Friday, February 12, 2016
North Korea says South's pulling out of industrial zone 'declaration of war'
Beijing: North Korea has ordered the expulsion of all South Korean nationals from the jointly-run Kaesong industrial complex, calling the South's move to suspend operations, in retaliation for Sunday's rocket launch by the North, a "declaration of war".
As well as placing the Kaesong industrial complex – the last major symbol of cooperation between the divided nations – under military control, Pyongyang said it would sever communication with the South by cutting off two crucial cross-border hotlines.

Rising tension: South Korean protesters burn an effigy of North Korea leader Kim Jong-Un at a rally in Seoul on Thursday. Photo: Getty Images
"Unpardonable is the puppet group's act of totally suspending the operation in (Kaesong), finding fault with the DPRK's H-bomb test and launch of a satellite," the North's Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea said, referring to South Korea.
Seoul's decision to suspend operations at Kaesong was among the more severe non-military sanctions at its disposal, reflecting the South's mounting desperation at an increasingly volatile North's refusal to heed international warnings to cease its weapons development program.
Combining South Korean capital and technology with the North's cheap labour, Kaesong is the last functioning remnant of the "Sunshine Policy" era of the early 2000s, where South Korea trialled economic cooperation with the North as a means to alleviate decades of political distrust from both sides.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has expelled South Korean workers at the Kaesong industrial zone as tension continues to rise. Photo: AP
Last year, 124 South Korean companies hired 54,000 North Korean workers to produce socks, wrist-watches and other goods worth about $500 million.
But last Sunday's long-range rocket test, coming off the back of a purported miniaturised hydrogen bomb test last month, prompted President Park Geun-hye to make the hardline decision, in the belief that the North Korean government had siphoned most of the $US560 million ($790 million) South Korea had paid to its workers since 2004 for use on its nuclear weapons and missile development.
North Korea described Seoul's shutdown as "an end to the last lifeline of the North-South relations". A statement issued by the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea, a North Korean government agency in charge of relations with the South, denounced South Korean President Park Geun-hye as a "confrontational wicked woman" who lives upon "the groin of her American boss".
Credit to Sydney Morning Herald
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As well as placing the Kaesong industrial complex – the last major symbol of cooperation between the divided nations – under military control, Pyongyang said it would sever communication with the South by cutting off two crucial cross-border hotlines.

Rising tension: South Korean protesters burn an effigy of North Korea leader Kim Jong-Un at a rally in Seoul on Thursday. Photo: Getty Images
"Unpardonable is the puppet group's act of totally suspending the operation in (Kaesong), finding fault with the DPRK's H-bomb test and launch of a satellite," the North's Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea said, referring to South Korea.
Seoul's decision to suspend operations at Kaesong was among the more severe non-military sanctions at its disposal, reflecting the South's mounting desperation at an increasingly volatile North's refusal to heed international warnings to cease its weapons development program.
Combining South Korean capital and technology with the North's cheap labour, Kaesong is the last functioning remnant of the "Sunshine Policy" era of the early 2000s, where South Korea trialled economic cooperation with the North as a means to alleviate decades of political distrust from both sides.

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has expelled South Korean workers at the Kaesong industrial zone as tension continues to rise. Photo: AP
Last year, 124 South Korean companies hired 54,000 North Korean workers to produce socks, wrist-watches and other goods worth about $500 million.
But last Sunday's long-range rocket test, coming off the back of a purported miniaturised hydrogen bomb test last month, prompted President Park Geun-hye to make the hardline decision, in the belief that the North Korean government had siphoned most of the $US560 million ($790 million) South Korea had paid to its workers since 2004 for use on its nuclear weapons and missile development.
North Korea described Seoul's shutdown as "an end to the last lifeline of the North-South relations". A statement issued by the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea, a North Korean government agency in charge of relations with the South, denounced South Korean President Park Geun-hye as a "confrontational wicked woman" who lives upon "the groin of her American boss".
Credit to Sydney Morning Herald
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Suicide Epidemic: Why Does The Number Of People Killing Themselves Just Keep Going Up?
Did you know that more Americans now die from suicide than are killed in car crashes each year? According to the CDC, there has been a substantial spike in suicide deaths in the United States in recent years. Today, approximately 9.3 million Americans admit to having suicidal thoughts, and approximately 2.7 million Americans each year actually make a plan for how they would commit suicide. We are a deeply, deeply unhappy nation, but of course this phenomenon is not just limited to America. According to the World Health Organization, suicide is now the third highest cause of death in the entire world. Globally, suicide rates have soared by 60 percent over the past 45 years, and the WHO is now projecting that by the year 2020 someone will be committing suicide somewhere in the world every 20 seconds.
There was an article in the Guardian that I came across today that was entitled “Financial despair, addiction and the rise of suicide in white America“. It discussed the extremely alarming rise in the suicide rate among Americans that are approaching retirement age. Many in this age group are drowning in debt, dealing with out of control medical bills, have saved very little for retirement and are dealing with significant physical pain. One fact that I was astounded to learn is that in the state of Montana there are 82 painkiller prescriptions for every 100 people. In a desperate attempt to find a way out, many Americans this age are considering suicide. 56-year-old Kevin Lowney is one example…
Kevin Lowney lies awake some nights wondering if he should kill himself.“I am in such pain every night, suicide has on a regular basis crossed my mind just simply to ease the pain. If I did not have responsibilities, especially for my youngest daughter who has problems,” he said.The 56-year-old former salesman’s struggle with chronic pain is bound up with an array of other issues – medical debts, impoverishment and the prospect of a bleak retirement – contributing to growing numbers of suicides in the US and helping drive a sharp and unusual increase in the mortality rate for middle-aged white Americans in recent years alongside premature deaths from alcohol and drugs.
And this isn’t just an American phenomenon. Over in the United Kingdom, one study discovered that the suicide rate for men between the ages of 45 and 49 had increased by 40 percent over a seven year period…
The number of middle-aged men taking their own lives has increased dramatically over the course of the last decade.New research, published today by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, reveals that the last seven years have seen a 40 percent increase in the suicide rate of men between the ages of 45 and 49.
Younger people are killing themselves more frequently as well.
According to a Fox News report, the suicide rate for Americans age 10 to age 24 has “gone up every year”…
Their deaths as well as other recent teen suicides to make national headlines — from Westport, Conn., to Omaha, Neb., — are part of a steady rise in self-inflicted deaths among young people, ages 10 to 24, since 2007, according to health officials.“We are seeing significant increases in suicide for those ages,” Dr. Thomas Simon, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s suicide expert, told “When you go back to 2007, the rates in that age group have gone up every year.“
So why is this happening?
Without a doubt, the decline of our economy is playing a role. The middle class is steadily shrinking, and more Americans are falling out of the middle class with each passing month. Many Americans that are approaching retirement age do not see any viable future for themselves, and thus many of them are completely giving in to depression and despair.
But I don’t think that explains all of it. I think another major factor is the fact that our society is being drugged into oblivion. At this point, nearly 60 percent of all Americans are on at least one prescription drug, and many drugs are known to substantially increase the risk of suicide.
Instead of addressing these root causes, many want the government to step in and magically solve this problem somehow. In fact, there is a new proposal for mandatory depression screening that many are warning could have very serious consequences. The following is an excerpt from a piece that Ron Paul recently authored…
The United States Preventive Services Task Force recently recommended mandatory depression screening for all Americans. The task force wants to force health insurance companies to pay for the screening. Basic economics, as well as the Obamacare disaster, should have shown this task force that government health insurance mandates harm Americans.Government health insurance mandates raise the price of health insurance. Consumers will respond to this increase by either choosing to not carry health insurance or by reducing their consumption of other goods and services. Imposing new health insurance mandates will thus make consumers, many of whom are already suffering from Obamacare’s costly mandates, worse off by forcing them to deviate from their preferred consumption patterns.Mandatory depression screening will not just raise insurance costs. In order to ensure that the screening mandate is being properly implemented, the government will need to create a database containing the results of the screenings. Those anti-gun politicians who want to forbid anyone labeled “mentally ill” from owning a firearm will no doubt want to use this database as a tool to deprive individuals of their Second Amendment rights.
Mandatory screening is not going to solve this problem. That will just result in even more people being put on anti-depressants and make the pharmaceutical companies even wealthier.
In the end, the real problem is in our hearts. We have pushed God to the outer fringes of society, and we have decided that we can set up our own version of utopia without Him.
Well, that isn’t exactly working out too well, is it?
If you know someone that is depressed and may be considering suicide, the following are some of the signs that says that you should watch for…
- feelings of hopelessness or desperation
- insomnia
- panic attacks
- social isolation
- irritability
- rage
- feelings of being a burden
Life is about so much more than the amount of things that we own or the amount of money in our bank accounts.
Many of these people that are contemplating suicide could have futures that are brighter beyond what they could possibly imagine, but they are focusing on all the wrong things.
So what do you think is causing the stunning rise in suicide both here in the United States and around the globe?
Please feel free to share your thoughts with the rest of us by leaving a comment below…
Credit to End of the American Dream
Thirteen Year Old Girls Service the Global Elite Courtesy of the Super Bowl and CPS
There is a lot preparation and production that goes into making the Super Bowl an enjoyable event. And for some, this includes sexually exploiting our children for perverted pleasure and fun for the elite who travel great distances to attend the Super Bowl every year.
Children are abducted, forcibly hooked on drugs, repeatedly raped and then trained to “service” the elite who attend major sporting events such as the Super Bowls.
The FBI have released details of their anti-sex trafficking operation which targeted increased forced prostitution in the run-up to the Super Bowl. Recently, seven underage girls, ranging in age from 14 to 17, were rescued by the FBI in the San Francisco Bay Area in connection with the recent Super Bowl.
Disturbingly, the FBI determined that among the rescued teenagers were high-school students and children who had been reported missing by their parents. Additionally, a “developmentally delayed adult” who was being sexually exploited was rescued after the child’s pimp was arrested.
During the Super Bowl prostitution sting operation, 12 pimps and 85 prostitution clients were arrested, while a further 129 adults were arrested or“contacted” by the FBI for prostitution. This represents the mere tip of the iceberg and the authorities know and it and these token arrests are merely window dressing so the elite can continue with their depraved hedonism.
The NFL, the Super Bowl and Child Prostitution

Two previous CNN news reports discuss how the Super Bowl and prostitution, especially child sex trafficking go hand in hand. It is interesting that the NFL demands that local cities pay for their security costs, but not one dime of this money goes to prevent these heinous crimes. The NFL does not even offer as much as a Public Service Announcement to renounce the practice. This is a case of condoning this illicit industry through the complicity of silence. ABC News calls the Super Bowl the biggest day of child prostitution in the world.
High school students, teens as young as 13 and other children previously reported missing by their families were among 16 juveniles rescued from forced prostitution during the 2014 Super Bowl events in and around New Jersey, according to an FBI task force.
Even our congressional representatives cannot stem the tide of massive amounts of children being stolen from parents and trafficked out for the pleasure of the elite.
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney
And of course, there is the omnipresent DynCorp child sex trafficking scandal. On March 11th 2005, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney grilled Secretary Rumsfeld and General Myers on the DynCorp child sex trafficking case. “Mr. Secretary, I watched President Bush delivered a moving speech at the United Nations in September 2003, in which he mentioned the crisis of the sex trade. The President called for the punishment of those involved in this horrible business. But at the very moment of that speech, DynCorp was exposed for having been involved in the buying and selling of young women and children. While all of this was going on, DynCorp kept the Pentagon contract to administer the smallpox and anthrax vaccines, and is now working on a plague vaccine through the Joint Vaccine Acquisition Program. Mr. Secretary, is it the policy of the U.S. Government to reward companies that traffic in women and little girls?” Rumsfeld fumbled around and blamed a single employee of DynCorp for these transgressions and DynCorp, at that time, continued to receive government contracts.
McKinney was subsequently driven from office. Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is one of very few government officials in high office aside from Cynthia McKinney to demand answers on this issue. And what may you ask happened to Blagojevich? He was framed for trying to sell Obama’s senatorial seat in a story that made no sense. Does this tell us how high up the corruption goes?
Unfortunately, stolen children only account for a small amount of underage sex slaves working in America. The bulk of these victims come from children stolen and subsequently lost by the various CPS’ around the country.
CPS Is the Biggest Traffickers of Children In the Country
The Murder/Suiciding of GA. State Senator Nancy Schaefer

“…the separation of families is growing as a business because local governments have grown accustomed to having taxpayer dollars to balance their ever-expanding budgets.
The Adoption and the Safe Families Act, set in motion by President Bill Clinton, offered cash “bonuses” to the states for every child they adopted out of foster care. In order to receive the “adoption incentive bonuses” local child protective services need more children. They must have merchandise (children) that sell and you must have plenty of them so the buyer can choose. Some counties are known to give a$4,000 bonus for each child adopted and an additional $2,000 for a “special needs” child. Employees work to keep the federal dollars flowing.
The National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect in 1998 reported that six times as many children died in foster care than in the general public and that once removed to official “safety”, these children are far more likely to suffer abuse, including sexual molestation than in the general population.
That according to the California Little Hoover Commission Report in 2003, 30% to 70% of the children in California group homes do not belong there and should not have been removed from their homes.
…poor parents often times are targeted to lose their children because they do not have the where-with-all to hire lawyers and fight the system. Being poor does not mean you are not a good parent or that you do not love your child, or that your child should be removed and placed with strangers.”
In this document, Schaefer makes it clear that organizations, such as The Second Mile, procure their underage victims by making children wards of the State. CPS has unchecked legal authority to remove children, with or without cause. Subsequently, CPS and their partners, the corrupt juvenile court judges can place these children wherever they see fit (e.g. The Franklin House, Boys Town, Elm House, The Second Mile Foundation) where unimaginable horrors take place.
Following the making of these videos Nancy Schaefer, according to the formal autopsy, was murdered by her husband who killed her because he had health problems. This murder suicide culminated with the husband shooting himself in the back.
In reality, Nancy Schaefer was murdered for trying to expose this heinous practices associated with CPS.
How high does this state-sponsored exploitation of children go? It goes all the way to the top.
Brandon Turbeville successfully linked proven British pedophile Jimmy Savile to Prince Charles. As previously stated, George H. W. Bush has been accused of participating in these heinous actions. Of course there is the Franklin Scandal and on and on and on.
To those naive people who could never believe that the leaders of the world could be complicit in participating in the Zionist controlled sex rings on the planet, I would say that this article does not even come close to doing justice to the depth of this satanically inspired practice.
If mankind cannot protect the most innocent part of its humanity, then we are indeed a despicable species.
I hope all of you enjoyed your Super Bowl football games as the elite enjoyed exploiting our children with the overt and covert support of elements within law enforcement and the government at various levels.
After writing this article, I have to go take a shower and wash off the filth.
Credit to Common Sense
EU Ready To Restrict Passport-Free Travel, Austria To Close Border
The writing has been on the wall for quite a while and indeed it was just three days ago when we reported that the EU was mulling a two-year Schengen suspension amid the wave of Mid-East asylum seekers streaming into Western Europe, but now it looks to be official.
Or at least semi-official.
According to AP, who cites documents, the EU is set to restrict passport-free travel and allow member countries to "unilaterally put up border controls."
Here's the story:
Documents seen by The Associated Press show that European Union countries are poised to restrict passport-free travel by invoking an emergency rule for two years due to the migration crisis.Each of the 26 countries in the open-travel Schengen Area is allowed to unilaterally put up border controls for a maximum of six months. That limit can be extended for up to two years if a member nation is found to be failing to protect its borders.The documents show that EU policymakers are poised to declare that Greece is failing to sufficiently protect its border. Some 2,000 people are still arriving daily on Greek islands in smugglers' boats from Turkey.A European official showed the documents to the AP on condition of anonymity because the documents are confidential.
Meanwhile, Austria says it will likely close its borders altogether in the months ahead. "Most probably in the coming months our maximum number will be reached, so Austria will have to stop the migrants at its border," Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz said on Friday. As regular readers are no doubt aware, Austria has had its fair share of migrant "issues" and is already so exasperated that the government is willing to pay refugees €500 to go back where they came from.
Credit to Zero Hedge
The University of Texas at Austin police department issued a disorderly conduct citation to an outdoor preacher on Tuesday after students complained that his message had offended them.
The preacher, who was standing just off campus, recorded his interaction with several university police officers, who explained that it was illegal for him to offend the students.
The preacher was an intern with Campus Ministry USA, an evangelical ministry organization that travels around college campuses loudly preaching their message. The ministry is headed by one Brother Jed Smock, who told The Daily Caller that his intern Joshua “was speaking out against STDs, warning against anal sex.”
The university told TheDC that the officer was responding to students who claimed to be “verbally harassed” by the intern-preacher. The video shows the officer explaining that the intern’s use of “anal” and “penis” offended students, before issuing a citation for disorderly conduct. “After a lawyer representing Joshua called the chief of police, the chief called Joshua and apologized. The citation was withdrawn.” Brother Jed told TheDC.
Credit to Infowars
A 918 Point Stock Market Crash In Japan And Deutsche Bank Denies That It Is About To Collapse

Just as we saw during the last financial crisis, the big banks are playing a starring role, and this is definitely true in Japan. Right now, Japanese banking stocks are absolutely imploding, and this is what drove much of the panic last night. The following numbers come from Wolf Richter…
- Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group plunged 8.7%, down 47% from June 2015.
- Mizuho Financial Group plunged 6.2%, down 38% since June 2015.
- Sumitomo Mitsui plunged 6.2%, down 26% since May 2015
- Nomura plunged a juicy 9.1%, down 42% since June 2015
A lot of analysts have been very focused on the downturn in China in recent months, but I think that it is much more important to watch Japan right now.
I have become fully convinced that the Japanese financial system is going to play a central role in the initial stages of this new global financial meltdown, and so I encourage everyone to keep a close eye on the Nikkei every single night.
Meanwhile, the stock price of German banking giant Deutsche Bank crashed to a record low on Tuesday. If you will recall, Deutsche Bank reported a loss of 7.6 billion dollars in 2015, and I wrote quite a bit about their ongoing problems yesterday.
Things have gotten so bad that now Deutsche Bank has been forced to come out and publicly deny that they are in trouble…
Deutsche Bank co-CEO John Cryan moved to quell fears about the bank’s stability Tuesday with a surprise memo saying its balance sheet “remains absolutely rock-solid.”The comments come as investors grow increasingly nervous about the health of European banks, which have taken a hit on the fall in energy prices and which face rising concerns over their cash levels.
Of course Lehman Brothers issued the same kind of denials just before they collapsed in 2008. Cryan’s comments did little to calm the markets, and even Jim Cramer saw right through them…
“You know, Deutsche Bank puts out a note saying, ‘listen, don’t worry, all good.’ Reminds me of JPMorgan saying if you have to say that you’re creditworthy then it’s already too late.”
Another thing that Lehman Brothers did just before they collapsed in 2008 was to lay off workers. We have seen a number of major banks do this lately, including Deutsche Bank…
Cryan, 55, has been seeking to boost capital buffers and profitability by cutting costs and eliminating thousands of jobs as volatile markets undermine revenue and outstanding regulatory probes raise the specter of fresh capital measures to help cover continued legal charges. The cost of protecting Deutsche Bank’s debt against default has more than doubled this year, while the shares have dropped about 42 percent.
The following chart comes from Zero Hedge. Nobody on the Internet does a better job with charts than Zero Hedge does. I would recommend visiting them right after you visit The Economic Collapse Blog each day (wink wink). This chart shows that Deutsche Bank stock has already fallen lower than it was during any point during the last financial crisis…
Deutsche Bank is the biggest and most important bank in the biggest and most important economy in the EU, and it has exposure to derivatives that is approximately 20 times Germany’s GDP.
If that doesn’t alarm you, I don’t know what will.
The biggest financial bubble in the history of the world has entered a terminal phase, and the parallels to the last financial crisis have become so apparent that just about anyone can see them at this point. Just consider some of the ominous warnings that we have seen recently…
Billionaire Carl Icahn, for example, recently raised a red flag on a national broadcast when he declared, “The public is walking into a trap again as they did in 2007.”And the prophetic economist Andrew Smithers warns, “U.S. stocks are now about 80% overvalued.”Smithers backs up his prediction using a ratio which proves that the only time in history stocks were this risky was 1929 and 1999. And we all know what happened next. Stocks fell by 89% and 50%, respectively.Even the Royal Bank of Scotland says the markets are flashing stress alerts akin to the 2008 crisis. They told their clients to “Sell Everything” because “in a crowded hall, the exit doors are small.”
And let’s not forget that famous billionaire retail magnate Hugo Salinas Price has warned that the global economy “is going into a depression“.
The chaos that we have seen this week is simply a logical progression of the crisis that began during the second half of last year. If you were to create a checklist of all the things that you would expect to see during the initial stages of a new financial crisis, all of the boxes would be checked.
In the days ahead, keep your eyes on Germany and Japan.
Yes, the Italian banking system is completely collapsing right now, but I believe that what is happening in Germany is going to be the key to the meltdown of Europe, and I am convinced that Deutsche Bank is going to be the star of the show.
Meanwhile, don’t underestimate what is taking place in Japan.
The Japanese still have the third largest economy on the entire planet, and their financial system is essentially a Ponzi scheme built on top of a house of cards that has a rapidly aging population as the foundation.
As Japan falls, that will be a signal that financial Armageddon is now upon us.
And after last night, it appears that moment is a lot closer than a lot of us may have thought.
Credit to Economic Collapse
Investors 'go bananas' for gold bars as global stock markets tumble
BullionByPost, Britain's biggest online gold dealer, said it has already taken record-day sales of £5.6m as traders pile into gold following fears the world is on the brink of another financial crisis.
Rob Halliday-Stein, founder and managing director of the Birmingham-based company, said takings today had already surpassed the firm's previous one-day record of £4.4m in October 2014.
BullionByPost, which takes orders of up to £25,000 on the website but takes higher amounts over the phone, explained it had received a few hundred orders overnight and frantic numbers of phone calls this morning.
"The bullion market has been building with interest since the end of last year but this morning things have gone bananas," said Mr Halliday-Stein. "Some bankers in London are placing unusually large orders for physical gold."

London-based ATS Bullion added it had been inundated with orders for the past week. The firm has sold 4,000 gold bars and coins since February 1, a 40pc rise on the same period a year ago when it sold 1,500.
"It's been crazy - it's been the best week since 2012. We've had people queuing round the block," said Michael Cooper of ATS Bullion, a family run firm that trades online and also from an outlet in the West End.
Gold is currently at its highest level since May, with prices surging 2.2pc this morning to $1,218.17 for an ounce of the precious metal.
Credit to The
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