The Swiss Army expects a dramatic escalation of the situation in States with EU crisis impact on the security of Switzerland. This tells the Swiss newspaper on Sunday. The reason: Due to multiple austerity measures weaken the armies in the southern euro-zone countries. This modernization of the neighboring armies fall by the wayside.This would weaken the armies, the European states are vulnerable to blackmail. The Swiss Defence Minister Ueli Maurer said, according to the Sunday at a meeting: "I do not exclude that in the coming years need the army."
The Defense Department VBS tells mason views. The euro crisis exacerbates the potential for violence. In Spain, Greece and Italy are threatening mass unemployment and the radicalization of the population. Thus referred to warnings of the Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras.
Because Switzerland is afraid of possible unrest from spreading to its territory, will be upgraded: 100,000 soldiers, 5 billion military budget and the Gripen fighter jet is scheduled to defend the Confederates. Against potential riots, demonstrations and refugees from the surrounding neighboring countries in Europe, the 2000 senior officers have with the maneuver "Stabilo Due" taken precautions before. Is planning army chief André Blattmann four military police battalions and a total of 1600 men secure the four parts of the country at the border.
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