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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Is the UN In Control of Jade Helm? The Ominous Implications

un weapons enforcement
After reviewing the data that has been streaming in over the past several months, I have concluded that there is a strong possibility that the United Nations has taken over Jade Helm operations and that was the intention all along. And it is not just Jade Helm operations that the American people should be concerned about, all Americans should be wary that the UN is taking over many facets of the American military/political system.

The Beginning

 The United Nations Is positioning for the takeover of the United States.
The United Nations Is positioning for the takeover of the United States as noted in the summer of 2014.
Under the guise of the Central American illegal immigrant invasion of 2014, the United Nations has used this event as well as the Ebola scare to infiltrate its military hardware inside the United States.

Jade Helm In Washington State? All White Attack Helicopters May Be UN

The video evidence below is inconclusive. However, this June 15, 2015 video raises the question as to whether or not the United Nations is involved in Jade Helm activities. There is what you know and what you can prove. I am certain that the helicopters videotaped above the skies of Washington are UN because of other related events.

Hard Evidence of UN Military Action On American Soil

The following was published on September 8, 2015 and it represents the fifth train loaded with military vehicles, going through Tehachapi Ca, in the last 30 days. The trains are always headed west, along with two sited convoys on California State Highway 58, which are also headed west.

Massive UN Military Vehicles Spotted On Train

Gary Franchi, featured below, released the following video last week depicting a massive shipment of United Nations military equipment through the heartland of America outside of Wheatland, Illinois. Franchi’s questions and observations speak volumes as to the gravity of this threat in the following video.

Cash for Clunkers, Or An UN Occupation Force?

The following video report was made in the early “unofficial days” of Jade Helm on May 22, 2015, outside of Jacksonville, FL. The sheer number of UN vehicles is very troublesome. There is no other interpretation than the fact that this is an occupation force.

Domestic Participation and Absorption of US Military Units Into the UN Military Command

At the five minute mark of the following video, we see UN military combat troops keeping the peace in Somalia. There is nothing to be concerned about here, now is there? However, the UN troops were actually American military who are members of the 502nd from Fort Campbell. I cannot help but wonder how American soldiers feel about wearing the blue berets of the UN.
The story takes an ominous turn when it is revealed that these same UN mercenaries were involved in joint training exercise sponsored by the United Nations in Arkansas. And what was there mission? The troops were going house to house in a training exercise know as Agile Provider. Shockingly the year was 1994, so this has been a long time in the making.
In 2013, the following video also depicts official Navy confirmation of UN troops, using American military assets going  house to house in for search and seizure. The announced tactics employed were Special Operation Forces tactics. This is Jade Helm, before there was officially a Jade Helm and it was being controlled by the United Nations. Also during this time frame, 49 American landmarks have been given over to the United Nations in what are called Biospheres. Biospheres are being used to covertly train foreign troops under the auspices of the United Nations (e.g. the Smoky Mountains outside Gatlinburg, TN.).
This video also contains a good snapshot of the history of the evolution of FEMA camps.

Massive Amounts of Command Vehicles and Portable Detention Pods Spotted Outside of Oklahoma City

In the past few days, I have been sent several photos by no less than three people who spotted this massive train. The pictures contain the following disturbing images. Ask yourself why these are needed on American soil? To understand their purpose refer to the above paragraphs.
okc mil 1
okc mil 2
A picture is worth a thousand words. And then we have the following:
As far as the eye can see.

The Tip of the Iceberg

I could fill volumes of books with the related information that I have compiled. This is only the tip of the iceberg. One of my military advisers tells me that UN officers are being embedded inside Jade Helm units. Inch by inch, the takeover will be a cinch. This is being done so covertly, that the general public will not know what hit them when the time is right. And what will hit the American people? This will be the topic of the next article in this series.
Credit to Common Sense

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