Agenda 2030 is often referred to as Agenda 21 on steroids. We talk and write about Agenda 2030 as if it were something that will someday come our way if we are not careful. Well, my fellow Americans, I have very bad news. To quote my friend and colleague, Steve Quayle, when he says “what is coming is no longer coming, it is already here”.
After reading the paragraphs below, you will be able to form no other conclusion than
Agenda 2030 Is Already Here
From Obama’s “FACT SHEET: U.S. Global Development Policy and Agenda 2030″, we have a declaration on the part of the Obama administration to “to adopt the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (“2030 Agenda”)“.
From the above-mentioned White House document, dated September 27, 2015, we see that President Obama effectively signed over the sovereignty of the United States to the United Nations and its Agenda 203o program when the “United States joined OGP Steering Committee members in signing a declaration on Open Government for the Implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.
On paper, the United States became a de facto puppet state of the United Nations nearly nine months ago. In fact, Obama has stated that “The United States is exercising global leadership that will be pivotal in achieving the 2030 Agenda”, in the following areas”:
Global health and Global Health Security Agenda: What this means is that mandatory vaccinations will be required world-wide.
Meet the man who will one day bring us a vaccine for stupidity.“That is why we have made a commitment to assist at least 30 countries to achieve the targets of the Global Health Security Agenda to build national, regional, and international capability to prevent, detect and respond to infectious disease threats…” This is United Nations speak for world-wide vaccinations and the United States is going to assist the United Nations in forcing their will upon “at least 30 countries”. Health care will be rationed and form the basis of worldwide depopulation through the death panel age-exclusion orientated health official that we presently see in Obamacare. And, of course, the Bill Gates will maintain his omnipresent influence.
Food security and nutrition: What this means is the unbridled use of disease-causing GMO’s.
“Through the New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition, the United States and its partners have mobilized $10 billion in private sector commitments from more than 200 international and African companies, of which $1.8 billion has already been invested in Africa’s agricultural sector.”“President Obama announced the Feed the Future initiative in 2010, building on previous U.S. commitments, including the Initiative to End Hunger in Africa.” And of course, if one controls the food, then one controls the people.
Power Africa: This involves the establishment of the most complete smart grid technology in the world.
Africa is being used to Beta test the smart grid technology. The United States committed $7 billion to Power Africa. Are you outraged that Obama would spend $7 billion of our dollars on foreign investment as our infrastructure is crumbling at home? Whatever happened to Power America with the development of solar power and take the political power away from greedy corporations like Pinnacle West and make energy as cheap as possible? Rather, the intent will be to drive up energy costs to exorbitant levels which will set the stage for cap and trade from the pseudo science we call climate change.
Climate Change and Resilience: This blends nicely with Power Africa. This means the beginning of a global smart grid, the kind that Patrick Wood has written about and this will all be done under the “pretend” guise of protecting the planet.
“The United States is committed to facilitating climate resilient, low emissions economic growth in developing countries, including through the President’s Global Climate Change Initiative.” With this initiative, many feel that we will be living like we did in 1870 because we will not be able to afford the energy thanks to imposed carbon taxes and restrictions on energy use by the common man.
Ending extreme poverty” This means the continuation of free trade agreements in search of cheap labor supplies.
This policy benefits the global corporations and redistributes the wealth of the world from rich to poor. This is the path to global socialism. This will permit the continuing dismantling of the American economy. This is why Donald Trump is such a threat to the establishment of the New World Order because he wants to stop free trade agreements and keep American manufacturing at home.
Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women and Girls:
This means the continued degradation of the American male as the strong leader of the family unit as per Biblical teachings (e.g. Ephesians 5:23). This does not mean that working women should not paid equal pay for equal work. However, this strikes directly at the Bible. It is this philosophy of the globalists to eliminate all gender differences (e.g. transgender bathroom issues). This is why we are seeing women now having to register for the draft. This sets up the enforcement of Executive Order 13603 in which both men and women can be declared “unpaid consultants”, which opens to the door to forced relocation of parents to different geographic locations at the same time and without pay (i.e. slave labor). I would encourage the readers to use The Common Sense Show’s search engine and look for the articles I have written on EO 13603.
Education: This means more Common Core type of programs and more UN interference in our children’s education(see the youtube video below).
My colleague, Lisa Haven, produced this video seven months ago. She produces stunning proof how much the United Nations has injected themselves into our lives, our federal government, our state government and even our local government.
Catalyzing private investment and other sources of financing: This means the financing of a global tax within the United States.
Is this uconstitutional? Does it matter? We are playing in a game with no rules. Many predict that this will come in the form of an Internet tax.
I predict that most will have read this document and still not be able to fathom that Obama signed this country over to the United Nations over nine months ago. No amount of documentation would convince them otherwise. After all, cognitive dissonance permeates the belief system of millions of Americans for whom their mantra is “don’t confuse me with the facts”.
The news even gets worse when one considers the following facts that have already been established:
- John Kerry illegally signed the UN Small Arms Treaty
- Obama has several bilateral agreements with several nations, to help put down any and all civil disturbances under the banner of the UN flag
- Obama has signed the TPP trade agreement which removes all legislative power in the United States and hands it over to a corporate tribunal. The United States legal system and legislative authority is no more when the TPP becomes operational.
Hillary supports every aspect of these UN principles adopted by Obama. Trump does not. Anyone who continues to support Clinton must be mentally ill.
Credit to Common Sense
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