Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Russia Test Fires Nuclear-Capable Ballistic Missile During "Zapad 2017" Military Drill

As reported last Thursday, Russia’s military is currently conducting its "biggest display of military power since the end of the Cold War", called Zapad-2017. The drill involves anywhere between 12,700 and 100,000 troops (depending on whether one believes Russia or NATO), 10 ships, 70 planes and helicopters, 680 equipment units, 250 tanks, and multiple launch rocket systems and mortars.

And, as of today, the drill also includes Russia's Iskander-M theater ballistic system, which on Monday carried out a successful test-launch of its missile at maximum range, the Russian defense ministry said adding that the test-launch was performed at the Kapustin Yar range in Russia’s southern Astrakhan Region.

Deployment of an Iskander-M tactical missile system

Credit to Zero Hedge

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