Last Friday, a panel discussion at the Center for American Progress (CAP), a liberal think tank, was held to promote Common Core and discuss those who oppose it.
Paul Reville, the former secretary of education for Massachusetts and a Common Core supporter, was one of the panelists.
He shared his thoughts on opponents of the curriculum, stating that critics were a “tiny minority” who opposed standards altogether, which was unfair because “the children belong to all of us.”
“The children belong to all of us.”
Unbelievable, isn’t it? In case you need to hear it to believe it, here’s video proof:
Paul Reville, the former secretary of education for Massachusetts and a Common Core supporter, was one of the panelists.
He shared his thoughts on opponents of the curriculum, stating that critics were a “tiny minority” who opposed standards altogether, which was unfair because “the children belong to all of us.”
“The children belong to all of us.”
Unbelievable, isn’t it? In case you need to hear it to believe it, here’s video proof:
Reville also claimed that Common Core opponents are against any kind of educational standards.
CNSNews.com asked him about the critics who say federal monetary incentives attached to Common Core is driving the states to implement the standards. Here’s what he said:
Again, the argument about where it came from I think privileges certain sort of fringe voices about federalism and states’ rights, and things of that nature, when really what we’re doing at the national level here now, state by state, is what a lot of our states thought made sense individually.Fringe voices about states’ rights? The federal government has no authority over education – in fact, as David Boaz of the Cato Institute explains, there is a reason for that:
The Founders wanted most aspects of life managed by those who were closest to them, either by state or local government or by families, businesses, and other elements of civil society. Certainly, they saw no role for the federal government in education.Common Core supporters claim that the curriculum is a “state-led” effort, but in reality, the standards were written by five people. Critics like Lindsey Burke, a Will Skillman Fellow in Education Policy at The Heritage Foundation, say the initiative is about federal funding and centralizing education rules:
Common Core was developed by two national organizations, it’s adoption incentivized with billions in federal funding and waivers from the onerous provisions of No Child Left Behind, and the national tests funded with federal grants.
These are not the hallmarks of a ‘state-led’ process. Moreover, these are not high standards.As Ethan Young, the Tennessee high school student who spoke out against Common Core in front of the Knox County School Board so eloquently said:
Why don’t we just manufacture robots instead of students? They last longer and they always do as they’re told.Schools are now teaching your children that the government is family. Some are threatening to call child welfare on you if your kids aren’t getting specific healthcare. Want to send your child to school with a healthful homemade lunch? Some schools won’t allow that either. And, some schools are resorting to using games to get kids to share highly personal information about them and their parents.
If you decide that all of this is infringing on your parental rights and decide to homeschool, be warned, because in some states, the government wants to decide if you are fit to do so.
Remember, all of these invasive measures are for the common good, because your children belong to everyone.....
Credit to Activist Post
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