Monday, February 29, 2016
Elimination of the First Amendment Is a Precondition to Genocide
History renders a hard judgment for a society that eliminates free speech. History shows that very dark days lie ahead when government seeks to control the narrative at any expense.
Loretta Lynch and the Elimination of Free Speech
In the past 60 days, I have been told by multiple sources that I will one day, be prosecuted for anti-Muslim rhetoric by the Federal government. Loretta Lynch is a Muslim, by practice, and is abusing her position to silence any talk against RADICAL and EXTREME Muslim speech even in the aftermath of the murder of 14 Americans by an ISIS sympathizer. This marks the end of the First Amendment in the eyes of the most powerful Justice official, namely, the Attorney General of the United States, and she is a racist to boot.
Lynch is using her position as Attorney General to promote her racist views. One should look at her background as being anti-Jewish when she was a member of the Harvard Black Law Students Association (BLSA) from 1981-1984 who advocated for several anti-Jewish positions. Lynch and the BLSA had their First Amendment rights protected. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, we need to be asking Lynch, who speaks and stands for the Jews?
I do not engage in anti-Muslim rhetoric. However, in the aftermath of several terrorist events (e.g. San Bernardino) I have unashamedly called for all Muslim immigrants, not American citizens, to be screened for suitability to enter the United States. In fact, all immigrants need to screened. After all, if we being forced to give up the Constitution, then we need to screen people who may not have our best interest at heart. Also, if they are unwilling to assimilate, they do not belong here. That means if they expect to bring their Sharia Law and intend it to be a replacement for the Constitution, as many do, then they need to be denied admittance. If there is the slightest hint of terrorism or criminal activity of any kind, then they need to (a) be deported or (b) denied entry. Under Lynch’s new guidelines, this form of free speech is illegal and subjects one to persecution. Lynch was appointed and swore an oath to the Constitution and she is violating her oath of office to destroy it, especially the First Amendment.
In the name of political correctness, I will not support any religious/political doctrine whose intention is to supplant any part of the Constitution. The American people do not owe their country to immigrants who do not add to the quality of American life. As the sign says, we have the right to refuse service to anybody.
At the end of the day, Lynch is not stifling the First Amendment so long your free speech agrees with her idea of free speech.
Lynch’s Lackey Holds the First Amendment In Disdain
“Homegrown violent extremists can be motivated by any viewpoint on the full spectrum of hate—anti-government views, racism, bigotry, anarchy and other despicable beliefs,”John Carlin Assistant Attorney General in charge of anti-domestic terrorism (October 2015)
As one can clearly observe, Assistant Attorney General, the number two person in the Justice Department, disrespects the First Amendment as well. In the quote listed above, John Carlin, is clearly stating that if one disagrees with the government, they are considered (under the Patriot Act) to be a Homegrown violent extremist.
Carlin must have been absent that day in law school when the professor covered the fact that the First Amendment was adopted for the specific purpose of having the right to speak out against the government without concern for reprisal.
Reuters, while describing Carlin’s position, likens domestic, right-wing extremism with anti-governmental views, is guilty of providing “material support” for domestic terrorism.
Further, disagreeing with your government can cause you to “disappear” under the NDAA. Since 9/11, the feds have been engaged in a sequential and incrementally implemented scheme to do away with the First Amendment.
Under this administration, it is a case of “long live the First Amendment, the First Amendment is dead”.
U.S. Army Techniques Publication 3-39.33: Civil Disturbances
Eighteen months ago, I previously reported on the Army’s, August 15, 2014, of how they plan to deal with dissidents and protesters who date to exercise their First Amendment Rights.
The relatively new Army manual, known as ATP 3-39.33, provides discussion and techniques about civil disturbances and crowd control operations that occur in the continental United States (CONUS) and outside the continental United States (OCONUS).
The following are diagrams lifted from ATP 3-39.33 which instructs soldiers how to kill and disable American citizens who are engaged in civil protests (i.e. protected First Amendment activities).
ATP 3-39.33 speaks to the Army strategy of deploying snipers at public events and protests and “eliminating” the leadership of any such activity who would date to express their First Amendment right to free speech.
This document not only marks the death of the leaders of any civil disobedience, but it marks the death of the First Amendment to the Constitution as it eliminates any right of the people to “peaceably assemble” and to allow the people the full expression of the right “to express grievances” against the government.
On February 22, 2014, I revealed the existence of a classified Army document which has been leaked online, is entitled FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF). The document was originally to be kept secret, but everyone in the military command structure, as we know, is not on board with the encroaching tyranny sweeping across this country.
Clearly, the leadership of any resistance effort will be targeted with extreme prejudice.
This marks the end of the First Amendment as know it in which speaking out can be met with deadly force.
If you’re an anti-abortion activist, or if you display political paraphernalia (e.g. bumper stickers) supporting a third-party candidate (e.g. Ron Paul supporter), if you possess subversive literature (e.g. articles supporting the United States Constitution), if you are a Second Amendment supporter (e.g. gun owner, NRA of GOA member) you very well might be a member of a domestic paramilitary group and the 2009 MIAC report has been used to train law enforcement, nationwide, that people like you are a threat to domestic tranquility.
When the nation first learned of the MIAC report, there was a push back by many Americans. What most Americans did not realize is that this was only the tip of the iceberg for the government in determining who has been naughty or nice. MIAC is one of 58 so-called “fusion centers” nationwide that were created by the Department of Homeland Security, in part, to collect local intelligence so that authorities can use to combat terrorism and related criminal activities.
The fusion centers are only the tip of the iceberg with regard to the data mining as they pale in comparison to the what the NSA is doing. And what are they data mining for? They are looking for people for daring to speak out (i.e. exercising their First Amendment rights) against a tyrannical, anti-Constitutional administration headed by President Obama.
Every American Has a Threat Matrix Score
The American population is assigned a threat matrix score which is compiled by the NSA. It is common knowledge that all forms of communication between and among Americans is monitored by the NSA and entered into a database. The incoming transactional data is analyzed against a continually evolving threat matrix and is assigned an ever-evolving action code. This action code will provide the decision making data on who goes on what kind of terrorist watch list. Things, such as, who flies and who can leave the country, are arbitrarily decided behind closed doors away from public scrutiny.
I believe that ultimately, the questions of the future will not revolve around who flies, but who dies.
According to insider sources, demographic maps have already been created in which red dots appear on a data screen by address of people judged to be a threat as determined by the algorithms derived the NSA protocols.
If you are in the independent media, you are at the top of the list. When the DHS goon squads arrive at our homes at 3AM, we in the alternative media will be going to a FEMA Camp, or worse. And what is our crime? Encouraging citizens to express their positive or negative opinions against this out of control administration.
My sources for years have revealed that the leaders of the resistance are on what could be called a “red list” and will be summarily executed along with their families.
The Verizon and Google data dump to the feds is just the tip of the iceberg. For example, because of cell phone tracking, if you have ever met with a person of concern (e.g. an alternative media figure), your score goes up because your two cell phones came into close proximity. And the longer you meet with this person, the more points are awarded to your threat matrix score. This is a violation of another First Amendment right, the right peaceably assemble.
Keep in mind the Threat Matrix Score is like golf. The goal is to have a low score, that is if you want to live. The person’s score will also rise if they visit the wrong websites, belong to the Libertarian party, own a gun, vote for third party candidates and are a veteran. Many of the sources for the independent media has revealed that demographic maps have already been created in which red dots appear on a data screen by address. The red dots represent people who have received a high score and DHS swat teams will sweep pre-designated areas. The DHS swat teams along with their 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 armored personnel carriers will be the vanguard force behind this terrible tyranny.
All others will continue to be placed under extreme surveillance with the threat of removal to a re-education camp or worse. There is a reason why DHS has spent billions on Intellistreet light poles and spy cams at every major intersection. And if you think you can ride this out, read Executive Order 13603. You will be assigned to work wherever this administration wants. Families will be broken apart by this calamity. All of sudden, the CPS tactics and the anti-family courts make a little more sense don’t they? If you are taken to a re-education camp, please consider that your family will be split apart. Men to one camp, women to another and children to a third and you don’t even want to know what my sources tell me about the third kind of camp“.
“I don’t care if the government spies on me and monitors my activities and the statements that I make because I am not doing anything wrong.” Hopefully this article exposes the folly of this thinking.
If you wish to stay mired in the matrix, you will of course see no threat to your existence. Of course none of this will never happen. The government may pass laws which appear on the surface to be quite draconian, however, they would never act upon these laws and Executive Orders. The government may tell you that you, in effect, that your bank deposits are not money and are no longer insured. But they don’t really mean it. The 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition purchased by DHS is only for target practice. And you are the target, for daring to express your First Amendment right to free speech and peaceably assemble. How long will it be until they come after another protected activity, namely, freedom of religion? That day is coming as we are witnessing the incremental dismantling of the First Amendment. This administration and those that follow them must really be up to no good if they are working this hard to stifle free speech.
Let’s be clear. When governments engage in genocide, they first engage in the following progression of events.
- Elimination of Free Speech
- Confiscation of guns.
- Identification of the “enemy of the State” that must must be eliminated for the safety of all.
Any questions?
Credit to Common Sense Show
Sweden Says Human Microchip Implants Are Key To The Future, To Begin Implementation
Imagine a world where people can enter buildings and turn on machines using a tiny microchip in their hands. Well, that future—at least for Sweden—isn’t too far out. A few office workers in Sweden are being injected with a microchip the size of a grain of rice “that will open doors, turn on machines and serve as a business card,” according to Q13 Fox.
The Swedish company plans to eventually have the chip allow workers to pay for their meals at the office café as well. Epicenter is a high-tech office complex in Sweden. The point of this product is to test the efficiency of the technology. “We want to be able to understand this technology before big corporates and big government come to us and say everyone should get chipped – the tax authority chip, the Google or Facebook chip,” Hannes Sjoblad, chief disruption officer of Epicenter, said.
Government microchips are already a concern in America. NBC has reported their prediction of all Americans being micro-chipped by 2017. According to the recently passed H.R. 4872 bill, the implantable radiofrequency transponder system is intended to enable access to patient identification and health information. The bill also states that manufacturers of the microchips have to complete certain government testing requirements and submit a premarket notification before putting them on the market.
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The Global Run On Physical Cash Has Begun: Why It Pays To Panic First
Back in August 2012, when negative interest rates were still merely viewed as sheer monetary lunacy instead of pervasive global monetary reality that has pushed over $6 trillion in global bonds into negative yield territory, the NY Fed mused hypothetically about negative rates and wrote "Be Careful What You Wish For" saying that "if rates go negative, the U.S. Treasury Department’s Bureau of Engraving and Printing will likely be called upon to print a lot more currency as individuals and small businesses substitute cash for at least some of their bank balances."
Well, maybe not... especially if physical currency is gradually phased out in favor of some digital currency "equivalent" as so many "erudite economists" and corporate media have suggested recently, for the simple reason that in a world of negative rates, physical currency - just like physical gold - provides a convenient loophole to the financial repression of keeping one's savings in digital form in a bank where said savings are taxed at -0.1%, or -1% or -10% or more per year by a central bank and government both hoping to force consumers to spend instead of save.
For now cash is still legal, and NIRP - while a reality for the banks - has yet to be fully passed on to depositors.
The bigger problem is that in all countries that have launched NIRP, instead of forcing spending precisely the opposite has happened: as we showed last October, when Bank of America looked at savings patterns in European nations with NIRP, instead of facilitating spending, what has happened is precisely the opposite: "as the BIS have highlighted, ultra-low rates may perversely be driving a greater propensity for consumers to save as retirement income becomes more uncertain."
Call it another massive error on behalf of Keynesian central planners who once again fail to appreciate the nuances of the common sense and the liquidity preference of ordinary consumers.
However, just because negative rates have not been passed on to savers yet or just because cash still has not been made illegal, that doesn't mean it won't be.
The question at this point is twofold: what happens after the savings of ordinary depositors in the bank officially taxed and/or cash becomes phased out, and more importantly, what happens just before.
In other words, will there be a run on physical cash?
The truth is that if society panics and there is a full blown rush out of existing electronic bank deposits and into physical currency to avoid negative rate taxation, only those who panic first will be safe. Why? Because of the "magic" of fractional reserve banking - there is simply not enough physical currency in circulation to satisfy all savers' claims.
Here is HSBC's Steven Major trying to explain the problem:
Based on the evidence so far, households have not rushed to withdraw cash and put it into a safe or, more significantly, pay for someone else to store it for them. This is because retail deposit rates have stayed at or above zero as banks have opted to not pass the lower market rates on.The assumption that bank deposits can be rapidly converted into cash does not hold up, in our opinion. If everybody wanted to take their cash out of the bank at the same time, the system would soon run out as there are simply not enough notes in circulation. It would take a considerable time to print the currency needed to meet the demand. A central bank could enforce a negative rate for a considerable period of time under these conditions. For example, in the US, even if the production rate is doubled – and assuming the pace of retirement of old notes is unchanged and there is demand for USD3trn of new notes - printing would take 20-years.To explain this, consider the demand for currency created if savers tried to remove cash from the US banking system. This demand could total anything between USD2.5trn (of excess reserves) and USD4.5trn (the Fed’s total balance sheet). Currently there is USD1.5trn of currency in circulation and the total annual production had a face value USD149bn in 2014, suggesting the 20 years it would take to print the cash.Currency in circulation is small compared to the potential demand in a negative rate environment. As an example, the Fed’s assets are three times the currency in circulation and the Riksbank’s nearly ten times (see Table 1), but production capacity is limited.
Credit to Zero Hedge
Russian Northern Fleet submarines to launch two Bulava intercontinental missiles
MOSCOW, February 26. /TASS/. The Russian Northern Fleet’s Project 955 Borei-class nuclear-powered submarines are planned to perform a multiple launch of two Bulava intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) in 2016, a source in the defense and industrial sector told TASS on Friday.
The Bulava intercontinental ballistic missiles will be launched towards the Kura training range in Kamchatka in Russia’s Far East, the source added.
"It has not been decided yet when a multiple launch of Bulava intercontinental ballistic missiles will be performed and which submarine will be used," the source said.
"The launch is likely to be performed from the Barents Sea in the first half of the year. Either the submarine Yuri Dolgoruky, or the submarine Vladimir Monomakh will launch the missiles," the source added.
According to the source, a decision on the submarine will be made depending on "the fleet’s combat training program and the submarine’s technical readiness."
A multiple launch of two Bulava intercontinental ballistic missiles was last performed by the nuclear-powered submarine Vladimir Monomakh on November 14, 2015.
The Russian Defense Ministry said at the time that "the reentry vehicles have successfully reached the Kura training range in Kamchatka."

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Saturday, February 27, 2016
Friday, February 26, 2016
Do Americans Live In A False Reality Created By Orchestrated Events?
Paul Craig Roberts
Most people who are aware and capable of thought have given up on what is called the “mainstream media.” The presstitutes have destroyed their credibility by helping Washington to lie—“Saddam Hussein’s weapons of mass destruction,” “Iranian nukes,” “Assad’s use of chemical weapons,” “Russian invasion of Ukraine,” and so forth. The “mainstream media” has also destroyed its credibility by its complete acceptance of whatever government authorities say about alleged “terrorist events,” such as 9/11 and Boston Marathon Bombing, or alleged mass shootings such as Sandy Hook and San Bernardino. Despite glaring inconsistencies, contradictions, and security failures that seem too unlikely to be believable, the “mainstream media” never asks questions or investigates. It merely reports as fact whatever authorities say.
The sign of a totalitarian or authoritarian state is a media that feels no responsibility to investigate and to find the truth, accepting the role of propagandist instead. The entire Western media has been in the propaganda mode for a long time. In the US the transformation of journalists into propagandists was completed with the concentration of a diverse and independent media in six mega-corporations that are no longer run by journalists.
As a consequence, thoughtful and aware people increasingly rely on alternative media that does question, marshall facts, and offers analysis in place of an unbelievable official story line.
The prime example is 9/11. Large numbers of experts have destroyed the official story that has no factual evidence in its behalf. However, even without the hard evidence that 9/11 truthers have provided, the official story gives itself away. We are supposed to believe that a few Saudi Arabians with no technology beyond box cutters and no support from any government’s intelligence service were able to outwit the massive surveillance technology created by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) and NSA (National Security Agency) and deal the most humiliating blow to a superpower ever delivered in human history. Moreover, they were able to do this without the President of the United States, the US Congress, and the “mainstream media” demanding accountability for such a total failure of the high-tech national security state. Instead of a White House led investigation of such a massive security failure, the White House resisted for more than one year any investigation whatsoever until finally giving in to demands from 9/11 families that could not be bought off and agreeing to a 9/11 Commission.
The Commission did not investigate but merely sat and wrote down the story told to it by the government. Afterwards, the Commission’s chairman, co-chairman, and legal counsel wrote books in which they said that information was withheld from the Commission, that the Commission was lied to by officials of the government, and that the Commission “was set up to fail.” Despite all of this, the presstitutes still repeat the official propaganda, and there remain enough gullible Americans to prevent accountability.
Competent historians know that false flag events are used to bring to fruition agendas that cannot otherwise be achieved. 9/11 gave the neoconservatives, who controlled the George W. Bush administration, the New Pearl Harbor that they said was necessary in order to launch their hegemonic military invasions of Muslim countries. The Boston Marathon Bombing permitted a trial run of the American Police State, complete with shutting down a large American city, putting 10,000 armed troops and SWAT teams on the streets where the troops conducted house to house searches forcing the residents out of their homes at gunpoint. This unprecedented operation was justified as necessary in order to locate one wounded 19 year old man, who clearly was a patsy.
There are so many anomalies in the Sandy Hook story that it has generated a cottage industry of skeptics. I agree that there are anomalies, but I don’t have the time to study the issue and come to my own conclusion. What I have noticed is that we are not given many good explanations of the anomalies. For example, in this video made from the TV news coverage, the video’s creator makes a case that the person who is the grieving father who lost his son is the same person outfitted in SWAT clothes at Sandy Hook following the shooting. The person is identified as a known actor. Now, it seems to me that this is easy to test. The grieving father is known, the actor is known, and the authorities have to know who the SWAT team member is. If these three people, who can pass for one another, can be assembled in one room at the same time, we can dismiss the expose claimed in this one video. However, if three separate people cannot be produced together, then we must ask why this deception, which raises questions about the entire story. You can watch the entire video or just skip to the 9:30 mark and observe what appears to be the same person in two different roles.
The “mainstream media” has the ability to make these simple investigations, but does not. Instead, the “mainstream media” calls skeptics “conspiracy theorists.”
There is a book by Professor Jim Fetzer and Mike Palecek that says Sandy Hook was a FEMA drill to promote gun control and that no one died at Sandy Hook. The book was available on but was suddenly banned. Why ban a book?
Here is a free download of the book: I have not read the book and have no opinion. I do know, however, that the police state that America is becoming certainly has a powerful interest in disarming the public. I also heard today a news report that people said to be parents of the dead children are bringing a lawsuit against the gun manufacturer, which is consistent with Fetzer’s claim.
Here is a Buzzsaw interview with Jim Fetzer: If the information Fetzer provides is correct, clearly the US government has an authoritarian agenda and is using orchestrated events to create a false reality for Americans in order to achieve the agenda.
It seems to me that Fetzer’s facts can be easily checked. If his facts check out, then a real investigation is required. If his facts do not check out, the official story gains credibility as Fetzer is one of the most energetic skeptics.
Fetzer cannot be dismissed as a kook. He graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University, has a Ph.D. from Indiana University and was Distinguished McKnight University Professor at the University of Minnesota until his retirement in 2006. He has had a National Science Foundation fellowship, and he has published more than 100 articles and 20 books on philosophy of science and philosophy of cognitive science. He is an expert in artificial intelligence and computer science and founded the international journal Minds and Machines. In the late 1990s, Fetzer was asked to organize a symposium on philosophy of mind.
For an intelligent person, the official stories of President Kennedy’s assassination and 9/11 are simply not believable, because the official stories are not consistent with the evidence and what we know. Fetzer’s frustration with less capable and less observant people increasingly shows, and this works to his disadvantage.
It seems to me that if the authorities behind the official Sandy Hook story are secure with the official story, they would jump on the opportunity to confront and disprove Fetzer’s facts. Moreover, somewhere there must be photographs of the dead children, but, like the alleged large number of recordings by security cameras of an airliner hitting the Pentagon, no one has ever seen them. At least not that I know of.
What disturbs me is that no one in authority or in the mainstream media has any interest in checking the facts. Instead, those who raise awkward matters are dismissed as conspiracy theorists.
Why this is damning is puzzling. The government’s story of 9/11 is a story of a conspiracy as is the government’s story of the Boston Marathon Bombing. These things happen because of conspiracies. What is at issue is: whose conspiracy? We know from Operation Gladio and Operation Northwoods that governments do engage in murderous conspiracies against their own citizens. Therefore, it is a mistake to conclude that governments do not engage in conspiracies.
One often hears the objection that if 9/11 was a false flag attack, someone would have talked.
Why would they have talked? Only those who organized the conspiracy would know. Why would they undermine their own conspiracy?
Why would they have talked? Only those who organized the conspiracy would know. Why would they undermine their own conspiracy?
Recall William Binney. He developed the surveillance system used by NSA. When he saw that it was being used against the American people, he talked. But he had taken no documents with which to prove his claims, which saved him from successful prosecution but gave him no evidence for his claims. This is why Edward Snowden took the documents and released them. Nevertheless, many see Snowden as a spy who stole national security secrets, not as a whistleblower warning us that the Constitution that protects us is being overthrown.
High level government officials have contradicted parts of the 9/11 official story and the official story that links the invasion of Iraq to 9/11 and to weapons of mass destruction. Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta contradicted Vice President Cheney and the official 9/11 story timeline. Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill has said that overthrowing Saddam Hussein was the subject of the first cabinet meeting in the George W. Bush administration long before 9/11. He wrote it in a book and told it on CBS News’ 60 Minutes. CNN and other news stations reported it. But it had no effect.
Whistleblowers pay a high price. Many of them are in prison. Obama has prosecuted and imprisoned a record number. Once they are thrown in prison, the question becomes: “Who would believe a criminal?”
As for 9/11 all sorts of people have talked. Over 100 police, firemen and first responders have
reported hearing and experiencing a large number of explosions in the Twin Towers. Maintanence personnel report experiencing massive explosions in the sub-basements prior to the building being hit by an airplane. None of this testimony has had any effect on the authorities behind the official story or on the presstitutes.
reported hearing and experiencing a large number of explosions in the Twin Towers. Maintanence personnel report experiencing massive explosions in the sub-basements prior to the building being hit by an airplane. None of this testimony has had any effect on the authorities behind the official story or on the presstitutes.
There are 2,300 architects and engineers who have written to Congress requesting a real investigation. Instead of the request being treated with the respect that 2,300 professionals deserve, the professionals are dismissed as “conspiracy theorists.”
An international panel of scientists have reported the presence of reacted and unreacted nanothermite in the dust of the World Trade Centers. They have offered their samples to government agencies and to scientists for confirmation. No one will touch it. The reason is clear. Today science funding is heavily dependent on the federal government and on private companies that have federal contracts. Scientists understand that speaking out about 9/11 means the termination of their career.
The government has us where it wants us—powerless and disinformed. Most Americans are too uneducated to be able to tell the difference between a building falling down from asymetrical damage and one blowing up. Mainstream journalists cannot question and investigate and keep their jobs. Scientists cannot speak out and continue to be funded.
Truth telling has been shoved off into the alternative Internet media where I would wager the government runs sites that proclaim wild conspiracies, the purpose of which is to discredit all skeptics.
Credit to Paul Craig Roberts
More than 130,000 migrants have 'vanished' in Germany
More than 130,00 refugees - 13 percent of the total who have arrived in Germany in the past 14 months - have vanished.
The government admitted the bizarre statistic in answer to a question posed in the Bundestag parliament on Thursday by the Left Party.
It means that they have left Germany to wander into other countries after initial registration, or they have disappeared underground.

The German government has passed a package of new and tighter laws on asylum

More than 130,00 refugees - 13 percent of the total who have arrived in Germany in the past 14 months - have vanished

They have left Germany to wander into other countries after initial registration, or they have disappeared underground
The numbers are calculated on accommodation slots across the country that were allocated and not taken up.
The head of Germany's migration office, Frank-Jürgen Weise, also admitted that there are currently up to 400,000 people in the country whose identities are unknown to authorities.
Germany also said it enjoys little success in sending refugees back to EU states responsible for them - the 'safe' countries they first arrived in from their homelands.
German authorities made a request to a European partner to take back refugees for one in every ten applicants. In 2014 it was one in five.
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The government admitted the bizarre statistic in answer to a question posed in the Bundestag parliament on Thursday by the Left Party.
It means that they have left Germany to wander into other countries after initial registration, or they have disappeared underground.

The German government has passed a package of new and tighter laws on asylum

More than 130,00 refugees - 13 percent of the total who have arrived in Germany in the past 14 months - have vanished

They have left Germany to wander into other countries after initial registration, or they have disappeared underground
The numbers are calculated on accommodation slots across the country that were allocated and not taken up.
The head of Germany's migration office, Frank-Jürgen Weise, also admitted that there are currently up to 400,000 people in the country whose identities are unknown to authorities.
Germany also said it enjoys little success in sending refugees back to EU states responsible for them - the 'safe' countries they first arrived in from their homelands.
German authorities made a request to a European partner to take back refugees for one in every ten applicants. In 2014 it was one in five.
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Plan "B" USA Ground Invasion Of Syria?
There is the possibility that American warhawks and their strange bedfellows – Saudi Arabian intelligence services – would throw a monkey wrench in Syria's ceasefire to upset the deal, Czech-based freelance journalist and analyst Martin Berger believes.
While the Syrian ceasefire agreement, brokered by Russia and the US, is regarded by many as light at the end of the tunnel, the Pentagon and CIA hawks do not seem enthusiastic about the ongoing peace effort at all.
They even went so far as to predict the failure of the ceasefire agreement before it has even come into force and call for "inflicting real pain on the Russians."
"Of course, one could only be amazed by such behavior from Washington's 'hawks' if one did not take into consideration the evidence exposing their direct involvement in the continuous aggravation of the situation in Syria, which makes them directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of civilians. Those actions would for sure present the perfect subject for a careful investigation of an international tribunal," Czech-based freelance journalist and analyst Martin Berger writes in his article for New Eastern Outlook.
Citing Daveed Gartenstein-Ross and Nathaniel Barr of the Daily Beast, the journalist points out that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is now involved in assisting the terrorist organizations which Washington has been allegedly fighting against for more than decade.
"The CIA's program, launched in 2013, initially was conceived as a way of strengthening moderate rebels fighting Bashar al-Assad's regime without significantly increasing the US footprint in the conflict," the journalists wrote in their January article.
But soon things got ugly on the ground. The CIA-backed groups sided with Islamists including the notorious al-Qaeda affiliate al-Nusra Front, claiming that it was a "marriage of necessity."
"At this point it is impossible to argue that US officials involved in the CIA's program cannot discern that Nusra and other extremists have benefited. And despite this, the CIA decided to drastically increase lethal support to vetted rebel factions following the Russian intervention into Syria in late September,"Gartenstein-Ross and Barr admitted.
Furthermore, another investigation carried out by Mark Mazzetti and Matt Apuzzo for The New York Times described in detail how Washington was using Saudi money to provide jihadists in Syria with lethal weapons, Berger underscores.
However, he adds, this is just an episode in a long string of Saudi-American controversial covert operations in the Middle East, Central Asia and Africa.
In a recent interview with Sputnik, American author and historian F. William Engdahl said that an 'unholy alliance' between the CIA and Islamists was established in the early 1950s.
"In my most recent book, The Lost Hegemon: Whom the gods would destroy, I describe in great detail the perverse 'unholy alliance,' brokered by the CIA in the early 1950s to mate the Egyptian death cult known as the Muslim Brotherhood with the primitive Saudi Wahhabist branch of Islam. The consequence of that was Mujahedeen, the Chechen wars, Bosnia's Mujahedeen war against the Serbs, and now Al Qaeda-Al Nusra and Daesh," Engdahl told Sputnik.
Berger emphasizes that in light of this we may assume that US warhawks would try to dent any progress made in Syria, since they are not interested in any victory for Russia, be it diplomatic or military.
"It would be safe to assume that the CIA will be put in charge of the operation, funded with the money provided by Saudi Arabia, therefore we can await provocations and misleading articles about how it is Russia who is continuing with provocations, not these forces hidden in plain view," the Czech-based journalist stresses, adding that one should not be surprised that Washington has already come up with Plan B.
According to Berger the international community should prevent the failure of the ceasefire agreement by exposing these warhawks, namely the CIA, the Pentagon and the Saudi secret service.
Credit to Sputnik
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New Obamacare Mental Health Policies Can Take Your Gun and Put You In a FEMA Camp
There is an ongoing battle for the psychological health and welfare of America’s children and eventually all Americans. Since 2002, the government has been intent on testing millions for mental illness. This obsession even extends to our veterans as they return from combat and leave the service. The veterans are increasingly being diagnosed as having PTSD and they are subsequently being adjudicated to not being eligible to own a firearm.
Marti Oakley has been at the forefront on covering elderly abuse in which the courts are stealing the property and incarcerating the elderly into mandatory detention in a care facility because they are mentally infirm. And why is this happening? If an elderly person fails to balance their checkbook, for example, they are robbed and confined by the courts.
These practices are reminiscent of how the Soviets used to imprison political enemies. The Soviets simply said if anyone disagree with the government, they must have “political schizophrenia” and required to have treatment in a mental healthcare facility.
All “Conspiracy Theorists” Are Mentally Ill According to DSM V
When I went through my clinical training, the Bible of mental illness, The Statistical and Diagnostic Manual (DSM-4r) defined Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) as a highly controversial mental illness used to describe children and teens as mentally ill if they exhibited disobedience and defiance. When I was first nationally credentialed, most practitioners did not take this diagnosis seriously and we mistakenly believed that it would fade away. We uniformly believed this to be true because defiance and oppositional behaviors are hallmark traits of healthy rebellion exhibited by children and teens as they seek independence. Rather than ODD fading away, the diagnosis has become the tool of the ruling elite.
The new DSM (5) has expanded the definition of ODD to include adults who exemplify “paranoid ideation” about the government and frequently express these delusional ideations on the Internet.
In most states, the government could arrest a member of the Independent Media based upon a charge of “threat to self and others due to paranoid ideation under the new ODD. The hold of the media types would be f0r 72 hours. The “patient” would not be able to speak with family and more importantly, with an attorney. The result could be a sentence which remands one to a mental health facility where they are forcibly drugged since they are now a ward of the state. Personal assets can be seized in order to pay for “treatment”.
President Bush and the New Freedoms Commission
In April of 2002, by Executive Order, President George W. Bush convened a 22 member panel which sought to identify policies that could be implemented by all levels of government which would promote successful mental health treatment for all children and adults. Essentially this was payback to the Bush campaign contributors, such as Eli Lilly, to create more psychiatric patients which would have to medicated.
Bush’s new organization, The New Freedoms Commission (NFC) was the enforcemnt arm for mental health care treatment. All 50 states were mandated to implement compulsory mental health screening. The screening exams were to be administered in kindergarten, fourth and ninth grade. The screening program required no parental notification and carries the force of law and this program continues unabated to 2012, when public outcry and law suits effectively shut the program down.
In July of 2003, the NFC formally recommended that schools were in the best position to commence the screening of all Americans beginning with America’s students and school employees. The NFC implemented their recommendations, in November of 2004, with a $20 million dollar appropriation.
I Scream, You Scream, We All Should Have Sreamed at Teen Screen
TeenScreen, created by Laurie Flynn, arose out of the expressed desire of the NFC to test all American school children. Teen Screen lauded itself as the first line of defense to screen for suicidal behavior in teens. Under this program, teens were pulled out of class and offered movie tickets and pizza coupons if they took a computer generated, forced-response Teen Screen screening device, and they were not just looking for suicidal behavior.
The screening device had a high rate of false positives (84%). The rigor (e.g., measure of reliability and validity, utilization of genuinely representative population samples used in the norming process) of the screening mechanics have also been called into question. Additionally, TeenScreen allowed for the use of unsupervised nonprofessionals to both administer and interpret the screening instrument. Further, school-initiated treatment protocols could and would be be triggered as a result of the findings. This included forced medication without parental approval. 

In 2002, TeenScreen contracted with the public relations firm of Rabin Strategic Partners to provide each teen in the United States with easy access to this free mental health screening program. Rabin’s marketing efforts have proven to be a huge success. Rabin provided TeenScreen with a 10 year marketing strategy. The marketing plan called for an intense public relations plan including lobbying and advertising in order to expand and implement the plan. TeenScreen’s use of Rabin’s marketing strategy was paying great returns. For example, a 2004 progress report stated, mental health screening programs were eventually established in 48 states. Further the report added that a total of 19 national groups approved the screening of our youth’s mental health. Disturbingly, Rabin claims a waiting list of 250 additional Kool-Aid drinking communities which have expressed interest in the screening program.

One of the questions which appeared on TeenScreen was:
1) Have you often felt nervous or uncomfortable when you have been with a group of children or young people — say, like in the lunchroom at school or a party?
Who has not felt any of these feelings? As a former nationally certified mental health practitioner and an instructor of research and statistical methods, I am left wondering if I was absent from graduate school the day that these types of feelings were declared to be representative of a mental illness or emotional disturbance? If enough yes answers are given, the child may be referred to an “expert” for treatment (i.e., medication) purposes.
With the high level of reported false positive diagnostic rates and serious questions surrounding the safety of the use of the newer psychotropic medications on developing, young brains, many children’s brains were chemically destroyed before reaching adulthood.
Eventually the outcry again Teen Screen became so intense that they closed their doors almost four years ago. However, and as we know all too well, nothing born from the globalists ever goes away, it just comes back in a different form.
The Affordable Health Care Act Replaces Teen Screen and Expands to the Mental Health Screening of All Adults
Next time you visit your doctor, be aware that your doctor is being required to assess your mental health on an informal basis. Be careful how you respond to your doctor, because you may be branded as mentally ill which could mean mandatory incarceration for “treatment” and forfeiture of assets to pay for said treatment. This is a thinly veiled version of the old Soviet Union’s “political schizophrenia”.
A panel advising the Obama administration, in partnership with Big Pharma, is in the process of requiring all doctors to screen American adults and children over age 12 to screening for alleged “mental health” disorders, especially for depression. Ultimately, anyone found to possess any type of mental disorder will undergo state mandated “therapy” Part and parcel to this therapy comes some very well-documented and highly dangerous side effects from the required medications which can be administered without the consent of the patient.
As it was with Teen Screen, teachers, social workers, and more are already being required to search for supposed “mental and behavioral health” issues
Therapists are drawing upon a very new frontier in order to force people into treatment as psychiatrists invent new “illnesses such as ODD.” The ultimate goal is the mass medicating of the American people. And with a judgment of mental illness, this is Obama’s latest strategy of gun confiscation.
The controversial “recommendations” include screening all Americans between the ages of 12 and 18 for depression. A separate but related recommendation seeks to have all U.S. adults checked for “mental illness,” too. And consider that the list of “illnesses” is subjective (homosexuality was a mental disorder a few decades ago) and is constantly expanding as psychiatrists vote to create new ones, literally, as part of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual — the “Bible” of psychiatry that has been widely criticized, even by leading psychiatrists.
This new application of mental health treatment is being done under the auspices of the United States Preventive Services Task Force, or USPSTF. Make no mistake about it, this organization, appointed by the Obama administration’s increasingly radical and United Nations controlled Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), recommends various unconstitutional federal health policies which will result in the evisceration of civil liberties for millions of unsuspecting Americans.
The new guidelines published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. The USPSTF recommends screening for major depressive disorder (MDD) in adolescents aged 12 to 18 years,” the HHS task force said in the summary of its position. “Screening should be implemented with adequate systems in place to ensure accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and appropriate follow-up.” The testing is be mandated and will required with no exceptions. You don’t have to be on Obamacare. All doctors will be required to participate.
Further, the Obama HHS panel wrote. The recommendations also call for using previously proven dangerous medications such as Prozac to be administered to children between 12 and 17, while advocating powerful psychotropic substances such as Lexapro for children as young as the third grade.
“The USPSTF said it also recommends screening for depression in the general adult population, including pregnant and postpartum women. “Screening should be implemented with adequate systems in place to ensure accurate diagnosis, effective treatment, and appropriate follow-up.”
Dr. Ron Paul has weighed in on this insanity and called the proposed mandatory screenings a “depressing thought” in his column stated. Paul stated “Basic economics, as well as the Obamacare disaster, should have shown this task force that government health insurance mandates harm Americans”. He warned that this plot would raise insurance costs, will likely result in new federal databases containing the results of the screenings,and will be used to deny even more Americans their right to keep and bear arms.
Mental Institutions Are the New FEMA Camps

After seven years of dealing with the abomination in the White House, there is nothing that surprises me anymore. the plot to seize guns and incarcerate those people with political schizophrenia, is at least 14 years old. Despite overwhelming documentation, the nation is not paying attention. in the meantime, be very careful what you tell your doctor.
Credit to Common Sense Show
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