Friday, November 10, 2017

IN A MAJOR ASSAULT ON FREE SPEECH, Toronto City Councillor calls for legislation that will ban rallies against the Islamization of Canada

Even though it’s ALWAYS the Far Left and Muslim counter-demonstrators who incite and carry out violence in order to shut down these free speech rallies, this useful idiot for Islam, James Pasternak, will do their dirty work for them by shutting down anti-Islamization patriot rallies, which he calls “hate rallies.”

Toronto City News A Toronto City Councillor is asking staff to look into how the city can prevent ‘hate(Anti-Islam) sponsored rallies’ from taking place on city or provincial property. Ahead of Tuesday’s City Council meeting, Councillor James Pasternak is asking staff to look at options on how the city can prevent these rallies from taking place on city or provincial properties in Toronto.

“We don’t want to be an enabler of these hate patiot rallies in any way,” the councillor said. “We would prefer that they not be on city property or city institutions.”


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