred years. All my family members are buried there. If you enter the address of the Amtrak building on Google Earth (1020 E. Alpine Ave., Stockton, CA) you can see the Stockton Rural cemetary and the Catholic cemetery just west of it-both have been annexed to Amtrak… I have further information I can send you. After it was completed about a year ago there was no activity there. The last few weeks I’ve noticed a lot of unmarked white,,,cars, trucks and vans in and out day and night. Thank you for taking the time to read this…”
I have been able to verify the existence of the disturbing acquisition of a cemetery and a crematorium adjacent to the AMTRAK facility in Stockton. Here a couple of pictures
There is clear evidence that the foreign soldiers are going to be trained to take over the FEMA Camps and the question as to whether American forces would fire upon American citizens is a moot point.
Training Foreigners To Take Over the Camps
“This appendix addresses aspects of developing confinement officers in other countries. For the purposes of this appendix,the terms foreign and HN confinement officers are synonymous”.
For 18 months, I have interviewed numerous eyewitnesses on my talk show about the presence of foreign troops (mostly Russian) training on American soil. Sherrie Wilcox has presented videotape and still photo evidence. Others have provided their firsthand accounts of these events. I have detailed the existence of a FEMA bilateral agreement with the Russians to bring in 15,000 soldiers for “disaster training”. And despite all the evidence, there are people who have roundly criticized The Common Sense Show for accurately claiming there are foreign troops on American soil. Those who have refused to look at the evidence owe my people an apology. Second, the “bury their head in the sand crowd” ,will never know what will hit them when all hell breaks loose.
Stop! The following may contain images and messages which are troublesome to those who suffer from cognitive dissonance and corporate media group think.
What lies below is more proof that it is will be foreign troops killing American citizens, not American soldiers who cannot be counted on to violate their oath to the Constitution.
Appendix N
Foreign Confinement Officer Training ProgramTraining U.S. TrainersN-43. Soldiers and Marines who are assigned training missions receive a course of preparation to deal with the specific requirements of developing the target HN confinement officers (i.e. foreign detention officers). The course should emphasize the cultural background of the HN, introduce its language (to include specific confinement-related terms and phrases) and provide insights into cultural tips for developing a good rapport with HN personnel.
The beginning of this section attempts to create the illusion that foreign troops will be under the complete control of Army personnel. However, I believe it is likely that the mass exterminations of the detainees will take place when the American military is withdrawn from the facilities. If there was any doubt as to the fact that our soon-to-be jailers will be foreign and will have no hesitation to carry out mass genocide, the following regulation from the document should remove all doubt.
Training Methods
N-48. Training programs are designed to prepare HN personnel to eventually train themselves. Indigenous trainers are the best trainers and should be used to the maximum extent possible.
The day that the detainees hear the engines start up and the American military vacates the concentration camps, is the day that they all better “get right with God”.
No legitimate process to deal with dead bodies, the training of foreign assets to assume control over the camps and the eventual training of foreign assets to train their own, can only mean one thing. American soldiers will be removed from the killing of American citizens.
When you combine those political practices with what is described here, we are looking at an unimaginable horror of epic proportions.
Credit to Common Sense
Is Democracy Dead In The West?

Paul Craig Roberts
We will find out the answer to the question posed in the title in the outcome of the contest between the new Greek government, formed by the political party Syriza, and the ECB and the private banks, with whose interests the EU and Washington align against Greece.
The Spartans, whose red cloaks and military prowess struck fear into the hearts of both foreign invaders and Greek opponents in the city-states, are no more. Athens itself is a ruin of its historical self. The Greeks, who were once to be contended with, who were able with 300 Spartans, supplemented with a few thousand Corinthians, Thebans, and other warriors, to stop a one hundred thousand man Persian army at Thermopylae, with the final outcome being the defeat of the Persian fleet in the Battle of Salamis and the defeat of the Persian army in the Battle of Plataea, are no more.
The Greeks of history have become a people of legend. Not even the Romans were able to conquer Persia, but little more than a handful of Greeks stopped the attempted Persian conquest of Greece.
But the Greeks, despite their glorious history, could not stop their conquest by the EU and a handful of German and Dutch banks. If the Greece of history still existed, the EU and the private banks would be cowering in fear, because the EU and the private banks have ruthlessly exploited the Greek people and represent the same threat to Greek sovereignty as Persia did.
Greece, stripped of its independence by its EU membership and acceptance of the euro as its currency, has lost is sovereignty. Without control over its own money, Greece cannot finance itself. Greece must rely on private banks from other countries. In the 21st century European private banks are not allowed to lose money simply because they are incompetent and over-lent to EU member countries. This is not considered to be the fault of the banks, but of the borrower governments and populations.
According to reports, the American bankster firm, Goldman Sachs, sometimes known as Gold Sacks, hid Greek debt from view in order that banks would extent more credit to Greece, thus setting the Greek people up for looting.
The EU’s disingenuous argument is that this bankster trickery benefitted the Greek people. The people enjoyed the resources from these loans. Therefore, the Greek people must pay back the loans through reductions in old age pensions, through unemployment, through lower wages, and through the sale of Greek national assets.
This is the austerity that has been imposed on ordinary Greek people by the EU and Greece’s creditors.
Greece is prostrate. Greeks are actually committing suicide, because Greeks cannot provide for themselves in the depressed conditions that the EU and the private banks have created for them for no other reason than that the private banks must not have to write down the loans.
So, one result from “democracy” in Greece is suicide. With enough democracy, we can control world population and halt the destruction of nature’s capital. All we have to do is to enable the banksters to loot the entire world.
What can Syriza do?
Without Spartans, very little.
The party’s intentions and that of its leaders are honest and deserve our respect. Syriza is a people’s party, and that is what marks it for doom. The voice of the people is no longer permitted to affect politics in the Western world. The powerful rich interest groups that rule the West could not care less about the people over whom they rule.
No sooner was Syriza in office than Bloomberg, a business news service, conveyed to the new Greek Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, that Syriza needs to play by the creditors’ rules.
Tsipras stated that the new Greek government does not intend a “catastrophic clash” with its creditors, only an acceptable amelioration of the unreasonable conditions imposed on Greece, in order that Greece can give some satisfaction to its private bank creditors and also avoid social, political and economic instability in Greece.
Against this reasonable statement, Bloomberg reports that the new Greek cabinet contains communists who favor closer ties with Russia. To remind the newly elected Greek government of the whip that is held over Greek financial markets, Greek bond and stock prices were assaulted and driven down.
The warning from the EU and Wall Street is clear: Defy us and we will destroy you.
The punishment of the new Greek government was instant. This from Bloomberg:
“Greek stocks and bonds slumped for a third day, after new ministers said they will cease the sale of some state assets and increase the minimum wage. Yields on three-year bonds rose 2.66 percentage points to 16.69 percent. The benchmark Athens General Index decreased 9.2 percent to its lowest level since 2012, led by a collapse in the value of banks.”
Does Tsipras understand that Greek financial institutions will continue to be punished if they stand behind his government? Bloomberg makes it clear: “Germany warned the Mediterranean nation against abandoning prior agreements on aid, after analysts said that setting Greece on a collision course with its European peers might lead to its exit from the euro region.”
Statements of newly appointed ministers “imply confrontation and tense negotiations in the near future,” Vangelis Karanikas, head of research at Athens-based Euroxx Securities, wrote in a note to clients.”
What is Syriza’s “collusion course”? The new government wants to moderate the agreements made by previous Greek governments that sold out the Greek people. The new government wants to stop giving away at bargain prices Greek public assets to clients of its creditors, and the new Greek government wants to raise the Greek minimum wage so that the Greek people have enough bread and water on which to live.
However, for the private bank creditors, for Merkel’s Germany that stands behind the banks, for Washington which could care less about the Greeks, for the Greek elites who see themselves as “part of Europe,” Syriza is something to be rid of.
And so the Greek bonds are attacked, the Greek stocks are attacked, threats are issued that arouse fear in that part of the Greek population that is propagandized into the belief that Greece must be part of the euro and the EU or be bypassed by history.
What it boils down to is that the Greek people, like the Americans, are insouciant. Only about 37% of the voters voted for Syriza. That is far more votes than any rival party received, but it is not enough to show Washington, the EU and creditors that Greeks stand behind their government.
Instead it shows that the new party had to form a government with another party that money, perhaps, can buy off. It shows that Syriza can be demonized in the Western media and presented to the Greek public as a threat to Greece.
The new government is aware of its weakness. The new prime minister says that he does not want confrontation, but that the new government cannot continue the kowtowing of previous Greek governments. A reasonable accommodation must be reached.
Accommodation is unlikely to occur, because a reasonable accommodation is not the desire of Washington, the EU, or of Greece’s creditors.
A purpose of the “Greek financial crisis” is to establish that EU members are not sovereign countries and that banks that lend to these non-sovereign entities are not responsible for any losses with regard to the loans. The population of the indebted countries are the responsible parties. And these populations must accept the reduction of their living standards in order to ensure that the banks do not lose any money.
This is the “New Democracy.” It is a resurrection of the old feudal order. A few super-rich aristocrats and everyone else serfs obliged to support the ruling order. The looting that began in Greece has spread into Ukraine, and who knows who is next?
With only 37% of the vote, does Syriza have the clout to stand up for Greece against the looters?
Can Greece escape from a situation comparable to the European Dark Ages when populations were ravaged by marauding raiders? Perhaps if Greece realigns with Russia and gains financing from BRICS.
Can Greece escape from a situation comparable to the European Dark Ages when populations were ravaged by marauding raiders? Perhaps if Greece realigns with Russia and gains financing from BRICS.
Credit to Paul Craig Roberts
Either Oil Soars Back To $88, Or Energy Stocks Have To Tumble By Over 40%
Several days ago we showed something remarkable: "current forward 12-month P/E ratio for the Energy sector is now well above the three most recent historical averages: 5-year (12.0), 10-year (11.9), and 15-year (13.6). In fact, this week marked the first time the forward 12-month P/E for the Energy sector has been equal to (or above) 22.4 since April 8, 2002. On that date, the closing price of the Energy sector was 225.15 and the forward 12-month EPS estimate was $10.05."
Further refining this analysis and using the S&P Energy Sector Index data, the sector's forward multiple is now an absolutely ridiculous, mindblowing 23x, the highest since 2002, having soared by nearly 100% in just the past few months as a result of collapsing energy sector earnings.
How is this possible?
Simple: as the chart below shows, since the oil's peak in June 2014, Energy company EPS have crashed by 50%, as a result of a 60% plunge in the price of oil. What about Energy Index prices? Well, they have fallen to be sure, but nowhere near far enough to where they should, down "only" 20% from the highs.
So what does this mean? Simple: either the long-term PE multiple is now null and void, and the "New Normal" forward PE of 20X+ is realistic, which of course is ridiculous, or there are two alternatives:
- Energy sector earnings have to surge by 70%, implying a near doubling of oil prices to $88, for the forward P/E multiple to return to normal, or
- The Energy sector price has to crash from 549 today to 323, where it would trade down to its historic forward P/E multiple, suggesting a pricedrop of over 40%!
This is shown visually on the table below:

So which is it? Well, as the following chart showing a relationship we have grown to love over the past few months, the main reason why energy stocks are loathe to catch down to reality is the same BTFD mentality which is keeping the S&P elevated well over 100% above its fair "ex-central banker" value. Indeed, every single time even the smallest buying momentum arrives, energy stocks soar as if stung, only to recrash day after precisely to where credit says they should be trading.

Which means that once the ongoing euphoria of a 5 year Pavlovian BTFD reaction wears off, the pain for those long energy equities (and credit, since the above analysis implies energy credits are also massively mispriced) will be unprecedented, unless of course, by some miracle, oil does indeed double from here and on very short notice.
But wait, it gets worse, because while equities are pricing in an unsustainable 23x in foward energy P/E, another market, that of interest rate forwards, is implying oil plunging down to $35! As a reminder, oil is among other things, a function of rate differentials or said simpler, USD strength, strength which appears is not going anywhere. And as the following calculation from Cornerstone implies, should the EURUSD tumble to parity which is what Draghi's desire seems to be, it would suggest a 22% plunge in oil from here, implying a $35.5 price of oil one year from now.
This in turn would mean that, all else equal, the forward PE multiple would rise to just shy of 30x, and/or that Energy prices as a group would have to tumble over 50% from current levels!
Of course, if and when energy prices are cut in half, this would also have devastating consequences on the rest of the S&P, and all other asset classes, and almost assuredly force the Fed to not only forget all about hiking rates, but promptly engage in QE4.
Which may be just what the market is pricing in.
The only problem is that one can't have a world in which both QE4 is priced in (as equities are doing), as well as pricing in the 2015 Fed rate hike (as oil is doing), and is one of the main drivers of the USD strength.
One has to give, and it has to give soon.
Credit to Zero Hedge
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