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Friday, August 29, 2014

ISIS Plans On Assassinating The Pope

By Theodore Shoebat
ISIS is targeting Pope Francis, calling him the “bearer of false truth.” According to an Italian source, ISIS is not only setting their sites on the Vatican, but more specifically, on Pope Francis himself.
Italian authorities have already issued an alert giving warnings on places that our potential targets to terrorist, and one on the list, being very significant, was “places of worship,” which would include the Vatican.
It has been reported that at least 50 people from Italy are now fighting for ISIS, 80% of whom are native Italians who converted to Islam. One of the reasons for their conversion, according to one Italian newspaper, was “distrust in the Catholic Church,” indicating the connection between Islam and anti-Catholicism.
Most interestingly, the goal to force the Vatican to become Muslim was recently stated by an ISIS agent in Italy named Imam Ismar Mesinovic, a Bosnian Muslim who stationed himself in the country to recruit Italian converts to fight for ISIS. He said:
We Muslims believe that one day the whole world will be an Islamic state. Our goal is to make sure that even the Vatican will be Muslim. Maybe I will not be able to see it, but that time will come.
Shoebat.com was the first to find a video in which ISIS declared that they are going to take over the Vatican:
The Italians have also restricted airspace above Vatican City, and have even increased security for St. Peter’s Basilica, a place the Muslims would love to sack. In fact, in the year 849, the Muslims did indeed pillage and plunder St. Peter’s Basilica, stealing the altars and the chalices, and spilling Christian blood, but thank God Pope Leo IV drove them out, with God’s intervention.
Speaking on these security measures, interior minister Filippo Bubbico said:
ISIS poses an international and European security threat and we in Italy feel particularly exposed
The alert by Italian authorities came after Italy approved a measure to send weapons to Kurdish fighters combating ISIS. Ships exporting the weapons from Sicily into the Middle East have been under heavy security, as we read from an Italian report:
Italy’s national security authorities last Wednesday issued an alert for possible terrorist attacks on “sensitive targets” after receiving unspecified “threats”. The advisory came after parliament OK’d plans to arm Iraqi Kurds battling an Islamic State (ISIS) fundamentalist offensive in northern Iraq. As a result, authorities are ramping up security at all ports with connections to North Africa and the Middle East, most of which are located in Sicily.
This must be one of the reasons as to why one ISIS jihadist called Obama “the dog of the Romans,” before slaughtering a Kurdish militiaman, since Italy is sending weapons to Kurdish fighters in order to combat ISIS. The video of this can be watched here:
In the 16th century, the Ottoman Turks attempted to invade the Vatican under the lead of the Sultan Mehmet II who said that he would invade Rome and have his horse “eat from the high altar of St. Peter.”
But first the Turks had to begin in the coast, in order to make their way toward Rome. They stormed the southern Italian city of Otranto, and captured twenty two thousand people, twelve thousand of which were butchered, most of them for refusing to become Muslim, and the rest were sold into slavery. Such actions were no different than what ISIS does today. Eight hundred men were each given the chance to bend the knee to Allah, and each refused, and like the prophets of Israel they were all put to death, and their bodies fed to dogs.
The Turks murdered every cleric in the city. The Archbishop of Ontranto remained in his cathedral, standing before the altar, his hands holding onto the Blessed Sacraments; the Turks seized him and cut his body in half. Isabel, the queen of Spain and main instituter of the Inquisition, reacted at once to the massacre by sending a Castilian fleet to Italy to fight the Turks. Fear took hold of Pope Sixtus IV, who considered fleeing; for no doubt the Muslims would have wanted nothing more than to conquer the Vatican. But in short time he decided to remain, and sent out warriors throughout Italy and Europe or protect the peninsula from the raging Turks. The king of England, on the other hand, did nothing; neither did the French nor the Germans decide to help their Christian brethren. (1)
What will happen in the future will be quite similar to this: the revived Ottoman Empire, under the Antichrist, will try to invade the Vatican, but will be resisted by Italy and Spain, The Spaniards and the Italians, along with American, Russia, and other righteous nations, will be the instruments used by God to crush the Antichrist.
It has been my message for quite some time now that Islam was founded as an anti-Catholic movement, and these current becomings are a proof to that. Islam came to destroy the Catholic Church, and we will one day see the Ottomans attempt to invade the Vatican, just as they tried in the 16th century, but they will fail.
We must prepare our minds for the coming war against Islam.
Credit to Walid Shoebat

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