Monday, May 5, 2014

Record-breaking earthquakes in April

According to the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC), which issues alerts for tsunamis, there were 13 major earthquakes in April. Five were higher than 7.8, which prompted tsunami warnings.

Moderate-to-large earthquakes are less common, but last month was ‘easily a record for this institution,’ according to the PTWC.

The time-lapse takes you on a journey of all recorded large and medium-sized earthquakes that took place from January through to April of this year.

Animation shows all the earthquakes since start of 2014

The Earth appears calm up until April 1 when a huge 8.2 magnitude earthquake rocks northern Chile

The Earth continues to shake with another earthquake that hits the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific

The Earth appears calm up until April 1 when a huge 8.2 magnitude earthquake rocks northern Chile.

From there, the Earth continues to shake with another huge earthquake that hits the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific.

The activity doesn’t let up all month. But what is interesting, according to the PTWC, is the sheer number of other earthquakes that weren't part of these two major clusters.

There were isolated larger-than-normal quakes all over the world—in Nicaragua, Mexico, Canada, and even an unusual one in the South Atlantic.

The Centre gave no indication to what might have been behind the huge change in seismic activity.

The animation concludes with a summary map showing all of the earthquakes in this four-month period.

The activity doesn't let up all month. But what is interesting, according to the PTWC, is the sheer number of other earthquakes that weren't part of these two major clusters

The Centre gave no indication to what might have been behind the huge change in seismic activity. The animation concludes with a summary map showing all of the earthquakes in this four-month period

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