Wednesday, December 31, 2014
American Bank Bail-Ins Are Beginning
It would appear that your bank is preparing to go on a bank holiday. No, not a vacation, but a holiday. After reading this article, you may find it prudent to check on the liquidity of your bank accounts and investment monies. Why? Because bank bail-ins appear to be commencing.
The Banks Are Not Our Friends
We are all concerned that one day we will attempt to gain access to our money in our bank accounts and and the banks will refuse to honor the request and keep the money. From an anecdotal perspective, it appears that the day that we cannot gain access to our money is now here. There are two instances that I am personally aware of, that the banks are failing to give their customers full access to THEIR money.
Bail-Ins Appear to Be Beginning
On Monday, one man that I personally know recently attempted to transfer a sizable sum of money (i.e. $110,000) from savings to checking to cover a check he had written for a large purchase. He attempted to move the money through online banking, which nobody should ever engage in, and was unsuccessful. He went to the bank and was subsequently told that there was a problem with his account and he could only transfer about 10% of what he intended to transfer from savings to checking. He inquired as to what the problem was and he was told that the branch did not have access to that information, only that he would not be permitted to make this transfer of funds “at this time”. Today, the charge will hit the bank and the check that he wrote is likely to bounce and will have serious ramifications to his credit. He told me that he is returning to his bank, Chase, with his attorney.
In a more serious situation, a man who has direct deposit from his employer to his bank account, has failed to receive his latest check. The money was due to be paid into his account on December 20, 2014. He called his employer’s accounts payable and was told that the credit had posted on the evening of December 19. Yet, the bank has told this desperate man that they have not received his check. The check also included an end of year bonus and as such is sizable (e.g. in excess of $60,000). This means that the bank has had his money for nine days and cannot account for the money. I have advised this Bank of America account holder to contact the FBI and report this as a crime.
Both victims approached me , about a week apart, because they were both aware that I had previously written articles which are highly critical of the banking system with regard to how insolvent they truly are and they hoped I would have some insight as to what they could to gain access to their money. The purpose of this article is to fire a shot across the bow of the banks and let them know that we are raising the alarms of what is going on. Where there are two instances of bank thievery, there are two hundred cases. I am requesting that anyone with knowledge of bankster crimes against their depositors pass along this information to myself and I will attempt to synthesize the information and report on the trend curves in these matters as they are occurring.
By the way, Mac Salvo, reported this same kind of crime last month.
The Ownership of the Banking System Is In Flux
I had a significant conversation that I wish everyone in the nation who has money in a bank could have listened to. I was relating the stories of the two men who cannot gain full access to their accounts, to an individual who holds a significant position within the banking system. I approached my old friend in the hope that he could provide some insight as to what is going on and what these two individuals could do to pry their money loose.
I was informed that some of the banking system is being purchased and the sale of banking assets is happening in a very covert manner and as long as a sale is pending, a bank does not want to see fluctuations in their net worth. He also told me that there are statistical algorithms that banks have been told that they must stay within because it impacts the baseline value of a bank in a sale. At that moment, I experienced an epiphany. I was aware that I had knowledge which matched word-for-word what my friend was telling me.
George Soros Is the Ultimate Economic Hit Man
Just over 20 years ago, international banker George Soros made his most famous investment by shorting the British pound and pocketing a billion dollars in the process. Following this watershed event, he has become well known for moving money and then betting on stock market crashes. In several instances, Soros has been known to rig various markets to fail for his own gain as well as the gain of the international banking cartel in Basel known as the Bank of International Settlements.
Several months ago, Soros made raised eyebrows by making a billion dollar stock bet against the S&P 500. At that particular time, Soros proclaimed, through his actions, that there were warning signs of coming S&P 500 troubles which signaled dangerous times ahead for the US economy. Because Glass-Steagall has been repealed, many banks have a direct and indirect presence in the stock market as evidenced by the folly of the credit-swap derivatives market. Going into the final few days of the year, the American Stock Market has an unprecedented bubble which is reminding many of the months leading of the 1929 Stock Market crash.
Disturbingly, Soros has repeatedly demonstrated that he has had both accurate and advanced knowledge of stock market and banking crashes in the past. Subsequently, savvy investors keep a very close eye on his money movements and resulting holdings as Soros is the “Canary in the mine”. He is the world’s ultimate economic hit man and both bankers and politicians watch his every move with fear and apprehension.
According to a 2014 filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, it was revealed that Soros sold his holdings in Citigroup, J.P. Morgan and Bank of America. Soros subsequently moved his money and took up new positions in gold and tech stocks associated with Chinese money movement. Soros has moved his money to RF Micro Devices, Nuance Communications, Marvel Technology Group, Nokia Corp., and Cypress Semiconductor. Soros also boosted his stake in Herbalife and took up a new position in Yamana Gold and AuRico Gold, and New Gold Inc. This sent shockwaves among aware investors in the banking and stock market arena.
Soros’ money movements are significant for several reasons. First, he is now betting against both the U.S. Stock Market and now the three major US domestic banks. Second, Soros has obtained a sizable gold portfolio which is something one would want to do if one were expecting, or causing a crash of currency to occur. Finally, and most significantly, Soros is betting against the solvency of the Federal Reserve by running from the three of the major investors (i.e. the three major banks) in the Federal Reserve. This has a lot to do on why the U.S. and Britain practiced for widespread bank failures on November 10th in a drill facilitated by the FDIC. This is also highly significant because this is occurring at a time when the Federal Reserve gave permission to various Chinese interests (i.e. all controlled by the Chinese military) to purchase sizable positions in American banking which serves to underwrite and partially fund the Federal Reserve.
It is interesting to note that JP Morgan Chase, earlier in 2014, has sold their property located at One Chase Manhattan Plaza skyscraper to Fosun International, a Chinese investment firm, for the bargain basement price of $725 million. This is only the latest in a series of New Yorkreal estate purchases by Chinese investors for properties formerly reserved for Federal Reserve members. This is a highly significant event that received only a couple of days of attention, but quickly faded from the front pages. In a future article, I will go into more detail how Soros is setting a trap for both the Chinese and the Federal Reserve. For now, let’s suffice it to say that his actions are helping to set the course for World War III because war is something that desperate nations engage in when they have no other financial options. America, China, Russia and their military allies are quickly approaching this moment.
Why It Is Becoming Difficult to Gain Access to Your Bank Account
On November 16, 2014, I covered the fact that the G20 nations passed a joint resolution to get their nation’s central banking system to declare that your bank account was not defined as money. This was done because the G20 central banks are approaching insolvency. This put your assets at the bottom of the list for FDIC compensation in the event a bank failure.
The fact that these two events happened in close proximity to each other is not surprising. However, it is surprising that these two events (i.e. the bank failure drill and the G20 declaration) happened in such close proximity to each other presents clear signs that the banking industry is preparing to hold on to your money in attempt to stave off financial ruin.
It is important to not leave more than an operating amount of money in your bank. How close the banks are to an all-out bank holiday is difficult to predict. However, I believe we are seeing the chest pains of a banking system, which will culminate in World War III. What you can do to minimize this looming and catastrophic event will be covered in my last article of 2014.
Credit to Common Sense
The Rigging Triangle Exposed: The JPMorgan-British Petroleum-Bank Of England Cartel Full Frontal
The name Dick Usher is familiar to regular readers: he was the head of spot foreign exchange for JPMorgan, and the bank's alleged chief FX market manipulator, who was promptly fired after it was revealed that JPM was the bank coordinating the biggest FX rigging scheme in history, as initially revealed in "Another JPMorganite Busted For "Bandits' Club" Market Manipulation." Subsequent revelations - which would have been impossible without the tremendous reporting of Bloomberg's Liam Vaughan - showed that JPM was not alone: as recent legal actions confirmed, virtually every single bank was also a keen FX rigging participant.
However, the undisputed ringleader was always America's largest bank, which would make sense: having a virtually unlimited balance sheet, JPM could outlast practically any margin call, and make money while its far smaller peers were closed out of trades... and existence.
But while the past year revealed that FX rigging was a just as pervasive, if not even more profitable industry for banks than the great Libor-fixing scandal (for details see "How To Rig FX Like A Pro "Bandit", And Make Millions In The Process"), the conventional wisdom was that it involved almost exclusively bankers at the largest global banks including JPM, Goldman, Deutsche, Barclays, RBS, HSBC, and UBS.
Now, courtesy of some more brilliant reporting by Vaughan, we can finally link banks with the other two facets of what has emerged to be an unprecedented FX-rigging "triangle" cartel: private sector companies that have no direct banking operations yet who have intimate prop trading exposure, as well as central banks themselves.
By "banks" we, of course, refer to the ringleader itself: JP Morgan, and its former head of spot forex trading in London, Dick Usher. As for the company that benefited from its heretofore secret participation in the biggest FX rigging scandal in history, it is none other than British Petroleum.
We learn about all this thanks to a story that begins with, of all thing, a story about freshwater fishing at a lake in Essex called "Wharf Pool."
As Bloomberg reports, "an hour away by train, in London’s financial district, the lake’s owners ply their trade. Wharf Pool was purchased for about 250,000 pounds ($388,000) in 2012 by Richard Usher, the former JPMorgan Chase & Co. trader at the center of a global investigation into corruption in the foreign-exchange market, and Andrew White, a currency trader at oil company BP Plc. "
The plot thickens: was there more than a passing connection between the head FX trader at JPM and White "who’s known in the market as Tubby, is one of half a dozen spot currency traders working for British Petroleum (BP) in London. He and his colleagues, most of them ex-bankers, decide which firms will carry out their foreign-exchange transactions. That makes them prized clients for banks seeking a slice of the business and a glimpse into potentially market-moving trades. Passing on information was a way to curry favor."
In short, a typical Over The Counter relationship between a banker and a buyside client, one which is largely unregulated and where the bank hopes to be able to frontrun the client's orders by providing the client with confidential market moving information, thus generating more business with the client in the future. In this case, however, the buyside client was not a typical hedge fund, but the FX trading group at one of the world's largest energy companies: a group which trades enormous amounts of FX every single day, both with intent to hedge, and to generate a profit.
The trading unit’s primary role is to manage the firm’s exposure to financial risks, including fluctuations in interest rates and foreign exchange, according to the company’s website. Unlike at most corporations, it also is run as a profit center, which means that in addition to hedging risks, traders can place their own bets on the direction of markets. The company doesn’t break out how much money the treasury unit makes
Basically, BP's energy operations were just a balance sheet funding cover: what its FX traders did in the front office was trade for a profit pure and simple, just like any prop trading desk or hedge fund anywhere else in the world. And it did so in collusion with a small group of market rigging individuals all located at the biggest, market-moving banks around the globe.
A quick reminder on the "Cartel":
The four banks in the Cartel controlled about 45 percent of the global spot-currency market, according to a survey by Euromoney Institutional Investor Plc, so information about their plans was valuable. Some days they worked together to push around the 4 p.m. fix, settlements with the banks show.The Cartel chat room was started by Usher as early as 2009, according to a person with knowledge of the matter. Usher had risen quickly to the top of his profession. After joining HBOS Plc in 2001, he was hired by Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc in 2003 and a year later collected an industry award on his employer’s behalf.... The four members of the chat room ribbed each other like high school buddies. Usher was referred to as Feston because he resembled an overweight version of British chef Heston Blumenthal, according to people who have seen the chats. Matt Gardiner, a UBS trader based in Zurich, was called Fossil because he was a few years older than the others. Rohan Ramchandani, Citigroup’s cricket-loving head of spot trading, was called Ruggy, while Chris Ashton, the last one to join, was dubbed Robocop.
Now we can add BP too, a BP which doesn't even hide the prop-trading nature of its FX "hedging" group, which is located two blocks away from, wait for it, JPMorgan!
The two dozen traders in BP’s treasury trading unit are housed above a Porsche showroom on the second and third floors of the company’s office in Canary Wharf, an area of reclaimed docklands three miles east of the City of London, the historic financial district. The building, two blocks from JPMorgan’s, was completed in 2003 on the cusp of an oil boom. Lights in meeting rooms flick from green to white when someone enters, in keeping with the company’s corporate colors.
And while until today the last sentence would be pure conjecture, thanks to Bloomberg's release of exchanges between JPM and BP revealing the extent to which the "cartel" would stoop in order to make money for its members on a daily, risk-free basis, it is not a fact.
From Bloomberg:
Copies of messages sent to BP traders over the course of a year were provided to Bloomberg News by a person with access to the online conversations. The person, who redacted the names of banks sending the messages and dates of conversations, said they came from firms whose senior foreign-exchange traders belonged to a chat room called “The Cartel” that was set up by Usher and included dealers at JPMorgan, Citigroup Inc., Barclays Plc and UBS Group AG.The information offered an insight into currency moves minutes, sometimes hours before they happened. The messages could drag the U.K.’s biggest energy company into a scandal that has enveloped 11 banks and led to more than 30 traders from London to Singapore losing or being suspended from their jobs. Last month six banks were fined $4.3 billion for passing along information about their clients and working together to rig foreign-exchange markets.
Presenting BP: collusive, insider trading hedge fund extraordinaire. All comparisons and similarities to Enron are purely coincidental.
With revenue of almost $400 billion last year and operations in about 80 countries, BP trades large quantities of currency each day. Traders at the company regularly received valuable information from counterparts at some of the world’s biggest banks -- including tips about forthcoming trades, details of confidential client business and discussions of stop-losses, the trigger points for a flurry of buying or selling -- according to four traders with direct knowledge of the practice.
Of course, in any non-banana republic, whose regulatory and enforcement divisions were not captured by the same megacorp that is in question here, this would have been the basis for a massive lawsuit, one which would ultimately seek to break apart the company's "profitable" FX trading division from its core energy business. But not in this republic: after all, between one of the world's biggest banks and one of the world's biggest corporations, and a corrupt, crony government it should be clear to everyone by now just who calls the shots.
BP of course is quick to note that it did nothing illegal: after all the last thing the company needs is its own Enron-type scandal, where an ancillary business manages to drag down the entire company. Sure enough it has promptly denied everything:
BP said in a statement that it conducted an internal review after regulators began probing currency markets. “BP’s FX desk has relationships as a customer with 26 relationship banks, including JPMorgan, Citibank and Barclays,” the London-based company said. “BP has a robust framework of compliance requirements and internal controls which are constantly reviewed, and maintains an open dialogue with the appropriate regulators.”The firm, the third-largest publicly traded company in the U.K., hasn’t been investigated by regulators looking into currency manipulation, according to a person with knowledge of the matter. Chris Hamilton, a spokesman for the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority, declined to comment, as did representatives of JPMorgan, Barclays, Citigroup and UBS.
So how does one explain the joint equity interest in - for example - the little fishing lake ?
“BP’s Code of Conduct includes mandatory requirements for employees to disclose potential conflicts of interests internally,” the company said in response to a question about the commercial relationship between Usher and White through the fishing lake. “Following such disclosure, steps are taken to manage and monitor these appropriately. It is our policy not to comment on individuals.”
In other words, one can't. Which is how BP likes it. Which is also why Bloomberg was quite cautious with how it phrases BP's involvement into something that could promptly turn out to be Britain's own Enron:
While there’s no evidence that any BP traders were members of the Cartel, Usher participated in at least one chat room with White, according to a person who has examined conversations that included both men. It couldn’t be determined from the messages reviewed by Bloomberg News who sent the information to BP or whether BP employees acted on any of the tips.
They did, and this is how we know: "Traders at BP haven’t been accused of any wrongdoing. Last year, within hours of regulators announcing probes, the chats between BP and the banks were shut down, people with knowledge of the matter said. Soon after, a compliance officer was placed on the desk for the first time, one of them said."
Not exactly something one would do if one was, for lack of a better term, innocent.
And while we hold our breath until UK's justice (don't laugh please) system assigns blame - by which we mean a $19.95 one time settlement with a promise by BP it will never do it again - here is a glimpse at the full extent of just how this rigging took place:
In the clubby, lightly regulated world of foreign exchange, traders passed around tips to their circle of trusted contacts like candy. The victims: mutual-fund investors, pensioners and day traders who took the other side of a transaction at a lower price than they would have if they had the same information....In an undated message seen by Bloomberg News, a trader at a bank told BP he would be buying U.S. dollars against Australian dollars at the WM/Reuters fix at 4 p.m. in London, the one-minute window during which traders around the world exchange billions of dollars of currency on behalf of pension funds and asset managers. The message was received at BP about 30 minutes before the fix. By tipping his hand, the sender was telling BP about a potential fall in the Australian currencyAt about 3 p.m. in London on a different afternoon, BP traders were informed that banks were selling dollars against the yen at 4 p.m. In a third message, this one arriving as the oil company’s traders drank their first coffee of the morning, a trader at a bank said he had just sold a quantity of an emerging-market currency, to whom and the price he received.The settlements the banks reached with regulators reveal that in the minutes before 4 p.m. the traders would meet on chat rooms to discuss their positions and how they planned to execute them. Sometimes they also agreed to work together to push exchange rates around to boost their profits –- something they called “double-teaming.”
All of the above would be, if proven, criminal but in line with expectations: after all when given a carte blanche to do anything they want, humans will do just that, even if it means trample every regulation known to man. In fact, the bigger one's balance sheet, the greater one's percevied (and realized) leeway of sneaking between the legal cracks, facilitated by the number of politicians and regulators that have been coopted and outright purchased courtesy of said big balance sheet.
However, the true punchline is this: "[Usher] joined JPMorgan as head of spot foreign exchange in 2010, where he became a member of the now-defunct Bank of England’s Chief Dealers Sub Group, a collection of about a dozen currency traders and central bank officials who met at restaurants and bank offices to discuss industry developments."
In other words, all of this rigging, all of the FX manipulation, all of the criminal abuse of naive, innocent market participants took place with the Bank of England's own seal of approval. Which, of course, is why the BofE itself had to scapegoat its own sacrificial lamb to avoid any further connection to this criminal cartel - something it did in early November when it fired its Chief FX dealer, Martin Mallett, who on November 12 "was dismissed by the Bank of England yesterday for “serious misconduct relating to failure to adhere to the Bank’s internal policies,” according to a statement by the central bank today."
And just like that all loose ends have been cut off, although if we were Mr. Mallett, we would certainly keep away from loose nail guns, hot tubs or airplanes for the next several months.
In the meantime, after the mandatory pause of 3-6 months, all rigging, all manipulation, and all criminal abuse with blessing from the central bank itself will quietly return, because until the great (and as increasingly more predict, very violent) reset finally comes, nothing can possibly change in a system as corrupt as this one.
Credit to Zero Hedge
What the Palestinian Authority Did Not Tell the UN Security Council
What the Palestinians did not tell the Security Council is that the state they seek to establish is one that does not respect public freedoms, first and foremost freedom of expression. It will be a state where the president or any of his senior officials could order the arrest of anyone who dares to speak out against lack of democracy or reforms.
Nor does the Palestinian Authority want the international community to know that 2014 witnessed the worst assaults on freedoms since its establishment two decades ago.
The Palestinian Authority is trying to send a message that no one is immune to arrest or harassment, even if it is a woman.
Palestinian women have become the latest victims of the Palestinian Authority's assault on freedom of expression in the West Bank.
In the male-dominated Arab culture, an insult from a woman is considered far more offensive than one that comes from a man.
That is the main reason why the Palestinian Authority [PA] has been quick to take action against women who dare to speak out or make critical remarks.
The Palestinians also know that women are more vulnerable than men. By targeting women, the PA is not only trying to intimidate and silence them, but also deter others from speaking out. The PA is hoping to send a message that no one is immune to arrest or harassment, even if it is a woman.

Palestinian Authority riot police clash with protesting women in Hebron, October 2014.
The clampdown coincides with the Palestinian Authority's effort to seek a United Nations Security Council resolution that sets a timeline for an Israeli withdrawal to the pre-1967 lines and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.
Last week, Jordan submitted to the Security Council a Palestinian-drafted resolution calling for an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories by the end of 2017 and a peace deal within a year.
But what the Palestinians did not tell the Security Council is that the state they seek to establish is one that does not respect public freedoms, first and foremost freedom of expression.
This would be a state where people are detained and intimidated for using social media to express their views. It will also be a state where the president or any of his senior officials could order the arrest of anyone who dares to speak out against lack of democracy and reforms.
The draft resolution that was submitted to the Security Council fails to mention the fact that the Palestinian Authority is harassing and persecuting political opponents and critics, including Facebook users.
Credit to
In an interview with National Public Radio published Monday, President Barack Obama offered Iran the prospect of becoming a “regional power” in exchange for a nuclear deal. If the Iranian regime seized the opportunity he was offering, Obama told NPR’s Steve Inskeep, “it would be a very successful regional power that was also abiding by international norms and international rules, and that would be good for everybody.” Obama said that would be good for the U.S., as well as for Iran and the region as a whole.
The offer is not necessarily new. At the beginning of the year, Obama gave an interview to David Remnick of the New Yorker in which he called for a “new equilibrium” in the Middle East–one that would prop up Iran against Israel and the Sunni Arab states. The resulting balance, in Obama’s view, would promote stability and reduce the need for American intervention. U.S. allies in the region are decidedly less optimistic about that vision: both Israel and Saudi Arabia are alarmed at Iran’s aggressive ambitions.
With his offer of “regional power,” however, Obama has decisively rejected “regime change” in Iran. In essence, he is offering to legitimize the regime–even suggesting a U.S. embassy in Tehran is possible–as long as the Iranian regime changes its behavior, or at least its “rhetoric.” That runs against the advice of experts such as Kenneth Pollack–an opponent of war with Iran–who has suggested that holding forth the prospect of long-term regime change may be the only way a diplomatic approach can succeed.
Credit to Breitbart
China and Russia launch financial tools in local currencies
China and Russia have effectively switched to domestic currencies in trading using financial tools as swaps and forwards, as they seek to reduce the influence of the US dollar and foreign exchange risks.
The agreement signed in the end of October comes into force Monday, December 29, and provides a currency swap of CNY150 billion (up to US$25 billion).
The country’s Foreign Exchange Trade System will carry out similar transactions with the Malaysian ringgit and the New Zealand dollar.
From now on yuan swaps are available for 11 currencies on the foreign exchange market.
“China won’t stop yuan globalization or capital account opening because of the volatility in emerging market currencies,” Ju Wang, a senior currency strategist at HSBC Holdings Plc in Hong Kong told Bloomberg.
China has set up bilateral currency swap lines with more than 20 countries and regions since 2009, including Switzerland, Brazil, Hong Kong, Indonesia and South Korea, Xinhua News reported in July.
A swap is a financial tool to ease transactions by exchanging certain elements of a loan in one currency, like the principal or interest payments into an equivalent loan in another currency.
Currency forward is an obligation of two parties to convert an agreed amount of one currency into another by a certain date at an exchange rate specified at the moment of signing the deal.
Russia and China have long been looking for ways to cut the dollar’s role in international trade. The question is significant for China as 32 percent, or $4 trillion of its foreign exchange reserves are in US bonds, which means there is a vulnerability to fluctuations in the exchange rate.
Credit to RT
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Islamic State (ISIS) Says Only a Matter of Time Before Europe Is Conquered

When I got into this fight in the wake of September 11, I would never have believed that such warnings had any real possibility of coming true, despite the unspeakable blood and carnage of that horrible attack. But seeing how the West has submitted and surrendered to these savages, I don’t think it can be avoided.
Europe has forfeited its future, and any attempts to oppose the islamization of Europe are met with scorn, derision, defamation and criminalization. In other words, sharia enforcement.
Does the Islamic State (ISIS) of Europe seem so impossible? Between the Islamic State and Turkey’s entry into NATO and then the EU, it’s game over.
The prescient historian, Bat Ye’or, in her book Europe, Globalization, and the Coming Universal Caliphate, predicted that Europe will not remain multicultural for long. She warned that Europe would be dominated by Islamic extremists and transformed into “Eurabia.” She was right, and she wrote that before the sweeping gains of the Islamic State.
Immigrants can enrich a nation. But there is a difference between immigrants and colonists. The former are eager to learn the ways of their adopted home, to integrate and perhaps assimilate — which does not require relinquishing their heritage or forgetting their roots. Colonists, by contrast, bring their culture with them and live under their own laws. Their loyalties lie elsewhere.
Credit to Common Sense“ISIS Say Only a Matter of Time Before Europe Is Conquered; Plan ‘Largest Religious CleansingCampaign’ in History,” By Stoyan Zaimov , Christian Post Reporter, December 22, 2014Smoke raises behind an Islamic State flag after Iraqi security forces and Shiite fighters took control of Saadiya in Diyala province from Islamist State militants, November 24, 2014. Iraqi forces said on Sunday they retook two towns north of Baghdad from Islamic State fighters, driving them from strongholds they had held for months and clearing a main road from the capital to Iran. There was no independent confirmation that the army, Shiite militia and Kurdish peshmerga forces had completely retaken Jalawla and Saadiya, about 115 km (70 miles) northeast of Baghdad. Many residents fled the violence long ago. At least 23 peshmerga and militia fighters were killed and dozens were wounded in Sunday’s fighting, medical and army sources said.
A spokesman for ISIS has claimed in an interview that it’s only a matter of time before the jihadists expand and conquer Europe. He also defended the terror group’s practices of mass enslavement and beheadings, and said that it plans to carry out “the largest religious cleansing campaign” in history, which will include the killing of hundreds of millions of people.“No, we will conquer Europe one day. It is not a question of if we will conquer Europe, just a matter of when that will happen. But it is certain. … For us, there is no such thing as borders. There are only front lines,” the spokesman, identified only as a German ISIS fighter, told journalist Juergen Todenhoefer in an article for CNN.“Our expansion will be perpetual. … And the Europeans need to know that when we come, it will not be in a nice way. It will be with our weapons. And those who do not convert to Islam or pay the Islamic tax will be killed.”ISIS, or the Islamic State as the group is also known, has captured a number of cities across Iraq and Syria, and has become known for beheading prisoners on camera and enslaving religious minorities, including Christians.
The devilish antics of Bavarian secret societies and the inter generational masonic mind programming

What’s behind the tradition, the pomp and circumstance?
Another Christmas under our belts and with that, another Queen’s address to her British subjects and to the peoples of world at large.
We see the royals constantly in the media, yet very rarely in public. Who are the Royal Family? Where do they come from? How, and why did they acquire the name “Windsor”?
Historian, researcher, author and prolific filmmaker, Christopher Everard, is offering some answers to these questions about a much-maligned, and often misunderstood Royal Family…

IT’S A HARD KNOCK LIFE: The Royal Family enjoy an exquisite day of champagne and presents at one of many royal digs.
THE QUEEN’S SPEECH… Is usually recorded about four weeks before Christmas. Because the Queen is married to a German family, and her ancestor, Prince Albert of Saxe Coburg spoke German, wrote all letters of state in German and that her own nephew was a spy selling British secrets to the Germans, the Queen uses the Christmas Day broadcast to make us think she is wholly British and a Christian.
Her actual family come from Saxony and Bavaria – more of her ancestors are German than British.
Her Christmas Day speech usually includes references to British religious landmarks, such as this year when her speech stated “In the ruins of the old Coventry Cathedral is a sculpture of a man and a woman reaching out to embrace each other. The sculptor was inspired by the story of a woman who crossed Europe on foot after the war to find her husband. Casts of the same sculpture can be found in Belfast and Berlin, and it is simply called Reconciliation”.
(…) The Queen is not just the Queen of Britain, she is the queen of a vast empire called theCommonwealth.
Her name is not ‘Windsor’ – on 18th of July 1917, the Times newspaper carried a royal proclamation introducing the name “Windsor” and dropping “all German titles” held by the royal family at Buckingham Palace. Britain’s royal family were known as the Dukes, Kings and Queens of “Saxe-Coburg-Gotha”. In a time of brutal war with Germany, a more German family name would be hard to find.
By 1915, with the first world war almost a year old, the horrific sinking of the cruise-ship Lusitania by a German submarine – with the loss of almost 1,200 lives – a fresh wave of anti-German outrage emerged in Britain and in the USA. The consequences for Germans in Britain were grave – and so, being German, the queen’s grand-parents and great-grandparents created a fake name which they use to this day; ‘WINDSOR’.
Today, our present queen is the queen to peoples on all corners of planet earth – and she earns TAXES from far a field, such as sheep farm workers in Australia and tourism businesses in the manyCaribbean islands which the queen owns as part of the ‘commonwealth’.
Her close relatives control the thrones of Spain, Netherlands and her brother-in-law’s family controlled the intelligence/spy networks of the NAZI Third Reich. She is married to her own cousin, and he owns an enormous private estate in the Holstein-Schleisweg district on the border between northern Germany and Scandinavia. The queen hires and fires the head of the BBC and several other prominent jobs in Britain. Her family’s financial affairs are forbidden from public discussion and she can recall and dissolve parliament whenever she likes. Her cousin is DAVID CAMERON, and there are strong Germanic-Jewish ties to our ‘British’ royal family.
Where does her money come from? It comes in the form of TAXES which are earned from millions of people’s wage-packets. The Queen also earns millions each year from her private estate which is centred on the county of Lancaster.
In addition to the total monarchial control of the Inland Revenue, Royal Mint and Crown Estates, the British monarchy have their own personal land estates – these are properties which at no time can be claimed by the British People and are always, under rule of law, considered to be private estates. One such estate is the vast Duchy of Lancaster which consists of 46,200 acres (18,700 hectares) which includes hamlets, villages, towns, historic buildings, and farm land right across England and Wales.
As of fiscal year 2007, the Duchy of Lancaster is valued at £397 million, earning Queen Elizabeth an officially stated net profit of £11.9 million – or, put another way, she has a private income from this Duchy equivalent to nearly £33,000 per day. Income tax is paid voluntarily on all profits from the Duchy of Lancaster.
The duchy is not the property of ‘The Crown’ (which is a label used to perpetuate the pretence that British People own the property) but is instead the personal property of the monarch and has been since 1399, when the Dukedom of Lancaster, held by Henry of Bolingbroke merged with the crown on his appropriation of the throne (after the dispossession from Richard II). This area of Britain is populated by some of the poorest families in Europe, with disgusting living conditions. Elevators full of piss are a common sight, and vandalism and graffiti is, perhaps, a subconscious reaction to the immense inequality witnessed in this region.
I have written this article so that the next time a politician tells you that there will be ‘tough decisions’ to be made – which is political double-speak for cutting wages and wheeling in another slab of taxes which fire off yet another recession – you can refer to this article and confidently quote the immense amount of TAX which we all pay each year and how our tax money has created a vast fortune for the Royals…

Taxes on Customs & Excise are collected worldwide and funneled into Buckingham Palace – it is a matter of fact that revenues flow into the coffers from the USA and especially the ‘common wealth’ nations. BP shareholdings by the British royals and indeed the Dutch royals (who are closely related) are extensive – to say the least – and the crude oil extracted from the Americas by BP, which is then refined into consumer products, marine diesel and automobile fuels, accrues vast revenues for the royal family members in Europe…
Taxes on Customs & Excise are collected worldwide and funneled into Buckingham Palace – it is a matter of fact that revenues flow into the coffers from the USA and especially the ‘common wealth’ nations. BP shareholdings by the British royals and indeed the Dutch royals (who are closely related) are extensive – to say the least – and the crude oil extracted from the Americas by BP, which is then refined into consumer products, marine diesel and automobile fuels, accrues vast revenues for the royal family members in Europe…
First of all, exactly how much tax do British people pay every year? Taxation in the United Kingdom earned Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs £660 billion pounds last year – that is the sum which is commonly quoted by MPs and newspapers. Much of that tax comes from the People – not Corporations – who are often able to shutdown their parent company after three years, and start trading under a slightly different name, thus avoiding capital gains tax in perpetuity. This, of course, makes a mockery of the unwritten law that the wealthier of people in society contribute tax revenue in order to help the disabled & elderly. Workers, however, on the P.A.Y.E system cannot take legal advantage of tax havens, and have the indignation of a large portion of their salary being taxed/stolen at source, with not a jot of thanks from the Inland Revenue – nor, more importantly, is there any explanation as to why they have been taxed and what exactly the tax will be spent on.
(…) Of course, the Queen would be horrified if the British public realised that her own brother-in-law through marriage was a senior NAZI who funded and helped stage-manage the murder, torture, rape, killing and bombing of many hundreds of thousands of British troops and their allies. Thequeen’s husband has close former Nazi relatives – and this fact was raised by Mohamed Al Fayed during his evidence at the inquest into the killing of his son Dodi and Princess Diana in 1997. Mr Al Fayed believes Prince Philip personally orchestrated their deaths and, while being questioned, demanded that the coroner Mr Justice Scott Baker investigate the “Prince’s Nazi past”.
The sinister Nazi connections come from three of the Duke of Edinburgh’s four sisters – Sophie, Cecile and Margarita. All had married German princes, three of whom became leading Nazis – and that means that they were financing the killing machine which bred a ‘master race’ .

Prince Philip, whose family name is Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, attended the funeral in Nazi Germany of his elder sister Cecile as a 16-year-old schoolboy in 1937. He was pictured flanked by other relatives who were dressed in NAZI and Brownshirt uniforms. This, then, is the queen’s immediate inter-married family – headed by two princes in particular – Philipp of Hesse and his brother Christoph, who were great-grandsons of Queen Victoria – they had been central architects of a plan which was designed to bomb and crush the national governments of all Europe’s nations, and bring the colonies of Portugal, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Hungary, Britain, Ireland, Scandinavia and Greece under one centralised super-government which is exactly what we have today – it is called the EUROPEAN UNION – and it is secretly controlled by Buckingham Palace.
The queen’s immediate relatives plotted and conducted bombing raids and reduced the areas of all Europe’s cities where poor people lived into rubble and wasteland. It was the queen’s relatives who waged war on the People – the POOR PEOPLE.
No wonder then, as this information seeps out onto the world wide web, that she announced in her Christmas broadcast “Reconciliation is the peaceful end to conflict, and we were reminded of this in August when countries on both sides of the first world war came together to remember in peace…”
The queen then said; “The ceramic poppies at the Tower of London drew millions, and the only possible reaction to seeing them and walking among them was silence. For every poppy a life; and a reminder of the grief of loved ones left behind”. In fact, those poppies displayed at the Tower of London were deliberately made to look like blood gushing from a window and pooling around the Tower which is where many royal members of the queen’s family had been murdered, or ordered the torture and execution of the innocent.
The queen’s speech is definitely an ‘olive branch’ being offered to authors like myself who have made films that expose the carnage and blood on royal hands. She said; “In 1914, many people thought the war would be over by Christmas, but sadly by then the trenches were dug and the future shape of the war in Europe was set. But, as we know, something remarkable did happen that Christmas, exactly a hundred years ago today. Without any instruction or command, the shooting stopped and German and British soldiers met in no man’s land. Photographs were taken and gifts exchanged. It was a Christmas truce. Truces are not a new idea. In the ancient world a truce was declared for the duration of the Olympic Games and wars and battles were put on hold…”. Well Ma’am, I am sorry to say this, but the only we can have any kind of truce is by way of equalising British society, handing back lands stolen from commonwealth aboriginal tribal people, and making sure that you STOP TAXING US.
The queen then attempted to ingratiate herself with the millions of brain dead TV addicts who sit through hours of meaningless televised SPORT – she said; “Sport has a wonderful way of bringing together people and nations, as we saw this year in Glasgow when over 70 countries took part in the Commonwealth Games. It is no accident that they are known as the Friendly Games. As well as promoting dialogue between nations, the Commonwealth Games pioneered the inclusion of para-sports within each day’s events. As with the Invictus Games that followed, the courage, determination and talent of the athletes captured our imagination as well as breaking down divisions…” The queen thinks that giving ‘circuses’ to the nations, just as the Roman Emperors did, that we would all forget about her family’s heinous war crimes. We don’t and will not.
Her Majesty then attempted to make some kind of apology for the thousands of families who were marred and bereaved through her civil warfare operation in Northern Ireland which lasted from the early 1960s through to the end of the 1990s; She said “The benefits of reconciliation were clear to see when I visited Belfast in June. While my tour of the set of Game Of Thrones may have gained most attention, my visit to the Crumlin Road Gaol will remain vividly in my mind”. It was, actually, this prison where agents, double agents and triple agents tortured, beat and were themselves incarcerated as the wicked civil warfare bloomed in Ireland – this war was about TAXATION and the need-for-greed which assimilates all royal family members – it is the wage packets of the Northern Irish people closest to her heart – not their feelings, or remorse for the people killed under orders of the ‘loyalists’ and the MI5 death squads in Ireland.
She even had the audacity to say; “What was once a prison during the Troubles is now a place of hope and fresh purpose; a reminder of what is possible when people reach out to one another, rather like the couple in the sculpture”. Of course, the real reason why there is now a truce in northern Ireland is that bombs were planted in the City of London which hit Buckingham Palace and all their stockbroker yes-men very hard indeed.
Perhaps the biggest insult was a total lack of recognition of the blatant VOTE RIGGING in the Scottish Referendum, which I predicted two months before it would take place, would result in an outcome in favour of Buckingham Palace – on this point, the queen said; “Of course, reconciliation takes different forms. In Scotland after the referendum many felt great disappointment, while others felt great relief; and bridging these differences will take time”.
(…) the Saxe-Coburg Gotha royal clan up-booted from Germany and took over control of the throne of Britain. The name Saxe-Coburg-Gotha came to the British Royal Family in 1840 with the marriage of Queen Victoria to Prince Albert, son of Ernst, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Members of this ‘British’ royal family had been involved in the BAVARIAN ILLUMINATI which had been stage-managed from behind the scenes by Adam Weishaupt, who on 18th November 1830 (aged 82) died in the queen’s family duchy of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
Of course, the Bavarian Illuminati was a Judaic and ‘illuminised’ form of freemasonry – it’s rituals were based on jewish magic and Chaldean pageantry. Adam Weishaupt was a closet jewish lawyer specialising in the law of the Vatican, and he received regular wages from the queen’s ancestor, Duke Ernest II of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg (1745–1804). Weishaupt lived in a house on the Gotha Duchy writing a series of works on illuminism [ie; planning the New World Order], his books include gems such as A Complete History of the Persecutions of the Illuminati in Bavaria (1785), A Picture of Illuminism (1786), An Apology for the Illuminati (1786), and An Improved System of Illuminism (1787).
Considering the devilish antics of Bavarian secret societies and the inter-generational masonic mind-programming which has gone on amongst the royal family, one can see very well that they are far from being ‘good christians’…
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Credit to Christofer Everard
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