Is The Final Emperor Here?

And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.—Revelation 13:11
One morning in late September of 2015, the headline “Pope Francis Wants to Be President of the World” was right in front of me in bold titling. Sheer astonishment at The Huffington Post byline almost caused me to blow coffee out of my nose. Howard Fineman was basically documenting the fulfillment of what I warned about prior to Jorge Mario Bergoglio’s election to the Petrine Office, now confessed to be no election at all, but rather through an under-the-table anti-Benedict conspiracy.[i] As I was beginning to wake up, the Huffington Post’s global editorial director waxed eloquent about the new pope negotiating the geopolitical scene “shrewdly, methodically and with a showman’s flair, the soft-spoken, 78-year-old Argentinian Jesuit priest named Jorge Mario Bergoglio—Pope Francis—showed Thursday that he is running to become president of the planet.”[ii]President Obama might have something to say about his ambition because CNN already declared that Obama was “President of the World” when he was elected in 2008.[iii] But who are Obama and Bergoglio fooling? Apparently, most of the unbelieving world.
To us and the majority of Christians we know personally, this pope seems so puerile when claiming that atheists please God by obeying their conscience. “Sin, even for those who have no faith, exists when people disobey their conscience.”[iv] The Bible teaches the exact opposite: “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Hebrews 11:6, emphasis added). The biblical analysis only gets worse: “Unto the pure all things are pure: but unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure; but even their mind and conscience is defiled” (Titus 1:15, emphasis added). It places Roman Catholics who attempt to follow biblical theology in the uncomfortable position of defending the pope’s ignorance, or perhaps the reflection of rebellion? Sometimes, Pope Francis must just be embarrassing to his staff apologists.
For example, while visiting Harlem, New York City, in 2015, Pope Francis commented on an eight-year-old student’s iPad video of a rat dragging a slice of pizza down a staircase in the projects as being comparable to the Savior bearing mankind’s burden for all past, present, and future sin—in our opinion, a blasphemous allusion. Yes, that’s right, the pope effectively christologized a rodent. “The little creature embodies the very struggles and daily toils shared by you and me, and the heavy burden taken on by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May God bless the Pizza Rat on his universal journey.”[v] Of course, most folks who heard the pope’s remarks to the young African-American girl likely already understood the term “rat” as a synonym for “betrayer,”[vi] suggesting that a Judas Iscariot allusion would have been more appropriate. Even so, by the end of this entry you will see that high-ranking Roman Catholic officials are already crediting Pope Francis with supernatural miracles. With that in mind, his worldly status as a “destroyer” predicted by St. Francis of Assisi is examined in our upcoming FINAL ENTRY in the context of the false-prophet hypothesis we presented in 2012 prior to Bergoglio’s election.
In our “The Final Roman Emperor” coming this week, we strive to convince the reader that the pope’s actions, since we wrote Petrus Romanus, have not only confirmed our own hypothesis, but have realized Vatican insider Malachi Martin’s worst suspicions. Martin worked for the Jesuit Cardinal Augustin Bea and the pope as both a scholar and geopolitical adviser from 1958 until 1964 when the liberalism codified at the Second Vatican Council burdened him to make a strange request to be released of his Jesuit status. Martin revealed that Cardinal Bea was shown the “real” Third Secret of Fatima and that Pope John XXIII was not going to reveal the Third Secret to the world. He implied the content of the Third Secret involved the apostate “Superforce” and the failure of the uncorrupted leadership to adequately put it to rest. William H. Kennedy, an author who assisted Martin, wrote:
What Martin called Lucifer’s Lodge or the Superforce refers to a…cabal within the Vatican that controls certain aspects of church policy and has set guidelines allowing for wide-scale sexual abuse by Catholic clerics—a small number of whom are involved in satanic ritual abuse. This faction is merely a component of a greater conspiracy that operates within and outside of the Roman Catholic Church.… Suddenly it became inarguable that now, during this papacy, the Roman Catholic organization carried a permanent presence of clerics who worshipped Satan and liked it; of bishops and priests who sodomized boys and each other; of nuns who performed the “Black Rites” of Wicca, and who lived in lesbian relationships…every day, including Sundays and Holy Days, acts of heresy and blasphemy and outrage and indifference were committed and permitted at holy Altars by men who had been called to be priests.[vii]
While remaining a priest, Martin was released from his Jesuit vows of silence, poverty, and obedience. Free to expose the satanist-infiltrated Society of Jesus, he moved to New York and became a best-selling writer and Coast to Coast AM regular.[viii] In 1999 he wrote, “Anybody who is acquainted with the state of affairs in the Vatican in the last 35 years is well aware that the prince of darkness has had and still has his surrogates in the court of St. Peter in Rome.”[ix] He died while working on a book, Primacy: How the Institutional Roman Catholic Church Became a Creature of the New World Order, which never saw the light of day.[x] Perhaps that unpublished exposé is why Malachi died.
We think it is essential to reiterate that Malachi Martin warned us about two wars: One has already been decided and the other is ongoing. First, the former Vatican-insider warned about an internal war between the papacy and Jesuits in The Jesuits: The Society of Jesus and the Betrayal of the Roman Catholic Church back in 1987. Second, in his nonfiction dynamo, Keys of this Blood: Pope John Paul II Versus Russia and the West for Control of the New World Order, he warned of a three-way war between the Roman Catholic Church, Marxists, and business elites (like David Rockefeller and the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberger group, and the Bohemian grove attendees) to control the burgeoning New World Order, the utopian dream of all globalists beginning with Nimrod:[xi] “Come on, let us build ourselves a city and a tower, the top of which may reach to the heavens; and let us make ourselves a name, lest we be scattered over the face of the whole earth” (Genesis 11:4). With the technological undoing of the Babel dispersion via the global Internet (Chardin’s noosphere as detailed in our book Exo-Vaticana), Nimrod’s dream can finally be realized.
Through a vision of Jesus delivered by an angel (Revelation 1:1), the apostle John prophesied that the Antichrist will be given “authority over every tribe, and people, and tongue, and nation” (Revelation 13:7). Martin’s first war was decided in favor of the Jesuit cabal and is bringing about the kingdom of Antichrist. Martin did not mince words either when he wrote concerning the internal war’s global influence; this is Martin’s description of the scope of war number one—Jesuits vs. Papacy—which has ended by the former taking over the latter:
As both papacy and Jesuits know, the effects of their policies go far beyond the confines of the Roman Catholic Church; even beyond the nearly one billion Catholic men and women around the world. Almost everything that happens in this war [papacy vs. Jesuits] bears directly and immediately on the major dissensions that wrack every nation and people in the world. It is involved in the very heart of the rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union, for example, it bears right now on the fate in misery or happiness of 350 million people in Latin America, It affects deeply the changing public moral code and national consensus of the American people, the imminent preponderance in human affairs of the People’s Republic of China; the tangible persistence of a free Western Europe; the security of Israel; the still rickety promise of a viable black Africa just adorning. All of these things, separate and unconnected as they may seem, are not only interwoven with one another, but are and will be profoundly influenced by the tides and outcome of the global collision between the papacy and the Society of Jesus.[xii]
As the first Jesuit pontiff, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio was the existential victor of that internal war between traditionalists and modernists. Now the first Jesuit pope has revealed himself to be a shameless Marxist, one of Martin’s worst fears.
Concerning the second, external war between Marxism, the global elite, and the Roman Catholic Church, Martin wrote, “The competition began and remains a three-way affair because that is the number of rivals with sufficient resources to establish and maintain a new world order.”[xiii] Interesting as a Jesuit steeped in Marxism, Pope Francis represents the remarkable combination of two of Martin’s three competitors to the New World Order throne. Of course, we might add a fourth. Martin’s over seven-hundred-page epic, Keys of this Blood, prescient as it was in 1990, was written before Islam reasserted itself as a player on the world stage. Martin probably never envisioned oil-financed Mahdists like today’s IS with the finances and willpower to actually obtain and detonate nuclear weapons. The Associated Press reports that local authorities from the small land-locked Eastern European nation known as the Republic of Moldova (post USSR), working alongside the FBI, have interrupted four attempts to buy nuclear materials from Moldovan gangs with deep Russian connections. That means four attempts, including the most recent case involving a deal with a representative of the IS,[xiv] that they know about, it cannot be ruled out that the IS succeeded in a yet undiscovered nuclear “buy.” Even so, we believe Islam is the antithesis in the supernatural powers’ and principalities’ long-play dialectic—the synthesis and prize for the victor being control of the New World Order.
Thesis: Western Capitalism, Democratic Republic.
Antithesis: Sharia law, Islamic theocracy.
Synthesis: Technocratic socialism, a Marxist New World Order with authority to redistribute wealth.
Because he viewed Pope John Paul II as a staunch enemy of communism, Martin was also under the false impression that the three players in war number two were mutually exclusive.[xv] Nevertheless, Pope Francis also marks the merging of Marxism and Vatican II Catholicism—two of Martin’s three. This adds new relevance to the prophecies we have discussed previously. Principally, what we call the “destroyer prophecy” based on the improbable “coincidence” that Bergoglio’s papal namesake, St. Francis of Assisi, is documented as having warned his followers concerning seven prophetic travails centering on a non-canonically elected pope who during the Tribulation is labeled a destroyer.[xvi]
The edition of St. Francis’ prophecies we are citing footnotes the prophecy, saying, “Mark of Lisbon and others think that this prophecy received its accomplishment in the great schism which desolated the Church after the election of Urban VI, in the year 1378. But it may also partially refer to other calamities which have befallen the Church in the latter ages.”[xvii] Francis of Assisi died October 3, 1226, but Mark of Lisbon’s opinion aside, the “great” schism of 1336 wasn’t really all that great; it was for the most part a boring internal Roman Catholic affair. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia:
Meanwhile, in the name of the pope, the aforesaid cardinals proposed two expedients to settle the differences, a general council or a compromise. Both these means were made use of at the time of the Western Schism. But the opponents of Urban resolved on violent measures and declared their intentions in a letter of the utmost impertinence. On 2 August this letter was followed by the famous “Declaration,” a document more passionate than exact, which assumed at once the parts of historian, jurist, and accuser. Seven days later they published an encyclical letter, repeating false and injurious accusations against Urban, and on 27 August left Anagni for Fondi, where they enjoyed the protection of its lord (Urban’s arch-enemy), and were near Joanna of Naples; the latter at first had shown great interest in Urban, but was soon disappointed by his capricious ways. On 15 September the three Italian cardinals joined their colleagues, influenced, perhaps, by the hope of becoming pope themselves, or perhaps frightened by the news that Urban was about to create twenty-nine cardinals in order to supply the vacancies left by the thirteen French ones. Charles V of France, more and more doubtful of the lawfulness of Urban’s election, encouraged the Fondi faction to choose a rightful pope and one more agreeable to France. A letter from him arrived on 18 September, and hastened a violent solution. On 20 September Robert of Geneva was chosen pope, and on this day the Western Schism began.[xviii]
It doesn’t particularly match Francis’ description, which sounds more like what one should expect in the Great Tribulation described by Daniel and Jesus (Daniel 12:1; Matthew 24:21). Francis parallels these classic end-time texts.
There will be great trials and afflictions; perplexities and dissensions, both spiritual and temporal, will abound; the charity of many will grow cold, and the malice of the wicked will increase. The devils will have unusual power, the immaculate purity of our Order, and of others, will be so much obscured that there will be very few Christians who will obey the true Sovereign Pontiff and the Roman Church with loyal hearts and perfect charity.[xix]
The wording is clearly patterned after Jesus: “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” (Matthew 24:12). We think this implies that St. Francis’ wanted us to understand it as an end-time vision rather than some internal dissension. We first connected the dots in Petrus Romanus (2012):
Further speculation about the Masonic plot originally spelled out in the Alta Vendita does seem related to what went on in the 1958 and 1963 conclaves because it was under these secret meetings when the popes were “elected” that would implement the Second Vatican Council and its Vendita-like heretical decrees. Of course we could cite once again a plethora of Church Fathers, Marian apparitions, and Catholic seers down through time that had forecast these events as a pre-game for the arrival of Petrus Romanus. Even St. Francis of Assisi—one of the most venerated religious figures in history—gathered his devotees shortly before his death and prophesied that: “At the time of this tribulation a man, not canonically elected, will be raised to the Pontificate, who, by his cunning, will endeavor to draw many into error and death.… Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it under foot and deny it…for in those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a destroyer.[xx]
Doesn’t Bergoglio’s election by anti-Benedict conspiracy[xxi] qualify as “non-canonical”? Originally, we connected St. Francis’ destroyer prophecy to St. Malachy’s Prophecy of the Popes, because both predicted the judgment of Rome. Published at least by the late sixteenth century, the “prophecy of popes” predicts the following during Francis’ reign:
In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Peter the Roman, who will nourish the sheep in many tribulations; when they are finished, the City of Seven Hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.[xxii]
That is the English translation of the Latin text in Arnold de Wion’s Lignum Vitae (Tree of Life), which was originally published in 1595.[xxiii] If this prophecy holds, and so far it has, Pope Francis is necessarily Petrus Romanus (that is UNLESS he was not canonically elected as analyzed in the first chapter of our new book), because he is the final pope on the successive list attributed to the Irish saint. In 2013, me and Cris Putnam were paired off against Roman Catholic apologists who label it a hoax in the WND documentary: The Last Pope? But no one was willing to answer the question Putnam posed, “If it’s a hoax, then why have so many of your ‘infallible’ popes endorsed it?” One could almost hear crickets chirping.
And while we are not claiming that our False-Prophet hypothesis is proven, it is more than just “still on the table, and still on track” as we originally proposed. Not to ring our own bell, but our predictions so-far carry weight and deserve critical observation.[xxiv]Given that, so-far (though we do not call ourselves “prophets”) our calculations have born fulfillment, we see no compelling reason to diverge from our original idea that the sitting pope may very well may be the second Beast rising up from the earth. “It had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon” (Revelation 13:11).
Our rationale is not merely circumstantial. We are likely to be accused of so-called newspaper exegesis by Catholic and amillennial apologists, but it is truly based on scholarly exegetical research of ancient apocalyptic symbolism. New Testament scholar Craig Keener writes, “The ‘horned lamb’ probably parodies Christ (Revelation 5:6)”[xxv] and the False Prophet’s “fire from heaven parodies and so apparently relativizes the miraculous power of God’s witnesses” (Revelation 11:5)”[xxvi] The ESV Study Bible notes that the “horns of an animal, which it uses both for defensive and offensive fighting, are frequently found in Scripture as a symbol of the military power of a nation”[xxvii]—hence, a powerful leader who appears Christ-like, yet speaks for the dragon. Given the historical situation, we believe there is simply no better candidate than the Vicar (“instead of”) of Christ, the supreme Roman Pontiff Francis. Accordingly, we stand by our 2012 exegesis that “two horns, like a lamb who speaks like a dragon” seems to forecast a powerful (horns) Christian (lamb-like) leader, clandestinely doing the bidding of Satan (the dragon).
Now this pope has called for a “boots-on-the-ground” war against a group of Mahdists who are, in response to Islamic eschatology, challenging to overthrow Rome. They plan to fly a black flag on top of the infamous imported Egyptian obelisk, the one in St. Peter’s square with a global grid wind rose compass pointing to the Dome of the Rock and Constantinople’s Dome of Hagia St. Sophia church,[xxviii] connecting them to “one of the most powerful star gates in the world”[xxix] as argued by Tom Horn in Zenith 2016 and On the Path of the Immortals. While they are a genuine threat, the swagger exhibited by the IS shows real resolve, they might be insane but they are serious.
There is nothing vague about Pope Francis’ world government agenda. Our new book will document several sobering concerns that should trouble any true Christian. First, Pope Francis is clearly a Marxist, at least in terms of a socialist redistribution of wealth. Marxism addresses the problem on a superficial level that does not account for man’s fall. It assumes man’s heart is basically good and does not account for human sinfulness. We understand the sentiment. It is estimated that the annual income of the richest one hundred people is enough to end global poverty four times over.[xxx] But we believe the Christian worldview identifies poverty and oppression as primarily spiritual problems, not socioeconomic ones (Mark 10:21, Luke 6:24, James 5:1–6). What follows is a short excerpt from his May 9, 2014, address to the United Nations, “Address of Pope Francis to the UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination.”
Today, in concrete terms, an awareness of the dignity of each of our brothers and sisters whose life is sacred and inviolable from conception to natural death must lead us to share with complete freedom the goods which God’s providence has placed in our hands, material goods but also intellectual and spiritual ones, and to give back generously and lavishly whatever we may have earlier unjustly refused to others.
The account of Jesus and Zacchaeus teaches us that above and beyond economic and social systems and theories, there will always be a need to promote generous, effective and practical openness to the needs of others. Jesus does not ask Zacchaeus to change jobs nor does he condemn his financial activity; he simply inspires him to put everything, freely yet immediately and indisputably, at the service of others.
Consequently, I do not hesitate to state, as did my predecessors (cf. JOHN PAUL II, Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, 42–43; CentesimusAnnus, 43; BENEDICT XVI, Caritas in Veritate, 6; 24–40), that equitable economic and social progress can only be attained by joining scientific and technical abilities with an unfailing commitment to solidarity accompanied by a generous and disinterested spirit of gratuitousness at every level. A contribution to this equitable development will also be made both by international activity aimed at the integral human development of all the world’s peoples and by the legitimate redistribution of economic benefits by the State, as well as indispensable cooperation between the private sector and civil society.[xxxi]
This is an unambiguous endorsement of the Marxist dream: the redistribution of wealth by the state. As a young Argentinian Jesuit priest, Bergoglio was steeped in the Marxist ideology of liberation theology. Atheistic by definition, Marxism condemns religion for supporting the status quo and legitimating the power of the oppressor.
Richard Wurmbrand, a Romanian Christian who spent over three decades in prison for his faith and later founded Voice of the Martyrs, wrote a book demonstrating from Marx’s poetry featuring lines like, “I wish to avenge myself against the One who rules above”[xxxii] that Marx was not really an atheist after all, but rather an active Satanist. Wurmbrand cites many such lines.
Marx dreamt about ruining the world created by God. He said in another poem:
Then I will be able to walk triumphantly, Like a god, through the ruins of their kingdom. Every word of mine is fire and action. My breast is equal to that of the Creator.[xxxiii]
The words “I shall build my throne high overhead” and the confession that from the one sitting on this throne will emanate only dread and agony remind us of Lucifer’s proud boast, “I will ascend into heaven, 1will exalt my throne above the stars of God” (Isaiah 14:13).[xxxiv]
It seems that Marx’s advocacy of atheism was more from spite than unbelief. According to Wurmbrand, Marx believed in God and Satan, but chose the latter.
Dave Hunt pointed out that while virtually all of our attention is directed on the ongoing apostasy and soon coming of Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:3)—the “Man of Sin” or “Man of Lawlessness” (a distinction based on one’s preference in Greek manuscript traditions) is still only half the story—the other half is the False Prophet: a man who has “two horns like to a lamb, and spake as a dragon” (Revelation 13:11) leading a one-world religion symbolized by “a woman who rides the beast,” arguably (according to many Catholic scholars[xxxv]) the apostate Roman Catholic Church leading a one-world religion—the great harlot, in appropriately Catholic robes of “purple and scarlet”[xxxvi](Revelation 17:3). Hunt wrote, “Liberation Theology was spawned in Latin America by radical Catholic priests and nuns whose aroused consciences could no longer justify the oppression of the masses by both Church and state.”[xxxvii] Communism and liberation theology have the same basic goals, but liberation theology turns to the Christian faith rather than atheism to rationalize its confiscation of private property, allegedly to benefit the less fortunate. Latin American liberation theologians contend, most often correctly, that, in addition to the sins of the past like European imperialism, their continent is still being victimized by multinational corporations (e.g., the Amazon rain forest saw a 28 percent rise in the rate of deforestation from August of 2012 to July of 2013[xxxviii]).
The leading proponents of Latin American liberation theology include Peruvian Jesuit Priest Gustavo Gutiérrez S. J. Leonardo Boff, a philosophy of religion professor at the Rio de Janeiro State University in Brazil, and Juan Luis Segundo of Uruguay. As a group they are philosophically indebted to the perspectives of Kant, Hegel, and Marx. Martin wrote that Gutierrez, a Peruvian Jesuit priest, “analyzed ‘theology’ in light of the Marxist theory of class struggle.”[xxxix] He promoted the idea that the gospel burdens the Church with liberating the world from poverty and oppression. Growing up impoverished, it isn’t difficult to be charitable concerning Gutiérrez’s sincere desire to help the poor. But, intentions aside, liberation theology really was a communist conspiracy. According to a Romanian defector, Gutierrez was under the spell of the Soviet KGB.
The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, was working for the Soviet secret police Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnost (KGB)[xl] under the code name “Mikhailov.” Pacepa bluntly asserts, “Liberation Theology was not invented by Latin American Catholics, but rather it was developed by the KGB.”[xli] Liberation theology was concocted by the KGB and the Patriarch Kirill promoted it. Thus, Kirill was instrumental in spreading Marxism into the Western hemisphere, an existential threat to US soil. Kirill appears to be a rather sinister character. According to investigative journalist Stephenson Billings:
The man in question is named Patriarch Kirill, a genuinely ruthless figure in the harsh world of Soviet politics. A former KGB agent and now a close associate of Vladimir Putin, he has called his leader “a god.” He has been widely condemned for spreading Stalinism and atheism to the Ukraine in a cruel bid to expand his empire. Evidence unearthed in Soviet archives has revealed that the Russian Orthodox Church has long been infiltrated and managed by the KGB as a tool of population control. This is one of the many reasons that the CIA has kept a very close watch on the secretive kingpin Kirill for decades.[xlii]
Apparently, the KGB pays well, because “Archbishop Kirill’s personal wealth was estimated at $4 billion by the Moscow News.”[xliii] Of course, this information has concerning implications in regard to the Russian Orthodox Church’s recent “holy war” declaration as well. Kirill also profited heavily from importing cigarettes duty free through church channels.
The Evangelical Dictionary of Theology emphasizes that liberation theology “is for the most part a Roman Catholic theological movement.”[xliv] It follows naturally that, as a former Argentine Cardinal, the Pope was profoundly influenced by this communist-inspired Latin American movement. In fact, his socialism is impossible for American Catholics to simply explain away. Especially with widespread reporting of statements like the following concerning the European refugee problem:
These poor people are fleeing war, hunger, but that is the tip of the iceberg. Because underneath that is the cause; and the cause is a bad and unjust socioeconomic system, in everything, in the world—speaking of the environmental problem—in the socioeconomic society, in politics, the person always has to be in the centre. That is the dominant economic system nowadays, it has removed the person from the centre, placing the god money in its place, the idol of fashion. There are statistics, I don’t remember precisely, (I might have this wrong), but that 17% of the world’s population has 80% of the wealth.[xlv]
According to the pope, the world’s problem is no longer sinful man’s rebellion against a holy God, but rather a “bad and unjust socioeconomic system.” The pope’s theme is reminiscent of the Marx-popularized catchphrase, “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”[xlvi] A British Library description of the class struggle between the proletariat and the capitalist from The Communist Manifestocontextualizes wealth redistribution as the big idea behind Marxism:
Following the proletariat’s defeat of capitalism, a new classless society would emerge based on the idea: “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” In such a society, land, industry, labour and wealth would be shared between all people. All people would have the right to an education, and class structures would disappear. Harmony would reign, and the state would simply “wither away.” (emphasis added)[xlvii]
On a superficial level, it seems obvious enough that liberation theologians were deceived into a communist ideology—a conspiracy “theory” which moved into the category “fact” after having been confirmed by high-ranking communist defectors.[xlviii]
The call for Christians to be champions for social justice and good stewards of the environment is valid, but it entirely misses the Bible’s description of human depravity (Romans 3:10–18) and, as a result, excludes the real point of evangelism and missions: the true gospel message that “Christ died for our sins” (1 Corinthians 15:3–8). Theologian D. D. Webster critiques liberation theology as a postmodern construct. Actually, it is quite an alien solution to the world’s problems according to biblical theology.
A Christian understands sin and alienation from God as a dilemma confronting both the oppressor and the oppressed. Liberation theology’s emphasis on the poor gives the impression that the poor are not only the object of God’s concern but the salvific and revelatory subject.[xlix]
In relation to the pervasiveness of Zionist conspiracy theories, Barry Segal explained the human condition in the following way:
Man leans more toward the evil than the good; fear and power have more control over him than reason…. All men seek power, and there is none who would not be an oppressor if he could; all, or nearly all, are ready to sacrifice the rights of others to their own interests.[l]
Socialism ignores man’s fallen nature and, naively, assumes the opposite. Ideologically it is at war with the gospel. In other words, in their zeal for the oppressed, many Latino priests (like Bergoglio) lost sight of the actual gospel. Recall Jesus’ response when Judas Iscariot, another son of perdition, offered his own first-century version of the liberation theology.
But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples (he who was about to betray him), said, “Why was this ointment not sold for three hundred denarii and given to the poor?” He said this, not because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief, and having charge of the moneybag he used to help himself to what was put into it. Jesus said, “Leave her alone, so that she may keep it for the day of my burial. For the poor you always have with you, but you do not always have me.” (John 12:4–8)
The liberation-theology movement was partly inspired by the Second Vatican Council that was called by Pope John XXIII[li]—the famous patriarch of Venice, a city famous for its streets of water, that the Malachy prophecy foretold as a Pastor & nauta (“pastor and sailor”). It is rumored that in response to studying Malachy’s Prophecy of the Popes and to show himself as the fulfillment of his line in the prophecy, “he hired a boat, filled it with sheep and sailed up and down the Tiber River in full view of the conclave.”[lii] He codified Rome’s curse of “saved by faith alone” by confirming that the precepts of the Council of Trent continue to the modern day, a position that was confirmed by his successor.[liii] The first post-Lucifer enthronement pope—John XXII—famously advocated a “public authority with power,” and the means co-extensive with these problems, and “a world-wide sphere of activity” in his 1963 encyclical Pacem in Terris.[liv]
His successor Pope Paul VI was the pope installed during the luciferians’ parallel enthronement ceremony in 1963. Calling the satanic cabal a “superforce,” Martin wrote:
Most frighteningly for [Pope] John Paul [II], he had come up against the irremovable presence of a malign strength in his own Vatican and in certain bishops’ chanceries. It was what knowledgeable Churchmen called the “superforce.” Rumors, always difficult to verify, tied its installation to the beginning of Pope Paul VI’s reign in 1963. Indeed Paul had alluded somberly to “the smoke of Satan which has entered the Sanctuary”…an oblique reference to an enthronement ceremony by Satanists in the Vatican. Besides, the incidence of Satanic pedophilia—rites and practices— was already documented among certain bishops and priests as widely dispersed as Turin, in Italy, and South Carolina, in the United States. The cultic acts of satanic pedophilia are considered by professionals to be the culmination of the Fallen Archangel’s rites.[lv]
By this time, Vatican II was being praised in Latin America and, rather than criticize the fledgling liberation theology movement, Paul VI, in his encyclical Octogesima Adveniens, equivocated socioeconomic ideologies as unilaterally weak.
Today moreover the weaknesses of the ideologies are better perceived through the concrete systems in which they are trying to affirm themselves. Bureaucratic socialism, technocratic capitalism and authoritarian democracy are showing how difficult it is to solve the great human problem of living together in justice and equality.[lvi]
He should have condemned socialism as being derived from an atheistic Marxist ideology. Instead, the penultimate-parallel-enthronement pope advised one to discern between various overlapping “levels” of socialism:
Distinctions must be made to guide concrete choices between the various levels of expression of socialism: a generous aspiration and a seeking for a more just society, historical movements with a political organization and aim, and an ideology which claims to give a complete and self-sufficient picture of man. Nevertheless, these distinctions must not lead one to consider such levels as completely separate and independent. The concrete link which, according to circumstances, exists between them must be clearly marked out.[lvii]
Socialism fails because it naively gives mankind too much credit. While social justice is a noble pursuit, one does not achieve it through redistribution of wealth. People are not basically good and there is no authority but Jesus Christ who can decide what is equitable. While socialism is an idea foreign to Scripture, social justice is a prominent eschatological theme. Jesus said, “Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God (Luke 6:20b). Considering He also said, “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God” (Matthew 19:24), a brief life of earthly poverty may turn out to be an immortal blessing in the value system of God’s Kingdom (Matthew 6:20). In other words, chances are strong that being rich now will turn out to have not been worth it from an afterlife perspective (James 5:1). Nevertheless, more by what he failed to say, than what he actually said, Paul VI encouraged Latin American liberation theology. During his papacy, a Frenchman named Vicomte de Poncins may have put two and two together as to who the real players in the game of words were, and in so doing exposed a Masonic cabal.
There is at present in Catholic circles a constant, subtle and determined campaign in favor of Freemasonry. It is directed by the progressive element which is currently enjoying a great influence in French and American Church circles and beginning to show its hand in England too.… This element consists of a number of priests, including a Jesuit, Editors of Catholic newspapers and several writers of note.[lviii]
It’s likely no coincidence that the next pope, John Paul I, was allegedly murdered only thirty-three days after taking office (33 is an occult Masonic marker) just prior to exposing a conspiracy led by cardinals, bishops, and high-ranking prelates that were also Freemasons.[lix] Likely, it was the same group Malachi Martin labeled “Lucifer’s Lodge”[lx] or the “Superforce.”[lxi] Shortly after his election, John Paul I ordered an investigation of the Vatican’s banking practices. As a result, Cardinal Egidio Vagnozzi warned the pope about the cabal. David Yallop revealed:
The information that Vagnozzi had obtained over decades insured that a highly detailed dossier was soon in the Pope’s hands. Immediately after the discovery of the pope’s body the Vagnozzi report along with the papers covering the various changes were removed by Cardinal Villot, whose deputy Caprio was most certainly aware of the contents of the report. An indication of just how explosive the contents were can be gauged by the fact that Roberto Calvi subsequently became aware of the Vagnozzi report and its contents and after being offered a copy by a Vatican contact for three million dollars haggled the price down to one point two million dollars then kept the copy close to himself for the rest of his life.[lxii]
The pope’s replacement, John Paul II, was, by all appearance, an avowed enemy of the Soviet Union, but still leaned hard left in his politics. John Paul II wrote, “It is necessary to state once more the characteristic principle of Christian social doctrine: the goods of this world are originally meant for all humanity” (emphasis added).[lxiii] Allowing the pope’s statement to be true, for the sake of argument, it begs the question of how to equitably divvy up the goods and a discussion about who gets to decide. John Paul II answered that humanity “needs a greater degree of international ordering, at the service of the societies, economies and cultures of the whole world.”[lxiv] In other words, he was a globalist. In all fairness, John Paul II had a reputation of opposing the Soviet Union and objected to the Latin American Jesuit endorsement of Marxist ideas, their support for revolutionary movements, and their criticism of traditional Church institutions. Malachi Martin idolized him as a determined enemy of communism, but, as we have shown, globalist Marxist ideas ran deep in post-parallel-enthronement Catholicism, and his papacy was no exception.
Pope Benedict XVI openly advocated world government as well. On the day before his meeting with US President Obama and the G-8 summit in Italy, Pope Benedict promulgated the encyclical titled Caritas in Veritate, or “Charity in Truth,” from which we exposed his call for a “world political authority” with “real teeth” in our first book, Petrus Romanus.[lxv] Next, in Exo-Vaticana,we uncovered Benedict XVI’s status as “a Chardinian mystic of the highest order”[lxvi] and documented how he interpreted the “doctrine of the Second Coming of Christ to advance Chardin’s ‘Omega Point,’ in which a ‘new kind’ of God, man, and mind will emerge.”[lxvii] We have now covered every pope from the enthronement of Lucifer in 1963 to where we stand today, and all, without exception, have advocated Marxist views akin to liberation theology. This is important, because we believe feigned socialism will be behind the False Prophet’s role in implementing a global financial control mechanism (Revelation 13:16).
Credit to Tom Horn
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