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Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Midpoint of the Blood Moon Tetrad January 5, 2015

On January 5, 2015 we will have reached the midpoint of the blood moon tetrad. It is from that point on that “big things” may happen. I assume that you have all heard of the blood moon tetrads, but in case you have not, here is an explanation from The Coming Epiphany.
2014/2015 Lunar and Solar Eclipses
In 2014 and 2015 there will be 4 blood moon total lunar eclipses all falling on feast days.
1.         Passover, April 15, 2014
2.         Tabernacles October 8, 2014
3.         Passover, April 4, 2015
4.         Tabernacles, September 28, 2015

What is significant about this?  A tetrad of lunar eclipses on feast days has only occurred two times in the last 500 years; 1949/50, and 1967/68. During each of those tetrads of total eclipses Israel was at war.
"Though Israel was declared an independent state sixty years ago in 1948, the war with its neighbors began after its first day and lasted for a year. Therefore, the first lunar eclipse of 1949 occurred during this war for the establishment of Israel. The next tetrad began on Passover 1967, which was just six weeks before the Six-Day-War. Therefore, these two significant wars of Israel were covered by each tetrad period."http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/may2008/danielm517.htm
The time before those tetrads of eclipses on feast days was in 1493/4. In 1492 the Jews were kicked out of Spain. Another interesting fact is that all of these tetrads occurred in Hebrew “pregnant years” or years with 13 months. These facts lead us to wonder if the upcoming tetrad is a sign from God that something significant will occur in 2014/15 in regards to Israel? Will they be involved in another major war at that time, possibly a war with her Arab neighbors where she regains the Temple Mount setting the stage for major events of the end times? This is something to ponder and watch for, and in my opinion gives us a definite indication that the end times are upon us. 
As you read above from The Coming Epiphany, a tetrad is 4 blood moon eclipses that fall on Jewish feast days, and sometime during each of the last two tetrads Israel was at war. During the first one, she became a nation, and during the second one, she regained Jerusalem. We are now approaching the midpoint of the third one, and if the pattern holds I would expect Israel to be involved in a war between now and the last blood moon in the tetrad—10/28/15.
I would also like to point something out to you which I feel is significant concerning the midpoint of this current tetrad—January 5, 2015. A blog reader commented and led me to this information. The midpoint of this tetrad is very, very special; there has never been one like it in 5000 years--it is a once in a history of the planet occurrence. Look at the symmetry of all the dates of solar and lunar eclipses centered on January 5, 2015. (Note; this chart is from a free e-book entitled God’s Perfect Signs—used with permission.)


Graphic 8 A: Biblical Blood Moon Tetrad during 2014-2015. There were 3 total lunar eclipses before and there will be another 3 thereafter. There were also 4 partial solar eclipses before and there will be another 4 thereafter.

In my opinion the symmetry is phenomenal, and being so special may suggest that the last half of the tetrad period and especially January 5, 2015 may be very important for Israel and Bible prophecy. I consider heavenly signs, such as the sign of the woman clothed with the sunencoded on the dollar bill,  to be the most significant of all end times Bible prophecy signs.
Note: 1/5/15 is a double 15 or six fives. It is also day number 5 of the year and the digits in 1/5/2015 add up to 14, which adds to 5. So I see lots of fives--may or may not be significant. According to Bullinger; "five is therefore the number of GRACE." The number five also has many connections to the Temple. Hmm...
We know that the midpoint of the last 7 years is when the antichrist takes over the world and the great tribulation begins. Will this very special symmetrical tetrad midpoint and the time following be a foreshadowing of the events surrounding the midpoint of the 70th Week? Will a significant event occur on 1/5/15? Will the second half of the tetrad be the time in which Israel is at war and regains the Temple mount?
I do not know the answers to those questions, but we are not going to have to wait long to find out. But let me say that I will be very surprised if nothing significant in relation to end times Bible prophecy and Israel occurs in this last half of the tetrad period.
One thing I do know for sure is that the end times will occur just as the Bible says—Jesus is coming back. Are you ready for the end times? ReadThe Coming Epiphany; Your Guide to Understanding the End Times—FREE download.
I also know that the antichrist will one day take over the world and every person will have to make a choice between following God, or following the devil. Those who follow God will inherit eternal life; those who follow the devil will inherit eternal damnation—the choice is yours. Find out what you must do to be saved from the wrath to come, read; God’s Gift of Salvation.
Credit to The End Times Forecaster

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