Examples of these would include the Yeti in the Himalayas, the famous Bigfoot or Sasquatch of mainly the Pacific Northwest region of North America and Canada, and the Loch Ness Monster of Scotland. Hoaxes aside, literally tens of thousands of people throughout history and around the world (including reputable individuals such as clergy, professionals, military, law enforcement personnel, and even anthropologists) have seen, found biological samples of such in hair and footprint evidence, and even filmed and recorded the creatures’ unidentifiable language vocalizations, but have up until now failed to capture a single physical specimen...that the public knows of. Witness testimonies often include reports of fantastic sizes—from enormous dragons in the sea to giant bipeds ranging in height from eight to twelve feet, with footprints up to twenty-four inches. And then there are the phenomena frequently connected with the appearance of cryptids that are typical of occult activity—a retching or sulfuric odor, mysterious rapping on walls and windows, shadows and ghostly lights inside or outside homes, disembodied voices, the levitation or disappearance of furniture and other household items, etc.
Possibly the earliest account of a Bigfoot sighting in the US was published over 125 years ago in a historical pamphlet that told of frontiersmen coming across a “wild man” in the Siskiyou Mountains of Northern California. “The thing was of gigantic size—about seven feet tall—with a bulldog head, short ears, and long hair; it was also furnished with a beard, and was free from hair on such parts of its body as is common among men.”[i] Another barely known confrontation with a large, hairy biped was actually reported by President Theodore Roosevelt, an avid outdoorsman. Noah Hutchings writes of this event: “The story appeared in The Wilderness Hunter published in 1893. The account given by Roosevelt related that some kind of a wild beast had killed a man and had eaten half his body in a mountain range between the Salmon and Windom rivers. The following year, two hunters were camping in the same area when they became aware that they were being watched by a strange creature walking on two legs. The next day, the hunters separated. One of the hunters arrived at camp to find the other hunter dead with his neck broken and severe wounds to the throat area. In the article, Mr. Roosevelt reported his belief that the hunter was killed by ‘something either half-human or half-devil, some great goblin-beast.’”[ii] There are even reports of apelike creatures shot and killed followed by similar creatures coming to retrieve the corpse. One such story tells of a Bigfoot being put down and afterwards, similar large, hairy beings coming out of the woods to recover the body. The same creatures returned again later to attack the cabin of those miners who had killed the beast. An account of this event states:
At night the apes counterattacked, opening the assault by knocking a heavy strip of wood out from between two logs of the miners’ cabin. After that there were assorted poundings on the walls, door, and roof, but the building was built to withstand heavy mountain snows and the apes failed to break in.… There was…the sound of rocks hitting the roof and rolling off, and [the miners] did brace the heavy door from the inside.
They heard creatures thumping around on top of the cabin as well as battering the walls, and they fired shots through the walls and roof without driving them away. The noise went on from shortly after dark till near dawn.… The cabin had no windows and of course no one opened the door, so in fact the men inside did not see what was causing the commotion outside.
Nor could Mr. Beck say for sure…that there were more than two creatures outside. There were [at least] that many because there had been one on the roof and one pounding the wall simultaneously. However many there were, it was enough for the miners, who packed up and abandoned their mine the next day.[iii]

Early the next morning, members of the Westmoreland County UFO Study Group arrived at the farm to begin an investigation. They noted that Pulaski’s dog seemed to be tracking something they couldn’t make out in the woods. As they were talking with the young farmer and his father, Pulaski inexplicably began behaving as if he were demon possessed—convulsing, growling, and flailing about. His own dog ran at him, and he attacked it. At the same moment, two of the investigators started feeling lightheaded and were having difficulty breathing. Pulaski suddenly knocked his father down as he fainted onto the ground, face first into manure. When he snapped out of it a few moments later, he started growling like an animal and warned,“Get away from me. It’s here. Get back.” A sulfuric aroma filled the air as Pulaski reported seeing a figure cloaked in all black garbs saying something to him about a man “who is coming to save the world.” Pulaski was subsequently evaluated physically and psychologically and found to be of sound mind and truthful. Numerous witnesses at various phases of the incident also testified that the event actually happened as reported.
The Pulaski farm is one example of thousands of comparable events wherein cryptids have appeared accompanied by spiritualistic and demonological characteristics. In another account, both a giant and small creature teamed up to torture a young woman. This was not only captured by multiple eyewitnesses, but also was played out repeatedly in a prison cell before dumbfounded police officers, prison guards, medical staff, and dozens of reporters in the heart of Manila, capital city of the Philippines. In this case, physical evidence was even captured in the form of long, black hair from a beast that was never identified. At the center of the episode was one of America’s most well-known ordained ministers, Dr. Lester Sumrall, who formed the LeSEA broadcast network.

In the early 1950s, Dr. Sumrall was in Manila building a church, which today is known as the Cathedral of Praise. On May 12, 1953, the Daily Mirror in Manila published a startling story under the headline, “Police Medic Explodes Biting Demons Yarn,” in which a most unusual story unfolded of law enforcers and medical examiners being mystified by an inmate whose body continuously bore deep teeth marks. The frightened girl claimed that two beings were appearing and biting her. One of the devils was big and dark with long hair all over his head, chest, and arms. He had fangs like a dog and large, sharp eyes, and his feet were at least three times larger than normal. He was dressed in a black robe with what appeared to be a hood on the back. His voice was deep, with a tunnel-like echo. The second being was squatty, maybe thirty inches tall, and it was also dark, hairy, and deformed. As the witnesses watched, the girl’s facial expressions would suddenly change, and she would begin glancing about, as if she was seeing something the others could not. (What she was seeing was dubbed “The Thing” by the press.) Then the girl would start screaming and struggling against an invisible force, before collapsing, half-conscious, into the arms of the prison staff member holding her. At that moment, there would be teeth marks wet with saliva marking her body. Dr. Mariano B. Lara, then chief medical examiner of the Manila Police Department and a university professor of pathology and legal medicine, was convinced of the genuineness of the possession and exorcism and provided his own description, recounted in this excerpt from the official medical report filed at the prison:
I find it difficult and near impossible to accept anything of a supernatural character.… Equipped with a magnifying lens and an unbelieving mind about this biting phenomena, I scrutinized carefully the exposed parts of her [Clarita Villanueva’s] body, the arms, hands, and neck, to find out whether they had the biting impressions. I saw the reddish human-like bite marks on the arms.… At that very instant, this girl in a semi-trance loudly screamed repeatedly.… I saw, with my unbelieving eyes, the clear marks or impressions of human-like teeth from both the upper and lower jaws. It was a little moist in the area bitten on the dorsal aspect of the left hand, and the teeth impressions were mostly from the form of the front or incisor teeth. Seeing these with my unbelieving eyes, yet I could not understand nor explain how they were produced as her hand had all the time been held away from the reach of her mouth.…
In full possession of her normal mind, I asked her (Clarita Villanueva) who was causing her to suffer from the bites. She answered that there are two who are alternately biting her; one big, black, hairy human-like fellow, very tall, with two sharp eyes, two sharp canine teeth, long beard like a Hindu, hairy extremities and chest, wearing a black garment, with a little whitish piece on the back resembling a hood. His feet are about three times the size of normal feet. The other fellow is a very small one about two or three feet tall allegedly also black, hairy and ugly.[iv]
After first hearing the report on the radio then reading the newspaper story the next day, Dr. Sumrall, who believed the girl was demon possessed, grew convicted that the Lord wanted him to procure permission from prison authorities to pray for the prostitute’s deliverance. Through his church architect, who was a friend of the mayor of Manila, he received the okay to visit with the chief medical advisor of the police department, Dr. Mariano Lara. While talking with the doctor inside the prison morgue, Lara acknowledged to Sumrall that something beyond his professional knowledge was happening and that he was actually afraid of “The Thing” after witnessing the bite marks appear before his own eyes. With Lara’s approval, Sumrall was allowed to pray for the girl while observers watched. She was very resistant, cursing him in English (which she could not speak), screaming, and fighting every moment to get away. The first day of prayer failed to provide healing, and Sumrall believed he needed to fast and pray for another day. That evening, the newspaper published his picture on the front page, three columns wide, with the headline, “The Thing Defies Pastor.”[v]The next day would be different. Following a spiritual battle reminiscent of an Old Testament prophet challenging the followers of Baal, and with repentance of her sins and acceptance of Jesus as Savior, the girl was delivered, yet, that was not the end of the story. Sumrall explains what happened next:
As I was leaving I told Clarita that I was sure these devils would return. “After I am gone,” I said, “they will come. Then you must demand them to leave without my being present. You must say, ‘Go, in Jesus’ name,’ and they will obey.” With this I left the compound.
We asked the newsmen not to write about the morning’s events, but they said they were obliged to. The story had run for two weeks and it must be concluded. Since the Methodist Church is the oldest Protestant denomination in the islands, they presumed I was a Methodist, and it was in the papers that way. They did not know how to write of such an experience; therefore, some of what they said was not correct. But I feel mostly responsible for this, as I gave them no interview and left the city to get away from publicity.
The devils did return to attack Clarita, and a strange thing happened when she called on them to leave. She was engaged in a mortal struggle and went into a coma, her fists clenched. The doctor pried her hands open and to his astonishment, there lay some long, black, coarse hair. Dr. Lara placed this hair in an envelope and put it in a guarded place. Under the microscope he found that the hair was not from any part of the human body. The doctor has no answer to this mystery—how an invisible being, presumably a devil, could have lost hair by a visible being pulling it out.[vi] (emphasis added)
The notion of physical material like hair having been pulled from a wraithlike demon opens the fascinating proposal that ultraterrestrial beings (call them angels, demons, or aliens) can migrate back and forth between different realities and take forms that are both material and immaterial. This sounds crazy to the natural mind, yet the concept is biblical. The writer of Hebrews reminds us to “be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares” (Heb. 13:2), and when the disciples of Jesus saw His return from the grave, they “were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit.” Jesus told them to touch Him and see that “a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have” (Luke 24:37–39). Similarly, Abraham was visited by three angels in the plains of Mamre (Genesis 18:1–8). They appeared as men and walked, talked, sat, and ate. But the truth was they were not human at all, but spirit-beings from heaven, illustrating one of the most dynamic facts of Scripture: that otherdimensional life forms have power to assume tangible matter whenever it fits their cause. Does this explain how cryptids can be there one moment and gone the next, leaving man perplexed by their appearance and disappearance? Does this not remind of the Rephaim, which exist in the spirit world but could also have the ability to manifest on Earth as giant, hairy bipeds known in the Bible as Nephilim and perhaps today as Bigfoot?
Incidentally, hair from the Manila “Thing” is not the only example found.
In October 2012, a headline in the UK’s Mail Online read: “Sasquatch in Siberia? Hair Found in Russian Cave ‘Belonged to Unknown Mammal Closely Related to Man.’” The story claimed that DNA tests on suspected “Yeti hair” found in a Siberian cave during an international expedition in 2011 was of an unknown mammal closely related to man, but not a human. Nor did the hair belong to any known animal from the region such as a bear, wolf, or goat, the article said. Analysis was conducted in Russia and the US, which “agreed the hair came from a human-like creature which is not a Homo sapien yet is more closely related to man than a monkey.”[vii]
Then, on November 24, 2012, another press release was issued involving a team of experts in genetics, forensics, imaging, and pathology led by Dr. Melba S. Ketchum of Nacogdoches, Texas, and their five-year long DNA study (submitted for peer review), which claimed “the existence of a novel hominin hybrid species, commonly called ‘Bigfoot’ or ‘Sasquatch,’ living in North America.” The DNA sequencing suggested that the legendary Sasquatch is actually “a hybrid cross of modern Homo sapiens with an unknown primate species.” Dr. Ketchum reported that her team sequenced three complete Sasquatch nuclear genomes and determined the species is a human hybrid. “Our study…utilized next generation sequencing to obtain 3 whole nuclear genomes from purported Sasquatch samples,” Ketchum said. “The genome sequencing shows that Sasquatch mtDNA is identical to modern Homo sapiens, but Sasquatch nuDNA is a novel, unknown hominin related to Homo sapiens and other primate species. Our data indicate that the North American Sasquatch is a hybrid species, the result of males of an unknown hominin species crossing with female Homo sapiens.”[viii]
Ketchum, a veterinarian whose professional experience includes twenty-seven years of research in genetics, including forensics, continued:
The male progenitor that contributed the unknown sequence to this hybrid is unique as its DNA is more distantly removed from humans than other recently discovered hominins like the Denisovan individual. Sasquatch nuclear DNA is incredibly novel and not at all what we had expected. While it has human nuclear DNA within its genome, there are also distinctly non-human, non-archaic hominin, and non-ape sequences. We describe it as a mosaic of human and novel non-human sequence. Further study is needed and is ongoing to better characterize and understand Sasquatch nuclear DNA.[ix]
That Ketchum and her team’s findings were reported before being peer reviewed is suspect and may turn out to be erroneous. On the other hand, if validated, it could be another baffling evidence fragment connected to that mysterious creature we call “Bigfoot” and “Sasquatch.”
We ramp up this investigation into 'Skinwalking, Shapeshifting, Demonic Werewolves' in the next entry...
I find it difficult and near impossible to accept anything of a supernatural character.… Equipped with a magnifying lens and an unbelieving mind about this biting phenomena, I scrutinized carefully the exposed parts of her [Clarita Villanueva’s] body, the arms, hands, and neck, to find out whether they had the biting impressions. I saw the reddish human-like bite marks on the arms.… At that very instant, this girl in a semi-trance loudly screamed repeatedly.… I saw, with my unbelieving eyes, the clear marks or impressions of human-like teeth from both the upper and lower jaws. It was a little moist in the area bitten on the dorsal aspect of the left hand, and the teeth impressions were mostly from the form of the front or incisor teeth. Seeing these with my unbelieving eyes, yet I could not understand nor explain how they were produced as her hand had all the time been held away from the reach of her mouth.…
In full possession of her normal mind, I asked her (Clarita Villanueva) who was causing her to suffer from the bites. She answered that there are two who are alternately biting her; one big, black, hairy human-like fellow, very tall, with two sharp eyes, two sharp canine teeth, long beard like a Hindu, hairy extremities and chest, wearing a black garment, with a little whitish piece on the back resembling a hood. His feet are about three times the size of normal feet. The other fellow is a very small one about two or three feet tall allegedly also black, hairy and ugly.[iv]
After first hearing the report on the radio then reading the newspaper story the next day, Dr. Sumrall, who believed the girl was demon possessed, grew convicted that the Lord wanted him to procure permission from prison authorities to pray for the prostitute’s deliverance. Through his church architect, who was a friend of the mayor of Manila, he received the okay to visit with the chief medical advisor of the police department, Dr. Mariano Lara. While talking with the doctor inside the prison morgue, Lara acknowledged to Sumrall that something beyond his professional knowledge was happening and that he was actually afraid of “The Thing” after witnessing the bite marks appear before his own eyes. With Lara’s approval, Sumrall was allowed to pray for the girl while observers watched. She was very resistant, cursing him in English (which she could not speak), screaming, and fighting every moment to get away. The first day of prayer failed to provide healing, and Sumrall believed he needed to fast and pray for another day. That evening, the newspaper published his picture on the front page, three columns wide, with the headline, “The Thing Defies Pastor.”[v]The next day would be different. Following a spiritual battle reminiscent of an Old Testament prophet challenging the followers of Baal, and with repentance of her sins and acceptance of Jesus as Savior, the girl was delivered, yet, that was not the end of the story. Sumrall explains what happened next:
As I was leaving I told Clarita that I was sure these devils would return. “After I am gone,” I said, “they will come. Then you must demand them to leave without my being present. You must say, ‘Go, in Jesus’ name,’ and they will obey.” With this I left the compound.
We asked the newsmen not to write about the morning’s events, but they said they were obliged to. The story had run for two weeks and it must be concluded. Since the Methodist Church is the oldest Protestant denomination in the islands, they presumed I was a Methodist, and it was in the papers that way. They did not know how to write of such an experience; therefore, some of what they said was not correct. But I feel mostly responsible for this, as I gave them no interview and left the city to get away from publicity.
The devils did return to attack Clarita, and a strange thing happened when she called on them to leave. She was engaged in a mortal struggle and went into a coma, her fists clenched. The doctor pried her hands open and to his astonishment, there lay some long, black, coarse hair. Dr. Lara placed this hair in an envelope and put it in a guarded place. Under the microscope he found that the hair was not from any part of the human body. The doctor has no answer to this mystery—how an invisible being, presumably a devil, could have lost hair by a visible being pulling it out.[vi] (emphasis added)
The notion of physical material like hair having been pulled from a wraithlike demon opens the fascinating proposal that ultraterrestrial beings (call them angels, demons, or aliens) can migrate back and forth between different realities and take forms that are both material and immaterial. This sounds crazy to the natural mind, yet the concept is biblical. The writer of Hebrews reminds us to “be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares” (Heb. 13:2), and when the disciples of Jesus saw His return from the grave, they “were terrified and affrighted, and supposed that they had seen a spirit.” Jesus told them to touch Him and see that “a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have” (Luke 24:37–39). Similarly, Abraham was visited by three angels in the plains of Mamre (Genesis 18:1–8). They appeared as men and walked, talked, sat, and ate. But the truth was they were not human at all, but spirit-beings from heaven, illustrating one of the most dynamic facts of Scripture: that otherdimensional life forms have power to assume tangible matter whenever it fits their cause. Does this explain how cryptids can be there one moment and gone the next, leaving man perplexed by their appearance and disappearance? Does this not remind of the Rephaim, which exist in the spirit world but could also have the ability to manifest on Earth as giant, hairy bipeds known in the Bible as Nephilim and perhaps today as Bigfoot?
Incidentally, hair from the Manila “Thing” is not the only example found.

In October 2012, a headline in the UK’s Mail Online read: “Sasquatch in Siberia? Hair Found in Russian Cave ‘Belonged to Unknown Mammal Closely Related to Man.’” The story claimed that DNA tests on suspected “Yeti hair” found in a Siberian cave during an international expedition in 2011 was of an unknown mammal closely related to man, but not a human. Nor did the hair belong to any known animal from the region such as a bear, wolf, or goat, the article said. Analysis was conducted in Russia and the US, which “agreed the hair came from a human-like creature which is not a Homo sapien yet is more closely related to man than a monkey.”[vii]
Then, on November 24, 2012, another press release was issued involving a team of experts in genetics, forensics, imaging, and pathology led by Dr. Melba S. Ketchum of Nacogdoches, Texas, and their five-year long DNA study (submitted for peer review), which claimed “the existence of a novel hominin hybrid species, commonly called ‘Bigfoot’ or ‘Sasquatch,’ living in North America.” The DNA sequencing suggested that the legendary Sasquatch is actually “a hybrid cross of modern Homo sapiens with an unknown primate species.” Dr. Ketchum reported that her team sequenced three complete Sasquatch nuclear genomes and determined the species is a human hybrid. “Our study…utilized next generation sequencing to obtain 3 whole nuclear genomes from purported Sasquatch samples,” Ketchum said. “The genome sequencing shows that Sasquatch mtDNA is identical to modern Homo sapiens, but Sasquatch nuDNA is a novel, unknown hominin related to Homo sapiens and other primate species. Our data indicate that the North American Sasquatch is a hybrid species, the result of males of an unknown hominin species crossing with female Homo sapiens.”[viii]
Ketchum, a veterinarian whose professional experience includes twenty-seven years of research in genetics, including forensics, continued:
The male progenitor that contributed the unknown sequence to this hybrid is unique as its DNA is more distantly removed from humans than other recently discovered hominins like the Denisovan individual. Sasquatch nuclear DNA is incredibly novel and not at all what we had expected. While it has human nuclear DNA within its genome, there are also distinctly non-human, non-archaic hominin, and non-ape sequences. We describe it as a mosaic of human and novel non-human sequence. Further study is needed and is ongoing to better characterize and understand Sasquatch nuclear DNA.[ix]
That Ketchum and her team’s findings were reported before being peer reviewed is suspect and may turn out to be erroneous. On the other hand, if validated, it could be another baffling evidence fragment connected to that mysterious creature we call “Bigfoot” and “Sasquatch.”
We ramp up this investigation into 'Skinwalking, Shapeshifting, Demonic Werewolves' in the next entry...
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