Thursday, October 26, 2017

Muslims Attack And Savagely Beat Random Christian Man In UK For Having A Cross Hanging In His Car

Tajamal Amar is a Pakistani Christian who fled to the UK to escape persecution in his native land. However, he was recently attacked by two random Muslim men as he was going to his car from a restaurant because he had a cross hanging in his car according to a recent report:

A 45-year-old Pakistani Christian man residing in Derby had to be taken to hospital after being assaulted outside a popular restaurant on Friday 20th October 2017. Read Derby Telegraph story (click here)

Tajamal Amar, a food delivery driver, suffered a broken nose along with several lacerations to his head and body after a group of Muslim men attacked without warning.

Mr Amar was rendered unconscious and woke approximately 5 hours later at Royal Derby Hospital where he was admitted overnight, after having been transported there by emergency services.

A local police spokesman said: “We were called to a report of an assault outside the Red Chilli restaurant, in Littleover, at around 8:45 pm on Friday.

“It was reported that a 45-year-old man had been kicked and punched.

“He was hospitalised at the Royal Derby Hospital with a broken nose and we have not yet arrested anyone in connection with the assault.”

Mr Amar, remembers being stared at by a group of Muslim men who seemed to be taking offence at the cross in his vehicle and the two large poppies that were displayed on the front of his car.

After this Mr Amar is not very clear on what happened but he seems to have been hit on top of the head and then suffered further violence as he lay on the floor unconscious.

He cannot specifically describe any of the attackers and police are seeking witnesses who saw the attack, which happened outside a very popular restaurant during peak hours on a Friday night.

Anyone who saw the attack or who could help the police with their inquiries should call 101 quoting reference 17000454535.

Mr Amar, said;

“Several times local Pakistani people in Derby have taken offence from the fact that I am Christian, when they first find out many stop talking to me. My wife and I have often been shunned.

“On the day of my attack the visible display of a cross in my car and two poppies just below the front bonnet, triggered the violence against me. I know this, because for a few days before the attack the same men, glared at me after they notice my Christian paraphernalia.

“I fled from Pakistan to escape violence such as this, but more and more the same violence is coming into Britain.

“Freedom of religion should be the right of any British citizen but today I feel unsafe, even then nothing will stop me going to church.

“I will pray for my attackers and hope they will change their hard-line approach to faith which is very dangerous for our society.”

Wilson Chowdhry, Chairman of the British Pakistani Christian Association, said:

“This unprovoked attack on a Christian for simply displaying a cross and two large poppies is an example of the religious intolerance that some strands of radical Islam promote in Britain.

“An innocent man has been hospitalized, he has had to take several days off work, and now he is living in fear of further reprisals, simply for adhering to the Christian faith. (source)

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