IDF sources say the call-up orders would be issued per operational requirements, army is training reservists in crowd-control techniques.
The IDF has drawn up plans to issue emergency call-up orders to reservists who might be needed to beef-up security along Israel’s borders following a Palestinian unilateral declaration of statehood at the United Nations in September.
IDF sources said the call-up orders would be issued per operational requirements, but that in the meantime it was training reservists in crowd-control techniques. The IDF has certified the Central Command’s Lahish Base as the main training center for active and reservist units ahead of September.
“We do not know exactly what to expect so we are preparing for a wide-range of scenarios,” a senior IDF officer said this week.
Chairman of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, MK Shaul Mofaz, said Tuesday the IDF will need to draft reservists to contain the demonstrations.
As reported earlier this year in The Jerusalem Post, the IDF has embarked on a multi-million dollar procurement plan for new riot control equipment ahead of riots it fears will erupt along its borders following the PA’s declaration of statehood in September.
Current IDF assessments refer to the possibilities of a large outbreak of violence or sporadic, large and non-violent marches towards Jewish settlements or IDF checkpoints.
The new equipment is in addition to other riot gear like tear gas, rubber bullets andprotective equipment, as well as new technological systems such as the “Scream,” a device that emits penetrating bursts of sound that leave protesters dizzy and nauseous, as well as the “Skunk Bomb,” which contains a foul-smelling liquid sprayed on protesters. Some of these devices have been used to disperse antisecurity barrier demonstrations in the past in the West Bank.
In June, the IDF held a two-day workshop at the Lahish Training Base near Kiryat Gat, which was attended by all IDF brigade, battalion and company commanders serving in the Central Command, the Southern Command and the Northern Command.
Jerusalem Post
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