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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Phase Two of Jade Helm 15 Is Emerging

Not on my watch!
Not on my watch!
As many of us have suspected since the announcement of Jade Helm 15 and their desire to “Master the Human Domain”, there is a lot to Jade Helm 15 that is not being released. We know the “drill” is a “dissident extraction” exercise which many of us fear could go live at any time. A week ago, I received information that the United Nations, including Russian troops, were going to have a presence in the drill. Subsequently, I reported that the United Nations would have an “observer” in every unit in every part of the Jade Helm 15 drill.
Common sense would dictate that Jade Helm 15 personnel do not need 60 days (July 15-September 15) to practice/complete extraction drills. Most researchers as well as my insider sources concur there is more to Jade Helm than the announced purpose. Although the drill is not scheduled to start in over 3 months, it actually began in Ft. Lauderdale with extraction of dissidents on March 27, 2015.
Is there a phase two to the Jade Helm 15 drill? The short answer is “yes”.
Phase One: Potential Dissident Extraction
Phase Two: Gun confiscation

Jade Helm 15 will not likely stop with two phases and I know for a fact that this list of Jade Helm 15 applications will grow.  Not surprisingly, the United Nations will be involved every step of the way. Now that I have been provided with a two phase operation from trusted insider sources, can these claims be supported by publicly known facts?

Phase One: Dissident Extraction

On Friday March 27, 2015, I was interviewed by Nik Rajkovic, a news reporter for NewsRadio 740 KTRH in Houston. In the course of the interview, Rajkovic informed me that he had interviewed a Sheriff’s Deputy and was told that Jade Helm 15 was practicing “extractions of dissidents”.
A review of the events in Ft. Lauderdale on March 27, 2015, clearly demonstrated that a dissident extraction drill was indeed being conducted.
Did you ever think you would see this in America? This is an extraction of dissidents drill in Florida.
Did you ever think you would see this in America? This is an extraction of dissidents drill in Florida.

The “dissidents” were then transported to waiting white vans for transport and then this was followed by removal of the drill’s participants to the now infamous black helicopters.
jh 15 white vans

The United Nations Prepositioning of Military Assets Began In the Summer of 2014

Last summer reports, photos and videos began to surface regarding the entry of UN military equipment on American soil. The following represents some of the images of these reports dating back to June of 2014.
un vehicles 2

This was taken six days ago on a Georgia highway. What are they doing here?

Don’t believe the validity of these still photos? Then please explain the following video? (Foul language: Viewer Discretion Advised)

Phase Two: Gun Confiscation and the UN Small Arms Treaty

Reportedly, Phase Two of Jade Helm will consist of gun confiscation and there is ample evidence pointing to this strong possibility and it started with a very concerning act that involved the Secretary of State, John Kerry, and President Obama as Kerry signed the illegal and unconstitutional UN Small Arms Treaty which effectively bans all private ownership of guns. There is one provision in the treaty that has received absolutely no attention in our mainstream media and that is the section having to do with confiscation and the use of foreign troops:
State parties to the ATT “may seek assistance” in implementing the Treaty. The ATT indicates that a voluntary trust fund was established to promote the establishment of a multinational gun confiscation program.
I have learned that JH 15 will also use its “Mutli-national” partners in the upcoming drill, thus enhancing the strong possibility that foreign troops will be used to seize American guns. Therefore, it is difficult to believe that gun confiscation is not on the list of activities for JH 15 and that my sources are correct.
More proof for Jade Helm morphing into a gun confiscation drill comes from the United Nations itself. Under the heading, “Hiding in plain sight”, the United Nations previously advertised for the following position in the Summer of 2014:
Posting Title: Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Officer, P4
Department/Office: Department of Peacekeeping Operations
Duty Station: New York
Job Description: A minimum of seven years of progressively responsible experience in disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration or related area. Experience working within peacekeeping, peace-building or development programmes operations is desirable. Experience with small arms control, conflict/post-conflict crisis management, economic recovery is desirable. Experience coordinating multiple partner agencies, funds or programmes is desirable.

Analysis of the Job Description

What is highly significant is that nobody seems to be talking about this illegitimate imposition of foreign troops on our soil and this notion is represented in the phrase “conflict/post conflict management“! What conflict/post conflict management? Conflict management is another euphemism reserved for one of two possibilities. First, this implies there will be a civil war, hence the reason for the Jade Helm 15 drills. With over 260+ senior military officers fired by Obama for not embracing the future need to fire on American citizens, speaks clearly to this point. Ask yourself, what would be the one thing that this administration could do that would guarantee a violent response from many of the people? That one thing would be to start seizing private guns. Foreign troops will be operating under the UN flag in the pursuit of this agenda. Obama is in the midst of purging the military leadership who will not necessarily and  indiscriminately fire upon American citizens who would resist having their Second Amendment rights obliterated by this present administration. Secondly, in order to create the manufactured need to impose martial law, the administration would need a pretext, a false flag event. I have been covering the pretext possibilities for over a  year. In fact, the pretext has been rehearsed repeatedly since last fall (see FEMA and DHS drills below).
Peacekeeping is normally the euphemism reserved for gun confiscation and population subjugation. If there is any doubt to the veracity of this claim, the following phrase “Experience with small arms control“, should remove any doubt as to what is coming. Further this job description uses phrases such as “demobilization“. Further, the phrase “reintegration” is also significant. By definition, what is a re-education camp designed for? Quite simply put, it is designed for reintegration back into society with a more politically appropriate attitude. Back into society from where? This question can be answered with a pair of four letter words, FEMA Camp.
UN controlled FEMA Camp

It is clear that this administration is going after the guns and it will rely heavily on its “Mutli-national partners to accomplish this goal. Generally, this kind of bold move would require the implemetation of a false flag attack in order to minimize public resistance. In 2013, a plethora of potential false flag events were rehearsed by FEMA, DHS and their “foreign partners”. Gun confiscation is clearly part of what is meant by “Master the Human Domain”.

Rehearsing for Martial Law

In the Fall of 2013, FEMA, DHS and select foreign entities extensively rehearsed for the following contingencies in the following list of preparedness and disaster drills planned and carried out over a six week period:

5, Nine-week training course for UN Peacekeepers in CONUS to learn Urban Warfare, English, and US weapons systems beginning in late July 2013 for 386,000 troops and the “drill” was wrapped up by October 1, 2013

6. Great Shakeout Drill conducted on October 17, 2013
9. GridEx2 Nov. 13-14, 2013, which was a simulated EMP attack upon the American power grid. Both the Russians and the Chinese were allowed to participate. 

Let’s focus ofn#5. Why would foreign troops (i.e. UN Peacekeepers) practice urban warfare and be taught English unless they were part of a martial law occupation force? And what do martial law occupation forces do? They round up undesirable citizens, seize guns and relocate populations for final disposition. Buried within the myriad of these 2013 drills, it is easy to conclude that somewhere in this mess is a false flag drill designed to set into motion the implementation of martial law under the auspices of the United Nations. Jade Helm 15 is the manifestation of all this planning.


There are two phases emerging from Jade Helm 15. These two phases are bad enough. However, there are certain to be more as the nation enters into what could be a long, hot summer.
Credit to Common Sense

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