November 2, 2012
Fears that Barack Obama would use a lame duck second term to eviscerate gun rights are fueling record firearms sales once again, with gun store owners labeling Obama, “the best gun salesmen we’ve had.”
Despite a new law allowing carrying without a permit, concealed-firearm permits in the fiercely independent state of Wyoming in the last quarter have smashed records set in previous years.
“People are definitely scared of a president who has voted when he was a senator against guns,” Anthony Bouchard, director of the Wyoming Gun Owners Association in Cheyenne told the Wyoming Star Tribune. “[If Obama gets re-elected] he’s in a lame-duck session and he can do the things he wants to do. That’s what we’re afraid of.”
Irvin Walker, owner of Triggers Gun Shop in Mills, called Obama, “the best gun salesmen we’ve had,” and said he was expecting another wave of customers after November 6 if Obama defeats Mitt Romney, despite the fact that sales are already riding high.
Gun and ammunition prices are expected to soar should Obama secure a second term, with rifles predicted to double in cost just as they did in the aftermath of Obama’s 2008 victory.
Despite prolonged economic turmoil, gun sales have bucked the trend, with both Ruger and Smith & Wesson operating at maximum capacity and struggling to keep up with demand.
With Ruger’s sales up 86 percent since Obama took office, the company’s previous quarter sales demolished all expectations, with sales totaling $118 million dollars.
“Americans like their guns, and according to the latest quarterly revenues from Sturm, Ruger & Co., that isn’t going to change anytime soon. In fact, over the last five years we’ve seen a massive increase in gun buying. So much so that Ruger was forced to suspend new firearms orders earlier this year because they simply could not keep up with demand,” writes Mac Slavo.
“The single largest determining factor as to why gun sales have surged since early 2008 seems to be a collective fear surrounding the election of a big government anti-gun socialist as the final arbiter and protector of the U.S. Constitution.”
Slavo highlights the graphs below which depict how soaring gun sales are closely related with the election season.

Gun sales are also partly driven by the hunting season, but political and social upheavals undoubtedly play a huge role in the rush to purchase firearms. Sales have been riding high ever since Obama took office, including a significant rise in first time gun owners. The number of federally licensed retail gun dealers in the U.S. has also risen for the first time since 1993.
In the aftermath of this summer’s ‘Batman massacre’, gun sales in some areas of the country spiked by almost 50 per cent.
Last December’s Black Friday sales marked an all-time one-day high for background check requests from gun buyers. It will be interesting to see whether that record is beaten again this year if Obama secures a second term.
Although neither candidate has made gun control an issue on the campaign trail, second amendment activists have every right to be concerned about the potential for a lame duck Obama administration to eviscerate gun rights.
Many commentators assert that the supposedly “botched” Fast and Furious scandal, wherein guns purchased in the United States were sent to Mexican drug lords, was a deliberate conspiracy to undermine the second amendment.
Just a month before the scandal broke last year, President Obama told gun control advocate Sarah Brady that his administration was working “under the radar” to sneak attack the second amendment rights of American citizens.
During a March 30, 2011 meeting between Jim and Sarah Brady and White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, at which Obama “dropped in,” the president reportedly told Brady, “I just want you to know that we are working on it (gun control)….We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”
Fear of riots and mass civil unrest has also been frequently cited as a reason for more Americans stockpiling guns, a concern given further legitimacy in light of the fallout from Hurricane Sandy, which has been characterized by anger caused by fuel shortages as well as widespread looting in some areas.
Threats by Obama supporters to riot and stoke racial violence if Romney wins have also prompted some to re-assess their home security preparations.
Whether a closely fought and possibly disputed election could lead to chaos as some have predicted remains to be seen. However, it’s almost a certainty that gun enthusiasts will rush to purchase more firearms in the event of an Obama victory.
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