The First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees freedom of religion and I honor that regardless of the religion. I am commanded by Jesus to love my enemies. I try my best, but I confess that I often fall short of the glory of God. As a man, I have always believed in allowing people to dress, speak and behave as they want. I do not have to agree with anyone to show them dignity and respect. However, I also recognize my right to self-defense. This includes the right to protect my family, my neighborhood and my country. It is because of the latter phrase, that I strongly believe that we need to force the Obama administration to immediately cease all unscreened immigration activities from Muslim groups coming out of Africa and the Middle East. All we have to do is to look at what is happening in Europe to see that the continued importation of Muslims is too dangerous. Nobody, from any region of the world should be allowed to come to this country without thoroughly being investigated for health reasons and for reasons related to terrorism.
In Part One, I detailed how the current administration is bringing 200,000 Muslim immigrants to Michigan. Additionally, it was also pointed out that Obama is permitting the United Nations refugee and resettlement program dictate to host countries how many immigrants that they must take in.
Do I need to remind people that these immigrants are coming from parts of the world where there is a resurgence of an Ebola outbreak? Do I need to remind people that these people are coming from a region of the world that overwhelmingly hates America and holds our Western ways in extreme contempt? Do I need to further remind people that many of these people are followers of Sharia Law and will not rest until Christianity and the lifestyle of the West is obliterated by those who will impose their will upon us under the guidelines espoused by Sharia Law?
What we are doing with our immigration policy is insane. It amounts to “Suicide by Immigration”! For what possible reason should the FBI not be screening for and deporting those who pose a potential threat to the existing social order within the United States?
The following story and accompanying video clearly demonstrates the unwise decisions to allow all from the Middle East and Africa who want to come to Europe to do so without being checked for known terrorist ties. Before you accuse me of being xenophobic, please remember that all people that passed through Ellis Island and Angel Island were screened for health and suitability to blend into the existing culture. And yes, I firmly believe that immigrants must not try and change the social order if they want to remain in the United States, for when a country loses its cultural identity, then the country loses its viability as a nation.
Terrorist Are Inviting Terrorist to Join Their Terrorist Brethren In Europe
IN THE VIDEO HE CLEARLY STATES THAT WE WILL WELCOME ISIS ARMY IN EUROPE WITH OPEN ARMSThis known terrorist, Maiwand al Afghani, stated that “The Mujahedeen Al Queda, Taliban, Al Sha’baab, ISIS, Al Nusra would arrive at the gates of Europe. We will welcome them with open arms. The whole of the West will in no time be taken. And be part of the Islamic State. All their technology, arms, atom weapons, most luxury cars, buildings, money, beautiful women, planes. ….Everything will be war booty and we will get a fantastic country!”
America, this is your future if we continue to admit unscreed Muslims from Africa and the Middle East.
A Telling Interview
This self avowed terrorist, Maiwand, is depicted as a luxury refugee. Seventeen years ago he fled from Afghanistan, having clear Taliban ties, and is now a student at the University of Leiden.
This terrorist who has gained asylum seeker status, he is getting help in every possible way; inclusive of financial aid. The “politically correct” multicultural policy makers from the United Nations have promoted Maiwand to be a fully-integrated new citizen, a champion showpiece of multiculturalism.
People life Maiwand will never be acculturated. Maiwand is a centerpiece of the United Nation’s Agenda 21 plan to erased all national boundaries as we move towards a one-world government controlled by the shadowy forces behind the United Nations.
Maiwand has been steadily radicalized and as he is also a Salafi Islam activist for whom the Sharia stands above the country laws.This means death to all who will not convert to Islam. This is the main philosophy of ISIS. Mainwand has further stated that the murder on Charlie Hebdo people is justified and he can also understand physical attack on gays as being legitimate.
In reality, Maiwand is an operative working for the Islamic State and he is recruiting any and all terrorists to come to Europe to claim the Continent for Allah under the uncompromising Sharia Law. His actions are supported by the American Islamic organization, CAIR.
Mr. Maiwand is an example of what President Obama is bringing to the United States. Fast forward tot he 8:10 mark and be prepared to be shocked.
And if you think this exchange between the TV host and Marwaind is disturbing, you haven’t seen a thing compared to what I am prepared to show you tomorrow in Part Three. Again, I believe in religious toleration. However, when the religion is going to be used as a tool of political, social and religious persecution, I have to draw the proverbial line in the sand and advocate for national self-defense. Our communities are at extreme risk due to our reckless Presiident who is following UN immigration policy.
The videos and testimonies I am bringing forth tomorrow will reinforce the notion that this UN Refugee and Resettlement program being endorsed and brought forth by Obama, will result in a Battlefield America scenario ending with blood in the streets. It is happening in Europe, as will be exposed in tomorrow, and it will soon be happening here.
Credit to Common Sense
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