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Friday, November 29, 2013

Fukushima Is Absolutely Horrifying

Hiroshima City University, Nov. 27, 2013: I see the catastrophe as absolutely horrifying and ongoing. There is no discernible end in sight to this tragedy, radiation will continue to seep into the Pacific Ocean for decades when they have problems they are always global in scale. 

These toxins will remain dangerous for hundreds of generations and will disperse throughout the planet. [...] the sickness and contamination resulting from the disaster will last for hundreds [of generations]. [...] they knew that there had been a full meltdown on the first day of the disaster, and three full meltdowns by the third day, they denied this for almost three months. [...] fuel has melted and is now located somewhere unknown beneath the reactor building [...] if some rice is contaminated above this legal level it is not removed from the food supply, but rather is mixed with uncontaminated rice until it is below this level. This is a process for moving contaminated food into the food supply [...] But by far the most disastrous thing is to allow so many children to remain in contaminated areas. All children should be removed from contaminated areas immediately [...]

Prof. Jacobs, Oct. 18, 2013 (at 3:30 in): Nobody really knows how to solve the problems at Fukushima. There is nobody who has solutions to these. The problems at Fukushima are unprecedented [...] There’s no solution that other countries have that they can come in and fix the reactors, or rather shut down the contamination, shut down the leaks[...] those experts will be at a loss it how to solve the immense problems that we’ll be facing for decades in Fukushima.

This is exactly how I feel. Helpless and I’m just sitting here waiting for something to happen. When you build something big enough that someone on the other side of the planet feels helpless about because its about to collapse and radiate the world, you know you’ve gone too far. Japan is going to be a ghost island soon and the Japenese people are in danger of dying out. The country is mostly old people and now they are bathing their children in radiation. Terrible. Nothing right now in the world that is happening frustrates me more than this. Environmental groups should be on the streets rioting right now, it’s amazing that they aren’t. -Mort

Credit to Before it´s news

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