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Thursday, May 25, 2017

Did Isaiah Prophesy of World Leaders Contacting Aliens?

L.A. Times Publishes Op-Ed About Putting a 'Binding Curse' on President Trump

President Donald Trump Praying at the Western Wall
President Donald Trump may have said a prayer for himself at the Western Wall, but he needs all of our prayers after what one author wrote in an op-ed published Tuesday by The Los Angeles Times newspaper. (Reuters photo)
Diane Wagman is an author who frequently writes op-eds for The Los Angeles Timesnewspaper.
In her latest, however, she brags about doing something particularly vile against President Donald Trump. The column's title: "I Put a Spell on You, Mr. President."
Wagman says she's not a Wiccan or a devil worshipper. She just simply believes in the power of positive thinking. And, she positively loathes the thought of our nation's president and the people he has working for him in the administration.
She wrote:
I cast a spell on the president. I was not alone. Thousands of witches, believers and people like me all over the world performed "A Spell to Bind Donald Trump and All Those Who Abet Him" under the waning crescent moon last month. It was not meant to physically hurt him, only to keep him from succeeding at his tasks. Now he's complaining he's the object of a "witch hunt." Maybe the spell is working ...
The binding-spell movement started with an article on Medium posted by Michael M. Hughes, a writer and magician. I don't believe in the devil, but I do believe our country has gone to hell, and I am willing to try anything to save us.
But before I lighted my candles, I researched binding spells. I didn't want to send bad vibes into the universe. There is enough evil in Washington already: Stephen K. Bannon, Stephen Miller, Jeff Sessions. The dark and terrifying have risen.
Wagman said she researched the "pre-Christian" history of binding spells and then looked up the spell and the necessary ingredients to cast one of her own upon the president. Among the instruments of her dark endeavor were a Tarot card, an "unflattering" photo of the president and an orange candle she took from her family's menorah (her husband is Jewish).
She wrote about what she did:
My husband was watching "SportsCenter" in the other room. I stood at the kitchen sink. It took less than five minutes. More time was required to get the components together, although that wasn't difficult—no eye of newt or boiling cauldron required.
She claims she was disappointed at first because the House of Representatives passed the American Health Care Act almost immediately after she cast the spell. But then, she said "the president began to falter." She suggested she will cast the spell again, noting that, "The next waning crescent moon will be May 23."
Wagman concluded:
I plan to complete the ritual again, but that's not all. I'll keep signing petitions, calling my representatives, sending donations to the American Civil Liberties Union and marching to City Hall. A binding spell is fine, but it's not enough.
I believe in resistance and in the power of collective action. Working together by the millions—sending out shared, fervent hopes and dreams and wishes, praying, voting, even casting a binding spell—we cannot be ignored. Doing these things, keeping the faith, gives me hope.
The president remains under constant attack for doing exactly what he told the voters he would do—what we elected him to do. Now, more than ever, he needs your prayers. 

Credit to Charismanews.com

Snyder: Desperate Liberals Try To Blame The Manchester Terror Attack On Anyone Other Than Islamic Terrorists

The left just can’t seem to understand that Islamic terrorists are going to try to destroy our way of life no matter how nice we are to them. On Monday night, a bombing at Ariana Grande’s Manchester concert made headlines all over the globe. 22 people, including an 8-year-old girl, were killed and 59 were wounded. It is exactly the sort of “soft target” attack that I have been warning about, and ISIS quickly claimed responsibility. Within the last 30 days, there have been 169 Islamic terror attacks in a total of 24 different countries. Last year, the number of global terror attacks was up 25 percent from the year before, and this year we will almost certainly see another all-time record high. But many liberals never even want to use the phrase “Islamic terror” because it doesn’t fit their agenda.
In fact, many liberals immediately jumped on Twitter after the terror attack in Manchester and started warning about the spread of “Islamophobia”.
For example, Quen Took posted the following tweet…
Don’t use  incident as an excuse for Islamophobia. Stand with our beautiful Muslim siblings & don’t scapegoat innocent people.
And TheBardAsPundit warned that engaging in “Islamophobia” may provoke more terror attacks…
I have a good idea. Let’s piss off more Muslims with mindless Islamophobia. That should help.
Of course the mainstream media here in the United States attempted to put their own politically-correct spin on things. On ABC, there was far more concern about “anti-Islamic backlash” than there was for the victims of the attack…
Despite the horrific nature and impact, ABC was eager to downplay the motive behind the deadly attack. In fact, ABC was more worried about the perpetrators than the victims, warning that this could provoke an “anti-Islamic backlash” across Europe.
And on the Today show on NBC, counter-terrorism “expert” Richard Clarke seemed to blame President Trump for the rise in terror attacks that we have been seeing…
They have a good police and security service and so do we, but we have no ostracized, we’ve embraced our Muslim Americans. That’s why the talk against Muslims in the last year in the campaign and since has been very counterproductive. The only way to solve this problem is to have everyone think they’re on the same side.
Yes, let’s follow Clarke’s advice and try to convince the Islamic terrorists that we are on their side.
That should work.
Until the entire western world is willing to embrace Islam and swear allegiance to Allah, the radical Islamists will never stop. Their faith tells them that it is their destiny to rule the world, and they will never rest until they have achieved that goal.
Unfortunately, most people believe what they want to believe, and what most politically-correct pundits in the western world want to believe is that radical Islam is not the problem.
On CNN, one “analyst” even suggested that the attack in Manchester may have been a “false flag” conducted by “right-wing” extremists…
CNN “Terror Analyst” Paul Cruickshank said Monday night on Anderson Cooper’s AC360 that the bombing attack in Manchester could be a “right-wing” “false flag.”

“It must also be noted that in recent months in Europe, there’s been a number of false flag plots where right-wing extremists have tried to frame Islamists for terrorism,” Cruickshank said. “We have seen that in Germany in recent weeks.”
Of course that theory didn’t last long once the authorities identified the attacker as a Muslim.
It is absolutely imperative that we understand the mindset of these Islamic radicals. If they could press a button that would annihilate all non-Muslims on the entire planet, many of them would do it.
Some of the more “moderate” jihadists would prefer to give everyone a chance to convert to Islam first before killing them, but the end result would be the same.
There is no possible way to compromise with people that are intent on exterminating you. And as they get their hands on more powerful weapons, the size and scale of these terror attacks is going to increase exponentially.
We must make every effort to defeat terror groups such as ISIS militarily, but even more importantly we must seek to turn hearts and minds away from radical Islam all over the planet. It is a bankrupt worldview, and we need to show those that are following radical Islam that there is a much better way.
Unfortunately, nations all over the western world are turning away from the values and the principles that they were founded upon, and so western leaders have very little to offer at this point.
One recent report found that Islam is on track to surpass Christianity and will become the largest faith on the entire planet by the year 2070. Violence and bloodshed will continue to be used by jihadists to advance their faith, but another way that the goal of global domination is moved forward is by migration. Paul Nehlen, the author of an upcoming book entitled “Wage The Battle”, recently explained how this works
“Hijrah means ‘migration in the name of Allah,’” said Nehlen, who explained that the ultimate goal is to populate non-Muslim nations to the extent needed to impose Shariah law.

“The hijrah is one way of spreading the Shariah, spreading the law of Islam, this political doctrine, to land where Islam isn’t,” Nehlen said. “That’s what this documentary covers. It talks about the bigger picture here of what we saw here. It stems directly from their fundamental texts.”

He said hijrah is another method by which Muslims can earn their salvation.

“Quite unlike a Christian, who believes you can’t earn your way in and only by the grace of God are you granted access to heaven through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, Muslims believe they can earn their way in,” Nehlen said. “They believe they have to earn their way in.”
Radical Islam has declared war on us, but most liberals don’t even think that we are in a war.
And in any war, if one side chooses not to fight the other side wins by default.
The western world desperately needs to wake up, because we are in a life or death battle, and right now this fight is only in the early rounds.

Credit to Zero Hedge

Half of Retail Jobs Could be Gone Today

Iran Moves its Forces in a Stand-off With US Coalition

Combined Enrollment In America’s 4 Largest Safety Net Programs Hits A Record High Of 236 Million

Margaret Thatcher once said that the problem with socialism “is that eventually you run out of other people’s money”.  As you will see below, the combined enrollment in America’s four largest safety net programs has reached a staggering 236 million.  Of course that doesn’t mean that 236 million people are getting benefits from the government each month because there is overlap between the various programs.  For example, many Americans that are on Medicaid are also on food stamps, and many Americans that are on Medicare are also on Social Security.  But even accounting for that, most experts estimate that the number of Americans that are dependent on the federal government month after month is well over 100 million.  And now that so many people are addicted to government handouts, can we ever return to a culture of independence and self-sufficiency?
On Wednesday, CNN ran an editorial by Bernie Sanders in which he called President Trump’s proposed budget “immoral” because it would cut funding for government aid programs.
But is it moral to steal more than a hundred million dollars from future generations of Americans every single hour of every single day to pay for these programs?
Of course the answer to that question is quite obvious.
There will always be some Americans that are unable to take care of themselves, and we should want to help them.
But as millions upon millions of Americans continue to jump on to the safety net, eventually we are going to get to the point where it is going to break.
As I mentioned above, the combined enrollment in the four largest safety net programs has reached a new all-time record high…
More than 74 million Americans are on Medicaid and CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program).
More than  58 million Americans are on Medicare.
More than 60 million Americans are on Social Security.
Approximately 44 million Americans are on food stamps.  And even though we are supposedly in an “economic recovery”, this number is still dramatically higher than the 26 million Americans that were on food stamps prior to the last financial crisis.
When you add the figures for those four programs together, you get a grand total of 236 million, and that doesn’t even count any of the other federal programs which are helping people.
Once again, there is overlap in enrollment between these various programs, but even accounting for that most experts believe that well over a third of the country is currently receiving benefits from the government each month.
How far down this road do we have to go before people start calling it “socialism”?
As I was writing this, I was reminded of one of Benjamin Franklin’s most famous quotes
“When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.”
In our country today, many politicians have discovered that one of the best ways to win elections is to promise the voters as much free stuff as possible.  This is one of the primary reasons why Bernie Sanders did so well.  Young people loved his socialist policies, and he received more votes from Millennials in the primaries and caucuses than Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton combined.
As older generations of Americans continue to die off, the Millennials will just become even more powerful politically.  And considering the fact that they are far more liberal than other generations, that is a very alarming prospect…
In the minds of 80 percent of baby boomers and 91 percent of elderly Americans, communism was a major problem in years past and remains a significant concern today. But millennials, aged 16 to 20 years, see it differently. Only 55 percent of the younger generation take issue with communism, 45 percent say they would vote for a socialist and 21 percent say they’d vote for a communist.
And millennials made all that clear during the Democratic presidential primary, when many of them cast their vote for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, a self-avowed socialist. In fact, the report credits the New England lawmaker with a “bounce” that led to less than half of millennials — 42 percent — having a favorable view of capitalism.
At this point, the Republic that our founders established is barely recognizable, and if it is going to be saved we need a conservative revolution as soon as possible.
A good place to begin would be to dramatically reduce the size and scope of the federal government, and there are some promising signs in the budget that President Trump has proposed.  He wants to completely eliminate 66 federal programs, and liberals are screaming bloody murder over this.
Of course Trump’s budget is “dead on arrival” in Congress because many among his own party do not support him.  Most Republicans campaign as conservatives but govern like Democrats, and it is high time that we held them accountable for that.  In 2018 we are going get Trump a whole bunch of friends in Congress, and a lot of those establishment Republicans that have been betraying conservatives for years are going to have to find a new line of work.
We simply cannot afford to keep sending the same cast of characters back to Washington time after time.  Just look at the debacle that the effort to repeal Obamacare has become.  According to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, getting any sort of bill through the Senate is going to be extremely challenging
Referring to behind-the-scenes work among Senate Republicans on a healthcare bill, McConnell said, “I don’t know how we get to 50 (votes) at the moment. But that’s the goal.”
Under a scenario of gathering the votes needed for passage in the 100-seat chamber, Republican Vice President Mike Pence would be called upon to cast any potential tie-breaking Senate vote.
McConnell opened the interview by saying, “There’s not a whole lot of news to be made on healthcare.” He declined to provide any timetable for producing even a draft bill to show to rank-and-file Republican senators and gauge their support.
And yet somehow when Obama was in office the Republicans in the House and the Senate were able to easily pass a bill to repeal Obamacare and get it to Obama’s desk.
Why can’t they get that exact same bill to Trump’s desk?
We definitely need to “drain the swamp” in D.C., and we can start with Congress.
But the alliance between big money and big government is going to be hard to defeat, and so if we want our country back we are going to have to fight harder than we have ever fought before.

Credit to Economic Collapse

Warning Signs Are Everywhere Even From The Central Banks

Franklin Graham: 'Islam Is a Threat to Our Very Life

The Rev. Franklin Graham warned jihadists that the flames of hell, rather than 70 virgins, await them in the afterlife, and also described Islam as a "threat to our very life," following Monday's bombing in Manchester, England, which killed 22 people.
(Photo: YouTube/Screengrab)

The Reverend Franklin Graham gives a benediction prayer at the Inauguration of Donald J. Trump, held in Washington, D.C. on Friday, January 20,2017.

"Islam targets the weak. The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the horrific carnage of Monday night's bombing in Manchester, England, targeting children, teens, and their parents who were attending a concert. They're proud of this despicable and cowardly act," Graham wrote in a Facebook message on Monday.

BBC News noted that the U.K. has raised its terror threat level to "critical" following the suicide attack at the end of U.S. singer Ariana Grande's concert, which Islamic radicals have taken responsibility for.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd has also warned that the bomber, Salman Abedi, was "likely" to have been working with others in the planning of the bombing at Manchester Arena.

Rudd said that attack was a "devastating occasion."

"It was more sophisticated than some of the attacks we've seen before, and it seems likely, possible, that he wasn't doing this on his own," she added.Graham, who has been criticized in the past for his harsh rhetoric on the religion of Islam, did not pull punches in his commentary on the attack.

"Islam is a threat to our very way of life. There will be more stabbings, more shootings, more bombings, and more killing. Our U.S. politicians need to wake up and see the dangers," he declared.

"We need to find ways to make our border secure so that we can know who is coming into this country and make sure they support the freedoms and liberties we hold dear."

In a follow up post, he agreed with U.S. President Donald Trump that violent jihadists are "evil losers."

"The truth is, they're losers in this world and in the next. The President said, 'This wicked ideology must be obliterated.' Jihadists following this are taught the lie that if you kill an infidel (a Christian or a Jew) and die in doing so, you will go to paradise where 70 virgins await you," the leader of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan's Purse humanitarian organizations said.

Graham continued: "I've got news for them — Hell awaits, with real flames and real fire. Hell is a real place — and so is Heaven, but there is only one road to Heaven. Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me' (John 14:6). It is my prayer that Muslims around the world will come to know the truth and put their faith in Jesus Christ and Him alone."

In blaming Islam for Islamic State's atrocities, Graham often clashed with former President Barack Obama, who continuously pushed back against associating the entire religion with the actions of terrorists.

"Islam has declared war on the world, and it's high time we acknowledge it and respond decisively," Graham said back in 2015.

Speaking of IS, he stressed, "Their goal is world domination. They want to control us — they want to destroy us. I don't know about you, but I don't want to live under Islam."

Credit to Christianpost.com
Read more at http://www.christianpost.com/news/franklin-graham-islam-is-a-threat-to-our-very-life-hell-awaits-jihadists-not-70-virgins-184866/#6LDzp74kKsz8Dvpe.99

Trump Making Treasonous Deals With 9/11 Terrorists That Would Make Hillary Blush