A woman snapped a photo she says is an angel ascending into heaven.
"While riding in our truck with my husband Jeffery, who was driving, I noticed a very bright flash of light, I originally dismissed it as lighting because it was lightly raining at the time, but the flashing continued even after the rain stopped. I say a flash, but it was more like a light with an echo effect that caught my attention. It seemed to be a beckoning light. I asked my husband did he see it. It took him a few looks before he actually saw it flicker. Then he said, 'Yeah, I see it, but what is it?' I told him I did not know, but that it keeps flashing at me. He said, 'Take a picture on your phone, so I did," Youlanda Pope Britten tells Charisma News.
"For me it was confirmation that everything was going to be all right. I had been praying and asking God for his help with our everyday issues in life. My thoughts at the time were: 'Why is it that we are always there for everyone else, but when we need something, there is no one there for us to depend on?'" she continues.
Credit to charismanews.com
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