The Internet is increasingly carrying content about the ET/UFO subject. For example, the highly respected ike Adams (Natural News) wrote a story on the pitfalls of first contact. Famous people from many walks of life are taking notice. From Presidents (e.g. Jimmy Carter) to Astronauts (e.g. Edgar Mitchel who walked on the moon) to high ranking government officials (e.g. Paul Hellyer the retired Canadian Secretary of Defense), have proclaimed interest and knowledge on the topic. Yet, there is not formal recognition of the phenomenon from our leaders. Putin has warned the United States that if disclosure does not come soon, he will force the issue out into the open.
One would have to possess a very closed mind to not give this topic some attention.
Three Possibilities
From where I sit, there are three possibilities when it comes to the topics of ET’s/UFO’s.
- There are ET’s behind the scenes manipulating mankind in order to control our destiny. Some suggest that is why the planet is in such disarray.
- This is part of the great deception and ET’s are actually fallen angels and the have come to deceive and form one world government for Satan to rule over.
- This is a carefully orchestrated plot designed to fool the people on this planet that we are in danger from ET’s and will come to accept global governance.
Cathlic Doctrine has Been Morphed Into the Perverted Practice Global Religious Unification
The leaders of the multi-religious, pagan event, sponsored a gathering last year known as the “Mekudeshet”.
This was the beginning of the mandatory One World Religion. The Pope popularizd Chrislam, the blending of Christianity and Islam. This is something that Francis has been working towards. However, this is not the only thing that the Pope, or more accurately, the anti-Pope has been pursuing over the last couple of years. He has seemingly been on a one man crusade to promote belief in the notion of the existence of exterrestial life.
The Pope and ET’s

The current pope is no stranger to the topic of ET’s an has been very outspoken in his beliefs.
I have been noticing a trend in Hollywood movies with an extraterrestrial overtone (e.g. Independence Day) and this tone is reaching a crescendo within the past month. In a search for predictive programming trends, I have noticed a distinct pattern with regard various networks to play older movies that involve the people of the Earth versus some alien threat.

Before I discuss Operation Blue Beam, it is important to note that the predictive programming for this event goes far beyond Hollywood as we are seeing predictive programming in many segments of our society.
Key General Predicts that Graduating Officers Will One Day Fight Aliens
The following video depicts General Mark A Milley, mentioning “little green men”, and he’s not joking” as being one of the potential adversaries in the lineup of enemies that a graduating class of military officers will one day have to fight.
The Day the Earth Stood Still
In the 1951 movie, The Day the Earth stood Still, visiting alien, Klaatu, emerges from a spaceship and addresses an assembled dignatiaries, concluding with “It is no concern of ours how you run your own planet, but if you threaten to extend your violence, this Earth of yours will be reduced to a burned-out cinder. Your choice is simple: join us, and live in peace, or pursue your present course and face obliteration.”
This planetary unification message is common. IT was the theme behind Independence Day. The message is clear, the only way for man to survive is to capitulate to a world government.
What do you think? Clearly there is something to this phenomenon. What is it in your opinion? Please leave your thoughts in the comment section. Many people feel it, this is coming to a climax.
This Sunday evening, I will be hosting quayle.cSteve Quayle about what is really under the ice at the South Pole. This will be a can’t miss interview.

Credit to Common Sense Show
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