Thursday, November 9, 2017

EU plots MASSIVE expansion to become 37 country MEGABLOC after Brexit

Albania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey could all become members under EU plans.

And they could be joined by Bosnia and Herzegovina as well as Kosovo in a vast land grab by the EU.

Meanwhile the bloc is squaring up to Vladimir Putin by attempting to bring Russian allies Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia under their control.

It comes as EU Commissioner Jean Claude Juncker storms ahead with his plan to further unify the continent and bring nation states under the yoke of Brussels.

GETTYJean Claude Juncker is plotting to bring more nation states under the yoke of Brussels

The bloc has long held membership over Turkey as a way to bend the will of the increasingly autocratic state.

During the height of the migrant crisis Ankara took on 3.4 million refugees headed for Europe at the behest of Brussels in return for aid cash and the promise of membership.

But the state has repeatedly called the bloc’s bluff, earlier this year threatening to allow 15,000 citizens through the border a month after EU criticism of President Erdogan’s increasingly authoritarian stance following last year’s military coup.

During the UK's EU referendum former prime minister David Cameron claimed Turkey's membership was a millennia away.

Credit to The

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