I could not believe my eyes when I saw a photo of hundred law-abiding Americans waiting obediently in line outside of the Arapahoe High School, with their hands up, to be patted down by armed-to-teeth sheriff deputies in the aftermath of the shooting a few days ago.
That picture reminded me how insignificant We the People are in the eyes of the authorities and their enforcement agencies. Deprived of their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, unarmed and defenseless subjects, the People were treated as if they posed a deadly threat to the sheriff and his deputies armed with assault weapons, many of whom in body armor and Kevlar military-style helmets, that apparently cared much more about their own safety than the safety of people that they were supposed to serve and protect.
I would expect a picture like that to be taken in a Nazi Germany of 1930s and 40s where the authorities did not try to sugarcoat their hostility to the regime’s real and imaginary adversaries. But in America? We have come a long way from the land of the free and the home of the brave to a socialistic-like system in which individual liberties are often referred to as loopholes or outdated reminiscences of the bygone era where the governments were for the people and not the other way around.
Our governments, apparently irritated with our stubborn refusal to give up our Second Amendment rights and to delegate our right to self-defense to the “trained professionals,” become increasingly impatient, if not outright hostile to the majority of Americans.
The law enforcement agencies grew into a privileged class. That class not only is exempted from the draconian “gun-control” laws that the rest of us must obey but has become a major political power, due to potent and vocal police and sheriff’s deputies labor unions (organized in Fraternal Order of Police) that can sway local elections and influence local and state governments that yield to these unions’ demands.
Cops and sheriff deputies used to be like all other folks, with the same rights and same guns like the rest of us. The only major difference between us and them was that they were authorized to enforce the law while we were only allowed to protect ourselves from the criminal acts in progress. Now, that equality has been broken and for no good Constitutional reason.
Our inalienable right to self-defense with a deadly weapon is being nixed little-by-little, as if it were somehow unworthy of a civilized person to take responsibility for his or her own property, safety, and survival. We are being constantly lectured by our governments how unfit we are to fulfill that responsibility and how our “clinging to our guns” aids criminals and derailed maniacs, and leads to outbursts of deadly violence.
At the same time, police and sheriff deputies are being armed with military weaponry, including armor-protected military fighting vehicles with gun turrets, bulletproof glass, and other necessities that their labor unions deemed minimum workplace safety standards that their members are entitled to. All these are in addition to their generous salaries (often in excess of 100,000 dollars a year, including overtime), retirement benefits (standard retirement age that makes them eligible to 100 percent of their salaries is 55), and other privileges (e.g., to concealed carry) that many of us can only dream of.
And the result? The photo at the beginning of this article says it all. They are our rulers, we are their subjects, with hands in the air waiting in line until they “clear” us, with no one even asking who is going to get killed, the defenseless civilians of the armed and armored deputies, if a gunmen is still at large. Ostensibly, this travesty of freedom and security has been put in place for our own safety. (Horse feathers!)
What you see here is not a coincidence or an isolated phenomenon. It is a result of the well-orchestrated political process that began sometime after the World War II. The goal of that process is to submit the majority of once free individuals to the will of the collective, or rather its ruling clique, and the social engineers that promise to eliminate social injustice and economic inequality. Not surprisingly, the individual right to keep and bear arms is the first liberty that had to go in order for that process to accomplish its goal.
America has AIDS. It’s Liberalism, a curse of our once free society. Within a few decades, our nation has been transformed from the beacon of individual liberty to an intrusively regulated and controlled system where unionized law enforcement agencies have become a privileged class to which all others must submit.
Public sector unions are like a cancer that grows on the nation whose natural immune system has been badly damaged by an AIDS of Liberalism. No longer able to defend themselves, Americans are being submitted to the discretion of authorities that usurped for themselves unprecedented powers. And they do not hesitate to use their powers against the majority of Americans towards whom they become increasingly hostile.
But when it comes to areas where the authorities have a Constitutional responsibility to exercise necessary and proper safety measures, the most adequate characterization of the status quo is: dereliction of duty. Border enforcement, deportation of illegal aliens who often participate in brazen criminal activities, keeping gangsters in jails and mentally ill in hospitals, have been declared “too intrusive,” “too offensive,” or “too inhumane” by the Liberal ideologues.
Mentally ill people are not confined to medical facilities anymore. They are not even monitored and are left to their own devices so that they can exercise their Constitutional freedoms.
Criminals are given a more humane treatment, too. Parole and early release programs, light or suspended sentences, and the “they paid their debt to the society” approach to ex-cons, help those who broke the law exercise their Constitutional freedoms, too.
Violent gangs get a pass, too. Although who is a gang member is mostly known to law enforcement, gangs are allowed to exist so that their members can exercise their Constitutional right to free association (to “peaceably assemble”, as the First Amendment says), even though in many areas (like L.A.) most of the gangsters are not even U.S. citizens.
But when any of these shoot and kill innocent Americans, it is the law-abiding who are being punished with another yet “gun-control” law. You see, the rights of the mentally ill, of the law breakers, and of gang members are sacrosanct, but the rights of the law abiding citizens are not. Why am I not surprised?
What is mind boggling here is that the majority of law-abiding Americans are not raging while being deprived of their Constitutional rights and liberties but obediently accept all the usurpation of power by their governments, instead.
If you care for your individual freedoms and for the freedom of your children then, please, do whatever you lawfully can to rid America of the AIDS of Liberalism, and to cure her of the cancer of public sector unions. This is not going to be easy, but, as Edmund Burke wrote, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
Credit to Canada Free Press
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