Saturday, December 16, 2017
Julian Assange Just Warned of a Deep State Coup Meant to Install Mike Pence as President
The founder of WikiLeaks is warning the public about a Deep State plot to overthrow Trump, and install Mike Pence as President of the United States.
Washington, D.C. – In a tweet this morning, WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, made a prescient observation that the ongoing deep state coup against President Trump is an operation by establishment forces to unseat Trump and replace him with Vice President Mike Pence. Assange noted that Trump’s political capital has “been openly looted for months now by GOP, CIA, Netanyahu, Goldman Sachs, etc.”
Trump’s political capital has been openly looted for months now by GOP, CIA, Netanyahu, Goldman Sachs, etc. Game is clearly to extract as many unpopular positions as possible (e.g tax cuts for the super rich), push the resulting political corpse to Mueller & install Mike Pence.
— Julian Assange

Essentially, Assange is saying is that the aforementioned stakeholders who want to see Trump gone have played a long-game, whereby they have worked “to extract as many unpopular positions as possible (e.g tax cuts for the super rich), push the resulting political corpse to Mueller & install Mike Pence.”
This, of course, was done as means of severing Trump from his political base, which largely opposes CIA interventionism, Zionism, and globalist banking cartels.
The idea behind it being that when Mueller moves to recommend impeachment, Trump will have strayed so far from the positions that got him elected that there will be a minimal public outcry in his defense.
This follows chatter earlier this year that some saw Mike Pence as “the Deep State’s insurance policy.”
In fact, Wikileaks’ Assange, tweeted back in March, that there was a plan afoot by Hillary Clinton and her loyalists within the Intelligence Community to force a “Pence takeover.”
Clinton stated privately this month that she is quietly pushing for a Pence takeover. She stated that Pence is predictable hence defeatable.
— Julian Assange

As the Washington Post’s Josh Rogin observed back in March:
“Pence is seen by many in Washington as a figure who might stand up for the traditionally hawkish views he espoused while in Congress, a proxy of sorts for the GOP national security establishment.”
Two IC officials close to Pence stated privately this month that they are planning on a Pence takeover. Did not state if Pence agrees.
— Julian Assange

Assange’s position about the Pence coup has been acknowledged by independent journalist, Mike Cernovich, who broke the Susan Rice unmasking story, and has previously said that inside sources have confirmed that Pence is working to remove Trump in a deep state coup.
Back in August, Cernovich reported having inside information from White Houses sources that claimed Pence was working behind the scenes to count Republican votes in Congress for a possible impeachment vote to remove Trump.
Rumors of an internal coup began during the election campaign when it was reported that Pence began plotting a coup after a tape of Trump boasting about groping women was made public.
The tape’s release, one month before the election, caused dissent among senior Republicans and led to several withdrawing their endorsements and calling for Trump to withdraw as the party’s presidential candidate.
Pence, known as a deeply religious man, was said to be “beside himself” over Trump’s comments on the tape. Pence’s wife Karen was reportedly disgusted and called Trump “reprehensible—just totally vile,”according to the Atlantic.
Sources close to the campaign have claimed that the situation was so serious that Trump held a meeting to determine what step to take next.
Reince Priebus, who would become Trump’s first Chief of Staff, was reportedly bombarded with calls from party officials and donors pleading with him to get rid of Trump, with some suggesting replacing him with Pence and making Condoleezza Rice his running mate.
Priebus reportedly told him he would suffer a huge defeat if he did not drop out.
At the time, RNC lawyers attempted to find a legal mechanism by which they could remove Trump as the Republican candidate, while a group of billionaires attempted to offer Trump $800 million in order to voluntarily quit the race, according to the Atlantic.
The fact of the matter is that Trump, while considered an outsider to politics, has operated as a consummate politician by catering to many of the special interest groups he ran on not allowing to have influence in his administration—which may ultimately be his undoing if his base abandons him as Mueller moves toward a potential impeachment.
As Democratic Sen. Chuck Shumer told MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow in reference to Trump taking on the Intelligence Community:
“Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you.”
Credit to The Daily Steeple
Friday, December 15, 2017
Three-mile wide ASTEROID on way TOMORROW night
NASA has branded the massive three mile (5km) wide space rock “potentially dangerous” - but unless something goes terribly wrong the asteroid will skim past Earth on the way to another orbit of the Sun.
However, space watchers should note that the rock, called 3200 Phaethon, has triggered the dazzling Geminids meteor shower as parts of it break away.
Asteroid 3200 Phaethon was first discovered in 1983 and a spokesman for Nasa said: “With a diameter of about 5km, Phaethon is the third largest near-Earth asteroid is classified as potentially hazardous.’”
At five kilometres wide, the asteroid is one of the largest ever discovered in our solar system and is approximately half the size of the Chicxulub space rock which helped to wipe out the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.
Asteroid 3200 Phaethon Will be at the closest point to Earth at 10pm on Saturday.
The three-mile chink of rock will zoom past Earth at a distance of just 0.069 astronomical units (AU) – one AU is the distance between the Earth and the sun – or 6.4 million miles, and in astronomical terms is a hair’s breadth.
The space rock has been named after the son of the Greek sun god Helios who pulled the Sun across the sky.
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Scientists have captured a mysterious hum coming from deep inside the Earth, but they are still no closer to working out what it is. It has long been known that the Earth constantly generates a low-frequency vibrational signal.
The first attempt to detect this hum was made in 1959, but it wasn’t until 1998 that scientists finally proved its existence. Since then, there have been hundreds of attempts to record the Earth’s hum, but they have all been made using seismometers on land.
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The Left Is Trying To Use The #MeToo Movement As A Weapon To Destroy Donald Trump
The left is willing to use any means necessary to get rid of Donald Trump, and so it should be no surprise that they are now using the #metoo movement as a weapon in their crusade against him. Personally, I have been a big fan of the #metoo movement, and I have been thrilled to see so many sexual predators exposed in recent months. I applauded the exposure of Hollywood giants such as Harvey Weinstein and Kevin Spacey, and I believe that the resignations of Al Franken and John Conyers will be followed by many others as the truth about what has been happening on Capitol Hill continues to come out.
But we need to be very careful, because this kind of a thing can become a feeding frenzy, and in this type of environment it can be way too easy for false accusers to seem like they are telling the truth.
Every claim of sexual misconduct should be taken extremely seriously, and we should also never jump to conclusions. A single false allegation can permanently ruin someone’s life, and those that are wealthy or famous are easy targets.
On Monday, Megyn Kelly interviewed three women that had formerly made allegations against President Trump. The following comes from CNN…
On Monday morning, a trio of women — Rachel Crooks, Samantha Holvey and Jessica Leeds — went on Megyn Kelly’s NBC show to reiterate allegations of sexual misconduct against President Donald Trump that they first aired during the 2016 presidential campaign.“We’re private citizens and for us to put ourselves out there to try to show America who this man is and especially how he views women and for them to say, we don’t care … it hurt,” Holvey told Kelly about how the allegations against Trump were handled during the 2016 campaign. “It’s just like, all right, let’s try round two. The environment’s different. Let’s try again.”
Millions of Americans are going to assume that since three women are all making allegations against Trump that they must be true.
But we already knew that the story that Jessica Leeds is telling is not accurate. It turns out that there is an eyewitness that was sitting directly across the aisle from Leeds and Trump on the plane ride where the misconduct allegedly took place, and he says that it never happened.
The eyewitness is a British man named Anthony Gilberthorpe, and according to People magazine, he says that Trump didn’t do any of the things that Leeds is claiming…
“I have only met this accuser once and frankly cannot imagine why she is seeking to make out that Trump made sexual advances on her. Not only did he not do so (and I was present at all times) but it was she that was the one being flirtatious,”claimed Gilberthorpe, who is British.
And during an extended interview with Breitbart, Gilberthorpe gave an account of the flight from beginning to end…
“It was back in the days. I’d only visited America one time previous to that. I’m not familiar, as I’m sure with respect to a lot of American listeners tonight wouldn’t be familiar with a lot of our British businessmen,” he explained. “But he was nice. We were talking, we were laughing, he was reading, I was reading, et cetera. She came on, and she hogged the limelight. She wanted to talk to him in a most animated, exaggerated way. About 45 minutes after she had taken her seat and we had taken off, he went to use the toilet.”Gilberthorpe said that during Trump’s absence, Leeds told him who his fellow passenger was, excitedly explaining that he was “one of the richest men in the world.”“And her quote, not mine: ‘Oh, I can’t believe that I’m sitting next to him. I can’t believe it! This is the man I want to marry!’ Okay, it was all said in jest and joke, but she was so excited about having the chance, the opportunity, of sitting next to this man. I attempted to talk over to Trump, but she wasn’t really having much of it. I was talking to her, to him, for the remaining two-and-a-half hours of the journey. We landed in New York. Having landed, he politely said, ‘Goodbye,’ shook my hand, and shook hers. He didn’t kiss her, didn’t kiss her. And she and I left the plane together. She and I exchanged kisses. I went for my luggage. She did not go for her luggage. That’s another marker I’m putting down tonight,” he said.
After examining the evidence, I have come to the conclusion that Leeds is simply lying. And that is a horrible thing to do, because she is discrediting the entire #metoo movement.
But the fact that Leeds is not telling the truth is not stopping Democratic lawmakers from using these allegations to hammer President Trump. In fact, on Monday Senator Kirsten Gillibrand called for Trump to resign.
But that isn’t going to happen, and the White House is fighting back hard against these false allegations…
The White House released a fresh statement early Monday decrying the “false” claims of the women at the press conference.“These false claims, totally disputed in most cases by eyewitness accounts, were addressed at length during last year’s campaign, and the American people voiced their judgment by delivering a decisive victory,” a White House spokesperson said in a statement. “The timing and absurdity of these false claims speaks volumes and the publicity tour that has begun only further confirms the political motives behind them.”
It is funny how the mainstream media never even wanted to address the very serious allegations of sexual misconduct against Bill and Hillary Clinton that kept arising, and yet anyone with any sort of a claim against Trump gets front page coverage.
Once again, every single allegation of sexual misconduct needs to be taken extremely seriously, and when there is a contested claim it is absolutely imperative that we take the time to figure out who is telling the truth and who is lying.
In our legal system, everyone is innocent until proven guilty, and we should apply the same approach in the court of public opinion as well.
Credit to Economic Collapse
BREAKING “Scientist Know The Next Volcano Will Blow”
Enhanced volcanic activity around the world:
AGUNG (Indonesia) ,
Agung volcano, Indonesia:Volcanic activity continues at Agung volcano on the island of Bali with eruptions as well as gray, white, thick, medium pressure ash puffs reaching a height of about 500 to 2000 m above the summit and slope westward and eastward.
Agung volcano, Indonesia:Volcanic activity continues at Agung volcano on the island of Bali with eruptions as well as gray, white, thick, medium pressure ash puffs reaching a height of about 500 to 2000 m above the summit and slope westward and eastward.
Cleveland volcano, Alaska:An explosion was detected at Cleveland Volcano in seismic and infrasound data this morning 04:20 AKST (13:20 UTC). The explosion produced an eruption cloud that was observed in satellite data to an altitude of up to 20,000 ft asl and moving to the east.
Sakurajima volcano, Japan:An explosion at Showa Crater (at Aira Caldera’s Sakurajima volcano) occurred at 18:45 on 4 December and generated an ash plume that rose 1.4 km above the crater rim.
Nevado del Huila, Colombia:The level of activity of the volcano continues at the level of activity yellow or (III): changes in the behavior of volcanic activity.

Santiaguito, Guatemala:
Active degassing is observed. Ash and gas plume reach 9,515 ft and disperses in the southwest direction. Seismic station have recorded weak explosions at night and early morning hours, generating gray columns at an approximate height of 3,200 meters (10,499 feet), moving southwest.
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Thursday, December 14, 2017
Tonight’s Spectacular Meteor Shower and Asteroid “Appear Immediately Before Messiah”
“Before the great and terrible day of Hashem comes, I will set portents in the sky and on earth: Blood and fire and pillars of smoke.” Joel 3:3 (The Israel Bible™)

An especially spectacular meteor shower seen around the globe this week and a near-miss by a potentially apocalyptic meteor are just a few of the pre-Messianic astronomical signs that are to be expected in the near future, said a prominent kabbalist rabbi from the holy city of Tzfat.
“The prophecies, the Talmud, and the Zohar all explicitly describe astronomical phenomenon that will appear immediately before the Moshiach (Messiah) arrives,” Rabbi Eyal Riess, Director of the Tzfat Kabbalah Center, told Breaking Israel News. “Asteroids and meteors are clearly among them as signs of change and as elements that bring about the change.”
The Geminid meteor shower will be visible around the world on Wednesday night, with as many as 120 meteors appearing per hour. A waning moon will facilitate viewing, and because of the darker sky, the meteor shower will be brighter than most.

The Geminids meteor shower visible in the northern hemisphere, December 14, 2013. (Wikimedia Commons)
The Geminid shower occurs when the Earth passes through the debris of an asteroid, a small rocky planet generating brighter meteors. The asteroid, known as the 3200 Phaethon, will also make an appearance along with the meteor shower, passing very close to the earth in astronomical terms.
Phaethon is the third-largest asteroid ever discovered and was first observed by a NASA satellite in 1983. The asteroid will reach its closest point to the Earth on Saturday night, coming within 0.069 astronomical units — about 6.4 million miles. According to NASA, this encounter with Phaethon is the closest since 1974, and the closest it will be until 2093.
Though these astronomical appearances are not uncommon, Rabbi Riess believes they are taking on a new significance.
“Using Jewish sources, we have determined that according to the calendar, we are objectively coming to the end-of-days,” Rabbi Riess told Breaking Israel News. “In kabbalistic terms, we are one hour before sunset. Very soon, the Sabbath of Messiah will begin.”
With a diameter of about three miles, Phaethon is half the size of the asteroid scientists believe struck the earth and led to the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. It has an eccentric orbit which crosses the Earth’s, leading NASA to classify Phaethon as “potentially hazardous”.
Even its name pays tribute to its destructive potential. Scientists named the asteroid after the son of the pagan Greek sun god Helios, who legend holds pulled the sun across the sky, losing control of the sun and nearly destroying the Earth.
Despite the NASA warning, Rabbi Riess believed that any astronomical event connected to the Messianic process would bring with it healing and not harm.
“Everything that is happening today, politics and natural phenomenon, they connect one part of the world to all the others, and connect the beginning of time to the end of days,” Rabbi Riess said. “Messiah is part of creation, not destruction, and this is the specific message in these celestial signs.”
The rabbi cited a verse from Isaiah to illustrate this point.
And the light of the moon shall become like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall become sevenfold, like the light of the seven days, when Hashem binds up His people’s wounds and heals the injuries it has suffered. Isaiah 30:26
There does not seem to be any danger from Phaethon this week, but in 20193 it will pass within 1.85 million miles of the earth. That may sound like a wide margin, but in astronomical terms, it will be a very close call.
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The Geminid shower occurs when the Earth passes through the debris of an asteroid, a small rocky planet generating brighter meteors. The asteroid, known as the 3200 Phaethon, will also make an appearance along with the meteor shower, passing very close to the earth in astronomical terms.
Phaethon is the third-largest asteroid ever discovered and was first observed by a NASA satellite in 1983. The asteroid will reach its closest point to the Earth on Saturday night, coming within 0.069 astronomical units — about 6.4 million miles. According to NASA, this encounter with Phaethon is the closest since 1974, and the closest it will be until 2093.
Though these astronomical appearances are not uncommon, Rabbi Riess believes they are taking on a new significance.
“Using Jewish sources, we have determined that according to the calendar, we are objectively coming to the end-of-days,” Rabbi Riess told Breaking Israel News. “In kabbalistic terms, we are one hour before sunset. Very soon, the Sabbath of Messiah will begin.”
With a diameter of about three miles, Phaethon is half the size of the asteroid scientists believe struck the earth and led to the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. It has an eccentric orbit which crosses the Earth’s, leading NASA to classify Phaethon as “potentially hazardous”.
Even its name pays tribute to its destructive potential. Scientists named the asteroid after the son of the pagan Greek sun god Helios, who legend holds pulled the sun across the sky, losing control of the sun and nearly destroying the Earth.
Despite the NASA warning, Rabbi Riess believed that any astronomical event connected to the Messianic process would bring with it healing and not harm.
“Everything that is happening today, politics and natural phenomenon, they connect one part of the world to all the others, and connect the beginning of time to the end of days,” Rabbi Riess said. “Messiah is part of creation, not destruction, and this is the specific message in these celestial signs.”
The rabbi cited a verse from Isaiah to illustrate this point.
And the light of the moon shall become like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall become sevenfold, like the light of the seven days, when Hashem binds up His people’s wounds and heals the injuries it has suffered. Isaiah 30:26
There does not seem to be any danger from Phaethon this week, but in 20193 it will pass within 1.85 million miles of the earth. That may sound like a wide margin, but in astronomical terms, it will be a very close call.
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North Korea missile launch this WEEKEND

Fears the despot could be gearing up for another military provocation have been heightened in recent days after the DPRK’s supreme leader called his top army and government officials to a meeting yesterday.
And an ominous visit to Mount Paektu – often a place used for contemplation by Kim before he launches attacks on his detractors – further raised suspicions of an impending threat.
Now highly regarded North Korean experts at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington DC have warned a test is likely to take place soon.
Analysis carried out by CSIS last month claimed there was an “elevated chance of provocations” in December, while an international expert from the think tank said a “ballistic missile test” was “expected on 17th of December”.

The date coincides with the death of the hermit kingdom’s former autocratic rules Kim Jong-il – the current ruling Kim’s father.
North Korea have long used anniversaries, including the founding of their military and key dates for the Kim dynasty, as excuses to test fire their potentially deadly weaponry.
It comes after an escalation in tests as Kim looks to secure his legacy by making North Korea a World War 3 ready nuclear state.
Kim’s regime have fired 23 missiles in 15 tests since February – three of which were ICBMs.
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Tuesday, December 12, 2017
Artificial intelligence is now so complex its creators can’t trust why it makes decisions
Artificial intelligence is seeping into every nook and cranny of modern life. AI might tag your friends in photos on Facebook or choose what you see on Instagram, but materials scientists and NASA researchersare also beginning to use the technology for scientific discovery and space exploration.
But there’s a core problem with this technology, whether it’s being used in social media or for the Mars rover: The programmers that built it don’t know why AI makes one decision over another.
Modern artificial intelligence is still new. Big tech companies have only ramped up investment and research in the last five years, after a decades-old theory was shown to finally work in 2012. Inspired by the human brain, an artificial neural network relied on layers of thousands to millions of tiny connections between “neurons” or little clusters of mathematic computation, like the connections of neurons in the brain. But that software architecture came with a trade-off: Since the changes throughout those millions of connections were so complex and minute, researchers aren’t able to exactly determine what is happening. They just get an output that works.
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Former Facebook executive, who has banned his own children from the site, says social media is ripping society apart
A former Facebook executive has spoken out against the social network he helped to create, saying it is 'ripping society apart'.
The comments were made by Chamath Palihapitiya, who joined Facebook in 2007 and became its vice president for user growth.
He says he feels 'tremendous guilt' for the influence Facebook has had and its ability to manipulate users, suggesting users take a break from using social media altogether.
The venture capitalist, who has banned his own three young children from the site, took particular aim at the ways people communicate via social media, including hearts, likes, and the thumbs-up.

A former Facebook executive has spoken out against the social network he helped to create, saying it is 'ripping society apart'. The comments were made by Chamath Palihapitiya, who joined Facebook in 2007 and became its vice president for user growth
Mr Palihapitiya believes this has the power to boost the spread of misinformation and allow people with nefarious intentions to manipulate users.
He cited an incident in India where hoax messages about kidnappings shared on WhatsApp led to the lynching of seven innocent people, according to reports in The Verge.
During his talk, Mr Palihapitiya called out not only Facebook, but Silicon Valley’s entire system of funding.
He claimed money pumped into the region would be better spent addressing problems like climate change and disease.
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Monday, December 11, 2017
Erdogan Calls Israel "Terrorist State That Kills Children", An Angry Netanyahu Responds
Relations between Israel and Turkey took a sharp turn for the worse on Sunday after their leaders exchanged accusations of involvement in terrorism, days after the US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital. First, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he would fight against the controversial declaration, describing Israel as a "terrorist state" that kills children, in a speech in Istanbul.
"Palestine is an innocent victim… as for Israel, it is a terrorist state, yes, terrorist!” Erdogan said in a speech in the central Turkish city of Sivas. "We will not abandon Jerusalem to the mercy of a state that kills children."

The Turkish leader has previously threatened to cut off ties with Israel if Trump follows through with his promise to move the US embassy. He has helped organize an international meeting of officials from Muslim majority countries to discuss how they should respond. Furthermore, he also warned that moving the embassy would represent an obstacle from a logistical standpoint.
Hours after Erdogan's outburst, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hit back, calling his counterpart a leader who bombs Kurdish villagers and supports terrorists, during an official visit to Paris. While the two countries had normalised relations in recent years, Sunday's flare-up came after Turkey was angered by US President Donald Trump's decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Furthermore, as we reported on Friday and Saturday, Trump's move has sparked protests in Muslim and Arab countries for four days.
Erdogan earlier described the status of Jerusalem, whose eastern sector Palestinians see as the capital of their future state, as a "red line" for Muslims. Netanyahu was quick to counter the assault when he spoke later during a press conference alongside French President Emmanuel Macron.
"I am not used to receiving lectures about morality from a leader who bombs Kurdish villagers in his native Turkey, who jails journalists, who helps Iran go around international sanctions, and who helps terrorists, including in Gaza, kill innocent people," he said quoted by AFP. "That is not the man who is going to lecture us."
The tit for tat then continued, and the Israeli premier's comments were immediately denounced by Erdogan's spokesman Ibrahim Kalin who said: "Instead of taking on our country and our leader, the Israeli authorities would do better to end their occupation of the Palestinian territories."
Erdogan has used his position as the current chairman of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to call a summit of the pan-Islamic group on Wednesday. "We will show that applying the measure will not be as easy as that," he added on Sunday, referring to the US recognition of Jerusalem. He said it was "absurd" to deny the Jews' "ancient connection" to Jerusalem.
During his speech, Erdogan held a picture of what he said was a 14-year-old Palestinian boy from Hebron, in the Occupied West Bank, being dragged away by Israeli soldiers. Turkey and Israel had improved diplomatic ties in recent years but Erdogan has continued to defend the Palestinian cause and has regularly criticised Israeli policy.
Credit to Zero HedgeHundreds of schools across Britain are closed a day AFTER first snowfall hits
It was the first serious snowfall of the winter, and predictably much of the country was paralysed yesterday.
But, even though gritters will have tackled what is left of the snow overnight, England's second city will still grind to a halt today – much to the chagrin of parents and workers.
Although little snow is expected today, all schools in Birmingham will be shut, bus services scrapped and bin collections abandoned.
Critics branded the closures 'ridiculous' and said authorities were 'too quick' to shut schools in bad weather. Some 200,000 children will have an extra day off after the decision by Birmingham City Council – Britain's largest local authority.

Heavy snow brought traffic to a halt near Rettendon, Essex, on Sunday after parts of Britain were covered in up to 13 inches of snow

A gritter overturned on an icy road and landed on its roof in Tamworth, Staffordshire, at around 8.20am on Sunday morning

Police attended but the driver was uninjured after the crash, at 8.20am. Jonathan Moore, who saw the vehicle overturned on the road, said: 'God knows how they managed to put it on its roof'

A fallen tree crushes a campervan on the A40 near Sennybridge, Wales, where the coldest temperature of the year was recorded on Sunday at -11C

Snow was falling in north London after Britain was hit by what forecasters described as a 'snow bomb' on Sunday morning

Heavy traffic on the M25 near junction 25, as snowfall across parts of the UK, caused widespread disruption and tailbacks on the motorway

Thousands of travellers were stranded at Euston Station in London on Sunday afternoon following delays and cancellations caused by weather conditions
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