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Friday, April 1, 2016

“We Want Chicken And Chips, Not Pasta!” Shameless “Refugees” At The Italian Shelter

Literally, these people were rioting because they did not get “chicken and chips.”
If I was a child and made demands like what these “refugees” are making, I would be very lucky if I got anything that night to eat. VERY lucky. I knew better because I learned the potential consequences very quickly, and thankfully I did not have this problem.
No true “refugee” is going to refuse food on the basis that they want something they call “better.” They just take it and are happy with what they have.
Think about it- we have been showing repeatedly how these people are never satisfied, and what reason is there to think that anything can satisfy them? Their true goals are to strip their host society, Western Europe, of all its wealth and transfer it to themselves. If they are able to accomplish this, they will still be unhappy because having nothing else to take from others, they will begin fighting among themselves to satiate their insatiable greed. European society will no longer remain except as a memory in a textbook, and the lands will be transformed into the moral, cultural, and civilizational cesspools out of which these people emerged.
Protest from the migrants housed in the hotel Al Bragosso di Sant’Anna. They did not want pasta seasoned in their own way: they expected chicken and chips, which they are accustomed to eating each Sunday when they are in Chioggia. 
But perhaps, it wasn’t just that. The dispute was triggered at the time of Sunday dinner when, instead of the usual dish of chicken and chips, pasta arrived with something else. The intention of the managers of the institution was to provide some variation in the menu, because it was Easter. It’s not clear if this “celebration” had been communicated to the refugees (who are almost all Muslims) and in what way, or if it was interpreted by them, erroneously, as a worsening of the dietary regime. Almost all of them were set against it and refused to eat the pasta, demanding in a loud voice that they be given their usual chicken and chips.
The protest then took on another tone: the migrants grabbed the Italian flag that the managers of the hotel had hung up (a while ago) inside one of their common areas. In short, the dispute had reached very high levels and threatened to go on for a long time, with unpredictable consequences. 
At that point the forces of order were called, police and carabinieri, who arrived at Sant’Anna in force (three patrols) and succeeded, in a short space of time, in calming the refugees and stopping the disorder. Then, around 10pm, all eat the pasta (reheated) that had been brought to them two hours before.
Credit to Shoebat

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