And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog [the Russian Federation]…and prophesy against him, And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal: And I will…bring thee forth, and all thine army…. Persia [ancient kingdom of Iran], Ethiopia, and Libya with them.” (Ezekiel 38:1–5)

Although Ezekiel explains how the invasion of Israel described above somehow goes wrong for Iran, Russia, and their confederates (actually leading them to turn on each other, according to chapter 38:21), one cannot read this prophetic foresight and fail to ponder the unprecedented events in recent days involving Iran and its leaders, Russia and its leaders, and the current push by the president of the United States to force Israel into a so-called peace deal with the Palestinians (whose leaders openly call for the destruction of Israel and the slaughter of Jews) while secretly negotiating a nuclear agreement with Iran, a fact made public in November 2013.
“The Obama administration, with Secretary of State John Kerry in the lead, joined with the international community in making an agreement with the Iranian regime that many view as a betrayal of Israel,” notes James in a chapter of this book. “Just as the sanctions against Iran for their pursuing development of a nuclear program to produce atomic weaponry was beginning to make an impact, the U.S., in concert with the world powers that constitute the international community, agreed to lift part of those economic sanctions on Iran.”
Of course, James sees through this façade of diplomacy and recognizes the important, even staggeringly prophetic, implications of these Machiavellian maneuverings. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saw through them as well and harshly condemned the nuclear deal with Iran as a massive failure of foreign policy. “What was reached last night in Geneva is not a historic agreement, it is a historic mistake,” he said, before including: “Today the world became a much more dangerous place because the most dangerous regime in the world made a significant step in obtaining the most dangerous weapons in the world.”
Netanyahu’s economics minister, Naftali Bennett, then alleged, “If a nuclear suitcase blows up five years from now in New York or Madrid it will be because of the deal signed this morning.” Ironically, Saudi Arabia also viewed the U.S.-led and secretly bartered agreement with Iran as a treachery due to its (the Saudis’) historic affiliation with Washington, which in modern history was demonstratively committed to protecting the kingdom from Iran. This new agreement weakens the relationship with Saudi Arabia, a fact that, all by itself, could have destabilizing and prophetic effects throughout the Middle East.

Given Iran’s consistency with not honoring such “deals” and the hearty evidence that it is in fact developing nuclear bomb technology as well as likely purchasing WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) on the black market with stated ambitions of annihilating Israel, James says what people not living in the Middle East should understand is the resolve that Jews like Netanyahu have for protecting themselves and the security of their nation, not to mention God’s promise of the same. Because of this resolve, Obama’s fait accompliregarding peace deals with Israel’s enemies could result literally overnight in the battle described by Ezekiel and in the book of Revelation. The modern people of Israel—from civilians to government and military leaders—have powerful memories of those who have promised to exterminate them, including Nazi Germany in the past and modern Iran today, and survival by any means necessary thus pervades their hearts at this stage in history. This was reflected most recently by Netanyahu himself during the 2013 General Debate of the 68th Session of the United Nations, when the prime minister, before the nations of the world, admitted that Israel is at the center of Bible prophecy, saying:
[O]ne cold day in the late 19th century, my grandfather Nathan and his younger brother Judah were standing in a railway station in the heart of Europe. They were seen by a group of anti-Semitic hoodlums who ran towards them waving clubs, screaming “Death to the Jews.”
My grandfather shouted to his younger brother to flee and save himself, and he then stood alone against the raging mob to slow it down. They beat him senseless, they left him for dead, and before he passed out, covered in his own blood, he said to himself, “What a disgrace, what a disgrace. The descendants of the Macabees lie in the mud powerless to defend themselves.”
He promised himself then that if he lived, he would take his family to the Jewish homeland and help build a future for the Jewish people. I stand here today as Israel’s prime minister because my grandfather kept that promise.
And so many other Israelis have a similar story, a parent or a grandparent who fled every conceivable oppression and came to Israel to start a new life in our ancient homeland. Together we’ve transformed a bludgeoned Jewish people, left for dead, into a vibrant, thriving nation, defending itself with the courage of modern Maccabees, developing limitless possibilities for the future.
In our time the Biblical prophecies are being realized. As the prophet Amos said, they shall rebuild ruined cities and inhabit them. They shall plant vineyards and drink their wine. They shall till gardens and eat their fruit. And I will plant them upon their soil never to be uprooted again. (emphasis added)
One should read the entire UN statement by Netanyahu and not underestimate the national Jewish commitment to preservation, even if they have to go it alone. While President Obama has been steering the United States increasingly away from the stronger relationship Israel once enjoyed with previous administrations, France, one of the P-5+1 members (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany), and Saudi Arabia recognize that the threat posed by modern Persia-Iran is not only prophetically against Israel, but holds global implications of a wider nuclear war and, if the U.S. will not stand in defense of God’s land and people, the Saudis and France (for their own self-interests) will offer logistical support to Israel should they be backed into a corner and forced to strike the heart of the ancient enemy.
This recent development is but one scenario of what is timely and imminently important in Cauldron, a single example I have provided from among many that offer a unique evaluation of what is happening in the world and what lies ahead for the reader. You should pay very careful attention to this and other magnificently researched details by this veteran prophecy expert, Terry James, because what happens next in the Middle East will affect your life and future, as well as the lives of every person on earth. Understanding these events—“signs,” as the Bible calls them—will empower you to take action for yourself and your family and to find peace that passes understanding, something that all of us will surely need in the immediate days ahead.
Credit to Raiders News Update
“The Obama administration, with Secretary of State John Kerry in the lead, joined with the international community in making an agreement with the Iranian regime that many view as a betrayal of Israel,” notes James in a chapter of this book. “Just as the sanctions against Iran for their pursuing development of a nuclear program to produce atomic weaponry was beginning to make an impact, the U.S., in concert with the world powers that constitute the international community, agreed to lift part of those economic sanctions on Iran.”
Of course, James sees through this façade of diplomacy and recognizes the important, even staggeringly prophetic, implications of these Machiavellian maneuverings. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saw through them as well and harshly condemned the nuclear deal with Iran as a massive failure of foreign policy. “What was reached last night in Geneva is not a historic agreement, it is a historic mistake,” he said, before including: “Today the world became a much more dangerous place because the most dangerous regime in the world made a significant step in obtaining the most dangerous weapons in the world.”
Netanyahu’s economics minister, Naftali Bennett, then alleged, “If a nuclear suitcase blows up five years from now in New York or Madrid it will be because of the deal signed this morning.” Ironically, Saudi Arabia also viewed the U.S.-led and secretly bartered agreement with Iran as a treachery due to its (the Saudis’) historic affiliation with Washington, which in modern history was demonstratively committed to protecting the kingdom from Iran. This new agreement weakens the relationship with Saudi Arabia, a fact that, all by itself, could have destabilizing and prophetic effects throughout the Middle East.

Given Iran’s consistency with not honoring such “deals” and the hearty evidence that it is in fact developing nuclear bomb technology as well as likely purchasing WMDs (weapons of mass destruction) on the black market with stated ambitions of annihilating Israel, James says what people not living in the Middle East should understand is the resolve that Jews like Netanyahu have for protecting themselves and the security of their nation, not to mention God’s promise of the same. Because of this resolve, Obama’s fait accompliregarding peace deals with Israel’s enemies could result literally overnight in the battle described by Ezekiel and in the book of Revelation. The modern people of Israel—from civilians to government and military leaders—have powerful memories of those who have promised to exterminate them, including Nazi Germany in the past and modern Iran today, and survival by any means necessary thus pervades their hearts at this stage in history. This was reflected most recently by Netanyahu himself during the 2013 General Debate of the 68th Session of the United Nations, when the prime minister, before the nations of the world, admitted that Israel is at the center of Bible prophecy, saying:
[O]ne cold day in the late 19th century, my grandfather Nathan and his younger brother Judah were standing in a railway station in the heart of Europe. They were seen by a group of anti-Semitic hoodlums who ran towards them waving clubs, screaming “Death to the Jews.”
My grandfather shouted to his younger brother to flee and save himself, and he then stood alone against the raging mob to slow it down. They beat him senseless, they left him for dead, and before he passed out, covered in his own blood, he said to himself, “What a disgrace, what a disgrace. The descendants of the Macabees lie in the mud powerless to defend themselves.”
He promised himself then that if he lived, he would take his family to the Jewish homeland and help build a future for the Jewish people. I stand here today as Israel’s prime minister because my grandfather kept that promise.
And so many other Israelis have a similar story, a parent or a grandparent who fled every conceivable oppression and came to Israel to start a new life in our ancient homeland. Together we’ve transformed a bludgeoned Jewish people, left for dead, into a vibrant, thriving nation, defending itself with the courage of modern Maccabees, developing limitless possibilities for the future.
In our time the Biblical prophecies are being realized. As the prophet Amos said, they shall rebuild ruined cities and inhabit them. They shall plant vineyards and drink their wine. They shall till gardens and eat their fruit. And I will plant them upon their soil never to be uprooted again. (emphasis added)
One should read the entire UN statement by Netanyahu and not underestimate the national Jewish commitment to preservation, even if they have to go it alone. While President Obama has been steering the United States increasingly away from the stronger relationship Israel once enjoyed with previous administrations, France, one of the P-5+1 members (the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany), and Saudi Arabia recognize that the threat posed by modern Persia-Iran is not only prophetically against Israel, but holds global implications of a wider nuclear war and, if the U.S. will not stand in defense of God’s land and people, the Saudis and France (for their own self-interests) will offer logistical support to Israel should they be backed into a corner and forced to strike the heart of the ancient enemy.
This recent development is but one scenario of what is timely and imminently important in Cauldron, a single example I have provided from among many that offer a unique evaluation of what is happening in the world and what lies ahead for the reader. You should pay very careful attention to this and other magnificently researched details by this veteran prophecy expert, Terry James, because what happens next in the Middle East will affect your life and future, as well as the lives of every person on earth. Understanding these events—“signs,” as the Bible calls them—will empower you to take action for yourself and your family and to find peace that passes understanding, something that all of us will surely need in the immediate days ahead.
Credit to Raiders News Update
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