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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Vatican Is Preparing for E.T. Savior

In an explosive new book, Exo-Vaticana: Petrus Romanus, Project L.U.C.I.F.E.R and the Vatican’s Astonishing Plan for the Arrival of an Alien Savior, authors Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam offer compelling evidence that the Vatican is positioning itself as a religious authority in anticipation of the imminent disclosure by world governments of the existence of extraterrestrial life.

In the book to be released March 19, the authors – whose last book Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here correctly predicted one year in advance that Pope Benedict XVI would resign and that a new Pope of Italian descent would take his place – outline how the world’s oldest-running bureaucracy is secretly setting itself up to be the agent of a mass end-times deception predicted in the Bible.

The book includes a host of statements from Vatican astronomers, some of which the authors interviewed and visited with at the Vatican Astronomical Technology Telescope (VATT) on Mt. Graham in Arizona. The bizarre testimonies confirm a growing belief that disclosure may be made in the near future of alien life, including intelligent life, and that this encounter will not challenge the authority of the Roman Catholic Church.

Now, only days after the election of the first Jesuit pope – Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Pope Francis) – Horn and Putnam claim inExo-Vaticana that these Vatican astronomers are developing theological arguments concerning extraterrestrial intelligence that could have a dramatic impact on the faith of the world’s 2.3 billion Catholics and Protestants.

“The Jesuits and members of Opus Dei have written in the form of official church theology brand new doctrinal papers, which we’re publishing, that I think are absolutely going to shock the world,” Horn says.

“They evidently know something that the rest of us don’t that seems to point to a very imminent official disclosure moment. According to Father Malichi Martin, they have been watching something on its approach to earth of great and historic importance for more than a decade, even using the LUCIFER device atop Mt. Graham to monitor it in recent years. Sometime soon, this is going to mean that the Vatican, the largest Christian organization in the world, is going to tell everybody, ‘It’s okay and these are our space brothers – and not only are they are our space brothers – they’re closer to God than we are and they have come to show us the way.”

However, instead of an E.T. savior that will deliver humanity from the growing possibility of thermonuclear destruction and other existential threats, Horn and Putnam argue this disclosure would actually be part of the ultimate, end-times deception predicted in the Bible.

“Although Jesus, Himself, is prophesied to appear in the clouds during an era of great earthly trials (1 Thessalonians 4: 16-18), predominant among prophecy scholars is the idea that coupled with any heavenly appearing and concurrent salvation of believers from chaos will first be the materialization of a false Christ or ‘man of sin,’ Horn says.

“Where the Hopi see a blue star and Vatican astronomers see their ‘space brothers’ en route to guide us into the light, evangelical Christians understand the Antichrist will initially assume the role of a fabricated end-times messiah who mimics the return of Christ with a false second coming that also happens to be attended by heavenly ‘signs and lying wonders’ (2 Thessalonians 2:8-9).”


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