Less than a week ago I posted up an article on what happened at the “Boston Marathon Race Bombing” which happened on April 15, 2013. And while both suspects had been identified, one killed and the other in the hospital as of this date, more questions are surfacing then answers. And I don’t like where the questions are leading us towards because it’s beginning to reeks of another one of the governments “False Flag Operations”.
If you folks will recall, it was on December 14, 2012 that “The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shootings” had occurred. The Principal of that school, Dawn Hochsprung (Figure 36)

On November 12, 2012 a web page (Figure 38)

had been created as a tribute to what had happened at Sandy Hook. This web page had been put up “32 days before the shootings at the Sandy Hook Elementary School” had happened.
Plus, on December 14, 2012, the day of the Sandy Hook massacre, Victoria Soto was one of the victims killed. So, how could her body have been cremated on (Figure 39)

Why have I revisited the tragedy that happened at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut? Because people who was reported as being killed had died before the incident or, those people who were supposed to have been dead resurfaced later. This same “switch and bait” is happening at the “Boston Marathon Race Bombing!” Allow me to demonstrate my point here:
1) Dawn Hochsprung (Figure 40)

who died in Newtown, Ct is now reported (Figure 41)

2) These 3 Police Officers (Figure 42)

3) Nicholas Vogt, an Army officer veteran with the 1st. Stryker Brigade, 25th Infantry Division, while fighting in Kandahar Afghanistan lost both of his legs (Figure 44)

This is the sole photo that really makes me question everything that happened at the Boston Marathon Race. My background in medicine makes me pose the following questions and observations:
a) Going by the photo, both of Jeff’s legs were blown off. The problem is the legs have a major artery going through them known as the “femoral artery” (Figure 46)

b) Because of the nature of his injury, Jeff should’ve been put onto a gurney with his legs elevated to help stop the blood from pouring out of his legs. And, I do mean pouring. Because of the femoral arteries being blown away, blood should have been spewing all over the place. So, you would keep the legs elevated but, instead they did the “exact opposite”. Plus, in order to prevent any sort of brain damage that could’ve occurred due to the loss of more than half of his blood and the normal amount of oxygen being supplied to his brain, he should’ve also been laid on his back with his legs elevated.
c) Again, his “femoral arteries” were violently blown off of his body and blood should’ve been gushing out all over the place. Take a good look at the street below Jeff’s wheelchair, and behind it. There’s no blood! Where is the blood??? And, if the tourniquets were supposed to be stopping the blood from flowing, why wasn’t he placed on his back and, why don’t we see blood dripping from the surrounding wounds? Tourniquets cannot account for this.
d) The bone that is sticking out of Jeff’s leg was supposed to have been traumatically blown away by shrapnel. And, yet, when I enlarged the photo to take a better look at the end of, what appears to be the “tibia bone,” it is perfectly smooth and straight. I have seen a lot of trauma in my days and NEVER ONCE have I ever seen a bone cut “perfectly smooth and straight” as this photo would have us believe is the case. No! In fact, that bone should appear to be fragmented if it was genuinely and traumatically blown off.
e) People who have had such trauma as this done to them usually are screaming at the top of their lungs because of the unbearable amount of pain they’re going through or, they’re unconscious. Yet, not only is Jeff cognizant of his surroundings, he is quite calm and collected.
f) Due to the amount of blood he should’ve lost due to arterial bleeding, Jeff should’ve been as white as a ghost and, yet his skin is the same shade as the lady behind him and the man behind the cowboy hat.
The medical observation and evidence alone convinces me this person is a fake!
If you’ll recall, the private military organization known as “Craft” had been photographed at the Boston Marathon Race Bombing (Figure 47)

Before the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School had happened, pre-warnings of this event had appeared on the web (Figure 50)

Before the bomb explosions at the Boston Marathon Race of April 15, 2013 had happened, pre-warning had also appeared on the web (Figures 51

& Figure 52)

There has been another warning. Now, before we go any further so no one jumps to conclusions, let me say this for the record: “There is no way of proving, one way or the other, that this new warning is genuine or not.” However, because I would be totally remiss in my duties as a teacher if I didn’t show you this next photo, I feel I have to. But, remember, “we don’t know if this next figure is genuine or not”.
In "Figure 53"

we see another pre-warning. According to the caption, on April 28, a nuclear bomb is supposed to go off in Los Angeles, California. Now, remember, “we don’t know if this is true or not!” This could simply be a copycat person, a person with a sick and twisted sense of humor, a person who is bonkers, or just someone who wants a lot of attention. DO NOT start a panic, DO NOT say this is “a fact” when we don’t know if it is or isn’t, and DO NOT allow yourself to end up in a state of utter and complete fear!!!Remain calm and cool and pray that this is only a joke and that nothing comes of it. Personally, I am praying that if this is real, that God intervenes and prevents it from happening. It has been reported that there “could be” as many as a dozen dirty bombs (briefcase size nuclear bombs) that could be exploded in America but, remember, it was reported only as a “could be” and not as a certainty.
So, things only become weirder and weirder as time goes by:
1) People who are supposed to be dead are now walking about
2) Folks who are supposed to be working in one state now appear in another
3) Known medical facts are being broken faster than a dozen eggs that have been dropped onto the ground
4) Another pre-warning has been issued (if it is real).
5) And too many other people who were at the Boston Marathon Race Bombing had no business being there unless, something else is going on and we’re just not being told the whole truth.
This is very disturbing for me Ladies and Gentlemen. As Americans, we are so very fortunate to live in a country where we have all the freedoms in the world to enjoy. So, how is it we are living in a land where deception and deceit seem to be rampant? Is our OWN government behind any of these events? And, if they are, how could this happen here in America?
We seem to be left with more questions than answers. Though, one thing remains certain for me; the Illuminati have been very busy. I am convinced that their puppets within our own government caused 9/11 to occur. The sudden appearance, out of nowhere, of gun shootings at various schools and other places, I am convinced were done at the orders of the Illuminati to take away our 2ndAmendment rights. The Illuminati New World Order Playing Card, Al Amarja (Figure 54)

had demonstrated this fact along with Gun Control Card(Figure 55)

. And let’s not forget that, one week before the events of the Boston Marathon Race Bombing, Senator Diane Feinstein was pushing for even greater gun control while Vice-President Joe Biden (Figure 56)

The financial disasters in America that have been occurring over and over again (Figure 57)

can be laid at the feet of the Illuminati. And in every case, the Illuminati New World Order Cards proved that these events were going to occur. Coincidence??? I’m a person who believes that: once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times or more…something’s going on! And I’m convinced something is going on here but, I can’t show, you good folks, who’s behind it for now. All I can do is be a responsible teacher, present you with what we know, and let you draw your own conclusions. But, please, be cautious. A lot of this information could be looked at in so many different ways, especially that warning about the so-called nuclear bombing that’s supposed to occur on April 28, 2013. And, unlike what the media has been saying, I am not sending out these warnings because I’m a right-wing nutcase, nor am I religious zealot who needs psychiatric help, nor am I doing this in bad taste. I am a concerned individual who sees too many questions that have no agreeable answers. In fact, I hear too many so-called answers that make no sense whatsoever. Still, exercise caution when going through the material I just presented. And, if any of it can be proven to be untrue, please contact me @:docmarquis777@yahoo.com and let me know so I can change it immediately.
Take care everyone and God help us through these terrible times we live in, and may He keep us all…Doc!
Doc Marquis
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