Monday, March 31, 2014
Syrian rebels allowed to attack Latakia from Turkish soil under Turkish air cover
Turkey has ratcheted up its intervention in the Syrian war to an unprecedented level, according to exclusive DEBKAfile military and intelligence sources. For the first time in the three-year conflict the Turkish army is allowing Syrian rebel forces, including the Al-Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front, passage through Turkish territory for their offensive to capture the northwestern Syrian coastal area where the Assad clan’s lands are situated.
Ankara’s support for the rebels is inclusive: Turkish troops are posted at the roadside with supplies of ammo, fuel, food, mechanical repair crews and medical aid for rebel forces as they head north. The Turkish air force gives them air cover and Turkish agents arm them with surveillance data on Syrian military movements ahead.
The Syrian fighter jet shot down on March 23 just inside the Turkish border was in fact downed in a dogfight with Turkish warplanes, while trying to bomb the rebel convoy heading for the new combat arena. Both sides preferred to stay quiet about the incident and its causes.
The rebels receiving Turkish military support are disclosed by our sources as belonging to two militias: The Syrian Revolutionaries Front under the command of Jamal Maarouf, which has gathered in remnants of the disbanded Free Syrian Army; and the Islamic Front, sponsored until recently by Saudi intelligence. They number around 4,000 fighting men including elements of the Nusra Front.
With powerful Turkish backing, this force has been able to carve a very narrow corridor into northwest Syria from the tall Jabal al-Zawiya in the Idlib region up to a point near Syria’s northern Mediterranean coast, thereby severing the northwestern link between Syria and Turkey.
This was the first time rebel forces had gained full control of a strategic corridor. First, they had to battle through and capture the towns of Kazab, Khirbet and Samra northwest of the coastal town of Latakia.
The Syrian army is throwing air, armored and heavy artillery strength against the rebels to stop them firming up their positions in those towns, while also aiming to regain command of the Syrian-Turkish border region.
The fighting Saturday, March 29 was most intense around Kasab.
This new development in the Syrian war raises two questions:
1. For how long can the Syrian rebels hold out against constant battering by superior military strength?
2. If the rebels are thrown out of their new positions, will the Turkish army come to their aid? If so, it would be Ankara’s first outright military incursion into Syrian territory and the first intrusion by a NATO member in its civil conflict.
Our sources in Ankara report that Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan is in favor of going ahead. He is vehemently opposed by the Turkish chief of staff.
It is this argument which triggered the banning of YouTube by the Turkish government Friday, March 28 - not the important municipal elections taking place Monday. A leaked recording published anonymously purported to reveal a conversation between Turkey’s foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, spy chief Hakan Fidan and a general discussing how to drum up a pretext for a Turkish attack inside Syria. A voice identified as that of Fidan appeared to suggest a missile assault as the pretext for a Turkish invasion.
Erdogan and Turkish intelligence chiefs are convinced that the leak was orchestrated by generals who are against deeper Turkish involvement in the Syria war
In the meantime, DEBKAfile’s Iranian sources report that Tehran was so jittery about this turn of events that a Iranian military delegation was rushed to Ankara, arriving Saturday, to force the Erdogan to take his hands off the Syrian war by any means, including a threat to suspend oil supplies. The two sides are still talking.
Credit to DEBKAfile
Putin Is Militarily Encircling the United States Red Dawn Style

This Cuban Missile Crisis Map from the 1960′s showed the range of Soviet missiles in Cuba. Today, all of North America is in range of Russian missiles based in Cuba.
The year is 1942 and America finds itself cutoff from its allies, yet, America persevered through the harnessing of its vast manufacturing capacity. As America finds itself increasingly isolated by a devastatingly effective Putin foreign policy, the United States does not have the industrial capacity to respond to the economic and military threats which are challenging our very existence. Putin has set up a scenario in which he will harness the collective forces in Latin America, who will one day invade the United States. Latin America has forsaken the United States both economically and militarily.


Equador, Venezuela and Bolivia


El Salvador and All of Latin America

Leaders from the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and Russia declared their intention to establish a means of continuous dialogue “to discuss and synchronize positions on international issues.” CELAC includes thirty-three countries in the Americas, but the United States and Canada are excluded. This is the breeding ground of a “Red Dawn Scenario”.
Cuba and the Rebirth of the Cuban Missile Crisis

Yesterday, Zero Hedge is reporting that even Japan is now undermining the Petrodollar by beginning to horde gold. The economic and military encirclement of the United States continues and what does Obama do? Obama is reducing the size of our military. We should be tearing up CAFTA and charging all Latin American imports a significant tariff. Instead, Obama’s inaction speaks to the fact that he is part of the plot designed to bring this country down. The world is running from the dollar and our dollar is on the verge of collapse which would result in a total economic collapse inside of the United States. These facts will be examined in the next article.
Credit to Common Sense
Assad regime accused of using poisonous gas
CAIRO – Assad-regime forces have used poisonous gas in Damascus, killing three people, the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces has claimed.
“Three people died and 25 people were left choking on Friday morning in Harasta town in the suburbs of Damascus as a result of poisonous gas,” the SMDK said in a statement on Saturday.
The organization said that the attack had happened at a time when Syria was obliged to hand over chemical weapons to UN teams, in accordance with a US-Russia agreement.
The Syrian regime agreed to the chemical weapons deal after the US threatened airstrikes in retaliation for an alleged chemical weapons attack that killed roughly 1,400 people in the suburbs of Damascus in August 2013.
Syrian officials have not responded to the accusations.
Meanwhile, Syria’s official news agency, SANA, reported that Assad-regime forces have taken control of Ra's el-Meera and Flita towns in Kalamun region near the Lebanon border.
More than 100,000 people have been killed during the three-year conflict, which has also internally displaced more than 6.5 million people, according to the UN.
Credit to Turkishpress
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Pushing Toward The Final War
Authored by Paul Craig Roberts via his blog,
Does Obama realize that he is leading the US and its puppet states to war with Russia and China, or is Obama being manipulated into this disaster by his neoconservative speech writers and government officials? World War 1 (and World War 2) was the result of the ambitions and mistakes of a very small number of people. Only one head of state was actually involved–the President of France.
In The genesis Of The World War, Harry Elmer Barnes shows that World War 1 was the product of 4 or 5 people. Three stand out: Raymond Poincare`, President of France, Sergei Sazonov, Russian Foreign Minister, and Alexander Izvolski, Russian Ambassador to France. Poincare` wanted Alsace-Lorraine from Germany, and the Russians wanted Istanbul and the Bosphorus Strait, which connects the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. They realized that their ambitions required a general European war and worked to produce the desired war.
A Franco-Russian Alliance was formed. This alliance became the vehicle for orchestrating the war. The British government, thanks to the incompetence, stupidity, or whatever of its Foreign Minister, Sir Edward Grey, was pulled into the Franco-Russian Alliance. The war was started by Russia’s mobilization. The German Kaiser, Wilhelm II, was blamed for the war despite the fact that he did everything possible to avoid it.
Barnes’ book was published in 1926. His reward for confronting the corrupt court historians with the truth was to be accused of being paid by Germany to write his history. Eighty-six years later historian Christopher Clark in his book, The Sleepwalkers, comes to essentially the same conclusion as Barnes.
In the history I was taught the war was blamed on Germany for challenging British naval supremacy by building too many battleships. The court historians who gave us this tale helped to set up World War 2.
We are again on the road to World War. One hundred years ago the creation of a world war by a few had to be done under the cover of deception. Germany had to be caught off guard. The British had to be manipulated and, of course, people in all the countries involved had to be propagandized and brainwashed.
Today the drive to war is blatantly obvious. The lies are obvious, and the entire West is participating, both media and governments.
The American puppet, Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper, openly lied on Canadian TV that Russian President Putin had invaded Crimea, threatened Ukraine, and was restarting the Cold War. The host of the TV program sat and nodded his head in agreement with these bald-faced lies.
The script that Washington handed to its Canadian puppet has been handed to all of Washington’s puppets, and everywhere in the West the message is the same. “Putin invaded and annexed Crimea, Putin is determined to rebuild the Soviet Empire, Putin must be stopped.”
I hear from many Canadians who are outraged that their elected government represents Washington and not Canadians, but as bad as Harper is, Obama and Fox “News” are worse.
On March 26 I managed to catch a bit of Fox “news.” Murdoch’s propaganda organ was reporting that Putin was restoring the Soviet era practice of exercise. Fox “news” made this report into a threatening and dangerous gesture toward the West. Fox produced an “expert,” whose name I caught as Eric Steckelbeck or something like that. The “expert” declared that Putin was creating “the Hitler youth,” with a view toward rebuilding the Soviet empire.
The extraordinary transparent lie that Russia sent an army into Ukraine and annexed Crimea is now accepted as fact everywhere in the West, even among critics of US policy toward Russia.
Obama, whose government overthrew the democratically elected government in Ukraine and appointed a stooge government that has threatened the Russian provinces of Ukraine, falsely accuses Putin of “invading and annexing” Crimea.
Obama, or his handlers and programers, are relying on the total historical ignorance of Western peoples. The ignorance and gullibility of Western peoples allows the American neoconservatives to fashion “news” that controls their minds.
Obama recently declared that Washington’s destruction of Iraq–up to one million killed, four million displaced, infrastructure in ruins, sectarian violence exploding, a country in total ruins–is nowhere near as bad as Russia’s acceptance of Crimean self-determination. US Secretary of State John Kerry actually ordered Putin to prevent the referendum and stop Crimeans from exercising self-determination.
Obama’s speech on March 26 at the Palace of Fine Arts in Brussels is surreal. It is beyond hypocrisy. Obama says that Western ideals are challenged by self-determination in Crimea. Russia, Obama says, must be punished by the West for permitting Crimeans to exercise self-determination. The return of a Russian province on its own volition to its mother country where it existed for 200 years is presented by Obama as a dictatorial, anti-democratic act of tyranny.
Here was Obama, whose government has just overthrown the elected, democratic government of Ukraine and substituted stooges chosen by Washington in the place of the elected government, speaking of the hallowed ideal that “people in nations can make their own decisions about their future.” That is exactly what Crimea did, and that is exactly what the US coup in Kiev contravened. In the twisted mind of Obama, self-determination consists of governments imposed by Washington.
Here was Obama, who has shredded the US Constitution, speaking of “individual rights and rule of law.” Where is this rule of law? It is certainly not in Kiev where an elected government was overthrown with force. It is certainly not in the United States where the executive branch has spent the entirety of the new 21st century establishing government above the law. Habeas corpus, due process, the right to open trials and determination of guilt by independent jurors prior to imprisonment and execution, the right to privacy have all been overturned by the Bush/Obama regimes. Torture is against US and international law; yet Washington set up torture prisons all over the globe.
How is it possible that the representative of the war criminal US government can stand before an European audience and speak of “rule of law,” “individual rights,” “human dignity,” “self-determination,” “freedom,” without the audience breaking out in laughter?
Washington is the government that invaded and destroyed Afghanistan and Iraq on the basis of lies. Washington is the government that financed and organized the overthrow of the Libyan and Honduran governments and that is currently attempting to do the same thing to Syria and Venezuela. Washington is the government that attacks with drones and bombs populations in the sovereign countries of Pakistan and Yemen. Washington is the government that has troops all over Africa. Washington is the government that has surrounded Russia, China, and Iran with military bases. It is this warmongering collection of Washington war criminals that now asserts that it is standing up for international ideals against Russia.
No one applauded Obama’s nonsensical speech. But for Europe to accept such blatant lies from a liar without protest empowers the momentum toward war that Washington is pushing.
Obama demands more NATO troops to be stationed in Eastern Europe to “contain Russia.” Obama said that a buildup of military forces on Russia’s borders would reassure Poland and the Baltic states that, as NATO members, they will be protected from Russian aggression. This nonsense is voiced by Obama despite the fact that no one expects Russia to invade Poland or the Baltic countries.
Obama doesn’t say what effect the US/NATO military buildup and numerous war games on Russia’s border will have on Russia. Will the Russian government conclude that Russia is about to be attacked and strike first? The reckless carelessness of Obama is the way wars start.
Declaring that “freedom isn’t free,” Obama is putting pressure on Western Europe to pony up more money for a military buildup to confront Russia.
The position of the government in Washington and its puppet states (Eastern and Western Europe, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Georgia, Japan) and other allies purchased with bagfuls of money is that Washington’s violation of international law by torturing people, by invading sovereign countries on totally false pretenses, by routinely overthrowing democratically elected governments that do not toe the Washington line is nothing but the “indispensable and exceptional country” bringing “freedom and democracy to the world.” But Russia’s acceptance of the self-determination of Crimean people to return to their home country is “a violation of international law.”
Just what international law has Washington and its puppets not violated?
Obama, whose government in the past few years has bullied Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Lebanon, Iran, Honduras, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Venezuela and is now trying to bully Russia, actually declared that “bigger nations can not simply bully smaller ones.” What does Obama and his speech writers think Washington has been doing for the entirety of the 21st century?
Who can possibly believe that Obama, whose government is responsible for the deaths of people every day in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Libya, and Syria, cares a whit about democracy in Ukraine. Obama overthrew the Ukrainian government in order to be able to stuff the country into NATO, throw Russia out of its Black Sea naval base, and put US missile bases in Ukraine on Russia’s border. Obama is angry that his plan didn’t pan out as intended, and he is taking his anger and frustration out on Russia.
As the delusion takes hold in Washington that the US represents idealism standing firmly against Russian aggression, delusion enabled by the presstitute media, the UN General Assembly vote, and Washington’s string of puppet states, self-righteousness rises in Washington’s breast.
With rising self-righteousness will come more demands for punishing Russia, more demonization of Russia and Putin, more lies echoed by the presstitutes and puppets. Ukrainian violence against Russian residents is likely to intensify with the anti-Russian propaganda. Putin could be forced to send in Russian troops to defend Russians.
Why are people so blind that they do not see Obama driving the world to its final war?
Just as Obama dresses up his aggression toward Russia as idealism resisting selfish territorial ambitions, the English, French, and Americans presented their World War 1 “victory” as the triumph of idealism over German and Austrian imperialism and territorial ambitions. But at the Versailles Conference the Bolsheviks (the Tsar’s government failed to gain the Straits and instead lost the country to Lenin) “revealed the existence of the notorious Secret Treaties embodying as sordid a program of territorial pilfering as can be found in the history of diplomacy. It appears that the chief actual motives of the Entente in the World War were the seizure of Constantinople and the Straits for Russia; not only the return of Alsace-Lorraine to France, but the securing of the west bank of the Rhine, which would have involved the seizure of territory historically far longer connected with Germany than Alsace-Lorraine had ever been with France; the rewarding of Italian entry into the War by extensive territory grabbed away from Austria and the Jugo-Slavs; and the sequestering of the German imperial possessions, the acquisition of the German merchant marine and the destruction of the German navy in the interest of increasing the strength of the British Empire” (Barnes, pp. 691-692). The American share of the loot was seized German and Austrian investments in the US.
The secret British, Russian, and French aims of the war were hidden from the public, which was whipped up with fabricated propaganda to support a war whose outcomes were far different from the intentions of those who caused the war. People seem unable to learn from history. We are now witnessing the world again being led down the garden path by lies and propaganda, this time in behalf of American world hegemony.
Credit to Paul Graig Roberts
Pope Francis Confesses His Sins In Public

Pope Francis continued his rock star turn yesterday by breaking with tradition and publicly confessing his sins while leading a penitential liturgy in St. Peter's Basilica.
The pope, dressed in a simple white alb and purple stole, spent about three minutes kneeling before the priest's open confessional and received absolution. The priest also clasped the pope's hands and kissed his simple silver ring.
Here is the video accompanied by some fantastic chanting:
Credit to Businessinsider
Read more:
JP Morgan’s Top Commercial Bankruptcy Lawyer Dead In Minivan Hit & Run
The banker suicide saga has just reached a new level as atop level JPMorgan attorney has been exterminated in a hit & run incident involving a minivan.
JPM attorney Joseph Giampapa was killed over the weekend when he was struck by a minivan in a hit and run incident.
Giampapa was reportedly hit and thrown 150 ft and was pronounced dead at the scene. No charges have been filed.
It gets better: Giampapa was JPMorgan’s top commercial bankruptcy lawyer (SVP).
Somehow we suspect the incident was not inflicted by a soccer mom.
Credit to Silver Doctors
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Obama: Russia must pull back troops from Ukraine border

Barack Obama has called on Russia to withdraw its troops from theUkraine border and start negotiating.
Obama told CBS News that the decision by the Russian president,Vladimir Putin. to assemble forces on the border may "simply be an effort to intimidate Ukraine, or it may be that they've got additional plans".
Although estimates of troop numbers vary, Obama said that "to de-escalate the situation" Russia should "move back those troops and begin negotiations directly with the Ukrainian government as well as the international community".
He also said Putin had been "willing to show a deeply held grievance about what he considers to be the loss of the Soviet Union", and the Russian leader should not "revert back to the kinds of practices that… were so prevalent during the cold war".
"There's a strong sense of Russian nationalism and a sense that somehow the west has taken advantage of Russia in the past and that he [Putin] wants to in some fashion,… reverse that or make up for that," Obama said.
"What I have repeatedly said is that he may be entirely misreading the west. He's certainly misreading American foreign policy. We have no interest in circling Russia and we have no interest in Ukraine beyond letting Ukrainian people make their own decisions about their own lives."
The Guardian
Will You Fire On American Citizens?
As important as the crisis in Ukraine may be, I am growing concerned that we are allowing ourselves to be distracted away from a very grave and growing domestic threat to our citizens.
President Obama has continued to add to his martial law package and he is getting a lot closer to naming the enemies of the people and groups that he intends to target once martial law is declared
It has also become abundantly clear that Obama is preparing to move to silence any opposition before imposing martial law and attempting to seize our guns and thus, rendering Americans defenseless against his tyranny.
As important as the crisis in Ukraine may be, I am growing concerned that we are allowing ourselves to be distracted away from a very grave and growing domestic threat to our citizens.
President Obama has continued to add to his martial law package and he is getting a lot closer to naming the enemies of the people and groups that he intends to target once martial law is declared
It has also become abundantly clear that Obama is preparing to move to silence any opposition before imposing martial law and attempting to seize our guns and thus, rendering Americans defenseless against his tyranny.
Obama Moves To Quiet Dissent
Most savvy Americans are aware of HR 347, or what is commonly known as the “Trespass bill”, which prohibits American citizens from criticizing any official who has designated Secret Service protection. The penalties are draconian. And of course, many people know about the terrifying National Defense Authorization Act, that allows the president to detain, torture and kill American citizens without due process.
Just who is Obama planning on silencing and persecuting in the upcoming martial law?
Just who is Obama planning on silencing and persecuting in the upcoming martial law?
Obama’s Future Targets Are Identified
A recently leaked DHS document, detailing the nature of a martial law drill which commences today, spells the roll out of martial law in America. The document is so sensitive that it contains instructions that only DHS personnel may view the document and bans even military grade officers from laying their eyes on it.
Information about this previously secret drill comes from a leaked 160 page document entitled, Capstone 2014, Scenario Ground Truth. This is a nationwide martial law drill which is to take place from March 27- April 24, 2014. Make no mistake about it, as of this morning (March 27th) your government is practicing to enslave you.
The drill is predicated on a hypothetical earthquake in Alaska and a resulting tsunami. The purpose of the drill quickly morphs away from the earthquake scenario and focuses on resulting cyber attacks emanating from domestic terrorist groups dubbed by the drill makers as the Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny.
The scenario related to the drill does not even make sense. How could an Alaskan earthquake cause the country to go into nationwide martial law? The great Alaskan 1964 earthquake, magnitude 9.2, occurred in Prince William Sound region of Alaska in 1964. The 1964 Alaska earthquake was the second largest earthquake ever recorded. Despite the size of the 1964 earthquake, nationwide martial law was not declared, nor was it even considered. Why would the present drill presume that nationwide martial law would be necessary? Even more concerning is how the drill suddenly shifts from being an earthquake emergency to a nationwide cyber attack drill upon the infrastructure of the United States. Why would a cyber terrorist have to wait for an Alaskan earthquake to occur before unleashing a cyber attack? This is a ludicrous proposition, at best, and should make us all suspicious as to the real intent behind the premise of the drill.
An examination of the “phony” terrorist group identified in the drill raises red flags. Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny implies that anyone who opposes socialism, especially socialist tyranny is a national security threat to the state. The choice of language is obvious for all of those who are familiar with the Marxist socialist ideologies of the Obama administration.
DHS is not only concerned with domestic terrorists in this drill, but they are primarily concerned with those personnel in government who might be sympathetic to the cause of Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny.
The document specifically mentions National Guard, current and former members of the military, employees within US Northern Command and the Defense Information Systems Agency members who might be complicit and/or sympathetic with the aforementioned domestic terror group (p.125). This is an immediate tipoff with regard to the intent of this drill.
The consideration of these facts should make it obvious that the drill has nothing to do with Alaskan earthquakes and tsunamis. It has little, if anything, to do with cyber terrorism. This drill is clearly about establishing a secret police “see something, say something” mentality within our government and military organizations. It is about teaching Americans to spy and subsequently turn in other Americans, particularly those in an official governmental capacity. This drill is highly significant for another reason as it establishes the notion that Obama knows that the entire military will not go along with this President when it comes to gun confiscation and the subsequent execution of those Americans who will not comply with the gun confiscation orders.
When the thin veneer of this drill is stripped away, this drill is about Americans snitching on Americans who work in highly sensitive government positions. Why else would the drill identify a group of FREE Americans Against SOCIALIST tyranny and then name government officials as potential confederates with the group? Why would Obama and DHS feel the need to engage in challenging the loyalty of those who already work for the government? This is a purge, the same kind of purge that is presently occurring in the military. And why is a purge necessary? It is needed because those that will not overtly act against Americans and the Constitution need to be set aside in order for there to be a singleness of purpose when it comes to establishing the tyranny Obama has planned. Once the military and government agencies are “purified” of constitutionalists, the door is open to purify, or re-educate, the rest of the country. This is a prelude for gun confiscation. Historically, gun confiscation is a prelude for genocide.
Information about this previously secret drill comes from a leaked 160 page document entitled, Capstone 2014, Scenario Ground Truth. This is a nationwide martial law drill which is to take place from March 27- April 24, 2014. Make no mistake about it, as of this morning (March 27th) your government is practicing to enslave you.
The drill is predicated on a hypothetical earthquake in Alaska and a resulting tsunami. The purpose of the drill quickly morphs away from the earthquake scenario and focuses on resulting cyber attacks emanating from domestic terrorist groups dubbed by the drill makers as the Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny.
The scenario related to the drill does not even make sense. How could an Alaskan earthquake cause the country to go into nationwide martial law? The great Alaskan 1964 earthquake, magnitude 9.2, occurred in Prince William Sound region of Alaska in 1964. The 1964 Alaska earthquake was the second largest earthquake ever recorded. Despite the size of the 1964 earthquake, nationwide martial law was not declared, nor was it even considered. Why would the present drill presume that nationwide martial law would be necessary? Even more concerning is how the drill suddenly shifts from being an earthquake emergency to a nationwide cyber attack drill upon the infrastructure of the United States. Why would a cyber terrorist have to wait for an Alaskan earthquake to occur before unleashing a cyber attack? This is a ludicrous proposition, at best, and should make us all suspicious as to the real intent behind the premise of the drill.
An examination of the “phony” terrorist group identified in the drill raises red flags. Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny implies that anyone who opposes socialism, especially socialist tyranny is a national security threat to the state. The choice of language is obvious for all of those who are familiar with the Marxist socialist ideologies of the Obama administration.
DHS is not only concerned with domestic terrorists in this drill, but they are primarily concerned with those personnel in government who might be sympathetic to the cause of Free Americans Against Socialist Tyranny.
The document specifically mentions National Guard, current and former members of the military, employees within US Northern Command and the Defense Information Systems Agency members who might be complicit and/or sympathetic with the aforementioned domestic terror group (p.125). This is an immediate tipoff with regard to the intent of this drill.
The consideration of these facts should make it obvious that the drill has nothing to do with Alaskan earthquakes and tsunamis. It has little, if anything, to do with cyber terrorism. This drill is clearly about establishing a secret police “see something, say something” mentality within our government and military organizations. It is about teaching Americans to spy and subsequently turn in other Americans, particularly those in an official governmental capacity. This drill is highly significant for another reason as it establishes the notion that Obama knows that the entire military will not go along with this President when it comes to gun confiscation and the subsequent execution of those Americans who will not comply with the gun confiscation orders.
When the thin veneer of this drill is stripped away, this drill is about Americans snitching on Americans who work in highly sensitive government positions. Why else would the drill identify a group of FREE Americans Against SOCIALIST tyranny and then name government officials as potential confederates with the group? Why would Obama and DHS feel the need to engage in challenging the loyalty of those who already work for the government? This is a purge, the same kind of purge that is presently occurring in the military. And why is a purge necessary? It is needed because those that will not overtly act against Americans and the Constitution need to be set aside in order for there to be a singleness of purpose when it comes to establishing the tyranny Obama has planned. Once the military and government agencies are “purified” of constitutionalists, the door is open to purify, or re-educate, the rest of the country. This is a prelude for gun confiscation. Historically, gun confiscation is a prelude for genocide.
Will You Fire On American Citizens?
The above question is quickly becoming the new litmus test for military officers to retain their rank. My military sources have been telling me that one of the primary reasons that we have seen a wholesale leadership change in the military, with over 260 senior command officers fired under Obama, is because many in our military will not indiscriminately fire upon innocent American citizens who refuse to submit to gun confiscation. This fact is verified by former Navy Seal Benjamin Smith as he has clearly stated that the Obama administration has a new “litmus test” for officers in the U.S. military,which asks officers if they’ll command their troops to confiscate firearms from Americans.
More confirmation of this litmus test comes from ex-CIA agent, Dr. Jim Garrow. His account, listed below, is chilling, because it matches what I have been told by military personnel dating back to the Benghazi cover-up.
More confirmation of this litmus test comes from ex-CIA agent, Dr. Jim Garrow. His account, listed below, is chilling, because it matches what I have been told by military personnel dating back to the Benghazi cover-up.
Incarceration Without Due Process
Another leaked document has made its way into the alternative media and it is entitled, FM 3-39.40 Internment and Resettlement Operations (PDF). Just like the Alaskan earthquake/cyber terrorism drill, the document was originally designed to be kept secret, but everyone in the military command structure, as we know, is not on board with the encroaching tyranny sweeping across this country.
There are two terms which should concern the reader, namely, Internment and Resettlement (I/R). As if this needs any further elaboration, the two terms simply mean that one will be snatched from their home and sent to a detention camp for an undetermined period of time and treated in a manner which will not be defined by any law. This document operationalizes the NDAA.
Then there is the ’fake” $96 million dollar Northern Virginia town which is being used to train the military to enforce martial Law. Of course, the government says that this is a foreign town being used to train our troops to occupy a foreign town. If this is true, then someone needs to explain why the town has a Christian church, handicap parking spots, Washington DC subway logos, loading zone signs and road signs in English. A picture is worth a thousand words as you will see in the following video.
We should all be asking this question: At a time when Obama is telling us that Syria, Iran and Russia are our enemy, then why are Obama’s forces practicing to enslave the American people?
Straight from the Internment/Resettlement article (12 February 2010 FM 3-39.40 1-5) it states the following:
“…I/R operations may place Soldiers in continuous contact with or near insurgents, terrorists, or criminals who will exploit every opportunity to escape and kill or injure U.S. personnel or multinational partners“.
Whether you believe there are Russian troops training on our soil, along with other UN “Peacekeeping” troops is an irrelevant argument at this point. The above excerpt makes it clear regarding the INTENT to use “multinational partners” to round up and detain American citizens.

The following is a list of involved agencies who will be a part of the soon-to-be roundups of American citizens who are not drinking from the globalist Kool-Aid.
1-40. External involvement in I/R missions is a fact of life for military police organizations. Some government and government-sponsored entities that may be involved in I/R missions include—
International agencies.
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
International Organization of Migration.
U.S. agencies.
Local U.S. embassy.
Department of Homeland Security.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Federal Emergency Management Agency.
A road map is not needed to discern the direction that this is headed. Dr. Garrow has stated that there are enough FEMA coffins to bury half the country. In the following picture, taken by researcher Sherrie Wilcox, outside of Atlanta, is very ominous.
There are two terms which should concern the reader, namely, Internment and Resettlement (I/R). As if this needs any further elaboration, the two terms simply mean that one will be snatched from their home and sent to a detention camp for an undetermined period of time and treated in a manner which will not be defined by any law. This document operationalizes the NDAA.
Then there is the ’fake” $96 million dollar Northern Virginia town which is being used to train the military to enforce martial Law. Of course, the government says that this is a foreign town being used to train our troops to occupy a foreign town. If this is true, then someone needs to explain why the town has a Christian church, handicap parking spots, Washington DC subway logos, loading zone signs and road signs in English. A picture is worth a thousand words as you will see in the following video.
We should all be asking this question: At a time when Obama is telling us that Syria, Iran and Russia are our enemy, then why are Obama’s forces practicing to enslave the American people?
Straight from the Internment/Resettlement article (12 February 2010 FM 3-39.40 1-5) it states the following:Whether you believe there are Russian troops training on our soil, along with other UN “Peacekeeping” troops is an irrelevant argument at this point. The above excerpt makes it clear regarding the INTENT to use “multinational partners” to round up and detain American citizens.
“…I/R operations may place Soldiers in continuous contact with or near insurgents, terrorists, or criminals who will exploit every opportunity to escape and kill or injure U.S. personnel or multinational partners“.

The following is a list of involved agencies who will be a part of the soon-to-be roundups of American citizens who are not drinking from the globalist Kool-Aid.
1-40. External involvement in I/R missions is a fact of life for military police organizations. Some government and government-sponsored entities that may be involved in I/R missions include—
International agencies.
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).
International Organization of Migration.
U.S. agencies.Local U.S. embassy.
Department of Homeland Security.
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
Federal Emergency Management Agency.
A road map is not needed to discern the direction that this is headed. Dr. Garrow has stated that there are enough FEMA coffins to bury half the country. In the following picture, taken by researcher Sherrie Wilcox, outside of Atlanta, is very ominous.

I have long maintained that a false flag event will precipitate martial law. Martial law is necessary before embarking on any war of significance. I feel as if we have walked into the middle of the movie. With the commencement of today’s Alaskan Earthquake/nationwide martial law drill, we are witnessing the practicing of our government forces purging themselves in preparation for martial law and beyond.
Is there anything we can do to stem the tide of this Socialist Tyranny? Awareness is our best friend. In research, there is something known as the observer effect which states that we can alter an event by simply bringing attention to the event. Although the final outcome may not be significantly altered, it might behoove the American people to bring these events to the attention of local officials, sheriffs and the handful of Congressmen which may not be on board in order to slow this Socialist Tyranny which is about to be committed against FREE Americans.
Credit to Common Sense
Is there anything we can do to stem the tide of this Socialist Tyranny? Awareness is our best friend. In research, there is something known as the observer effect which states that we can alter an event by simply bringing attention to the event. Although the final outcome may not be significantly altered, it might behoove the American people to bring these events to the attention of local officials, sheriffs and the handful of Congressmen which may not be on board in order to slow this Socialist Tyranny which is about to be committed against FREE Americans.
Credit to Common Sense
Friday, March 28, 2014
UN General Assembly votes 'yes' on Ukraine unity
In a surprisingly strong rebuke of Moscow, the UN General Assembly has affirmed Ukraine's territorial integrity and deemed the referendum that led to Russia's annexation of the Crimean Peninsula illegal.
Watch: IMF, US support for Ukraine

The vote on the Ukraine-sponsored resolution in the 193-member world body was 100 countries in favor, 11 opposed and 58 abstentions. Twenty-four countries did not vote.
While Ukraine has a lot of sympathy among UN member states, Russia has a lot of clout. Both sides lobbied hard ahead of the vote, and diplomats had predicted a significant number of abstentions and a maximum 80 to 90 countries supporting the resolution.
So the high number of "yes" votes, representing more than half the 193 UN member states, was a sign of international anger at Moscow's slow-motion military invasion of Crimea.
"This support has come from all corners of the world which shows that this (is) not only a regional matter but a global one," Ukraine's Foreign Minister Andriy Deshchytsia told reporters after the vote.
"It's the message that the world is united and Russia is isolated," Deshchytsia said later in an interview with The Associated Press.
Credit to Nzherald
Watch: IMF, US support for Ukraine

The vote on the Ukraine-sponsored resolution in the 193-member world body was 100 countries in favor, 11 opposed and 58 abstentions. Twenty-four countries did not vote.
While Ukraine has a lot of sympathy among UN member states, Russia has a lot of clout. Both sides lobbied hard ahead of the vote, and diplomats had predicted a significant number of abstentions and a maximum 80 to 90 countries supporting the resolution.
So the high number of "yes" votes, representing more than half the 193 UN member states, was a sign of international anger at Moscow's slow-motion military invasion of Crimea.
"This support has come from all corners of the world which shows that this (is) not only a regional matter but a global one," Ukraine's Foreign Minister Andriy Deshchytsia told reporters after the vote.
"It's the message that the world is united and Russia is isolated," Deshchytsia said later in an interview with The Associated Press.
Credit to Nzherald
Communism at WalMart
The following article was published at NC Renegade (by Tom P., the apparent author of this story) and News with Views by Kelleigh Nelson. It is a “must read.” Readers, things are taking place at a pace faster than many have expected- Doug Hagmann
March 27, 2014: The following is a true story about a recent experience I had while shopping at the local WalMart. I hope you find it as eye opening as I did. (comment by original author).
One recent, busy afternoon at WalMart, I finished shopping and headed for the checkout lanes to complete my visit. The lines were quite long so I found myself wishing that I had started with a shopping cart because my arms were already getting tired from the heavy load. Most of the people ahead of me had full carts so I figured that I was in for a long, tedious wait. Suddenly a little bearded man appeared behind me, and then quickly stepped into the line next to me as he surveyed the other lanes looking for the shortest wait. His unique appearance caught my attention. He looked like a person one might imagine seeing at a foreign market.
He wore a tight fitting green tweed sport coat, a little hat, and had a long pointed beard. His cheeks were darkly tanned and deeply wrinkled. His eyes looked intelligent, the best I could tell. As he darted between lines evaluating his options I said to him, “You can’t win.” He smiled and fell into line behind me. “Now perhaps I could speak to him,” I thought to myself, but before I was able to do so another younger man fell into line behind him and the two started speaking in a language I was not familiar with. Now, I can identify a half dozen or more languages, but this one was completely unfamiliar to me, so I seized the opportunity and blurted out, “Now that’s a language I am not familiar with.” The younger, more western looking man replied, “We are speaking Romanian,” rolling his “R’s” as you would imagine. Finally this conversation was off and running and we would have plenty of time because of the long line, if only my arms would hold out!
“You are both from Romania?” I asked. “Yes,” the younger man replied. Being curious about the older gentleman who had first caught my attention, I nodded in his direction and asked, “Does he speak English too?” The younger man’s reply was, “My father does speak English, but when I am around he prefers for me to do the speaking.” “So this is your father?” I asked. The son smiled and nodded in the affirmative. “Were you born here?” I asked the son. “No, I was born in Romania. I was 14 when we immigrated to the United States in 1982.” With a little quick math in my head I had the son pegged at around 43 years old, which corresponded with his appearance. That would place his father at perhaps somewhere around 70. Wanting to make this conversation count, I asked “Wasn’t Romania a communist country for most of your lives?” “Yes, Romania was put under Russian communist control in 1947,” the son replied.
“What was it like living under communism?” I asked. “There were good things and bad things about it,” he said. Surprised that there could have been anything good about it I asked, “What was good about it?!” “Well, the government controlled the currency so there was no inflation and there were no taxes.” “No taxes?” I asked. “Yes, the government owns everything to start with so they don’t have to tax you, they just give you what they want to give you. My father is a farmer. They took his land away from him and made him work on a government collective farm.”
“Do you think America will fall to communism eventually?” I asked, hoping they wouldn’t mind such a far-flung, probing question. “It’s already started here and it’s moving fast. It will be worse here,” he said. What a time for the cashier to be asking me, “Will that be all, sir,” when I was just getting started with two Romanians who had fled communism after being forced to live under it. From here on, it was going to be a matter of following these two living legends out of the WalMart store and across the parking lot so I could hear the rest of the story.
As we turned to go out the doors, I said confidently, “There is a difference here in America, you know. Americans are armed. They will not allow such a takeover.” He replied, “It doesn’t matter. The Romanian people believed very strongly that Romania would never submit to communism, but it happened quickly. The Romanian people were armed, but it didn’t matter. Communists use informants. They get neighbors to report on their neighbors who have guns, then the authorities come and seize them. They use torture to get compliance. Many Romanian men were burned alive for not turning over their guns, and some didn’t even have guns, but the authorities burned them anyway just to strike fear in the rest. You have to understand that communists use a lot of torture.”
My heart quickened as I listened to these live witnesses tell me the inside story about a communist takeover. I tried one more time, “You don’t understand, Americans are armed with a lot more guns and a lot more ammunition than other countries.” He repeated, “It doesn’t matter. They have more soldiers than you have bullets, besides in this country they have sophisticated means. Americans will not stand a chance against this government any more than we did. Your guns will be good for one thing – looters. When things get bad enough you will need your guns to keep looters away from what you have. In Katrina there were a lot of people killed by looters because they did not have guns to defend themselves. For a while you will need guns to protect yourself from other Americans. Eventually the government will confiscate all of them.”
By now we had walked to their car, a nice midsized sedan and I stood there feeling kind of glum. This was a whole lot more than I came to WalMart for. On a lighter note I said, “You weren’t here in America back then, but this was really a great country back in the 50’s and 60’s and even the 70’s and 80’s.” He said, “Oh, I know! It was a great country in 1982 when my parents sacrificed everything they had in the world to bring us here. We were even required to permanently denounce our Romanian citizenship in order to be allowed to leave Romania. I know many other international people. Five years ago they would still sacrifice everything to come here, but now it is different. Now they ask, ‘What is going on in America?’ It has changed and people are not making the sacrifice as much because what they are fleeing from is coming here now.”
He pointed to his father, the curious-looking little man who was the genesis of our whole conversation, who had dutifully stood alongside and listened to this entire conversation without saying a word, and the son said, “My father spent 5 years in a Romanian communist prison because of his faith.” “Because of his faith?” I asked. The son said, “My father was drafted into the Romanian army by the communists in 1950 and required to take an oath to kill any enemy of the government. Because of his faith he refused to take the oath so he was sent to prison from 1950 until 1955. And when I say ‘prison,’ it was not like what we have here, with four walls and 3 meals. It was outdoors, like a Nazi concentration camp. When someone would die they would just bury him in the mud.” I stood there on the pavement staring into the father’s eyes as the son told me about his father’s incarceration. It was obvious that the father understood every word that we were saying and that it brought back painful memories. He stared back at me for the longest time. It was like there was a fiber optic cable running between us with much being said without words. I stepped toward the father and extended my hand and he shook it. I didn’t know what else to say at the moment, so I thanked him for telling me his story. He smiled, nodded yes, and got into the car.
I asked the son if he had any suggestions and he said, “Yes. When it happens, don’t fight it. If you go along with them and make the best of it you can do quite well. If you resist you will be tormented, tortured, or hunted down and killed.”
I thanked the son for sharing his story as he got into the car. They drove off and left me standing in the parking lot stunned by the experience. I checked both directions before crossing traffic and walked straight back into WalMart and bought another box of bullets. It’s an American thing.
This story rings very true. If you do not understand what happened in Romania, and what communists are really like, I urge you to purchase the small book, Marx and Satan, by Pastor Richard Wurmbrand. He spent 13 years being tortured by Romanian Marxists because of his faith.
Credit to The Hagmann and Hagmann
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