Monday, May 5, 2014

NATO Fighter Jet Presence Triples In Baltic States

With even the Ukraine authorities no longer denying civil war has broken out, the next two escalation steps are clear: first Russia, whose involvement is now just a matter of time and tactics, and then NATO.
Both of these two events are not quantized, and instead have been proceeding in gradual steps, with Russian involvement allegedly facilitating the local resistance militias, both with weapons and funding, if not personnel. NATO has also not been sitting on its hands, and while the US has so far been instrumental in providing naval support in the Black Sea withtwo warships patrolling just off Russian naval territory, it has been NATO's task to defend the skies in the regions neighboring Russia.
The clip below explains that in response to Russia no longer following the globalist playbook, NATO has tripled its air policing mission assets guarding the skies over the Baltic region.
In the video: Danish fighter jets land in Estonia, while Poland and the United Kingdom take over guarding the skies in Lithuania, tripling the NATO air policing mission strength in the Baltic region.

Credit to Zero Hedge

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